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congrats LIG - feels good, doesn't it?

anyone in London today? I hear there's a party...

Apr 1, 09 8:57 am  · 
vado retro

i thoroughly enjoyed diller scofidio renfro interview on charlie rose. they were very open and laughed a lot. they only used the word iconic eight times and the term tabula rasa four times.

Apr 1, 09 9:49 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm wearing pants...

psych...april fools...of course i'm not wearing pants

Apr 1, 09 9:54 am  · 

I was wondering how they would do..
I am waiting for that to be posted to Charlie's website so i can watch it...

Apr 1, 09 10:05 am  · 
vado retro

its worth watching.

Apr 1, 09 10:37 am  · 

Yes, and today folks... this interior designer is learning to draw parapets. WTF?

Apr 1, 09 2:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

wow, tc has been slllllooooooowwwwww today.

Apr 1, 09 6:35 pm  · 

Lately even...

Apr 1, 09 6:46 pm  · 

Sarah, that's not a dumb question. I don't have any posters, something about the purity of the walls. But loads of folks I know do. The t-shirts are more popular - I think everyone in my generation and beyond has at least 2.

Strawbeary wow, congrats on the bubble of joy growing inside of you. Wear black to your interviews no one will know you are pregnant, and if they ask look confused and say, "why? Do I look pregnant?"

I'm tired but I had lunch that made me smile today

Apr 1, 09 9:13 pm  · 

So should I be annoyed that my father in law posts a survey, on FB, about whether or not I've ever had an affair?

Apr 1, 09 10:22 pm  · 
vado retro

you should be annoyed that your fil is on facebook.

Apr 1, 09 10:26 pm  · 

You know I'm on linkedin and this idiot I worked with at my last gig, who incidentally I hated, try to get me to add her as a connection...all I kept thinking was eff you.

Apr 1, 09 10:35 pm  · 

weird, beta, that would piss me off, and i don't take offense at much. but... that's a little weird. unless you guys are so very close and chummy that it's obviously just a silly jest?

also, CONGRATS, strawbeary! seems like everyone i know is having a baby these days. not like i know you, but still.

Apr 1, 09 10:59 pm  · 

sorry there beta -- that was in reference to your comment about your father in law.

Apr 1, 09 11:00 pm  · 

Beta I wouldn't be annoyed, I'd be insulted. Do you and the FIL not get along? That's oncredibly sad actually.

And the LinkedIn thing is annoying. I had an old co-worker try to befriend me on FB a while back and I just sat and thought to myself "we weren't friends at work, so what would make you think I'd be friends with you on FB" Needlesss to say I just ignored the request.

Anyway, I just got done with Day 3 of social butterfly week. Time to hit the hay so I can do it all again tomorrow, the next day and the next day. UGH!!!!

Apr 1, 09 11:12 pm  · 

Congratulations, Strawbeary and Husbeary!

Hey, speaking of Linkedin, somebody requested to add me to their network whom I do not recognize. He is, however, connected to Liberty Bell, beta, Steven, Orhan, WonderK, and squirrelly. If you have recently sent me a Linkedin request and I only know you via your archinect name, please identify yourself on this thread. Thank you.

Apr 2, 09 1:13 am  · 

So, I had a job interview today. It went pretty well, I think. It's kind of a young start up company, which I feel much more ready for than I was a few years ago, and they specialize right now in green building consulting...mostly LEED certification, commissioning, and related services. The owner/founder said that they don't do any design right now but that they would like to in the future, and he wondered if I would be OK with "not producing any architecture", to which I responded that right now, in my career, I feel more compelled to make buildings greener with any opportunity that I can, and that in and of itself is creative satisfaction enough for me. That's a good answer, right?

Anyway, if I were to stay in LA, it's the type of firm I could work with. There are still a lot of IFs in the equation though. We'll see.

Apr 2, 09 1:28 am  · 

that sounds good WK. great answer. traditional architecture careers are not all they are cracked up to be anyway, all things considered i might find that job just as rewarding as design too.

i know it isn't correct beta but that survey sounds funny to me. if he is being serious then he just comes off as an ass, and if its a joke, then whatever. facebook and linkedin are cool, but in case of former i get so much frat humour from my young friends and family that the question of an affair would be pretty tame. FB seems to attract the most perverse kind of attention-seeking behaviour...

Apr 2, 09 5:29 am  · 

you know it's one of those things i think i'll just ignore and hope goes away, responding to it would seem to make more of an issue. i guess the appropriateness of this never crossed his mind. i will say though, that it's been nearly 10 hours and it still irritates the piss out of me. if this had been my father, and this was 15 years ago, we'd have words and perhaps beyond.

Apr 2, 09 6:33 am  · 
Living in Gin

Good news for everybody here: Workers who surf the web at work are more productive

Apr 2, 09 8:00 am  · 

beta, if it really bugs yah then you should give him a call and let him know he crossed a line, then knock him out of the FB list. personally i try to ignore fools as much as possible. that doesn't always work though, true enough.

Apr 2, 09 8:07 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Beta, what does your wife think? Maybe it was a joke, or maybe I'm not understanding you right. He sent a survey asking if Beta had ever had an affair that other people respond to, or a survey that asks everyone if they've ever had an affair, and you are part of that everyone. If its the former, then, well, thats just mean, but if its the latter, maybe you could answer with a sense of humor. Get your wife to play along, and say something like ...

EX: Have you ever slept with a woman who wasn't your wife? Yes, there was this hot brunette a met a 8 years ago, she was wild in the sack!

This answer only works IF you have been married for 7 year, and you dated your wife for a year prior. And she's brunette. See where I'm going with this? In any case. I hope your wife knows.
Apr 2, 09 8:55 am  · 

DubK, did you ever send your resume to the firm in Honolulu? Studio Eight, maybe? Something with a number that Steven Ward knew about it? Am I making any sense here? I need more sleep.

Apr 2, 09 9:30 am  · 

working at home this morning so the missus can talk shop.

LiG, great link - so thats why I still have a job.

re FB/linkedin & coworkers, my policy is never accept invites while I'm still in the same office with that person. I like my freedom to explore alternate work scenarios too much.

Apr 2, 09 9:48 am  · 
Living in Gin

Probably a good idea, TK... Unfortunately for me, I'm already Facebook friends with a bunch of my current co-workers. As a result, I make a point to be careful about what I rant about in my status updates and on my blog. Luckily I generally enjoy my job and don't usually have much to complain about, but this might become a problem around this time next year when I'll (hopefully) know where I'll be going to grad school and I need to start planning a move to a new city. Not that my grad school plans are a huge secret, but my co-workers don't need to be seeing "Living in Gin is going to Harvard!" as a status update before I've given my official notice to the firm.

I feel somewhat more anonymous here on TC because it would be harder for somebody on Facebook to trace my identity back here, although I suppose it's possible if somebody really had a bug up their ass and was out to get me.

Apr 2, 09 10:34 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

That sounds like a challenge, LiG. But I'm not on FB, so no need to worry about me!

That guy was at the gym again today, but this time we worked out at the same time. He spoke to me. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

Apr 2, 09 11:21 am  · 

only in ohio!

Apr 2, 09 12:03 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm computerless for the next 48 hours as my mac is getting a new CD burner thingey.

Spent yesterday in Muncie and as usual saw some great student work and was overall impressed by the quality of the program. They are really producing potential architects, IMO.

vado, cheers to the recommendation quote in the news - I guess if vado approves it MUST be good!

Apr 2, 09 12:10 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh and beta, I'd also find it extremely annoying if my MIL posted a similar survey about me. She is on FB, too.

Apr 2, 09 1:31 pm  · 

got my RLA certificate today!!!!!! yeay!! now I get to purchase a stamp (okay, this is what MN requires)

Apr 2, 09 1:32 pm  · 

n_, yes I did. And they responded and said "thanks for sending us your resume" and I haven't heard anything since. I've since heard some "stuff" about that office so I'm OK with not hearing back from them.

WonderMan wants me to just call up UHawaii and ask them if they need any help in some institute they have down there. Problem is I'm still following leads of ACTUAL jobs so I don't feel like I have energy yet to start hitting up people for IMAGINARY ones.

Orhan, the thing about the guy with the bar stool is that I actually applaud his ingenuity. First, he made a motorized bar stool. Aside from Sarah's husband, could any of us here on TC actually do that? Second, he's like, "I know drinking and driving is illegal, but what about drinking and sitting?" On a bar stool he's not lethal...even drunk people on bikes or that lady on a horse last year, well they could all cause some damage. A guy on a bar stool doing 5 mph? If you can't get out of the way when you see that guy coming, you fail at life.

Apr 2, 09 1:37 pm  · 

yay TK!

Apr 2, 09 1:37 pm  · 

LB/Vado- do you have any political connections in Bloomington?

Apr 2, 09 1:58 pm  · 

So tired, caffeine is not having the desired/needed effects today :o/

DubK - Your last setence is so true. I think it's smart to follow the job leads first. If that doesn't pan out than the U of of Hawaii sounds like an awesome gig.

Apr 2, 09 2:02 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Has anybody ever had cachaca - i dont know how to put that mark under the C to make it an 'S' sound? I've found some awesome looking drinks that I want to make, and they all call for it. Problem is, I'm not sure I can find it here. If I can't, could I just substitute rum? Anybody?

Apr 2, 09 2:11 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

Congrats, TK. You're inspiring me to schedule that last exam.

Apr 2, 09 2:36 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Bagger 288, East Germany

Apr 2, 09 2:38 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Wikipedia article

So wrong, yet so utterly fascinating.

Apr 2, 09 2:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

Wait, isn't it illegal to operate a motorized vehicle if you're drunk, no matter what that motor is operating?

Do people get drunk "driving" tickets for operating a bicycle, or just public intoxication tickets?

hey tk, think carefully about what means of conveyance you will use to go celebrate now that you are officially treekiller, RLA = woohoo!!!

And nope, I don't know a soul in B'ton.

Apr 2, 09 3:01 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

That machine is crazy.

And I think you can drink while driving a boat. At least in some states.

Apr 2, 09 3:15 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

I love following wiki links. Can anyone tell me why human waste sewage sludge is used in surface mining?

Apr 2, 09 3:25 pm  · 
vado retro

i saw something about a guy who had lost his license because of dui's, so he built a motorized barstool that could go 35 miles per hour. well, he fell off and cracked his skull and his friend had to call 9-1-1 for an ambulance and non chalantly noted that his friend crashed his barstool like this sort of thing happens everyday. oh and he was ticketed for dui. then the moron said about his actions after the crash "well i came back and drank about half a bottle of whisky cuz my head hurt." wtf???

Apr 2, 09 3:31 pm  · 


Yes cachaca is delicious especially in capirinhas...

My local ABC Liquor sells a cheap brand...

Don't tell a Brazilian this but cachaca is just a sugarcane rum that is higher proof and not aged than rum (generally) but rum could probbaly be used in a pinch..

Dapper you got a link? cause i got no idea...

Also LB, yes you can get a dui on a bike. Or even just a ticket (with points) on your drivers license for something like running a red light (on your bike). Crazy but true, happened to me at 2 in the morning and i was pulled over by a motorcycle cop...

Apr 2, 09 3:32 pm  · 
vado retro

fyi a dwi is driving while impaired which can mean that you were eating a big mac before you rear ended that bus load of nuns.


Apr 2, 09 3:35 pm  · 

Sarah, silver/white rum works okay - you can always add a splash of 151 if you want to simulate the rocket fuel impact of cachasa - damn good stuff.

LB- thanks, there is potentially a project that I may chase down that way.

Apr 2, 09 3:51 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

You know Vado, I never knew what the difference was. In that case I could get a DWI almost everyday.

Nam, no specific link, it was just mentioned in the wiki article for surface mining but they didn't elaborate

Apr 2, 09 4:03 pm  · 
vado retro

So, i received a great gift yesterday. My old friend sent me several cd's of our high school garage band (an hour of a dance at New Prairie High School!?! from 1976 with covers of ziggy stardust, suffragette city and iggy's search and destroy. too bad it was recorded with a cassette player and was placed too close to one of the drummers (we had two!) and cd's of two later incarnations of that group. i hadn't heard some of these songs since 1981 and there are flashes of brilliance mixed with ridiculousness. great hooks and rhymes mixed with the clunkiest of lyrics lots of oh we should have done this or man why didn't we do that. all songs about trying to get laid of course...also, a few years ago some band did a fast version of leavin' on a jet plane. well its on a live version of a boston show (the rat. is that place still there?) circa 1979-80. also an axiety ridden version of the turtles' happy together that i just love...

Apr 2, 09 4:26 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Thanks, guys. This is what I want to make.

Apr 2, 09 4:46 pm  · 

Mmmmm Sarah - that looks so refreshing. I think it's prolly got something to do with the fresh cut pansies.

Apr 2, 09 4:59 pm  · 

SH, is it that hot in TX that you need a spiked ice tea already?

Apr 2, 09 5:23 pm  · 

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