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i still remember the joy of 71077345 on my old ass calculator.

Mar 26, 09 5:01 pm  · 

OK beta, I give up: what does 71077345 do? I get 5318008 but not that one....

I'm alive. I think my "great life shift" is starting. Just trying to hang on...

Mar 26, 09 5:30 pm  · 

i'll give you a hint; think petroleum.

Mar 26, 09 6:03 pm  · 

Shell oil! :o)

Mar 26, 09 6:17 pm  · 
brian buchalski

5318008 > 71011345

Mar 26, 09 6:46 pm  · 
brian buchalski

oops...i typed that wrong...but you know what i mean

Mar 26, 09 6:47 pm  · 

congrats Orhan and Glen... I must say since being a design tutor for fairly younger students I immediately looked at the drawing and wondered what was it trying to tell me, like it needed a bit of colour to make it pop! Nonetheless impressive that you got a citation - and well deserving. You could take that critique of designs for competitions further Orhan, architect/critic for hire...

Mar 26, 09 8:00 pm  · 

Oh and I had a great day. The fun part of the job is that most of the depots are accessed via coastal roads as the pictures attest. How you like dem apples puddles?

Mar 26, 09 9:59 pm  · 

boobies always beats shelloil in my book.

Mar 27, 09 6:41 am  · 
vado retro

you prolly have books full of boobies.

Mar 27, 09 9:07 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm alive...but hungover...what's new

Mar 27, 09 10:04 am  · 

I PASSED!!!!!! 182 BABY!!!!

Mar 27, 09 10:59 am  · 

see melt, i tole you. did you get pix of you wearnig architects suck?

Mar 27, 09 11:09 am  · 
Living in Gin


Mar 27, 09 11:15 am  · 

So I posted a question in my blog... 45 people have been out to investigate so far (thank you, Google Analytics!), but none have returned to answer the question. Is my website some sort of black hole?

Mar 27, 09 1:08 pm  · 

oh, and a big CONGRATULATIONS to tuna!

Mar 27, 09 1:12 pm  · 

YEAY!!!! (though this means likely means I'll be getting fewer emails from you). enjoy your weekend!

I'm off to lecture at the U. small little symposium about infrastructure and sustainability for arch and 'scape students. My talk will be the debut of my GRHC talk, so should be fun. I'll try to post a synopsis to my blog this weekend.

AND I submitted the GRHC final draft this morning - I can kick back again.

Mar 27, 09 1:57 pm  · 

GHRC talk?

Also, i am off to Miami peeps...

Mar 27, 09 2:22 pm  · 
Living in Gin


Remember my intern saga from last week? This project involves some complicated geometry, non-standard UCS settings, and having plans across multiple sheets with match lines, etc. I spent all week setting that stuff up in AutoCAD, setting up the right UCS settings, setting up sheets with proper viewports, match lines, xrefs, etc. per our client's CAD standards so that the intern could concentrate on the actual design content rather than AutoCAD housekeeping crap. I instructed the intern that the sheets had already been properly set up, so there's no need to mess around with that stuff. For good measure, I locked the viewports, then locked and froze the appropriate layers before exiting the drawings. I'm not sure how much more foolproof I could have made it.

So, what's the first thing this intern does when he goes into the drawings? Unlocks and thaws all the layers and viewports, undoes everything I spent all last week doing, and then tries to re-do it all using his own home-brew method. I should add that the client on this project is a large government agency that's very particular about their CAD standards being followed.

The IT guy at one of my old firms had a large lead pipe at his desk with "CAD STANDARDS ENFORCEMENT TOOL" printed on it. It seemed harsh at the time, but now it's not looking like such a bad idea.

Mar 27, 09 4:21 pm  · 
Living in Gin

And don't get me started about some of these AutoCAD bugs that have been around since Bill Clinton was president, but have yet to be fixed by Autodesk.

Happy Friday...

Mar 27, 09 4:24 pm  · 

rationalist I forgot what the question is? Nice font on the site though....

I just got all my signatures and submitted my thesis paperwork to the Gods of the Thesis Submittal Process. (Dean Ma and I had a mini-signing ceremony this morning.) Whew! Big time weight off my shoulders. Now I just need to submit it and I'm rolling!

Mar 27, 09 5:50 pm  · 
vado retro

congrats Tuna. HOpe you're drinking now!

Mar 27, 09 6:30 pm  · 

rationalist, i looked at your site. but i have no basis for judging, so didn't answer. i thought smarter people could do it. the work all looks good to me. if a blind preference is useful the projects i liked best were the ones where you worked with others - but i could not offer any rationale for that.

that does sound a pittah, LIG. i assume you have things saved in backup? we save and date project versions every day or after large-ish changes if things are moving fast. Has saved us headaches in the past.

can you dock pay from interns when they wreck things? ;-)

Mar 27, 09 6:52 pm  · 

TK - RLA!!!!!

the letter showed up today, after I cough up another $120, I get my 'frameable certificate'.

Mar 27, 09 7:10 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Well, there's a tape backup, but other stuff has been done on the drawings that needs to be retained, so restoring from backup wouldn't be worth the hassle. I'll probably just have to go in and change them on my own.

Stuff like this is always awkward for me... I'm senior enough to be responsible for day-to-day design and overall quality control, but I'm not senior enough to give a junior employee a stern talking-to when the need arises... And the situation isn't really severe enough to get the PM or project partner involved. I wish I could lay down the law and simply say, "When I instruct you to do things a certain way, I expect my instructions to be followed." but I feel like I'd be overstepping my bounds. Especially when the intern in question has a masters degree and I'm still finishing my undergrad.

In other news, I finally got my acceptance letter from... Borough of Manhattan Community College, where I'll be taking my calculus and physics prerequisites this fall. This is only after re-submitting my online application three times over the past year, paying the application fee twice, and trying in vain multiple times to speak to a live person in the admissions office. Not exactly the best first impression of the CUNY system... I'm not exaggerating when I say that applying to the M.Arch. program at Harvard was an easier process.

Mar 27, 09 8:47 pm  · 


well, LIG that sort of "do as i say" talk is perhaps not productive anyway. if it were me i would sit him down and show him how what s/he did that was wrong and how you have to do the work again and so please stick to the standards. better to keep it casual and teach rather than dictate. that could be me acting canadian, mind you.

a school without humans sounds kinda scary. hope that works out for you.

Mar 27, 09 11:58 pm  · 

WonderK, the question was which pieces I should use in my teaser portfolio for the job hunt... and the display typeface I've used is Rockwell. I believe you have it. :)

jump, don't worry about it at all. The group projects are the biggest ones, and the only serious environmental pieces are done in groups. The Vote For... project is up because of the ideas, but was just a charrette and doesn't have the same execution level by any means. And the thesis doesn't have enough images in there to "tell the story" as my advisor puts it. So I'll take that as a preference for the environmental work, not as a preference for other people's work! I think you all can probably guess that I'm not a quiet team member by any means... team work is still my work, I still feel a lot of ownership for it.

Gin, is there a way that you can put it like, "What I meant to happen here was X, but because it's turned out like Y, then the contractor isn't able to understand that we mean for it to be built like X"? Like, instead of a stern talking to, a learning opportunity about what it is you're trying to accomplish and how following your instructions would have resulted in a more optimal state than the one you currently inhabit.

Mar 28, 09 4:14 am  · 

Why am I still awake? I guess uploading my thesis in the middle of the night on a Friday seemed the least likely time to encounter Web traffic. In any case, rationalist I'll look at that tomorrow when I'm feeling a little more coherent...

Mar 28, 09 4:39 am  · 
Living in Gin

Yeah, there's about a million ways I could explain it to him using very diplomatic language, and turn it into a teaching moment. I'm at a bit of a loss, though, when you specifically tell somebody to do "X" and right away they go do the exact opposite of "X". (And this may come as a shock to people on Archinect, but I have a habit of expressing my opinions in fairly blunt terms.)

What am I doing here at 4:30 AM instead of sleeping? A week or two ago it was gunfire behind my apartment building; tonight it sounds like either a street party or a riot behind my building. I can't directly see the street from my window (I have a lovely view of a brick wall), but I woke up a half hour ago to the sounds of a large crowd of people shouting, horns blaring, police sirens, and some asshole with his car stereo cranked up loud enough to rattle my windows half a block away. It's still going on right now.

This is the only city I've ever lived in where it's apparently socially acceptable to park your car on the side of the street in a residential neighborhood at 4 AM, roll down the windows and open all the doors, and blast hip-hop music your car stereo while you and a dozen of your closest gangbanger friends hang out on the sidewalk and smash beer bottles on the pavement and yell at people. The police won't bother to intercede unless there's weapons involved.

Actually, I know it happens in certain neighborhoods of plenty of other cities, but this the only city I've lived in where I can pull in a good salary and yet still not be able to afford to live in a neighborhood where that sort of thing doesn't happen on a near-nightly basis, at least not without involving a 90-minute commute.

Speaking of commuting, after work this evening I entered the Columbus Circle subway station and when I got down to the platform, I was immediately overpowered by the stench of body odor and human feces strong enough to literally make me gag... Luckily my train pulled in right away, or else I would've had to leave the station before throwing up, and take a different subway line home. WTF?

There's a lot of great things about NYC, but quality of life isn't one of them, and I'm remembering why I got so burned out and moved to Oregon the first time I lived here. Living in the Cincinnati area (or Oregon or almost anywhere else, for that matter) will no doubt have its own set of frustrations, but at least I'd be able to afford to live in a neighborhood where I can get some sleep and not have to put up with this shit every night.

End of rant... I hate to sound so negative all the time, but I'm getting seriously fed up. It's now 5 AM and the local thugs seem to have moved on, so I'm going to try going to bed again.

Mar 28, 09 5:06 am  · 
liberty bell

Gah, I'm actually finding myself feeling misty-eyed about Detroit. Who would have thunk it?!

Mar 28, 09 10:07 am  · 
vado retro

think about it. if there were a critical mass of "creative class" types including creative craftsman not just people who stare out the window and claim to be creative(ie me) who would move to the area revitalize a blighted area while revitalizing a community for current inhabitants so as not to gentrify an existing population out of the area, an area where green technologies could develop, where urban farms could be established etc, you could start a reanissance in the city. no douchebags allowed.

Mar 28, 09 10:58 am  · 
Living in Gin

Heh... I'd probably never move to Detroit in a million years, but I do have a soft spot for the city. Manhole Cover's comment in that thread is very apt:

The talent that comes out of detroit is on the upper scale of things. most people that have lived in/near that city don't get impressed easily so it's alot harder to get that 'shine'. you can be from detroit and visit other cities and when asked where your from, and you say 'detroit', you get that special handshake and a higher level of respect (at least on a street level).

I can certainly attest to that... One of my best friends is from Ferndale (just outside of Detroit), and I've been with him at parties and in bars where somebody will make a comment about his Red Wings t-shirt, and he informs them that he's from Detroit. There's almost always that subtle "holy shit" expression on the other person's face.

Whenever I tell people I'm from Cincinnati, I instinctively brace myself for the inevitable WKRP comment.

Mar 28, 09 11:10 am  · 
vado retro

would he get the same respect if he said he was from ferndale?

Mar 28, 09 11:26 am  · 

Congrats to ****melt and TK.

Mar 28, 09 11:39 am  · 
vado retro

hi n_________. ratatat.

Mar 28, 09 1:03 pm  · 

congratulations tuna. and barry. and everybody else on whatever they are accomplishing in these days.

i will be presenting in postopolis this thursday at 5;40 pm. i am ready with my work which took me whole week to prepare. monday is the school day starting. we are doing an elementary school at cal poly pomona.

here are the case studies i am giving to my students.
starting from this and check this things with below buildings:

hans scharoun's geschwister school in westphalia germany, 1956-62

tezuka architects' fiji kindergarten 2007.

grutuch ernst's mummelsool in berlin, germany for mentally handicapped

jan duiker's open air school, amsterdam holland, 1930.

Mar 28, 09 1:47 pm  · 
vado retro

cal poly pomona is playin bball right now...down by 10 to findlay (wherever that is) at the half. mens' division II championship.

Mar 28, 09 1:54 pm  · 

TK RLA I do like the sound of that, reminds me of WKRP!! Hi ****melt LEEP AP

Okay I'm barely able to keep it together now. I was attacked by a bottle of grey goose (actually it was two but the tall one did most of the damage, the smaller one took out my knees). My lil brother (he's 6'3) from another mother (and father) came to my assistance as well as a few others, but those geese were fierce. It was probably all the tonic they had in their system. Needless to say at 1am I was TKO'd

Tonight I'll stick to the mojitos

Mar 28, 09 2:00 pm  · 

I was sent this by a former classmate. What's really funny is that it's meant as serious advice, as it is saying "are you bummed about the economic crisis, your living arrangements, blah blah blah or your life in general? Guess what it could be YOUR fault!! A list of 50 ways to make yourself miserable

Mar 28, 09 2:15 pm  · 

Ha ha ha, you got attacked by a bottle of grey goose.....

Orhan, I'm on a panel discussion at Postopolis next Saturday!

I'm going hiking today!

Mar 28, 09 2:18 pm  · 

Rationalist - did I miss you posting your website somewhere. I feel bad, I would have contributed, but I don't remember seeing anything about it. I know you're busy and all but would be great if you could post the link again.

Orhan - wow the case studies look fascinating. I wish I could sit in on the presentation. What is postopolis anyway?

n_ looks like This American Life is doing another live broadcast like they did last year.

TK - if I haven't said so already many, many congrats on becoming TK RLA. I am so proud of you and all your accomplishments, keep up the great work. Have you finished your stuff to become an RA yet? I can't remember.

Oh and my pride goes towards everyone here, we/you are such an amazing group of intelligent movers and shakers, just makes me want to beam.

Mar 28, 09 2:54 pm  · 
vado retro

yes we should all move to Detroit.

Mar 28, 09 2:58 pm  · 

yayyyyy TK!

tuna, you'd have to look in the school blogs, under my pseudonym. ;)

Mar 28, 09 3:23 pm  · 
vado retro

congrats tk. detroit needs rla's!

Mar 28, 09 5:12 pm  · 

How many people does it take to legally declare yourself a town in Detroit. Because we could have a town of archinect and rotate the mayor-ship/mayor-ing between us.

I'm moving to Detroit... archinect population: 01 (& counting)

Mar 28, 09 5:18 pm  · 
vado retro

population 02 + cat 01

Mar 28, 09 5:41 pm  · 

Ahhh rationalist - I haven't spent mush time looking at the school blog these past few weeks. Guess I'll go do that now.

Hmmmm - Detroit you say? Why the hell not? Wouldn't be opposed to rebuilding the city. I think an Archinect community would be a lot of fun. And think of all the beautifully redone houses on one block there could potentially be.

Mar 28, 09 5:42 pm  · 

and with the number of LEED APs hanging around here (that's a tuna jab) and registered Landscape Architects (uppercut to TK) it's bound to be the second green town

Mar 28, 09 6:22 pm  · 

tuna- I'm 56 days of CDing & CAing away from finishing IDP - currently at 763 units and counting. To bad my practice for the last 3 years has been primarily master planning. Guess I'll start studying for the AREs next fall if I'm not too busy teaching.

vado. why would i motor city?

Mar 28, 09 6:59 pm  · 

screw detroit, pittsburgh is way more interesting & with the same cheap houses -- but better housing stock.

sorry, i'm feeling ornery today! i'm really only kidding -- i love detroit. but pittsburgh IS better... ;-)

and while i'm at it: apparently i need to take this stupid LEED exam, and i will come right out and say it right here : this stupid LEED exam is SOOOOOO BOOOOOOOORING! I cannot stand the fact that I have to take this thing.


ok there i said it.

i do feel better now!

Mar 28, 09 7:42 pm  · 

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