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vado retro

A couple of thoughts about Bruce.

First, the best concert and one of the best experiences of my life was a show bruce did in 1978 at notre dame's ACC. Not only was there the camping out for tickets experience. which included lots of booze and pot just being passed up and down (take a hit pass it on) but the concert was just the best. Beginning with the drive over in my 76 Trans Am with Born to Run blasting of course...The Buddy Holly Story had just come out and they played i don't know how many Buddy Holly tunes. The regular length of his shows back then lasted three plus hours. Amazing energy jumping off pianos etc, great monologues to stories etc, Dylan Thomas meets Jersey Barband kind a thing and then after the encores, no one would leave. the road crew had taken down the back drops and some of the equipment the lights were up etc, and no one would leave. so, the band comes back out and plays another forty five minutes! Fucking incredible.
Then after the show at least a hundred people are milling around by the tour bus and they come out and this guy Bruce signs every autograph has his picture taken with anybody who wants one as do a lot of the band. Just incredible. Don't ask me where my pic is or my autographed shirt Long gone oh well the memory lives on.

Now about the Daily Show. Jon was a star struck teenager there whcih is great and god Jon must be short because I met Bruce and at 6'1" i was easily six inches taller than him. He was a little guy. This was before he started lifting weights. And i was surprised that Bruce talked as if nothing had changed when, in fact, Danny Federici died last year from cancer. so, the band is different.

Beta you miss Bruce cause you GottaStyleYoureTryinToMaintain?

Mar 20, 09 9:42 am  · 
brian buchalski

still alive...and, wow, last night's party (was it a party?) was pretty exceptional

Mar 20, 09 10:21 am  · 

vado, i was never really into Bruce, mostly because of the Jersey crowd's insistence and absolute bend-over backwards to kiss his...but, everything i've ever heard, from my sister telling me about him being this ordinary guy that no one bothered when he brought his kids to the movies, to showing up at The Stone Pony, unannounced, to play with Nils or Southside Johnny, to the amazing Meadowlands shows, to the working class mentallity he's always maintained, to staying in pretty much the same place he's always lived, the guy is authentic to the core. that is what i respect, well that and cool muscle cars busting out on Hghway 9.....he makes me sentimental as all hell.

Mar 20, 09 10:40 am  · 

The MN landscape board is currently meeting. Damn I'm nervous/giddy. I'll find out this afternoon if I'm licensed!

Mar 20, 09 10:40 am  · 

i've been wanting to ask this, but do the powers that be think we could new shirts going that say [YOUR ARCHITECTURE SUCKS] or [YOUR ARCHITECT SUCKS]?

Mar 20, 09 10:46 am  · 
liberty bell

Mmmm, I kinda like "Your architect sucks" or maybe it should be "sucked"?

Or "My architect is better than your architect"?

Mar 20, 09 10:55 am  · 
vado retro

My Architect Swallowed is more appropriate...

Mar 20, 09 11:04 am  · 

we need some ego pumping's time.

Mar 20, 09 11:25 am  · 
vado retro

Archinect ain't doin' it for me lately.

Mar 20, 09 12:29 pm  · 
liberty bell

Well, you're not really doin' it for Archinect lately, are you, vado?

As for me, I'm not really doin' it for my dog. She keeps showing me this pull toy in her mouth and I just keep pushing her away to do Sketchup. What am I, an idiot?!? she thinks.

Mar 20, 09 1:03 pm  · 

I'd love a shirt for the missus that says, "My architect is better than yours" - great to wear at functions.

Anyway Liberty I was blaring your Soul Harvest cd this morning with my mum in the car and she commented that you have excellent compilation skills and that you must of been raised around the music like I was. I told her that you said you listened to soul when you work, at which time she was confused asking, "work?? how does she stop herself from dancing"

Sorry for the absence - I drove to the other end of the island (200km) for a site visit (and a unique culinary experience as well)

this was the view on the drive back

Vado if archinect isn't doing it for you, try a new position

Mar 20, 09 1:09 pm  · 

my architect is better than yours, seems too long, and i think [YOUR ARCHITECT SUCKS] implies the other...

Mar 20, 09 1:32 pm  · 
liberty bell

Tell us about the food, techno! Was it something weird?!

Mar 20, 09 2:07 pm  · 

I like working from home cause I can always go to the ice box and grab a Klondik Bar and enjoy reading a little archinect and not feel guilty about it, not in the least guilty.

Mar 20, 09 2:35 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ooh, snook, I have ice cream sandwiches! Here I go....

Mar 20, 09 2:38 pm  · 

Yes archi what was the inique culinary experience?

Also, i want some ice cream bars...

Mar 20, 09 3:33 pm  · 

You can't just eat one Klondik Bar...when it is the double Chocolate....
ah, heck it is Friday after all.

Mar 20, 09 4:21 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

OK, so I have lots to say, and a few things to ask, so this might be long - just warning you.

Last night I got the chance to go out to a schmoozing party at Husband's shop. It was a party thrown by a luxery magazine, with free booze and swag, and LOTS of rich people. I'm talking crazy rich. There were some polo players there as well, but I digress. I wore these brand new BRIGHT blue (we're talking cobalt) spike heels that made me somewhere around 5'8ish, and I got lots of compliments - I will post them on the shoe thread sometime. Some Film producer walked up to me and introduced himself, which was flattering, and I met lots of people. Made friends with a lawyer and his best friend who took Husband and me out for dinner and drinks afterwards. He also gave me his email address and told me to send him my resume, that he'd send it to his engineers. The guy has 3 houses, 8 cars, is going to the Barret Jackson auctions with the man who makes Tito's Vodka, ect, and he really liked me. We had a fabulous time, and really, only fabulous can describe it. The guy was married, and was in no way hitting on me - he even said so at one point when I said something silly in one of those "you had to be there" moments, but he said I was a blast! It was great. I think my self-esteem will be good for a while on that.

Next, I spoke with a retired architect while at the party - his friends are all retired so no job leads, but he said a few interesting things. First, he said that an engineer can stamp drawings just like an architect, and its all perfectly legal. He also suggested that I vollunteer my time at firms just to stay in practice, ect. He mentioned how its a time honoured tradition, how blacksmiths did it, ect, and that I'm not making any money anyway, so why not. What do you guys think on both accounts? Should I vollunteer at maybe an interiors firm, or some fun, elite architecture firm? Vollunteering sounds better than working for free, but I know its the same thing, and thats not good. I'm torn, though.

Ok, I think thats all. Sorry for not commenting on any of the above posts, its just that I've forgotten all I've read now.

Mar 20, 09 4:23 pm  · 

Sounds like you had a awesome time. I imagine that with a kid it is even more special to get out and have fun.

As for volunteering et al. Why not if you think you could find the time + babysitter, and a firm was willing to have you come in a couple of hours a week.

I mean it might even get your foot in the door?

Mar 20, 09 4:54 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, I thought about it, and I realized that I came across as a bit of a gold digger. Thats not what I meant, and it was really just a poor juxtaposition in my sentencing. Whoops. Please dont think me so shallow.

Mar 20, 09 5:15 pm  · 

Sarah, I don't think you're a gold digger at all! When we get the chance to schmooze with rich people we need to do that for ourselves. I had a meeting with one of my uber-awesome coworkers the other day and he said, "do me a favor: be more SELFISH" and I was like, OK. I will. Now that you've told me it's OK, I will :o)

Secondly I am drooling over the thought of your heels. Drooling I tell you!

Thirdly, I think it would be OK if you are volunteering, if you find a small firm that is struggling or something that you really respect and like. I think it's a different situation than "working for free"; if you know of a small designer that is trying to do cool or sustainable things, but they are having trouble because of the economy, then what the difference is, is that you are not being exploited, you are actually being charitable. It's like volunteering at a homeless shelter except that you actually get to use your REAL skills for a good cause. In which case, hell, find the coolest, most broke firm out there and go for it. I think it's a great idea!

Mar 20, 09 5:42 pm  · 

if you can learn something new it is worth volunteering/interning. it is common practice in japan. how do you think sejima makes so many variations of her projects?

the rich people thing is nice. most of the expat population in tokyo is fabulously wealthy, so we meet them a lot. it is a strange culture sometimes.

anyway, sure work for free, but try to make it part of bigger plan. where you wanna be, what you need to know and who can teach it sort of thing...having a goal and being able to express it in a sentence is essential to any ambition. it also is great to have ready for those parties where the people who might help you achieve your goals are knobbling about....and when you go to office being able to say why you are there other than i need a job or i'm bored is probably good thing.

Mar 20, 09 7:47 pm  · 

the engineer stamp = architect stamp thing is a TEXAS thing. there was a big hoopla about it when the law was passed. personally i think it's bullshit, but...

Mar 20, 09 8:16 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ahhhh!!! Well, lucky me, I live in Texas. Thanks Steven. You know, I don't think I will bother with the rest of the IDP/ARE thing. I will just get engineers to stamp everything. Oh, wait, if I dont get my license, then I can't call myself an Architect, and who really wants to call themselves a Designer.

Mar 20, 09 9:56 pm  · 

Hi Sarah,

In Texas, you're allowed to sit the exams without having finished IDP, right? Would you be interested in spending the unemployed time studying & taking exams, or is that not in the cards? I imagine it would be very difficult with a child.

Mar 20, 09 10:49 pm  · 

i'm stoked, stoked that MPLS is getting a Pecha Kucha, even though i had tried and emailed KD, i am thinking i want to submit something, but i am trying to figure out how "polished" this thing would need to be and do i have to present - talk - about 20 images or are they just show on a screen??

Mar 20, 09 11:06 pm  · 

SH cool about the shoes and the opportunity. I wholeheartedly agree with jump, wonder K, et al - go for it. And there's also habitat for humanity if you fancy the construction side of things. During school days I frequently many of the different facets of architecture because I aimed (still aiming) to be well rounded, and it's the advice I offer to students. And importantly to reiterate jump, make it part of your masterplan, especially if there is something a firm is interested but doesn't have the staff to achieve it. Could be a win-win situation with larger outcomes. Also see if they are willing to write a recommendation for you at the end of it. That in your resume will project someone who despite an ailing economy was willing to take a sacrifice to improve her craft.

Okay time for sleep driving to the other end of the country tomorrow.

Oh and the food. I had soup mostly. First I had shrimp soup (its really crayfish but we don't really distinguish the two). Then whilst at the site, a guy with a HUGE pot on the back of his bicycle came riding in selling soup (yeah, again). It was an experience, his was an ital soup (no meat, no salt) with beans, and dumplings, and yam, and lots of goodness. Then on my way back home, I had to stop at one of those iconic bars that line the rural roads and had a dragon (a local stout known for it's sweetness, and it is supposedly a male enhancing tonic - hope that doesn't seem too lewd).

Mar 20, 09 11:13 pm  · 
Ms Beary

Unemployment is finally getting to me. I haven't been this bored in a long time. Unstressed, yes, but unstimulated. Need to get out of the house tomorrow!

Mar 21, 09 12:00 am  · 

Soup cart

Shrimp/cray fish soup

peppered shrimps

sorry about the quality there were taken with my blackberry

Mar 21, 09 12:03 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh my god I need to live or at least visit someplace I can get interesting local food off the back of a cart. There is no food cart culture here.

beta, you need, to talk about your 20 slides, but at my PK I talked a mile a minute while the first guy who presented just said one or two sentences then waited in silence for the image to change. His was fun. I think it can go either way.

Mar 21, 09 12:41 am  · 

...still alive. barely. Just starting spring break tonight, and am due for the rest. I saw mdler for the first time in a long while the other week, he was ridiculous as always, and finally met the infamous e and holzbox, who were of course worth the wait. Then I pretty much locked myself in studio and didn't emerge til this evening. Ok, I went on a couple of dates, but they were really just a diversion from the massive stress of studio. The search for an irrationalist continues, and shows no signs that success is possible. *sigh*

I'm sorry to see that both SH and Ms. Beary have been hit by the recession bug. Good luck to TK on the licensing issue.

Mar 21, 09 12:55 am  · 

i hardly go to the pechakucha in tokyo. so many designers being design-y. there is usually one person who presents something totally awesome though. last one i went to there was an interesting lady who did a nice performance piece painting on a large sheet paper with a brush - handle of which was like 3 meters long or so. quite nice. but then it was back to the designers. ..... ..... ..... anyway..... thing is if you got something to say just do it. don't worry if the designer-y folk like you or not. really, NOONE cares what architects think. if they did we would be better paid ;-)

Mar 21, 09 3:13 am  · 

exactly, jump. that's why the texas law...

recently had a nice meeting with a new employee at the school district for whom we work. we were talking about her program, what she would need in her facility, etc. and she stopped at one point and said, 'i had no idea you [architects] would care about all of this stuff that i wanted to say!'

nobody knows what we do, how much we do. and it's not just a p.r. issue from what i can tell. people simply don't hear it because they've already decided what we do - until they learn differently through experience.

Mar 21, 09 7:35 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Steven, are you ok? You seem deflated a bit. Not like your usual self.

I think I'm going to look into the volunteering thing. I figure as a volunteer, I can work as much or as little as I want, as long as I'm not messing htings up for people I'm helping out. A friend of mine was the top Interiors assistant to a high-end local designer, and since she's on maternity leave, maybe I could fill in. This woman does interiors for the likes of Jerry Jones, and other ridiculously wealthy people. They never have to worry about budgets - which could be lots of fun.

Techno, I think its strange that you guys dont distinguish between crawfish and shrimp. I don't eat either, but crawfish are like mini-lobsters, at least in how they look. Do they TASTE like shrimp? And if you must know, I dont like shrimp because it's like eating someones nose, and while I already didnt like the taste of lobster, when Alton Brown confirmed they were indeed the cockroach of the ocean, I cut it out completely. shudder I would love to know what whale tastes like, though.

Mar 21, 09 12:14 pm  · 

So it looks like I may have a few cool projects on the horizon. Firstly I should be working with a locally known architect in preparing a RFP for a high end hotel that is looking to diversify the remaining lands they own. Truth be told the hotel owner is in a financial crunch - sound be fun, whether we win or not it's about working with this guy that i'm most interested in because it tests my interest in consulting to architects (an untried collaboration here), as well my interests in hybrid developments.

The second is for some friends that have decided to do a collab - he's an architectural designer a few credits from completing his M.Arch with an amazing design talent AND my partner in c|spora she's a recently registered architect without much exposure beyond residential design and construction docs. But they landed a multi-health facility and have called upon my experience - again should be fun.

and the project I was working on before got awarded financing and building approval. But he's asked me to source or do a BQ - not my strong point but I may end up piecing it together from some QS/estimator friends

Mar 21, 09 1:18 pm  · 

at 3pm yesterday, finally got the agenda for sunday/monday's project meeting in NJ. there was over one week's worth of stuff to prepare -wtf was the client thinking? Not like we've been paid or have any consultants on board to do their share yet either. I'm also supposed to be writing my paper for GRHC this weekend, now I just have today. Good excuse to take Wednesday and Friday off.

oh, called the board at 2:15. the person who had the answer had already left for the day - so I'm left hanging. So I'm just going to start calling myself a RLA, until I get the envelope with the official slip of paper.

I'll be back on TC on tuesday with tales about kimche and new jersey.

Mar 21, 09 4:21 pm  · 

Does anyone else find the idea of buying a $100 house in Detroit and setting up and erstwhile artist's community really appealing? Sure, the $100 ones are REALLY in need of a rehab but seriously.... we could have an Archinect neighborhood. If only we knew someone in Detroit to find us a street to buy :o)

Mar 21, 09 5:32 pm  · 

dubK, definitely appealing. i still believe in cities under siege, it's artists that will foster a re-birth.

Mar 21, 09 6:09 pm  · 

the only thing holding me back is the cold. If we were talking $100 homes in Phoenix or Vegas, maybe even Santa Fe, I'd be there in a heartbeat.

Mar 21, 09 6:13 pm  · 
won and done williams

i've always been fascinated by this area of detroit where two cranbrook grads built their thesis project. it's definitely "urban prairie," but right next to the eastern market which is quite vibrant and a hang out for a burgeoning arts scene. no, one hundred dollar houses here, but plenty of open space to build.

Mar 21, 09 7:07 pm  · 

sounds cool archi. great pics too. lovin the vibe.

i know exactly what you mean steven. my partner had a house party this weekend about 50 people or so and a few friends came by who hired architects to do homes before they met us...which is cool, we can still talk about their new homes under construction and not get jealous. but seems instead like they are distrustful of their architects and talking to us to find out if they are being played.

sadly it seems they are, which surprises me. it turns out that my partner and i were so well trained we never thought it would ever be useful for an architect to be anything but honest with his/her clients, but that is not always the case. so here we are explaining to them that many of the things they want to do are not impossible but might cost extra. don't want to second guess their architects yet it feels like they are working with un-professionals who are messing about with petty stuff for no good reason.

in some ways it is good for us. next time these folks' friends want to build something they will probably recommend us instead of the morons they actually hired. At the same time their opinion of most architects, just in general, has dropped considerably. not a good thing. apparently having a license does not ensure a high minimum level after all ;-)

lol, sarah.
i love shrimp. especially when it is tempura shrimp. hmmmm good. understand the sentiment though. my youngest has 2 crawfish living in a basin at her daycare. snappy little suckers. maybe they would be good with the tempura...

Mar 21, 09 7:45 pm  · 

love that house...
High all I did a bunch of gardening and planting of boxes with veggies et al...
Than jumped in a pool.

Mar 21, 09 8:48 pm  · 
liberty bell

I just downloaded eight Stevie Nicks songs to help me get through the next three hours of work I have to do for a meeting tomorrow (yes on a Sunday - sucks).

Mar 21, 09 9:12 pm  · 
liberty bell

oh my god I haven't heard Angel in a long long time and it rocks!!

Mar 21, 09 9:33 pm  · 

this is my angel

Mar 21, 09 10:40 pm  · 
won and done williams

nam, i drove past that house a week ago, and it had a "for rent" sign in front of it. only in detroit.

Mar 21, 09 11:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh god jafidler that really is depressing. Poor Detroit, I honestly don't think it will ever improve, though I'd love to be totally proven wrong.

OK, Sketchup work for the evening done, just have to print a few images of previous kitchen work we've done and I'll be set for the meeting. I'm wearing jeans: I figure if I have to meet them on a Sunday, I can wear whatever I want!

Mar 21, 09 11:39 pm  · 

fantastic archi.

why you find that depressing LB? is student project done for graduation i think...built on the cheap and i guess trying to be contextual. i like it even if it isn't so refined (which is the point, i guess). reminds me a lot of atelier bow-wow's stuff, especially their work with da-me buildings. da-me means "no" or "don't" in japanese, but would be more correctly translated as "shit" or "rubbish" in context.

Mar 22, 09 1:20 am  · 

argh! 4:13 o' dark and I'm trying to get my wits together and wake up before heading to the airport. since my internet crashed last night, figured that some archinecting as I savor my coffee is better then staring at cnn (plus my cat gets some love).

lb, if I was only so lucky to be able to wear jeans on this trip. we're courting $$$ and so I'm business formal for the next two days. we're going to be visiting the site without having mudboots - hope my dress shoes survive the crushed concrete rubble, mud and other brownfield debris.

Mar 22, 09 5:18 am  · 
liberty bell

No, jump, I love the Cranbrook student house, both as a house and as a student project. What's depressing is that it's for rent, like no one wants to live in it because 1. it's in a crap neighborhood (which I think it is?) and 2. it's a weird house in a crap neighborhood therefore doubly cursed.

Careful, tk, on those shoes! and safe travels. I hate those 4am flight mornings, ugh.

Mar 22, 09 8:51 am  · 

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