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I mean, long protracted humorless painfully boring self-involved preludes to then missing the opportunity to finally do some kissing?

ha ha ha ha ha, this is awesome. This is exactly the reason I didn't like EP, too -- I found it self-involved and painfully protracted. I find myself finding a lot of things self-involved, though, when other people seem to like them... like Jonathon Safran Froer's and Zadie Smith's writing (eesh).

Good point - perhaps I am thinking of 'epic' wrong. I don't really know what is an epic I suppose. Vado I think the problem with Lord of the Rings is that part of the quality of it lies in its adaptation -- so you would have had to have read the books to appreciate how well they were translated for screen (in my view). This is also part of why I loved the movie "Emma" (Gwyneth Paltrow version).

It's not an epic but just to prove I don't simply dislike dramas : I loved "Queen" and "There Will Be Blood" to think of two recent examples off the top of my head. I haven't yet seen Doctor Zhivago but I've always had a feeling I would like it.

Jan 29, 09 9:17 am  · 
vado retro

i read the books. when i was 12.well if you think nothing happened in the ep then dr. z may give you the same impression although its in the snow rather than the desert.

Jan 29, 09 9:31 am  · 

Howard's end was not an epic and that was why it worked. when they tried to turn A Passage to India into an epic movie they got it all wrong because it, like all of Forster's novels, was not an epic novel.

Jan 29, 09 9:43 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I liked Dr. Z, but I think I also liked Lawrence of Arabia; sure parts of it were slow, but thats gonna happen in any movie over 3 hours long. I think thats what makes an epic. I think its got to have an intermission, and possibly something similar to acts, like in a play. But dont quote me on that.

I didnt like Gone witht he wind, but I was like 12 when I saw it, and there were better things to do after 2+ hours.

My favorites....

I dont really know. I loved Ben Hur, and just about any movie CH is in from that period. But, you know, maybe I just like classic movies. I've never seen the English Patient. Maybe I will rent it for this weekend. And I looked for a nice list, but dont agree with the movies listed as being epics. Jason and the Argonots, is that an epic? I liked it.

Jan 29, 09 10:19 am  · 

Reds? Laurence Of Arabia?

Jan 29, 09 1:27 pm  · 

Beta- I've been conscripted to work this weekend - gotta push the quest for cuban food off to another week.

Jan 29, 09 1:55 pm  · 

no problem. i am tired anyhow. what day is it?

Jan 29, 09 2:01 pm  · 

poor sun deprived minnesotians...winter has set in.

Jan 29, 09 2:25 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

A question for the cultured...

The Bertolli comercial with the chef singing opera about his it the melody from a French opera? Maybe I'm getting my operas confused.

Jan 29, 09 3:05 pm  · 

just a few classes left and im finally on my way to
architecture, i shouldve made a documentary called
"my road to Architecture" it would be about how i
sold my body to a community college

im not sure what song that is, and i hear it alot
im gonna look it up

Jan 29, 09 4:43 pm  · 

SH - I believe it's from Carmen. Don't ask me the name of the movement though.

Jan 29, 09 4:54 pm  · 

Yup. I was correct. The song is Habenara

Jan 29, 09 4:55 pm  · 

You know that lady that had 8 kids? Apparently she already had 6 at home. Who has 6 kids, and then takes drugs to have more? 8 more, even? There are no documented cases of naturally occurring octuplets. And she lives with her parents too. WTF?

Speaking of crazy people in Southern California, that guy that shot his entire family apparently made a pact with his wife to do so. As in, they DECIDED that the entire family had to die.

Sometimes I need to remind myself of all the lunatics that live out here lest I let my guard down....

Jan 29, 09 5:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah, I thought it was Carmine, which is french. Funny.

DubK, just think of it this way....The people in SC decided their entire family had to die to make room for the 8 kids. Did she really have 6 kids already? Thats just greedy. I still think that if you can't have kids on your own, then either you aren't truly ready for them, or, you should adopt. Maybe I would think differently if I were more connected to the struggle, but Im not, so I'm naive.

Jan 29, 09 5:16 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Well, Rod "Scum Dog Million-hairs" Blagojevich is out of a job today. Maybe he and Sarah Palin can start a reality show about idiot governors together.

Jan 29, 09 6:11 pm  · 

Sarah, yeah she already had 6 kids! Greedy is a good word for it.

Speaking of greedy..."Blago my eggo" .... sorry, couldn't resist. 59-0, man, they really wanted him gone, didn't they? I love that Scumdog Million-hairs thing from the Daily Show, LIG. If he and Sarah started a reality show together, let's be honest, I would watch it just for the hair.

Jan 29, 09 7:11 pm  · 

went to ULI new year party yesterday and i suddenly realised i was exhausted. like standing up suddenly after reading a book for half a day and your head is spinny, but at larger scale. way too much time in front of a computer lately. but its so strange that i didn't even notice how doggedly tired i was becoming until i was out and not focusing on work for a change. must be a psychology thing.

odd moment when i was talking to a lady who works neither in architecture nor planning, but she knew about a building i designed a few years ago here in tokyo. the design was awesome but construction was so-so and i have never felt comfortable about telling people it was mine. i kind of cringed when i admitted "yup i did that" (would i be reviled, or adored?). luckily she didn't care, cuz the point of the building for her was the stuff inside it, not the building itself. which is of course perfectly correct.

see what happens when you stay indoors all the time? makes ya crazy, i say.

Jan 29, 09 7:31 pm  · 
liberty bell

jump, I'm suffering the same right now from trying to put together a Kraftmaid kitchen. it would be easy to just toss a bunch of parts together; trying to do it with finesse is what is hard. We've typically done super-high-end European cabinets or totally custom cabinets, so trying to get a custom look from Kraftmaid is a challenge. And I feel like I'm totally immersed in it right now, like once it's finished I won't know what to with myself.

Jan 29, 09 8:06 pm  · 

LB that is a feeling i know well. am sure there is a term for it. the ennui of a project finished or something similar.

the only time i didn't really feel that was with PhD dissertation. not sure if its because writing is less fun than design or because technically i am still working on it (writing short articles for journals and shit)...

we stopped using manufactured kitchens last year. We found out we could make our own for the same cost by going directly to a furniture maker we know. This came as a shock to us, but the designs have been getting better. A kitchen alone can almost be "architecture" that way. it would be fun to try to get as strong an effect with prefab components. If you figure it out hope you will share pictures.

Jan 29, 09 9:43 pm  · 

I've had the same realization with custom v. "ready-made" kitchen cabinetry. Another area where this ended up being true was in wood windows... if you really want what you want, then getting Marvin or Pella to make it even moderately close to your spec / design is way more expensive than just getting the windows custom-built. This depends on you having a window-maker in your town though.

Ok, so if EM Forster's novels are not epics, then what is an epic? I guess I don't know.

Jan 29, 09 10:14 pm  · 

DubK - please excuse the language I'm about to use but are you fucking kidding me? She already had 6 kids and she lives with her parents? That is just plaing wrong on so many levels I can't even go there.

SH - For whatever reason I always thought Carmen was an Italian Opera. Oops. Just goes to show I don't know my romance languages.

My clients had their Open House this evening. The place looks fantastic. Though I played it low key I still got quite a few compliments and oeverheard many others raving about the design, the finishes, etc. Made me pretty much beam :o) We might get a possible client from it too. YIPPEE!!!!

Anyhoo - I'm dead tired. Off to bed

Jan 29, 09 10:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

Congrats on a good evening and the thrill of seeing your work done well, melt!

We're in a weird cabinet place right now. The Euro lines have turned out to be too expensive for a lot of our current clients, plus typically have 16 week lead time, yeah right! The all-custom cabinetmaker we've been using for the last ten years has been slipping in attention to detail lately so we've decided not to work with him on this job because we just don't have time for the hand holding we've had to do on the last few jobs. But I've now spent hours and hours figuring out the damn Kraftmaid ordering codes, I wonder which approach is a bigger time suck! We'll see what the budget comes back when I finally get the order put together...One big plus is that our contractor is a master, so he'll be able to install to cover up any mistakes or weaknesses in the system.

I'm sort of a geek about systems things, though. I love the notion of a world where everything fits together just so and you can recombine things in all kinds of ways.

Ugh, too tired to finish the electrical plan tonight. Will have to bang it out in the morning. Now I need some Kahlua...g'night all!

Jan 29, 09 11:20 pm  · 

courtesy of the Daily Show guest tonight, three books that look depressingly fascinating to me: P W Singer

Think I'll start with the robots one and work backward. Maybe I'll get lucky and never make it to the Children one. :-/

Jan 29, 09 11:25 pm  · 

mantaray: would you say that Room With a View is an epic novel? I don't think it is. Merchant-Ivory understood Forster; David Lean did not.

Jan 30, 09 7:34 am  · 

What actually constitutes an epic? I've never understood that term.

Jan 30, 09 8:23 am  · 

An epic encapsulates the narrative of an age and is mythological in its undertones, illustrating ...'spiritual' lessons about self as a whole, culture as a whole and world as a whole.

Jan 30, 09 9:32 am  · 

Hey - its friday! Whose for cocktails!?

Jan 30, 09 9:35 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Melt, according to what I could find....

An epic is a story that encompasses several deep sub plots, and its plot is typically based on an event or time, and not so much a character. Does that make sense? Like a movie that has multiple movies inside, but are still all connected. Theyre suppose to be very complicated.

Jan 30, 09 9:55 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, Peri, we cross posted. Your definition sounds so much smarter than mine.

Jan 30, 09 9:58 am  · 

ugh- I haven't touched cad in over 6 months and have been conscripted to help with a deadline. WTF happened to ACAD 2005 on my computer - now I have to deal with v2009 and can't remember any old commands, the icons have changes, and everything else looks strange! its going to be a long weekend. why can't software companies leave well enough alone?

Jan 30, 09 10:04 am  · 

ahhh, found the 'classic' setting thanks to a colleague. my day is looking up.

Jan 30, 09 10:34 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive...but being hungover is becoming far too common of afeeling...

...time to start drinkgin again i guess

Jan 30, 09 10:50 am  · 
liberty bell

I'll be up for cocktails the moment I finish my meeting with the contractor to go over electrical and cabinets, a meeting I've had to delay twice already as it's taking so damn long to sort it all out!

I'll let you know, peridot, when that moment arrives.

Jan 30, 09 11:05 am  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats, tuna (you'll always be "tuna" to me)... It's nice to be appreciated once in a while. This week hasn't gone nearly as well for me, but I suppose it could be worse. At least I still have a job for now.

I'm alternately infuriated/amused with one or two Republican/Libertarian trolls who seem to inhabit every internet discussion board I frequent. Limbuagh, Hannity, or O'Reilly will typically spew some right-wing talking point one day, and like clockwork, the trolls spew the exact same talking point on the internet the next day, almost verbatim. I wonder if that chip implant ever causes a rash.

Jan 30, 09 11:35 am  · 

Hey sarah - we are most smartest together! I'm still working on being the best damn tapper...(bonus shots to whoever can source that quote).

Puddles - I'll just start and IV for ya. And lib - contractors love cocktails. 6-pack cocktails, but hey, sauce is sauce. But let me know when you are ready for yours - I can manifest anything we need.

Jan 30, 09 11:37 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

OK ladies...

I'm having the mothers over for lunch tomorrow to plan Abram's birthday (dont ask). Husband will be gone, so I want to make a nice ladies lunch. I checked out vegetable lasagna, but dont want to make bechemel, and dont have all the herbs to make rattaoiue. So any suggestions? I'm heading to the store soon, so make them quick.

Oh, and I'm going to rent the English Patient to see whats all the fuss about.

Jan 30, 09 11:58 am  · 

Hahah! Sarah - if you are having ladies over for lunch and "EP" its safe to assume you just need some pints of B&J.

If you are going to the store, pick up herbs for Rattytootie.

Jan 30, 09 12:00 pm  · 

Road trip for me this afternoon. I have to drive down to the Connecticut Shore so no drinking here. I was thinking about stopping by the Casino on the way home....but I would just loose I have talked myself out of it. It would also make the trip a little bit to long for a Friday.

Cheers and Bottoms UP!

Jan 30, 09 12:08 pm  · 

hi - I am alive (so is the sos grandma)

Treekiller I share your pain, and think software companies like car manufacturers like to, excuse my language, fuck with their consumers. A version the very next year is ONLY new because it is a year later but they've moved everything around simply to mess with us.

And that lady whose had 8 more kids should be sterilised by the state. Similarly sex offenders.

hi ****melt congrats about the open house did you have a rugged hot date to accompany you?

Jan 30, 09 12:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, sorry, the EP is just for me tonight. I wouldnt make them watch that. They're just coming to plan the party. Someday, I'll get to plan it myself, and not have to compromise and run interference.

Jan 30, 09 12:23 pm  · 

Thanks LIG and Atechno - it's my first official interior design project I've ever headed up so hearing nice things just helps me know that perhaps I did choose the correct career path after all

HA Atechno!!! I actually casually invited him on the way out last evening. Unfortunately he had to get prepared to visit his sibling this weekend. Email ya later.

Jan 30, 09 12:37 pm  · 

Oops. I'm nit trying to up my post count but I forgot something.

Peridot/SH - That's what I pretty much thought what an epic is/was. After all who wasn't required to read parts of the Illiad? Or was my high school just that nerdy?

Jan 30, 09 12:48 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'd gladly be your date if I lived about 700 miles closer!

Okay, I've got the itch to take a week-long vacation back to London sometime this summer. This would be my first real vacation (excluding weekend trips and periods of unemployment) since 2001, which was when I took my first trip to London.

In casually looking at round-trip airfares from NYC during the first week of August, most of the airlines like British Airways, Virgin Atlantic, United, etc. offer fares in roughly the $700-900 range, plus taxes and fees. Not cheap, but that's about what I was expecting.

Air India, though, is offering a $245 fare (plus taxes and fees). Assuming this isn't some glitch in the software, what's the deal? Has anybody flown Air India? It seems like a good deal, but I can't help but have visions of the trains in India where people are riding on the roof of the vehicle and carrying livestock on board. Please tell me I'm wrong.

I can't buy a ticket now anyway, but the low price jumped out at me.

Jan 30, 09 12:52 pm  · 
Siah Armajani

just walked into our office to have lunch with some folks.

Jan 30, 09 12:57 pm  · 

It was fairly standard in a few classes I took in HS - who the hell knows, now, though.

Jan 30, 09 12:57 pm  · 

And THIS is why people should get a license to have children!

Yep that's right folks, Mama declared bankruptcy a year and half ago, then went and got herself some IVF, all 8 embryos took, and her poor father has to GO BACK TO IRAQ to earn money for the family. And where's the dad, huh? Nowhere to be found it seems. Social services, anyone?!?

Dear god. You know who I feel sorry for, the hospital staff. They did such a great job with such a difficult situation. But seriously.

Jan 30, 09 12:59 pm  · 

K - been discussing this in my office all morning. Its REALLY inappropriate. Great - you can breed, bravo. Now stop and think for a moment about the 6 other children, who I am sure are also perfect angels, you have to feed/clothe/educate/and (should) try to raise as worthwhile human beings.

'Social services, anyone?!?"

Yes please!

Jan 30, 09 1:02 pm  · 

BAM! 1st on new page again!

Jan 30, 09 1:03 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Jan 30, 09 1:06 pm  · 

peridot - I mean, god bless the babies but there was obviously a breakdown in responsibility at some point here. How was she able to pay for the procedure if she declared bankruptcy? And what fertility clinic actually implanted 8 embryos in a 35-year-old woman with 6 children at home, one of whom is just 2 years old?

Watch the video on that link, her father is apparently a native of Iraq and has to go back to make money, since he can't find work here. That's a whole other clusterf*ck conversation waiting to happen....

Jan 30, 09 1:12 pm  · 

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