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vado retro

it is snowing now. i often never have my heat on. i like to wear a stocking cap in the crib. i also have a johnson mill woolen throw which is an old school snuggie.

Jan 27, 09 1:10 pm  · 

Living in a drafty older house (with insulation & good windows) - the biggest culprits for air infiltration is the back door (has weather striping, but doesn't get a good seal), and the downdraft exhaust duct for the stove - the floor in front of the range is 20 degrees colder then elsewhere. Upstairs is cozy, but the first floor living spaces are much, much colder. Without the gas fireplace, we'd need to have the thermostat set for 80 to keep the livingroom/kitchen near 68-70.

At least the radiators don't clunk like in the last place we lived. (now that was a drafty house). Last winter we had a few gas bills for $300, this winter they're half that even with the gas fireplace and washing diapers in hot water every few days.

There was a round of discussions on types of insulation on COTE Forum few weeks back. it was pointed out that insulation can cause/trap condensation and create mold/rotting in older buildings. Just think of all the EIFS projects that didn't last 5 years versus the uninsulated castles that have been around for 1000s.

Calling RATIONALIST - I need your help figuring out what to call the folks that do this. Okay, it's not just information architecture, graphic design, or multimedia design. So what are they calling this?

Jan 27, 09 1:12 pm  · 
it was pointed out that insulation can cause/trap condensation and create mold/rotting in older buildings.

yes. believe me, i don't like that my house has so little insulation. but i've investigated a bunch of ways that i might insulate without doing more harm than good and they are few and they are expensive and intrusive.

step #1: tear out all of the plaster and lath throughout the house.

i hate that i talk to peope about sustainable construction and then have a house that oozes energy out through its pores. best defense i have is, to quote facebook: 'it's complicated.'

Jan 27, 09 1:19 pm  · 

The icy mix has started to come down and the guys have cleared us to leave. Wish me luck.

Jan 27, 09 2:43 pm  · 
brian buchalski

heating is not always so bad. an old man froze to death for failing to pay his heating bill (in my & chili davis's hometown nonetheless)

also, many of you will find this offensive but i do recommend wearing belts as long as hoodlums like this roam the streets with video cameras...or you could just pre-empt their nasty efforts and forego wearing pants altogether like i usually do. people do tend to keep their distance from me, fwiw

Jan 27, 09 2:57 pm  · 
Living in Gin

We're supposed to get blasted with the dreaded snow/sleet/rain icy mix tomorrow... Of course, I'm scheduled to be outdoors all day taking field measurements at an above-ground subway station.

Jan 27, 09 3:03 pm  · 
liberty bell

Woohoo! Nothing like a survey site visit in icy crappy weather! ;-)

Jan 27, 09 3:23 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK, you're using cloth diapers? Hows that going?

Jan 27, 09 4:46 pm  · 

I was out doing a little site surveying today. Slip-Sliding_away!
I alway try to do it in the middle of the day cause it isn't so cold.

Our Stone House is heated with Hot Water boiler cast iron Radiators with one zone for our house. The thermostat is located in the living room. They make very little noise. I purchased some of the foil bubble insulation years ago and we put it between the wall and each radiator in order to keep from loosing heat out of the windows.

We also have Steel sash casement windows, with internal storm windows made up of aluminum storm window stock. There is a 6"
air space and I put round poly foam gasket material in the track to
cut down on the infiltration.

We have a 5'-0" radiator under our office desks so it is always nice and toasty in the office even if the heat is turned down.

We close off the door to the living room at night and set everything at 60 degrees. During the day we close off our main bedroom. So at night we pile the covers deep and with all four of us in one room, the temp seems to maintain itself even on cold nights. That is the Mrs....and the two dogs in their crates.

Living in a stone house one does learn that when the sun is shining even on a cold day the house seems alot warmer. When we have over cast cold days it always seems alot colder in the house.

We have a 12/12 roof pitch and the living room, office and bedroom are vaulted ceilings. I have often thought about suspended ceiling fans, but wiring them would be a pain and well I'm just not that fond of them from an architectural point of view.

We do have a wood burning fireplace, which we have used alot more this winter because of our fallen tree, but I have used up all the wood I hand split and well I'm at a point that I have to rent a wood splitter to do the rest so it will wait till Spring or at least till it is a bit warmer before I undertake that task.

I did have the Ingnitor go on the furnace this week. We had it changed last March so I was a bit pissed. The guy came and changed it and wrote it up as a unwarrantied product. I call the owner of the business and gave him a piece of my mind as they were the same guys who installed the one last Spring. I ask him if it wasn't under warranty, and he said well they warranty them for like 30 days so no it isn't under warranty. I told him I sure wasn't happy to hear that so he said he would pull the invoice and take a look at it. Which he did and then he called me back and said he could knock 50 percent of the cost of the ignitor.

They did not install the same manufacturer ignitor as the one they took out. They are using a new manufacturer because of the problems they have had with the manufacturer they had installed before. The units weren't holding up.

Well I googled the manufacturer and got an 800 phone number and gave a call and guess what.....the fricking thing has a three year warranty. So guess who I will be talking to once I get the bill. If I get shit I will be talking to the Attorney Generals office....cause damn this just isn't right!

Jan 27, 09 4:58 pm  · 

Good afternoon everyone.

Well I was going to leave the Facebook madness behind me, until I woke up this morning to find a profanity-laced message in my Facebook inbox from the Rush Limbaugh-loving troll that I just defriended calling me a hypocrite, a c**t, and something else....oh and then he told me he wished I would die! Isn't that nice?! So I wrote him back, reminding him that I had never once in this exchange called him a name or wished him ill-will, and that I was just looking for his opinion, which he never gave. After which I reported him for harassment and blocked him.

Needless to say I could use some happy thoughts today. It's not every day you wake up to a message from someone saying they wished you would die!

Hope everyone stays safe in the ice and snow and cold.

Jan 27, 09 5:10 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Didn't Woody Allen say something like, "There's no point in arguing with a Nazi. Just grab a baseball bat."

Jan 27, 09 5:31 pm  · 

DubK - you can always block the person then report them if you feel so behooved.

I grew up with hot water radiators. God I miss them :o(

Here's a question for all you who live in wintry weather states. Do you leave the snow on the ground and shovel it after th ice comes through or do you shovel before the ice starts. I did the latter. I am now second guessing my decision. I wish I had beet juice.

Jan 27, 09 6:31 pm  · 

DubK - you can always block the person then report them if you feel so behooved.

I grew up with hot water radiators. God I miss them :o(

Here's a question for all you who live in wintry weather states. Do you leave the snow on the ground and shovel it after th ice comes through or do you shovel before the ice starts. I did the latter. I am now second guessing my decision. I wish I had beet juice.

Jan 27, 09 6:31 pm  · 

God only knows what they are putting on the Roads in Connecticut....but the State Government is in the Financial
S**t House. I'm sure it cost alot more than Salt and yup
it is most likely Chemically made so more enviormentally
friendly but it leaves the roads and all cars WHITE!

Jan 27, 09 6:37 pm  · 
Living in Gin

One of my apartments in Chicago had hot water radiators, and I'm realizing that they were much better than steam. The heat was more consistent throughout the day, and they didn't make nearly as much of a racket.

Jan 27, 09 6:42 pm  · 

WonderK, some people are scary.

****melt, I love Buddies. I hope you love it to death.

vado, when is your birthday? The magical world of facebook has not mentioned it.

Jan 27, 09 6:42 pm  · 

I need advice. Please.

I have a job interview tomorrow with a bougie catering company. The head honcho saw my resume and emailed me last Thursday asking if a Wednesday morning meeting was good for me. I responded back within the hour and told him it worked for me and asked where to meet (catering company has 2 kitchens and 1 restaurant - all different locations of town). No response.

I emailed today to confirm our meeting and, again, asked where we would meet. No response. The interview is at 10 am tomorrow. Assuming he doesn't respond, do I assume he isn't interested in meeting? Do I show up at one of the kitchens?

I don't have his direct phone number and am hesitant to call feeling I'd be pestering him.

I forgot to mention, I really need a job.

Jan 27, 09 6:50 pm  · 
vado retro

the rabbit is at rest. rip john updike...

n_____________________________. i would just show up. my bday was sunday. i b fiddy.

Jan 27, 09 6:53 pm  · 

Happy Birthday, Mr. Retro.

Jan 27, 09 6:55 pm  · 
vado retro

thanks!!! i saw slumdog millionaire on my bday. it was awesome!

so the capital improvement board that runs the new football stadium, basketball arena, convention center and triple a baseball field is projecting a deficit of 45 million dollars !!! it amazes me how fucked up things can get and nobody seems to take a hit for it except joe taxpayer...

Jan 27, 09 7:00 pm  · 

N_ if you really need a job i would go to the meeting.
Maybe the interviewer just hasn't been able to get to their email yet?

Happy B-day vado.

Also, i miss radiators. It seems like every house i lived in up north as a kid had them. But none do in the south. Which i suppose makes sense.
Aesthetically i think they are purty....

Jan 27, 09 7:37 pm  · 

oh vado, I'm sorry I missed it, happy birthday!

n_, did he ever mention where to meet? That's a tough one. It sounds like he was very vague in his original meeting. Maybe you could drop by the restaurant tomorrow morning, mention that he had asked to meet you but you never heard back, and say that you were "just in the neighborhood"? Or something? Maybe?

Jan 27, 09 7:53 pm  · 

Happy belated birthday vado!!!!

n__ are one of these locations consiered the headquarters? I'd call or go there

Jan 27, 09 8:03 pm  · 
liberty bell

DubK, here is a link to a story on the web designers who made the NYTimes interactive graphs so fun. Thought of you as soon as I saw it, though you probably already know about it.

Jan 27, 09 8:41 pm  · 

LIG - I dig the glasses.

Thanks for the advice people.

Jan 27, 09 9:10 pm  · 
vado retro

thanks tc'erz!

Jan 27, 09 9:14 pm  · 

happy birthday, vado! in belated honor of your birthday, we belatedly went to see slumdog millionaire tonight.

just in case anyone ever wondered, getting out and leaving two toddlers at home is exciting enough. free babysitter is pretty exciting, too. seeing a movie when you haven't seen many in the past three years is exciting. but going out in an ICE STORM when you really shouldn't be driving at all makes it that much more exciting! and we had popcorn and snowcaps. living large, guys...

Jan 27, 09 10:02 pm  · 

Glad to hear you made it home safely SW. Ice storms rock!!!!

Jan 27, 09 10:18 pm  · 

archi, there could be a good reason for lack of insulation in japan, something about condensation in the walls or something perhaps, but i kind of doubt it. humidity is very high here so ventilation is super impt but insulation in our concrete walled flat is about 15mm thick. concrete is 200mm, then furring for PB which is probably thicker than the insulation ;-) so the walls are damn cold. our windows also hail from the 60's and are single pane aluminium no thermal break type. condensation city. the building seems to be OK as long as earthquake doesn't take us out, cause maintenance is very well done, but it is still cold enough. like i said, space age and stone age go together here quite comfortably and without apparent irony. it is a very strange thing...

our wc is older version of this. wash hands in top part, as it refills tank. The seat is a bit different than this cuz it is heated and thus needs electrical plug and other attachments. We shut off heater in summer time. I will not get into other weird things such as why the toilet comes with a remote control. But it does. ;-)

our laundry machine is also designed to run on bath water. baths in japan are to be used communally after washing off in shower so that is not as odd as it sounds and is relatively common practice. What is amazing is that NO ONE HAD TO FORCE THE COMPANIES TO DO THIS STUFF. It's consumer driven.

could it ever happen in America?

Jan 27, 09 10:28 pm  · 
vado retro

thanks steven!
i really enjoyed slumdog but i was having such a good time talking to manta that when my friend silent bob showed up and manta went skipping away( i saw you!) we arrived late at the flick. since it was chicago i had figured that most people had seen it already. but it was packed! we sat in the second row and damn my back was killing me from tilting back in the chair to see the film. i havent seen any of the other nominees but that should win win win best picture.

Jan 27, 09 11:17 pm  · 

lb! I had not seen that article, thank you! Awesome.

vado, I have seen Frost/Nixon, Slumdog Millionaire, and Benjamin Button. I liked them all but frankly I liked BB better than Slumdog. Perhaps because I had read reviews for both, and those tainted my opinions, I don't know. I think that I felt a little disappointed by Slumdog actually, as I had read reviews that made me think it was the best film that had ever been made EVER, and I just didn't get that feeling from it.

jump, I might enlist your help for a feature on my web site when I launch it. Any day now. I swear.

Jan 28, 09 12:30 am  · 

no worries wk. just drop a line.

am looking forward to its launch!

i have not seen ANY of those movies. Hancock just came out and we are renting that tonight. probably those new films will be available sometime next year in theaters in japan. translation is such a bitch apparently.

Jan 28, 09 2:51 am  · 

luckily i hadn't seen reviews. i had heard little bits about each.

benjamin button was sweet/pleasant. the cinematography was equisite and it made me miss new orleans.

slumdogs maintained an intensity through the whole thing that we really liked. the editing was unlike anything i'm used to in a feature-length, and it helped sustain the pace.

having only seen these two movies this year, though, i'm probably not really qualified to judge.

Jan 28, 09 7:58 am  · 
liberty bell

Snow day today! Another one. I'm ready for spring.

Jan 28, 09 8:05 am  · 

"Were looking at snow which will turn to ice later in the day. I guess I will make a liqour store run early!"

Dr Architect Space Planner

Jan 28, 09 8:49 am  · 
liberty bell

Just put some scones in the oven - maybe a mimosa is in order this morning, right snook?

Jan 28, 09 9:08 am  · 

It is a coming snow dogs....they are loving it!

Jan 28, 09 9:23 am  · 
vado retro

the weather men were right for once. its pretty snowy out there. nothing like my birthday in 1978 though. now that was a blizzard.
slumdog was full of action, humor and hit many serious cultural issues as well. i couldn't help thinking about how a couple of years ago that lil girl was nominated for an oscar in lil miss sunshine for basically just screaming and being a bad dancer. those kids in slumdog were fantastic. i also loved the editing, the way the subtitles were done and the dancing at the end! was it the greatest movie ever? no. was it great? yes.

Jan 28, 09 9:24 am  · 

Mmmm scones.

I saw Frost/Nixon and Slumdog. Both were equally good, although the Bollywood ending in Slumdog pushed it slightly ahead. I'm a sucker for song and dance.

Jan 28, 09 9:25 am  · 
vado retro
Jan 28, 09 9:50 am  · 

Morning all.
I have Thurs and Fri off because i am goign to be attending (only as a guest/interested party) a conference at the local uni on the Urban divide in Latin America.
It is being cohosted by the Latin American Studies Center and the College of Design. Should be very interesting.

Also is it my imagination or was Orhan's Elseplace logo recently switched from being red to gray scale?

Orhan, anyone?

Jan 28, 09 9:52 am  · 

it's funny that the closing credits of slumdog come up in most conversations about it. the movie was so much more/better than that for me. the dance scene was just sort of a fun release at the end.

that said, the director's description of the difficulties of shooting the scene on fresh air was pretty interesting. osha would NOT approve.

Jan 28, 09 9:56 am  · 

Good morning all - 2 inches of snow this morning, not bitter cold, good walk into work. The town has taken to using sand instead of salt-compound on the streets - which is divine considering it seems to be clump the snow into wet slush which doesn't melt. Watching the streets is like watching people put furniture on blankets to re-arrange a room. Scary!

Jan 28, 09 9:59 am  · 
vado retro

yeah well when the actors come on a tv show rather than talk about things like crushing poverty we talk about dancing.

Jan 28, 09 10:17 am  · 

hello tc! good morning and long time no see. i am back in the northeast, with a bit of cabin fever with the snow falling after spending a month in warm weather. well we had tons of rain down in south america also, so actually in some ways quite similar, but warm.

Jan 28, 09 10:20 am  · 

[ps. i really want to see slumdog millionare]

Jan 28, 09 10:21 am  · 
liberty bell

Instead of snow, let's talk thatch!

Jan 28, 09 10:25 am  · 

ooh, i like this one. let's hope it turns out.

Jan 28, 09 10:37 am  · 

Indeed - thatch needs to rise on up! Hope it won't blow out with a hearty gust though...

Jan 28, 09 10:38 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Husband has half a snow day here as well! I still took Abe across the street, though. Too bad its not going to be a full snow-day.

Jan 28, 09 12:09 pm  · 

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