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liberty bell


Sarah, I love the door. I also love (as usual) manta's advice/comment (except for that curious use of the word "fake" which I can't quite figure out). Given your apparent persona here, you would make a good PT, I imagine, because you wouldn't let anyone wuss out. You'd be that lady they hatehatehate until a few years later when they've improved more than they thought possible and now they lovelovelove you.

But, yeah - do you want to leave architecture in the first place? Or can you just continue to ride out the slowdown?

Apr 13, 09 2:23 pm  · 

i've been thinking about becoming a surgical technician.

Apr 13, 09 2:27 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I think the PT would be more of a temporary gig - which seems silly, really. I wont lie, I love to research and learn about the body. I've done extensive research on my Diastasis Recti (split abs) just to learn whats going on, and how I can fix it. I'm a big researcher. I love architecture, so no, I dont want to leave the profession, and by Manta's description, the two feilds dont seem that different. Clients that need a lot of hand holding, convincing them to do something they dont want to because you know it will be good. Who knows, it could make me a better architect. My fear would be that I'd leave the profession, and then get stuck, and never return. What a waste of 5 years of college, and tuition, and that pesky IDP payment. Wonder if I could just get a job filling out the paperwork for the PTs since its so burdensome.

Apr 13, 09 3:28 pm  · 

It's a brother-in-law that may as well be a brother-in-law but isn't actually connected by marriage. DUH... ;-)

PT is not at all creative. So yes -- it's service-oriented, but it is the same thing day in and day out -- just different knees, ankles, and back spasms. Different faces telling you "oh yeah... those exercises... I didn't really do them..." or "it's so HARD to follow the dietician's orders... I'm just naturally hefty!" etc. etc.

Liking to research is one thing -- liking to exercise other people is another.

If you like research, why not take the same 2 years of education and put it toward a library science degree? Librarians are in crazy hot demand, supposedly, and you literally study the science of studying. Always seems fascinating to me.

Apr 13, 09 6:44 pm  · 

I definitely could not stand to retrain myself for anything involving the body. I think biology is great but generally I don't want any part of it. If I had to start over I'd be a geophysicist and go live in a volcano somewhere.

beta, if you're serious about becoming a surgical technician, you can practice on me. It seems that I have a hangnail gone awry on my big left toe, and a colleague's advice to me was to "soak it in betadine and water" in between wrapping it up with antibiotic gel. Ergo .... betadinesutures! At this point I'll try whatever to make it stop hurting :o/

Apr 13, 09 7:18 pm  · 

Soaking those in a warm/hot saltwater bath works well too. Just did that this weekend as a matter of fact. case you don't have any betadine lying around.

Apr 13, 09 8:34 pm  · 

is ten months old, too young to start piano lessons?

Apr 13, 09 9:08 pm  · 

tk, I don't think so. Get him used to the keys at an early age! :-D

manta, couldn't find any betadine so the epsom salt bath is what I'm doing right now. Do you think 20 minutes at a time is enough?

Apr 13, 09 9:36 pm  · 
Ms Beary

treekiller, I don't know. But it is exciting that many archinecters are parents! One of my best friends is pregnant too, and her husband is an architect! It is nice to have a buddy in the process. Interestingly, we have the same name picked out for a girl. She immediately gave it up, citing that I am 1 month ahead of her so I get dibs, but I still feel weird about it.

I'm learning to belly dance to gain hip and core strength. Don't laugh! Ok, laugh, I'm not very good.

Apr 13, 09 9:37 pm  · 

Beary - That's awesome. I've always wanted to learn how to belly dance. Speaking of core strength/fitness... my clothes are tight these days so I am looking into a gym membership b/c it seems like it's either too hot, too cold or just too damn rainy to get a good cardio workout outside on a regular basis.

TK - Go for it... you may though want to get yourself some earplugs in case the plinking gets to loud.

Atechno/vado - I finally found Topgear and am enjoying it as I type. Those guys are hilarious.

Apr 13, 09 9:59 pm  · 

Wk, I usually go for the scientific method of as long as I can stand to sit still, crossreferenced by as many times as I can stand getting up to top it up. My attention span being what it is, yeah -- that's probably about 20-30 mins tops!

Apr 13, 09 10:57 pm  · 

For the record the swelling at my particular hangnail site is down by about 50% since I did this yesterday. Could be natural, could be the salt bath... I'm inclined to think the latter.

Apr 13, 09 10:58 pm  · 

I always show up for the heavy architectural questions, don't I.

Apr 13, 09 10:59 pm  · 
vado retro

*****************************melt, you may enjoy ThisShow!!! also!!!

Apr 13, 09 11:02 pm  · 

TK, why piano? i suggest tennis!! or both?!

Apr 14, 09 12:50 am  · 

i say lay down 4 or 5 instruments in the playpen and see which one the boy gravitates towards.

i mean my parents tried to get me to play the pan flute as an infant, and i retreated to arrrr[g]chitecture.

Apr 14, 09 7:41 am  · 

dubK, i vote for hot water soak, soften the nail, soak in betadine, and then get some really good clippers and cut back the nail.

Apr 14, 09 7:44 am  · 
liberty bell

Pan flute?!

Apr 14, 09 7:49 am  · 

YEAH! Don't you remember my failed attempt at being American Idol next big thing?

Apr 14, 09 8:01 am  · 


DubK - How's the toe?

Tweed - Is she getting better? Okay, please excuse the ignorance, but do female chickens just always lay eggs or do they go in cycles like female humans? Do the eggs have to be fertilized in order for anything to happen? And just how many eggs on average do you get in a week. I know absolutely nothing about chickens but now you've got me intrigued. Very exciting about playing the concrete, are you going to use molds to form your fountains?

Off to draw up some conceptual elevations for my new project. Feels kinda nice my PM is asking my opinion... makes me think he likes my design sense. :o)

Apr 14, 09 8:23 am  · 
liberty bell

betadineyanni, how could I forget?

Apr 14, 09 8:24 am  · 

Hi all,
Melt, yes they do.

Also, TK never to young to develop a love of music..

It is raining as my grandfather use to say (he was born and raised in Kentucky) "like a cow peeing on a flat rock"....

Rivers across the Panhandle and north-central FL are flooding..

Apr 14, 09 9:26 am  · 

my missus has been playing piano since she was three and started giving lessons to the sapling already. earplugs do seem like a good investment. we have a soccer ball for him to play with, the tennis racket/golf clubs will have to wait.

Apr 14, 09 10:37 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Funny, TK, my kid loves to sweep, wipe things, clean off surfaces, put stuff into other stuff, and cook. And when I say he loves to sweep, I mean he KNOWS where I keep the broom, and goes and gets it himself. I have to wait until he's down for a nap to get any sweeping done. Crazy kid. Oh, he likes to put the silverware into the dishwasher as well.

Apr 14, 09 11:25 am  · 
Ms Beary

I think young TK should have a drum machine to play with!

Is 31 too OLD to learn to play the keyboard? I'm teaching my hubby how to read music. He is good, but never practices. I like how he sings along, exaggerating the character and tones of the simple songs in the lessons. Hello Mister Echo! (Hello Mister Echo!) Will you come and play with me! (Will you come and play with me?) If you can, come quickly! (If you can, come quickly!) We will have such fun, you'll see! (We will have such fun, you'll see!)

Apr 14, 09 11:29 am  · 
brian buchalski

how come there isn't a pritzker prize for hurricane scientists?

Apr 14, 09 11:57 am  · 

SH - My nephew LOVES to sweep too (he's 2 1/2 yrs). They got him a toy vacuum and he goes to town with it as well. I love it. My mom tried so hard with my brothers to get them to clean up after themselves and it never really stuck. Hopefully my sister-in-law will have better success.

Apr 14, 09 12:09 pm  · 
vado retro

WK I can get you a toe.

Apr 14, 09 12:13 pm  · 
vado retro

in the very good film "the visitor" the main character is a bored, lonely disillusioned college professor who when the film begins is taking piano lessons and then through a series of events begins playing the Djembe. It's a touching little filim.

Apr 14, 09 12:17 pm  · 
Ms Beary

I got an e-mail invite to a party yesterday from my former boss. I just got the same invite again. Either he really wants to make sure I got it, or he's hitting the sauce kinda early this morning, even for him! Ha ha ha.

Apr 14, 09 12:29 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Orhan, thats actually a pretty genius invention. I mean, the baby is slithering across the floor, and that combined with the constant drool, well, they are just natural moppers.

Apr 14, 09 12:34 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i think there should also be a pritzker prize for lighthouse keepers too. they must be lonely and would probably appreciate a little bit of recognition.

Apr 14, 09 12:35 pm  · 

I get the image.

Apr 14, 09 12:46 pm  · 

Issue 292 of Wire

Apr 14, 09 12:46 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

DubK, this photo reminded me of you. Not that I have ever met you, but it was under the title "Queen of Green."

Apr 14, 09 4:33 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Snfff snfff.....mmmmmmmmmmm The whole house smells like baking bread.

Apr 14, 09 5:24 pm  · 

My real Mother Inlaw Belly dances....and heck she is in her 70's.

On another note I always will remember this nurse I met years ago and she was wacko-funny. She worked in the baby unit of a hospital and was looking forward to having a baby so she could pop the question to her baby doctor: "When can I start playing piano again?"
Which of course she knew the answer, "When you feel up to it."

She had penis head erasers on her pencils when she would do the rounds of the hospital....just to see what kind of response she would get from patients.

Apr 14, 09 7:04 pm  · 

Sarah! That's so sweet, thanks! And I look exactly like that, LOL.

"The toe is not the issue, dude" ... All of my Big Lebowski quotes about the toe are escaping me at the moment. It's not better but I have started doing the soak. I almost told you about it in more detail but realized it sounded disgusting so I stopped myself.

I just reread snook's post and found the words "penis head erasers", so that was a bit unexpected! :o)

Apr 14, 09 7:18 pm  · 

i could send you some betadine, but i haven't figured out how to bottle myself.

Apr 14, 09 9:16 pm  · 
liberty bell

Busy, busy here in the middle. Thank god for that, BTW.

I lveo that image and it does look much like you DubK, at least not when your allergies are bugging you! Ah CHOO!!!

I took a belly dancing class when I first moved to Naptown. it was really a belly dancing aerobics class, so I never took it again - I was more interested in the philosophy of belly dancing, the embracing and aestheticization (?) of a soft jiggly mid-section. So a belly dance workout wasn't exactly what I was looking for. Still, it was fun, mostly because the 60_ year old teacher was awesome and because I'm so clumsy I was able to help the other women in the class feel less self-conscious! This is why I never went in for yoga - too serious.

Back to proposal writing.

Apr 14, 09 9:57 pm  · 

CONGRATS! [but doesn't this say anything about the absurd state of our profession, when we can't award a museum to african american history, to an american?]

or is this just par for the course when it comes to "american" architecture?

Apr 14, 09 10:06 pm  · 

What? You lost me, beta. Was that sentence english? (half-kidding...)

I love the characters in TC. Definitely like a silent dinner party around here sometimes.

Apr 14, 09 11:33 pm  · 

hi everyone, thanks again for the birthday greetings. It's truly awesome when your birthday falls on a public/bank holiday. Granted getting back into work sucks. I got to work at 7:30 only to be out in 2 hours to head to a full day of critiques, and I have to repeat that exercise tomorrow. Good thing I enjoy it. And like treekiller (ghostfacekiller??) I'm on a countdown. Although I have no idea what the salary comparison is like, I'm just thrilled about having holidays do other things

Anyway counting down the days until I'm back at the beach....

Apr 14, 09 11:54 pm  · 

OK so this toe situation is getting a little out of hand. I'm not too worried about it, I'm pretty sure it's not infected, but something strange is definitely going on down there. Without getting too much into detail, has anyone ever cut off a piece of their cuticle, only to have, uh, more grow back? It's really weird. I'm sorry I keep talking about but it's kind of funny, right?

Just imagine me, with that little halo of flowers, limping around a meadow and sneezing. I mean, that's funny!

Apr 15, 09 1:48 am  · 

dubK, I have the same issue and have to be a constant watcher of said toe. That said I did see a doc who injected a bit of novacaine and cut it back to the root b4 it got really bad.

My early comment above was aboot Adjaye and the museum in DC.

Apr 15, 09 4:41 am  · 
liberty bell

Hey, Bill Browne of respected local firm Ratio is on the local NPR station doing the pledge drive! They gave a challenge grant. I'm a member already, but I may have to call in again to make sure the challenge goes through.

Oops - Bill just made a math mistake. I thought we architects all had to be really really good at math? ;-)

Apr 15, 09 7:23 am  · 
vado retro

i seldom listen to the indy npr station. is there any other npr station so interested in nascar? i usually listen to the university of indianapolis station( they play classical) instead of morning edition. i've really grown to despise the hosts steve whats her name. then i usually stream wamu to listen to diane rehm show and i usually listen to the other shows ie fresh air etc on those show's sites. i did pledge to WNUR which is Northwestern University's radio station because ThisIsHell my absolute favorite political show is broadcast from there studios.

Apr 15, 09 8:12 am  · 
brian buchalski

research conducted with sincere rigor really amazes me. a meandering internet curiosity allowed me to stumble across squat toilets and the next thing i know, i'm reading about iranian vs. european anorectal angles...132º vs. 92º, on average, in case you're curious but are afraid to check the link.

Apr 15, 09 9:03 am  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, puddles' link might be the kind of thing you'll need to know about if you go into PT. ;-)

I love it, actually. I adore quantification of messy things. Remember, vado, when Gregg Pasquarelli told us they had to find out the angle of repose for pigeons? 34 d max.

Apr 15, 09 9:11 am  · 

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