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vado retro

there are several drivers stuck in the thatch. its amazing how many doofus stories there are on the news after a thatchstorm. all the reporters are out giving live updates about the difficulty in driving after a foot of thatch falls in an area that aint that used to thatch storms. its not like where i grew up where you get that lake effect thatch but here is a different story.

Jan 28, 09 12:44 pm  · 
brian buchalski

maybe earth was destroyed during the craziness of Y2K and we're all just ghosts wandering around oblivious to our own deaths...kind of like that bruce willis character in the sixth sense movie

Jan 28, 09 12:46 pm  · 
vado retro

yippie ki-aay motherfu...oh wait wrong bruce willis movie nevermind.

Jan 28, 09 12:50 pm  · 

jump, "furring for PB" - what's that?
****melt your post about beet juice reminds me of this
vado, happy belated - you really should fix your facebook page with your birthday so that you can have random people wishing you the best (even if just for a smile)
Wonder K, I hope you are just waking/or just going to sleep when you read this - but I hope you LIVE FOREVER!! That is a bit of island voodoo to undoo the voodoo he tried to spin on yoooyoo!!

Jan 28, 09 1:07 pm  · 

featured on the bacon thread thanks to the nytitmes.

no ice/thatch up here in the tundra.

Jan 28, 09 1:29 pm  · 
liberty bell

Thatch plows just barreled down our street - I'm shocked!

Angus is "stuck in quicksand...aaaahhhh!!!".

Jan 28, 09 1:36 pm  · 

That bacon monster scared the living...precisely, out of me.

Thatch. Its like a reset button, I'm all happy now. Thathchity thachterator tha thatchily.

Maybe thatch is the linguistic equivalent of November 5, 1955...

Jan 28, 09 1:36 pm  · 

I'm droooooling - that sure looks tasty!!

Jan 28, 09 1:59 pm  · 

I don't understand. Am I missing something? What is thatch? Is it a new type of precipitation that has evolved since I left the Midwest? Just like the new type of storm, "thundersnow"?

Speaking of new and dangerous things, that Bacon Explosion looks...intriguing.

Jan 28, 09 2:00 pm  · 

Check the new PS1 competition winning submission - on the Archinect front page.

Jan 28, 09 2:24 pm  · 


Jan 28, 09 2:25 pm  · 
snook_dude have some thatchise in your own back yard....they call it Plymouth village.

Jan 28, 09 2:34 pm  · 

That, yes, but looking at Manhattan...

Jan 28, 09 2:34 pm  · 

You think the material they are using will have a UL Class A rating?

Jan 28, 09 3:09 pm  · 

I did see that but I was just confused. This happens sometimes.

Jan 28, 09 3:17 pm  · 

I loved Slumdog. Absolutely loved it. The movie was able to encapsulate so many different feelings within an hour and a half time. Similar to Benjamin Button, I felt that I learned something important from the film, although I feel BB did it in a more predictable way. I adored that the cinematography of the early scenes with the kids running around the slums. I loved that the scenes were filmed at the height of the children and full of energy.

My only complaint is the bathtub scene were he yells "God is good" or something of that sort. I felt that line took away from such a critical scene. I feel silence would have been more appropriate.

Jan 28, 09 3:34 pm  · 
Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks that Slumdog wasn't the best movie EVER made.

Keep in mind that I also loved the movie Crash, which I know many people hated....

Jan 28, 09 3:40 pm  · 
liberty bell

Last night in reruns I caught (as I worked on the computer and the TV was on across the room) the Seinfeld where Elaine confesses how much she hates The English Patient. vado, I thought of you!

Jan 28, 09 3:47 pm  · 

Also this article is interesting too, especially the comments at the bottom from the Indians regarding how accurate it is. Sorry to keep talking about but it actually fascinates me a little bit...I'm starting to think about it as a little bit of a trick, like Danny Boyle was the first director to take a Bollywood film and repackage it for Western audiences successfully. It actually makes me want to watch a real Bollywood film to see how it is in comparison.

Jan 28, 09 3:48 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh and on Slumdog: have not seen it, but Danny Boyle can pretty much do no wrong in my universe, so I expect to totally love it when I finally see it on Netflix in 2 years.

Jan 28, 09 3:48 pm  · 

liberty bell! Cross posting!

I, too, love Danny Boyle. But I liked 28 Days Later better than Slumdog. Still need to see Millions.

Jan 28, 09 3:52 pm  · 
vado retro

lb you give me the english patient and i'll give you those heavy metal 80's bands...

Jan 28, 09 4:37 pm  · 
liberty bell

Interestingly*, the only music from the 80s that I listen to anymore is the New Wave and Light Rock stuff I was embarrassed about in front of my high school friends.

Except Zeppelin, of course.

*meaning it's totally not interesting at all, but I'm self-absorbed enough to post it as if anyone else would give a damn about my musical history

Jan 28, 09 4:45 pm  · 

i just learned a new word from a friend on facebook! sure to become a new entry in everyone's essential not-technically-archispeak-but-should-be-annexed vocabulary.


is that great or what?!

Jan 28, 09 4:53 pm  · 
vado retro

i love epics.

beside the ep (which i also saw on my bday with my exgf/probablynotfw during our golden age)
lawrence of arabia
doctor zhivago(maybe my favorite!!)
war and peace (the eight hour russian version!)
more recently...
a very long engagement
cold mountain
etc etc etc...

Jan 28, 09 5:04 pm  · 
vado retro

lb check your email!!!!

Jan 28, 09 5:04 pm  · 
brian buchalski

speaking of movies...a rather interesting discussion taking place on another one of my fav websites (except for their occasional god/bible references which obviously bite at my atheist ears)

Jan 28, 09 5:08 pm  · 
vado retro

yeah how could i leave out the gf. just watched it over xmas.

Jan 28, 09 5:26 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ullage? Steven, I don't get it.

vaod, what is the gf, is that a movie?

Epic movies I love:
Gone with the Wind (all time favorite movie)

That's all I can think of.

Jan 28, 09 6:37 pm  · 

I loved Slumdog and I'm not taking it back!! But it isn't a classic Bollywood film (I can recommend a classics like Taal or Mere Baap Pehle aap) rather just an Indian film, set in India dealing with real Indian issues. What is amazing about the film is that the writing and direction, without effort, has strung a thread across cultures making the film relevant to all.

Jan 28, 09 6:37 pm  · 
vado retro


Jan 28, 09 7:11 pm  · 

I love Lord of the Rings. All 9 to 13.5 hours of it.

Jan 28, 09 7:14 pm  · 

Haven't sen Slumdog, but I do have a question after watching the clip that Vado posted: what's with Bollywood movies/tv-shows and line dancing? There's a public tv station that shows that stuff and EVERY movie, tv show, or music video basically looks like a Michael Jackson video. Are they stuck in the 80's or is there some cultural significance I'm not aware of? (maybe it was MJ who ripped off Indian movies).

Jan 28, 09 7:31 pm  · 

Mmmmmm. All the sudden I have a strong craving to eat me some Indian food.

Jan 28, 09 7:47 pm  · 

i love Bollywood films, but even those films are repackaged for western tastes, the main characters - as i have been told - are not indicative of most people in India, they are generally thought to be more "western" looking, and hence "more" attractive. this was brought to my attention in college by my Indian acquaintances...

Jan 28, 09 8:01 pm  · 

Anyone else want to go postal on this organization?

I mean if I have any criticism of us, and our representative organization, it's that we don't do enough to protect our turf. These douche bags, have managed to take our money right out from under us.

Jan 28, 09 8:10 pm  · 
liberty bell

As if I couldn't adore Michelle Obama's total style more, read this bit of news from the Mrs. O website on the gift Michelle gave to Laura Bush on inauguration day:

It was a hostess gift from Mrs. O to Mrs. B, who has said that she now plans to use her time out of the White House writing her memoirs. But unlike many hostess gifts - candy, wine, flowers - this one was a highly personalized selection. It was a leather-bound journal inscribed with a quote from Louis L’Amour, the American writer known for his iconic Western novels: “There will come a time when you believe everything is finished. Yet that will be the beginning.” Accompanying the journal was a pen engraved with the date January 20, 2009. What better way to start your memoirs?

Imagine: bringing a hostess gift to the person whose house you're about to move into! There are people who teach you what class and graciousness are; this example is what I've always wanted to be like. My Southern relatives all have that warmth, I think growing up out west I instead learned to love adventure, but I strive to be that gracious.

Jan 28, 09 8:21 pm  · 

sorry, lb. my link went kaput. google 'ullage'. i promise, it's a great word!

Jan 28, 09 9:00 pm  · 

Am I the only one here who thinks Rachel Maddow is the female version of Keith Olberman and visa versa? They have the same intonation and everything. It's just eerie.

Jan 28, 09 9:46 pm  · 

that is a cool gift. To a give a truly worthwhile gift is an art form that cannot be taught.

I just went to a free concert at a coffee shop. Had two beers and came home within the hour. Cool music though reggae infused blue grass on guitar and a kete drum

Jan 28, 09 10:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oooh, indeed, I can think of many situations in an architecture critique when "ullage" could come in handy!

Jan 28, 09 11:01 pm  · 

Another reason why I'm obsessed with Michelle.

****melt - I agree, Rachel = Keith, Keith=Rachel. Love them both. It drives me insane that Rachel talks from the side of her mouth.

Jan 29, 09 12:28 am  · 

1. Oh, LB, how I *love* that Seinfeld episode -- it was like a revelation to me, that there were other people out there that hated that godawful schlocky piece of crap! (apologies to vado!) I also HATED lawrence of arabia, and I am lover of british colonialist literature / history. I'm trying to come up with a list of epics I like.

Ben Hur
Lord of the Rings
The Passion of the Christ

...I *know* there are others but all the ones I hate keep coming to mind. Howard's End (please shoot me), Titanic...

2. I completely disagree with the Maddow / Olbermann assessment. Olberman is like a rabid dog; Maddow is so calm, cool, and wry, I love her.

3. LB that Mrs. O tidbit is amazing. I feel like such a low-class hack in social situations like that. I never remember thank you notes, I can't host anything, I am terrible at introducing people or graciously mixing at parties...

Jan 29, 09 1:02 am  · 

I agree re: Michelle, and Rachel and Keith. I love them all. Movie stars don't impress me but if I ran into one of them I would probably just start thanking them profusely for, well, everything. You know what I mean.

Jan 29, 09 1:05 am  · 

PS. I'm not trying to up my post count, I swear, I just keep forgetting things...
but strangely, while I like Rachel's tone more, and how she giggles a lot, I prefer to watch Keith's show. Something about the fact that his is a Countdown, and I like lists. I know I'm weird...

Jan 29, 09 1:07 am  · 


nice set of slide photos in NYT today

Jan 29, 09 8:22 am  · 
liberty bell

I like Rachel's off-screen style of dress (very boyish and young) vs. how "sharp professional" she looks onscreen, and I think the difference shows how we are still not ready to accept non-professional dress in certain situations.

Which is FINE with me, because I think (going back to my love of graciousness) that it's important to show respect for others by dressing well, especially when one is in public. But! it concerns me that Rachel Maddow has to strongly suppress a way of dressing that could be seen as "lesbian" - even just the chunky glasses - to be seen as acceptable as a newswoman, aka a smart woman.

And I'm making too big a deal of it, I know, but I ponder these clothing-related social clues for fun. and, I really like Rachel Maddow. Olberman I've only seen specific rants on YouTube, the Prop 8 one was stunning, he's great but I don't really enjoy listening to him - too intense.

Jan 29, 09 8:29 am  · 
vado retro

i appreciate the viewpoints of rachel and keith. but i don't get cable. i only know olberman from his stint on pregame football which is absolutely fucking awful. the best lefty show is out of northwestern on the radio and is called thisishell. i am not going to speak of english patient anymore because i don't want to get mad at my archinect family. Even though i wonder about the filmic judgement of my good friends who believe that big budget saturday morning cartoons like lord of the "i just slept through the second half of every one of these" rings and brave "FREEEEEEEDOMMMM he's finally been ripped in half" heart are better than the romantic beautifully filmed wonderfully acted adventerous and epic story that is the english patient.

Jan 29, 09 8:54 am  · 
liberty bell

vado, maybe I just like battles better than kissing? I mean, long protracted humorless painfully boring self-involved preludes to then missing the opportunity to finally do some kissing?

But yeah, I hesitated to call Braveheart an epic, it could easily be called just a historical movie I guess. I'm not sure what constitutes an epic, actually, but I'm sure GWTW is one, and so was Intolerance, but I didn't enjoy it, even with the live orchestra.

Jan 29, 09 9:06 am  · 
liberty bell

And manta, I disliked Titanic, though I can appreciate it as being "epic", somewhat; I liked Howard's End, but I wouldn't call it an epic, it felt more like a small film to me.

Jan 29, 09 9:08 am  · 

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