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won and done williams

i also find it depressing, lb, but for a slightly different reason. the cranbrook students went to some effort to interview families with students at a local elementary school. they were essentially going to let the family live in the house for free; the family only had to pay utilities and property taxes, and the deed would be given to them after 10 years. now whether because the house was "too experimental" (my words) in a rough neighborhood or because the family saw an opportunity to make a buck, i cannot say and it's probably dangerous to speculate (particularly in a city fraught with the kind of poverty detroit has), but i find it sad that the original intent of the house seems to have been undermined.

Mar 22, 09 10:18 am  · 

Morning All-
I'm at work trying to get some studying in before heading to a friend's birthday gathering. I'm the only one here, yet the plotter is going. Am I the only one thinking this kinda freaky?

TK - hope your shoes survive.

LB- you go girl. It is Sunday and indeed you should be able to wear jeans.

Atechno - I heart that song, although it makes me sad. A college friend was killed in a car accident the summer after I graduation and they played it at his memorial. I think of him everytime I hear it.

OK - Enough delaying. Happy Sunday all

Mar 22, 09 11:10 am  · 

gotta love free wifi at a hotel. waiting for the games to begin. to bad I didn't know there was a pool or exercize room at the hotel. I could be splashing later today.

oh, we got upgraded to first class thanks to my bosses uber platinum world perks status.

Mar 22, 09 11:54 am  · 

Had mass and breakfast at my old high school this morning. It is the feast day for St George (I think). But it was good sitting and catching up about life, etc but we got distracted by conversations about football and the champions league and Liverpool's steady goal towards the top of the table.

Mar 22, 09 3:13 pm  · 

I simply cannot listen to Sarah McLaughlin's songs anymore. They, and she herself, remind me of the uber-sad commercials that she does for the shelter animals. I have to try really hard not to cry everytime I see one.

Just chillin' at home today, readying myself for the (crazy) week. Also experimenting with my new short hair, which is entertaining.

Mar 22, 09 5:39 pm  · 

I have been watching March Madness on the computer while working away on a project I need to have done for tomorrow. It is alot better than past years because it seems to stream alot better although it is not High Def. Least I get to watch the games I want to, cause they are usually bumped by the bigger market teams. So far my two teams Connecticut and University of Arizona are shooting 100!

Mar 22, 09 6:11 pm  · 

I have this sinking feeling that the horrible plague like illness that has been running rampant through the office is upon me. Everyone who has had it has been out for the better part of a week. My exam is scheduled for Friday... I seriously do not have time to get sick this week. Can't I pencil it in for the following week?

Mar 22, 09 7:17 pm  · 

sending healthy vibes your way ****melt.

i get you LB. it is sorry to hear it didn't work out so well, as Jafidler says. such a waste. i wish i knew how to fix the world where such things are possible...

Mar 22, 09 8:27 pm  · 

*t- stay calm and centered - the plague will avoid you or suffer your wrath. It could be a good excuse to play hooky.

Survived the non-stop meetings today, tomorrow the focus is on other folks. the highlight today was the field investigation of asian markets in Jersey. late lucnh/early dinner was noodles with brown sauce. they were not chinese, even if it was at a 'chinese' restaurant. Think the koreans do chinese better then the cubans.

Mar 22, 09 9:15 pm  · 

TK - So am I correct in the assumption you are courting a couple of potential clients? How many are there of you? A friend of mine, who is Korean, actually once told me most Chinese restaurants are actually run by Koreans. Go figure. Korean food, though is the shiz-nit. Well, that and Thai and Indian.

I'm going to try to play it very low key this week, and will take half days if I have to in order to not get its full wrath. I keep hoping it's just allergies, but the tickle in the back of my throat is saying otherwise.

Mar 22, 09 9:36 pm  · 

Hi all.

I've taken not one, not two, but THREE naps today.* God, I love Sundays.

I hope everyone is doing well.

I think I know where I'm going to graduate school but I'm not telling for another few weeks. I need to make sure my head is at peace with this decision.

* I've slept roughly 10 hours in the past 4 days. Seriously.

Mar 22, 09 10:34 pm  · 

Hi TC..

Inspired by my planting adventures yesterday assisting my lady, i went to the nursery and purchased plants (mostly herbs and some flowers) for my own yard(let).
Also, got them in the ground before the evening was up.
Huzzah, one new year's resolution accomplished....

TK goodluck on your trip.
Everyone else have a great monday. I am oncall all week so might be sparse..

Mar 22, 09 10:41 pm  · 

****melt, go directly to Trader Joe's and buy some of their Women's High Potency Multi-Vitamins. These things never fail me. Whenever I feel as if I am getting sick, I start taking the full dose of these every day, and until I feel as if it has passed. I mean, it can't hurt.

Mar 22, 09 10:48 pm  · 
vado retro

I simply cannot listen to Sarah McLaughlin's songs anymore.--She's on Austin City Limits right now. I have not teared up as of yet. She is quite beautiful...She takes my breath away. The second half of the show is the hourglass figured welsh chanteuse Duffy. who basically is makin' a livin' covering old british white r and b and pop that was done by the likes of pp arnold, billie davis, lulu and dusty springfield...

Mar 22, 09 11:11 pm  · 

my wife and i had a secret getaway to lb and vado's town this weekend. (sorry, guys, but it was really kind of a secret getaway...otherwise i woulda called.)

we stayed in a great former-private-club-turned-hotel, all limestone, leaded glass, dark wood paneling, etc, right on monument circle in downtown. went to the old shrine-temple-turned-venue to see ben folds. went to an old restaurant/inn-turned chi-chi modern place called the scholar's inn for dinner.

indy has done a good job of keeping its downtown old stuff working for new uses. the weather was beautiful and parts of the city center are really nicely walkable, but then downtown is just so big and spread out that, eventually, you gotta get your car.

this was our first time both being away from our girls for 24hrs+. it was ok!

the only downside was that there was a wedding in our hotel - not in itself a bad thing. wedding was in the huge double-height lobby and the reception was on the top floor. the bad was that there were drunk people wandering the halls during the reception and having their drunk people dramas and then the after-party from the reception ended up in the room next door. 20-30 people partying until about 4am. my wife finally took a nyquil and zonked out but i stared at the ceiling until the dregs slunk away.

Mar 23, 09 7:20 am  · 
liberty bell

The Columbia, is it? Beautiful. Yay for couple weekends away from the kids, and don't feel badly about keeping it secret!

Mar 23, 09 7:36 am  · 

columbia club, yes. $100/night - i'd do it again.

Mar 23, 09 7:48 am  · 
liberty bell

I saw Ben Folds open for Neil Young in 1998-ish. He puts on a good show.

Mar 23, 09 8:05 am  · 
vado retro

steven i'm surprised i din't see ya i was down there milling around walked by the columbia club, they wanted me to join? wtf? i was the guy in the ideafest shirt. there were quite a lot of people downtown yesterday and not all of them homeless. daytrippers from kentucky mostly. and the murat is on the way home.

Mar 23, 09 9:11 am  · 
liberty bell

The stills for the Spike Jonze Where the Wild Things Are movie look fucking awesome.

Mar 23, 09 9:19 am  · 
liberty bell

I mean, just look at this, the middle image, with Max running: holy crap.

Mar 23, 09 9:25 am  · 

we spent a long time saturday sitting on the steps in the circle, warming in the sun. lots of people out there doing the same. kids in town for some music convention. italian guys going to starbucks for espresso shots (ha!).

on sunday a.m. my wife and i talked about the possibility we might see you vado (as we sat by the window at au bon pain looking out at pedestrians on meridian). but then i don't really know where you live so didn't know how close you could be. murat's a pretty good hike - you were on a nice long walk.

lb i thought about you when we were at scholar's inn. (if i'd seen some of vado's work i might have thought of him too.) the ideas are good but the execution is not so good: from materials choice to punch list. you would have done a better job.

Mar 23, 09 9:32 am  · 
vado retro

Steven, I have no "work". I live further north than the murat. maybe ten blocks or so. anyways when i think of ben folds i always think of this Song! I'm sure Ben has the record.

Mar 23, 09 9:44 am  · 
brian buchalski

despite all the bad press, detroit is doing just fine...and i wouldn't let the weather stop anyone from moving there. the cold is actually not that bad. in fact, one of the most vibrant parts of town right now is mexican town...and if the mexicans can handle the cold then i'm sure the rest of us would be fine.

Mar 23, 09 11:26 am  · 
Smokety Mc Smoke Smoke

Is it me, or are the admissions threads really quiet this year? No trolls. No backbiting. No school-bashing. So different than just three years ago.

Mar 23, 09 12:05 pm  · 

not just you smoke...

Mar 23, 09 1:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Must be the recession.

Mar 23, 09 1:25 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I've been feeling crappy since I woke up Sunday morning (actually, since late Saturday night, as I didn't get much sleep)... Sort of like you feel when you have a bad hangover and/or food poisoning, except that I haven't been drinking and I haven't eaten anything that would likely be spoiled. Like an idiot (and trying to be mindful of how much sick time I use), I went to work this morning, thinking I could tough it out. Wrong... With my head spinning, I finally threw in the towel and headed home at lunchtime. Now if my stomach will settle down long enough for me to take a nap...

Mar 23, 09 2:35 pm  · 
vado retro

i just had lunch AND coffee with lb! and then i listened to the flamin' groovies version of paint it black five times in a row. (not because i had lunch and coffee with lb but because it is an awesome version)

Mar 23, 09 2:43 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I just went to the local library to do some code research, and now have more questions than answers. I'm gonna go post them on the project thread so as not to muddy TC up.

Mar 23, 09 3:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

Really? is my banner ad?

Mar 23, 09 4:04 pm  · 

jafidler - I remember reading about that house a while back - it's just a few years old, right?

puddles - when I was growing up there the sky used to turn a lovely shade of brown in the summers, and I would get a thin coat of greasy stuff on my car. plus the air often smelled like soot or burning rubber. Last time I was there it just smelled like mud.

NYC is the worst smelling city I've ever visited (in the summers it's this foul stench of BO and rotting garbage).

There's this place in the south side of Chicago that smells like chocolate, this other place that smells like sausage - sometimes when the wind is just right you can find a zone where the smells mix...

you know it's kinda funny how I mostly remember places/events by their smells...

Mar 23, 09 6:35 pm  · 

sitting in the worldperks club with an hour before we head to the gate. the self-serve bar has a bottle of white label that I'm eying.

lunch was a spicy fish hot pot - yumm, though not very spicy - don't think I need any dinner. We've been upgraded to first class again, so at least there will be elbow room and no delay getting off the plane.

the meeting was the due diligence for a potential investor to jump start the project. So we discussed all sorts of potential liabilities, risks, and issues surrounding the project. we might have solved many of the access issues with a possible land swap. Still need the new partner to sign on so we can get paid - we're not home free yet with this project.

I'm giving in - white label here I come!

Mar 23, 09 7:05 pm  · 

When I hear Ben Folds I think of Ben Vaughn: a little Philadelphia rockabilly anyone? (he's the one in the dark shirt)

Mar 23, 09 7:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, where is everybody this morning?

I'm discovering just how much I DONT know about creating a building. I think I need to find a local, unemployed architect to help me out, but I don't know any. I met a guy at the AIA job fair, but I didnt get any contact info from him, I just remember he had a kick-ass name, and I pointed him towards this website. Crap.

Mar 24, 09 10:11 am  · 
vado retro

there's plenty of unemployed architects here who would prolly be glad to help you out sarah!

Mar 24, 09 10:15 am  · 
liberty bell

Emilio, Ben Vaughn's Rambler 65 is on heavy rotation in our house (even though we sold our 65 Rambler).

Sarah, I'm trying to clean up my desk, have a partner's meeting, and keep the dog occupied all at the same time. That's my morning. I need more coffee.

Mar 24, 09 10:15 am  · 
vado retro

we had a 61 and a 63 rambler. the 63 had a push button transmission.

Mar 24, 09 10:18 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah, I know Vado, but I feel I need someone in person, to meet with, sketch with, colaborate with, ect. You know, meet at starbucks and pretend to be fancy-smancy artists.

Good luck with all that, LB.

Mar 24, 09 10:44 am  · 

Hey TC (LiG?)-

I need some help with understanding the typical NYC/Manhattan project approval process. Who are the players? How long does it take? What does it cost? or where do I find this info?

nice to be back in the office.

Even better is that the ice is half gone from the pond in the park outside my window.

Mar 24, 09 11:10 am  · 


Mar 24, 09 11:15 am  · 

yup, loring park is melting.

Mar 24, 09 11:30 am  · 

i loved loring park. one of my favorite walks in mpls - i'd detour off my path to go through it.

Mar 24, 09 11:36 am  · 
brian buchalski

so did anybody else notice that google earth now includes mars?...or was that just something i missed when i was drunk/hungover/rehab?

Mar 24, 09 11:55 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, I've packed up the baby bottles. I am slowly getting my house back. Yeah!!!

Mar 24, 09 3:39 pm  · 

Hi all.
It has been a slow do on Archinect.

But a busy day in the office.

Also i will be in Miami this weekend. Will be seeing Madlib and other Stones Throw (record label) artists perform at a free label show....

Mar 24, 09 4:16 pm  · 

Hey folks. I'm in San Francisco for a couple of days. I won't have much time since its for work, but I don't want to leave here without seeing some good stuff. Any suggestions?

I don't necessarily mean the cool sleek contemporary stuff, it could be the old part of town, streetscapes, that kinda stuff.

Mar 24, 09 4:18 pm  · 
liberty bell

It HAS been quiet here. Spring fever maybe? I just took the dog for a quick walk in the warm sunshine. Much needed.

My CD drive in my computer is messed up, still under warranty, so I took it to the Apple Genius Bar today. The mall was dead quiet, but the Apple Store was packed. Hopefully it wasn't all people getting repairs to substandard products! As usual Apple is actually a pleasure to deal with but! remembering WonderK's problems I opted to pay for the ProCare so I can get my computer repair turned around in 48 hours max (which i will do next week - deadline one week from today so i need it this week, even w/o a CD drive).

Mar 24, 09 4:20 pm  · 
Living in Gin

TK --

I'm not sure what to tell you about getting stuff built in NYC... Most of the stuff I've been working on has been for transit and infrastructure projects in New Jersey, and an adaptive re-use in a historic district on property owned by the State of New York... None of which have actually gone to permit yet. In other words, not exactly typical commercial or residential construction. For the adaptive re-use project in Brooklyn, we had to go through the Design Commission as well as SHPO, and we'll eventually need to go through FDNY and Dept. of Buildings as well.

Mar 24, 09 4:32 pm  · 
Living in Gin

In other news, somebody recently posted some great pics of Cincinnati here and here, in addition to some more great photos I found here. Now I'm all homesick again. :(

I think I need another trip back home pretty soon, maybe later in the spring.

Mar 24, 09 4:49 pm  · 

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