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I can't wait until we meet again!! ID Fes 09??

Jan 23, 09 11:40 pm  · 
liberty bell

Absolutely, I'm looking forward to it already.

Jan 23, 09 11:43 pm  · 

I grew up with the knowledge that fig newtons were named for my home town. or were they? ever hear of fudge brooklines, or peanut brightons? supposedly, nebisco was naming cookies for boston suburbs for a while - the only hit was the fig bar...

wK - does that mean you're going political?

Jan 24, 09 10:13 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Melt, I have an even better walmart story than that...

One year for Christmas, my grandmother gave us all books of 50 $1 bills. It was bound like a notepad/hall pass booklet; pretty cool. I took my sister to Walmart to get some things, and when she went to pay, she starts pulling the dollar bills out of this book. She hands them over to the lady in the pharmecy check out, who then walks away. We wait FOREVER. About 7 minutes or so go by, and the lady comes back. Says it will just be a minute. So we wait. Another 10 minutes or so go by, and a cop walks up. He comes over to ask where we got the money, ect. We tell him that Granna got it at the bank. He told us all the serial numbers were in order, and they weren't quite cut straight, so it looked suspicious. Then, he let us go. We pulled all the money OUT of the books after that.

On the pizza...

THe cust turned out perfect. It was the exact same crunchy chewy crust that you find in Rome. I was so pleased with myself, that I had a hard time eating for all the smiling. The topping wasnt so roman, half was margherita, and the other was cheese and green olives, which was good, but too american. I know, they have the Margherita style in rome, I know it originated in Italy, and was named for Queen Margherita in Naples, but it just wasnt what i wanted. I'm going to top more crust with zucchini and tomatos tonight; maybe that will help. Wish I could find that AMAZING sausage they use in rome. Its so much better than that 'Italian' sausage we get here. It was like a cross between summer sausage and good south-texas-polish sausage. MMMMMMM.

Jan 24, 09 10:26 am  · 
brian buchalski

is a fudge brookline anything like an alabama hot pocket? (i don't recommend googling those)

on seperate note, detroitbloggerjohn strikes again with an excellent piece on fresh">]fresh coons & blues music on detroit's westside. video is excellent.

Jan 24, 09 10:49 am  · 

there was a one big bump and nothing really shook. it was just under our neighborhood, or just west of it. i hate this type because a bigger one usually follows. not fun...
+, a troubling earthquake pattern?!

Jan 24, 09 1:22 pm  · 

Orhan that's weird, I thought I felt something Friday night but nothing moved, so I just let it go. We really are seeing a lot of action lately, eh?

Jan 24, 09 2:03 pm  · 
for orhan

and any other crafty archinecteurs.

Jan 24, 09 7:16 pm  · 

Why's it so quiet here today? I'm lonely. My roommate's gone for the weekend and all I have to keep me company is the kitty that I'm allergic to. I wish I had more friends here. I think that's part of my problem actually, I don't have too many friends here that share my craving for subways and Sunday brunch. :o/

Jan 24, 09 8:05 pm  · 

PS. I totally rearranged my pictures and any potentially dangerous objects due to earthquake paranoia today. In addition to working my fanny off for my web site. Ugh.

Jan 24, 09 8:06 pm  · 

so wK, are you going to apply to the LA city gig?

Jan 24, 09 8:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

How dorky is this? My boys are at Monster Jam so I have an exceptionally rare evening on my own. What am I doing? Drinking wine and watching the Miss America pageant! It's totally ridiculous, most of these girls look so scary-plastic. But I like Miss Pennsylvania and, surprisingly, Miss Hoosier.

DubK, you need to get out!

Jan 24, 09 8:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hey, Miss Kentucky is a finalist! She;a quite charming.

Jan 24, 09 8:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh my god they have a three-way mirror for the swimsuit competition - why not just stick a damn stripper's pole out there?!

Yes, I am conflicted about Miss America.

Jan 24, 09 8:40 pm  · 

lb, check your mwharris e-mail.
barry, that's an interesting link. they are really supportive of those kind of projects in istanbul. all those places are covered with snow and ice in the winter.
wk, when is your work load is getting lighter?
you should eventually join us. this will start next week and repeat once a month.

Dear Friends,

At the latest since December 2008 it has become apparent that architecture has come to a pause. Projects put on hold, staff cut in most all offices and the seeming absence of any work testify to the fact that the construction boom that culminated in 2006 is over. The global economic crisis, the ensuing financial starvation is being felt across in the field.

But what is this architecture that is now being starved of financing?

Chatty superstar architecture bundled into a new Las Vegas City Center; the instant urbanism of the Grove, or the lack thereof at LA Live; condo-projects dense as the Death Star; a bit of facade applied to a new office tower; the zombies of Italianate homes creeping through our neighborhoods. Architectural frivolity on one side, maximum return on the other.

Amidst grim news trickling through offices my friend Orhan Ayyüce and I have decided to talk about the future of architecture, how architecture can be more relevant and how more people can benefit from architecture.

Please join us in our discussion. The Salon Local d’Architecture Progressive will meet on Saturday, January 31st at 2 pm at the Venice Grind Café's back patio.

Martin Leitner

Saturday, January 31st, 2 pm
Venice Grind
12223 Venice Boulevard
(one block east of Centinela)

Jan 24, 09 8:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

Orhan, I saw your email this afternoon, was floored by it, forwarded it to my partner, and have been busy all day so have not responded with an appropriately generous reply. Thank you for it. More privately.

Also, the coffee-talk for architects is a great idea. A local architect here in town and I are getting together for coffee this week for the same reason - just to talk and be supportive of one another. He and I do somewhat similar work, in fact it would not be unlikely that we would be competing for the same job, but e both have said we feel there is enough work to go around and we're better off knowing each other and sharing information than not. We're trying to get other architects involved too. We all need each other.

Woo, talent competition starting! Contemporary ballet!

Jan 24, 09 9:09 pm  · 
liberty bell

The contemporary ballet is really bad.

Jan 24, 09 9:09 pm  · 

ahahah, LB.

me, i can't watch that stuff. its worse than porn and the women always slightly gross and weirdly beautiful. it makes me worry for my girls in a vague way.

we are doing same thing here in tokyo Orhan. We call meeting the Tonkatsu senate. Tonkatsu is type of japanese fast food. we go to place in shinjuku that makes the food as art (japanese restaurants in general are ALL awesome anyway) - and then we talk shop and what to do with our careers. late 30 somethings, all of us, we are wondering where to go next. sometimes the world seems wide open, sometimes it seems like its just the opposite.

this summer we will deliver papers that partially emerged from our talking, at conference in israel (assuming it is still there by then). is great way to keep from becoming too insulated, and beer makes it more fun.

Jan 24, 09 9:30 pm  · 

barry, I'll apply. I'm grossly underqualified, but I'll apply :o)

Orhan, I will join you for the February get together, if you'll have me? It sounds great. My work will hopefully ease up by then....

lb, my "getting out" for the evening will involve a movie of some sort. And dinner. I almost forgot! Dinner! Wow it's sad when mediocre frozen meals get me excited....

Jan 24, 09 9:54 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh my god Miss Indiana FTW!!!

That's a big f'ing bouquet. But she's adorable. Good for her, just brought home $50K in scholarship money.

Jan 24, 09 9:59 pm  · 
liberty bell

Just changed the channel and found women's figure skating!! How lucky am I?!?!

Jan 24, 09 10:04 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I just watched Apocalypse Now on DVD. Think I need a drink.

Jan 25, 09 1:13 am  · 
larslarson stint at being unemployed has come to an end temporarily. i get to
work on a project with a former coworker...finishing up a library...and getting
paid as a consultant and hourly! it's nice..cause there's no promise of future
employment after three weeks..but i'm not worried about it for some reason. is good for the time being.

treekiller...i didn't realize you were from newton...i'm from needham.

Jan 25, 09 1:50 am  · 

Hi TC,
I am finally getting around to repainting my kitchen.
I tried to do it yesterday but the leftovers of the original color (sea foam green) had gone bad (read chemical unstable) after so many months of cold and hot weather (it was on my back porch) and left weird drippy pattern marks from color separation on the walls.

So i got to go and get more paint. Decided to switch colors so i wouldn't have to touch up the walls so often (from scratches, oil splats etc) Decided to get a glossy (so we could clean it easier) paint and went with a light mocha color.

That is all.

Great news Lars..

Jan 25, 09 11:01 am  · 

lb- $50k/year is exploitation of ms. america. makes me wonder why women don't get equal pay.

lars -class of newton south '90. any confirmation of the fig newton myth?

Jan 25, 09 12:06 pm  · 

hi all. Had a great evening with friends and a few jugs of mojitos (made with overproof rum). Thinking of applying for a job at PriceWaterhouseCooper as a Project Manager - sigh what has the world come to?

Jan 25, 09 1:36 pm  · 

tk.....I don't know about fig newtons....but I do recall the NECCO company building and sign when you would drive into boston. I always thought it was a strange candy. It was kinda like taking a communion wafer.

Jan 25, 09 1:51 pm  · 
brian buchalski
Amidst grim news trickling through offices my friend Orhan Ayyüce and I have decided to talk about the future of architecture, how architecture can be more relevant and how more people can benefit from architecture.

architecture will be more relevant when it's start to embrace the destruction of the planet in favor of an artificial ideal. all of the "green" and "sustainability" talk is as disingenuous as a vegetarian butcher...we're only kidding ourselves

Jan 25, 09 2:43 pm  · 

sbd- not to rub salt in your wound, but the LAtimes profiles one of the principals of the LA office of your former firm.

Jan 25, 09 3:07 pm  · 

wikipedia says the fig newton is indeed named after newton.. but
it was named before nabisco was around...national biscuit company

i graduated '91 out of needham high.

Jan 25, 09 5:23 pm  · 

*****Kudos to archinect****

Jan 25, 09 6:36 pm  · 

Lars...TK.....either of you ever eat those NECCO Wafers? New England Confectionary Company NECCO.

Jan 25, 09 8:42 pm  · 
liberty bell

I *like* Necco wafers, snook - especially the black ones. Always have, but I think the other kids thought I was weird.

Jan 25, 09 8:55 pm  · 

i like the yellow and green ones. hate the "chocolate" ones.

Jan 25, 09 9:18 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nice article on the front page about Richard Rogers and his partners and how casual and collegial their office is. The work looks great - I have huge respect for Rogers.

But the article starts with fashion, and I'll say something that's been bugging me for awhile: I am not a fan - at all - of the sans-a-belt trousers that are so popular with so many on the cutting edge of architecture practice these days. IMO, a man wears a belt, I don't care how hard Armani tries to convince me otherwise.

Jan 25, 09 9:21 pm  · 

national biscuit company = na bis co

I need to find some NECCO wafers!

Jan 25, 09 9:50 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I've had no heat or hot water in my apartment since this morning, and this is about the third or fourth time this winter I've had to put up with this problem. If it's not fixed by the time I take my shower tomorrow morning, I'm going to start making phone calls to the Building Department when I get to work.

Jan 25, 09 10:31 pm  · 

that WAS an interesting article LB. I awlays thought rogers was like Fosters, but am glad to see is not the case.

lack of belts bug ya huh? that is an interesting thing to be bothered by. yesterday i saw fashion show where mens pants were down to their knees with exposed baggy underwear sort of designed into the costume and wondered if i was starting to get out of touch with youth reality cuz i thought they looked absurd. i am pretty sure i am. which is kind of sad. i am not that much younger than obama and i guess it is our generation's turn at the wheel, and how can we lead if we think young people are aliens? ;-)

Jan 25, 09 11:02 pm  · 

Regarding belts.
I was raised thinking belts were just part of a man's wardrobe.
However, i have over the recent years come to the conclusion that in fact a man should only wear a belt if needed to keep up his pants otherwise it is just an accessory.
And in that sense i am a minimalist, ie: no accessories.

Jan 26, 09 12:25 am  · 

i came to same conclusion. usually only wear when pants too big for waist.

still won't wear pants down to my knees, but will accept that it is apparently correct to do so in some circumstances ;-)

my wife on other hand wears belt like necklace, and has several types, none of which actually hold up any article of clothing other than themselves. self-load only.

Jan 26, 09 1:10 am  · 

ARGH I was doing so good and then I did one of those "25 things about me" notes on Facebook and I've been derailed ever since. I tagged a couple of you but ran out of tags at the end. Also I posted a really inflammatory link about Rush Limbaugh on my wall, I'm still so mad about the crap that he says, I'm going to blog about it .... ha, big surprise, but blogging is therapeutic in a way...

Jan 26, 09 3:02 am  · 
liberty bell

Wait: because I love ridiculous discussions about totally trivial things, like belts:

Two issues: one, the sans-a-belt trousers, designed so as to not need a belt. I don't like then because they look lazy - they remind me of retired old men (and ya know, if you're a retiree who says "I don't give a hang" then good for you, but why not just wear sweatpants, the pants that tell the world (according to Seinfeld) "I give up!".).

Wearing regular pants w/o a belt is a *whole* and *huge* other issue. Empty belt loops are, to me, like nails on a chalkboard: they're functional, leaving them unfilled makes it look like you've forgotten something. A shirt tucked into pants with empty beltloops makes me nutty, male or female. If beltloops show they should be addressed - even wit a piece of yarn.

Yes, I'm nutty already, these little fashion nuggets are just my way of expressing it.

Jan 26, 09 7:24 am  · 

i'm going to go take my belt off now. : P

Jan 26, 09 7:35 am  · 

I worked with an ole cowboy architect years ago who always dressed in black and he didn't wear a belt. His wife always cut off the belt loops when the pants were new. It was his own personal designer statement.

Once while riding with him in his pickup to a job site we spotted a couple of homeless looking types and in all seriousness he said,
" There just a couple of 40 year old architects hanging out." It did leave quite the impression, as I knew he had been to the good and bad times in this profession.

Jan 26, 09 8:12 am  · 

i know no one really cares about the Superbowl this weekend - I do| Steeler Fan since 1975. but my coach is the most awesomest guy in the world, and i cried when the Steelers hired him Tomlin Quote Robert Frost

and a grad from William and Mary, smart mothertrucker too, not to mention 36 years old.

Jan 26, 09 9:17 am  · 
A shirt tucked into pants with empty beltloops makes me nutty, male or female.

Totally with LB on this one. This has ALWAYS bugged me. It looks downright stupid, like you forgot to finish getting dressed.

Jan 26, 09 9:21 am  · 

Don't repress me with YOUR fashion need you cinch-pandering belt nazis!

Good morning all...

Jan 26, 09 10:27 am  · 

woo! first!...on a new page!

Jan 26, 09 10:28 am  · 

Morning all,
LB, after you have explained it I do get the point regarding "empty loops"
I might have to start wearing a belt again or just cutt off the loops like snooks old boss.

And Beta, Go Steelers!

Jan 26, 09 10:29 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm with the ladies. If a shirt is tucked in, then a belt is required. I'm ok with jeans and no belt, assuming the shirt is untucked. It lends a casual air. BUT, if you're wearing dress pants, you better put on a belt no matter what your shirt is doing.

Jan 26, 09 10:44 am  · 

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