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vado retro

keep the flags in the freakin pockets refs! other than that the game was pretty good. commercials sucked. where the hell was born in the usa bruce? those idiots in the crowd do not know the lyrics to tenth avenue freeze out! off to upload my bracket "on farming" essay.

Feb 1, 09 11:08 pm  · 

I tried to be calm, I really did, but the Cincinnati-native-chip-in-my-brain reared its head, and....good god I hate the Steelers!

Feb 1, 09 11:15 pm  · 
Living in Gin

So, when does baseball season start?

Feb 1, 09 11:50 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I didn't get to watch the super-bowl. I even made these chocolate dipped butter-cookie strips for it. I don't much like football, but I lik beer, and comercials. Instead, I was driving back from my home town. I'm exhausted.

Orhan, the Super bowl will be here in 2011, so you were just early, thats all.

Abram took his first steps this weekend!

Steven, I haven't seen your name in a while, are you one of those with no power, burning your fence and furniture to stay warm?

Speaking of, what dangers could come of people burning their entertainment center these days? Its not like its solid wood. The resen in Particle board cant be good for you.

Feb 2, 09 7:19 am  · 

vado, i can't see Born In The USA, giving the message and the Superbowl, but I thought Rosalita??

Feb 2, 09 9:19 am  · 

and gawd, do i love making Cincy fans suck it for another year, sorry dubk.

Feb 2, 09 9:20 am  · 
vado retro

most yahoos don't know songs like rosalita i was out running some errands and hit a sports radio station to see what they had on before the game on the lead in and outs they would play springsteen songs and neither of these schmucks knew any of the songs except born to run and born in the usa. and these weren't young guys they were my age. the thing i realize in retrospect is that my most played springsteen is darkness on the edge of town and the river. i also love the song luckytown. he should have played:

the ghost of tom joad
darkness on the edge of town
the river

that would have been a halftime show!

Feb 2, 09 9:49 am  · 

haha! yeah vado, i think in these times, those songs are more appropriate, but man, i think people would have been crying...and while that would have been amazing to see, we probably would not have seen the chick in the red top and big ta-ta's jumping up and down.

Feb 2, 09 10:41 am  · 

thanks design intelegence

Feb 2, 09 11:14 am  · 

hey everybody (sounding like Cleveland from Family Guy)

I didn't watch the game, instead I sat and watched movies with two great friends. We did watch my big fat greek wedding and it occurred to me when they replayed it twice without interruption that those working at TBS were also watching the Super Bowl.

Feb 2, 09 1:25 pm  · 

Hi guys,

It's done. And by done, of course, I mean "done", until I change it again tomorrow.

Hmmmm, I just got here and already I need a nap. Or more coffee. Probably the latter.

Feb 2, 09 2:06 pm  · 

Yeah DbK!

Feb 2, 09 2:24 pm  · 

Sarah, congrats on Abram's first steps, that's a big deal, right?

I too love Bruce Springsteen. It turned into a really good game in the 4th, but before that it was really boring. What irks me is it felt like every game I've ever watched with the Steelers, where the refs just give them all sorts of breaks. In Cincinnati, we liked to say things like, "I wonder how much they paid the refs this time" etc. Oh well, my home team(s) suck but at least we have a pretty stadium.

I wonder if the Queen City would be different if we didn't have horribly miserable teams?

Feb 2, 09 2:26 pm  · 

Thanks nam. :o)

Feb 2, 09 2:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

DubK, it looks amazing; I don't have time to dig in now but promise I will run my house through it when I have a chance. Congrats on getting it out there!

Feb 2, 09 2:38 pm  · 
vado retro

man some radio personality just took my what springsteen should have played take...

Feb 2, 09 3:32 pm  · 

dubk here's the thing, the steelers one of the original teams, one of the poorest teams, in terms of city location and perhaps franchise - they don't pay mega bucks for talent - was the one of the last if not last team in the central to get a stadium. has the most loyal fans. has had 3 coaches in 40 years and has the most Superbowls in the NFL. that's why people hate the team.

Feb 2, 09 4:17 pm  · 

Actually beta, that's why I like them. They are a hardworking, loyal team representing a hardworking, loyal fan base. I hate them because I'm supposed to. No offense.

Feb 2, 09 4:25 pm  · 

no, i just bust chops...

i mean i have friends who are cowboys fans that say nice things about the steelers, and yet i can never, ever, say anything nice about cowboys. i hate them with a passion.

Feb 2, 09 5:23 pm  · 

TC poll of the day:

How does your office (or your last office, or your favorite office, or whatever) arrange & label drawings on a sheet?


Do you put the drawings from bottom to top, right to left across the page? Or top to bottom, right to left? Or... starting in the middle and spiralling outwards in a semi-circle, perhaps?

Feb 2, 09 7:15 pm  · 
vado retro

man i just out and wanted to hang a uturn and there was this unplowed turn around that blasted into and now my car is makin wierd noises damnit.

Feb 2, 09 7:27 pm  · 

I got multied..
All these dang identities.

Feb 2, 09 10:21 pm  · 
Dr. Johnny Fever

vado retro

How about:

Johnny 99
Downbound Train

For the Boss's picks?

Feb 2, 09 11:14 pm  · 

Matna- personally I prefer to arrange from bottom right, but it's usually top left to bottom right. General notes are always in the upper right hand corner.

Feb 3, 09 8:20 am  · 

interesting. Thanks FRaC and tuna. any more responses?

I'm curious to know if anyone else does it the way my office does it.

Feb 3, 09 8:40 am  · 
Living in Gin

My office does it by setting up a grid on the sheet, with letters across the top (A, B, C, etc) from left to right, and numbers (1, 2, 3, etc) from top to bottom. Details are numbered A1, B1, C1, A2, B2, C2, etc.

I just calculated my vacation time and did some number crunching, and assuming airfares don't dramatically increase within the next month or so, it looks like I should be able to spend a couple weeks of September in London, with short side trips to Scotland and Paris. Given that I should finally be done with my 14-year-long BA degree this summer, this seems like a nice way to reward myself. Stay tuned.

Feb 3, 09 8:57 am  · 
liberty bell

LiG, that's my preferred way of doing it, but I always like the details to start on the right of the sheet and move left, so you have any leftover white space buried in the binding rather than on the exposed right edge of the paper. but I could never convince my last office to do it that way; they thought it was too counterintuitive.

Feb 3, 09 9:30 am  · 

lb -- if you did it that way (right to left), how would you run the numbering? top to bottom or bottom to top?

Feb 3, 09 10:10 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

My old office did them bottom right, up to top left. That way, when youre paging through the CDs, you can easily see the detail name and number.

Yeah, dub k, the steps are a big deal, but they are also trouble. Once he really gets walking, there wont be anything I can keep him out of. Mostly, thats because I'm being stubborn, and refusing to child-proof my home much. I've plugged up electrical outlets, but thats it. Some days, I put the trashcan atop the washing machine, or stand for minutes infront of a caninet door, ect. Sure, its more work, but I'm cheap, and when its over and done with, I can say 'HA! I didnt have to childproof my house!'

Feb 3, 09 10:15 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

DubK, great job! The only thing I'm sceptical of is the ivy on the side of the building. I know it would help in enviromental control, but it can also damage the structure, and invite pests. Is the pay-off so great that the damage is negligible? Just wondering.

Feb 3, 09 10:34 am  · 
liberty bell

manta, I think ideally it's bottom right to top left, as Sarah said. it's the most systematic approach, even if it is counterintuitive.

Sarah, I never childproofed either, just plugs and a toilet lock that I got rid of pretty quick. It's better to just be aware of what your kid is doing!

Feb 3, 09 10:35 am  · 

steven must really be without power. he hasn't been around at all. sad! i hope everything is ok for his family!

Feb 3, 09 10:59 am  · 
Living in Gin

My parents tried child-proofing the house, but we got inside anyway.

Feb 3, 09 11:04 am  · 
vado retro

@ gin- badump-chhh!

lb how does chica like the snow???

Feb 3, 09 11:21 am  · 

Sarah, thanks! That is one of the many issues that I am assuming we'll take up once I look at it again. As for now, however, I'm on a self-imposed hiatus from the Web site...I just need a break from looking at it. So I am putting everyone's suggestions in a special folder and returning to it in a couple weeks' time.

In the meantime, I get to do my portfolio. Le sigh.

Feb 3, 09 1:19 pm  · 

uh how funny is this Superporn?

Feb 3, 09 1:44 pm  · 

I have really been working hard this winter locating a second income....I've reached the aclaim of Professional Snow Shoveler...
No Gas Used old fashioned snow shoveling at its best. Thanks to
the "Snow Gods" Just came in from a session...

Feb 3, 09 6:56 pm  · 
liberty bell

Jeez, snook, I shoveled the neighbor's walk again today, and the neighborhood kids' bus stop, and I haven't made a dime!

Feb 3, 09 8:46 pm  · 

no worries all! but thanks for the concern.

we were in florida since thursday. not sure why we came back...

Feb 3, 09 9:21 pm  · 

Yay Steven's OK!

Worked on portfolio today. It was a bit dated, to say the least. But I'm giving it a hefty update. And then I'm putting it online, the "quick and dirty" way, which is the opposite of how I did the web site. Eh well.

Feb 3, 09 10:06 pm  · 

Ok, so my office labels things like this:

Top to Bottom
Right to Left.

It drives me crazy. Has anyone else ever heard of doing it this way? I find it totally counter-intuitive.

Feb 3, 09 10:40 pm  · 

manta, without visuals I can't understand what you are saying. But I am trying to visualize it as something that no one else does, so I can maybe understand your frustration....

Quick question, and I apologize in advance for asking, but: I have this project that I did my 4th year, undergrad, that I have been including in the portfolio ever since I did it. The problem is, I've done so much since then that I question keeping it in there, but it's there because I consider it a revelatory moment in my education, and I'm proud of it, which is clouding my judgment. Should it stay or should it go? (Insert Clash song here....)

Feb 3, 09 11:50 pm  · 

I'm really sorry that I haven't been on thread central today nor much the days before (seems like I should personally apologise to everyone). I had to sit through 11 hours of presentations today - exactly 69 students. My brian was mush...see and one episode of Family Guy has me thinking about dogs (I meant to say brain not brian). Anyway....I just say an episode of Robot Chicken and they had that alien from Star Wars episode IV, the one who lost his arm from Obi's light saber - well get this [b]he was an architect!![/i] - well at least for the skit. Funny stuff...ok bed time

Feb 4, 09 12:27 am  · 

Glad to see you and your family are okay Steven. I was beginning to worry as I know there are still people in the state without power. It snowed like a banshee yesterday afternoon. Took me 45 minutes to get home yesterday (normally takes me about 15). This morning on the radio I heard the Queen City only has 65 plow trucks. WTF? No wonder my street still hasn't really been plowed since the last snowfall.

Feb 4, 09 8:17 am  · 

Morning all,
Archi that is a funny one. He looses his job because he can't draft with one arm if i remember correctly.

Steven where in Florida? It is going to be in the 20s for the rest of the week where i am.

Feb 4, 09 9:45 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm making white bread today. I hope it turns out alright. I am also suppose to research becoming a substitute teacher; guess I can call the local school districts.

Hope people have a happy wednesday!

Feb 4, 09 11:24 am  · 
vado retro

i have created a new term. "contentualizing" you will soon start to hear it on tv and the internets. but remember i created it.

Feb 4, 09 11:36 am  · 
Living in Gin

[url= width=418[/img]

I'm home sick today with a nasty cold... Blech.

Feb 4, 09 12:01 pm  · 
Living in Gin


Feb 4, 09 12:02 pm  · 

sarah, in CA, in one of the highest-paying school districts in america, subs earn just $90/day -- WHEN they go teach. Nothing if they aren't called in. It ain't a lucrative job, that's why so many retirees do it (basically for a little spending cash to supplement their social security). Mucho stress; little interaction with colleagues; extremely low pay. :( I'm sorry to give bad news. Hopefully your research turned up something better in texas!!!!

Feb 4, 09 12:55 pm  · 

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