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liberty bell


Dec 31, 08 9:22 pm  · 
liberty bell
And there's this one, too.
Dec 31, 08 9:27 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Having fun, LB?

Happy New Year, TC!

Jan 1, 09 2:04 am  · 
Living in Gin

Archinect must be on Pacific Time... I was hoping my post would be the first TC post with a 2009 date stamp!

Jan 1, 09 2:06 am  · 

its almost day 2 of the new year here.

we celebrated by running a mini marathon (just 3 km) with the kids. was great fun. tomorrow we are off to the proper holiday in the on-sen. very much looking forward to it.

Jan 1, 09 2:30 am  · 

Ahhh, just got bumped up to first again. Boy am I going to miss airline Preferred membership.

Happy 2k9!

Jan 1, 09 4:36 am  · 

lb- thats the one. key word 'balkanization' & 'Canacagohisconsianagan'.

happy twenty aught nine ya'll!

Jan 1, 09 10:47 am  · 

Good day to everyone. I think I've confirmed my body's recently developed aversion to wine. I had 3 sips of white wine on Tuesday night and my head is still paying for it, although not as badly as last night. So sad. But that seems to be all I need to worry is the highest sulfite-containing substance I typically ingest. If anyone is interested, here are some others:
foods with high, moderate, and low amounts of sulfites

Gosh 2008 was certainly an interesting year, wasn't it? Good god, it's almost 2010! Where does the time go?!?

Jan 1, 09 11:15 am  · 

did I just check the 'Notify me when someone replies to this post?' box? Oh no!!!!!!!!

Jan 1, 09 12:21 pm  · 

Where the hell did my stay-cation go? I can't believe it's Thursday already. Happy 2009 everyone. Hope it's been fabulous so far.

Jan 1, 09 1:31 pm  · 

BTW - I thought of you last night, LB, as I watched ELF. I hadn't seen it since it had been out in the theatres, and had forgotten what a great movie is it.

Jan 1, 09 2:31 pm  · 
liberty bell

Buddy the Elf, what's your favorite color?!

Got to see Steven and family today, yay! Then had friends over for ribs and traditional New Year's Day food - blackeye peas, turnip greens, beer. (That last is my own tradition.)

Back to work tomorrow!

Jan 1, 09 9:11 pm  · 

New New Years resolution: I'm not taking any more shit from anybody. Especially anybody of the male persuasion.

Jan 1, 09 9:24 pm  · 

Happy New Year everyone. And welcome back tumbleweed - you were missed. I hope everyone had a safe but festive new years eve, I for one did as well as a New Years Day barbi with some friends. We sat in the open air (as you do in the Caribbean) chatting, drinking beer and eating ribs and pasta under the stars. I've just caught up on a lot of TC which is odd for me but nonetheless.

I hope everyone has planned out the strategic completion of their resolutions for 2009 - I for one am looking for 20+ hours a week of tradtional architectural employment with a registered architect so that I can complete local work time and get registered myself.

Jan 1, 09 11:53 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive.

Jan 2, 09 1:01 am  · 

2009 oh Yeah!

Rationalist sounds decisive.

As for mine "resolution" I want to be more open to meeting the "right" women.
And figure out wher ei go to next. I have been in Gainesville 12 years through high school, college and graduate school. As my good friend and college roomate told me New Years Eve "you need to get out"

Hope all TCers has a great 2009. I know 2008 was pretty great although sometimes challenging for us all.

Much love.

Jan 2, 09 8:21 am  · 

it blizzarded (Is that a verb?) here in Nova Scotia all day yesterday: about 25 cm of snow and it drifted. I wanted to get out of the house today so went to work. not many here. everyone still on holiday in this city of mainly civil servants. Still windy from the NW and cold but the sun is wonderful.

As a winter pedestrian (I own no car) i am again intrigued by those little paths other pedestrians make over the piles of snow at the crosswalks. You follow their paths: you put your feet in the steps formed in the snow by countless other civil servants' feet, in the downtown. I wonder if there is a word for those little footpaths across humps of snow you see in NE cities in the winter. Reminds me of Dante: "I had not thought death had undone so many." - or something like that.

Happy New Year to all TCers!

Jan 2, 09 9:29 am  · 

intersting leap to Dante. I guess i am missing the connection.

I miss snow.

Jan 2, 09 9:46 am  · 

namhenderson: it's a long time since i read my Dante. It's got all jumbled up in my mind with Eliot somehow, describing people following one another across a bridge, or through the 'Time-Kept city.' That's all. sorry to be obscure

I like snow and cold. Could never live in Florida. Maybe you want to move to NYC. Didn't AP live in Gainesville and he is now there?

Jan 2, 09 10:04 am  · 

Yeah. I actually met AP when we were both going to U of F. I am originally a Brooklynite though.
Love sking, sledding the snow and cold weather.
I have thought about returning north. Actually have Canadian citizenship through my mother's side of the family and have thought about moving there even.

As for the Dante. Thanks for explaining i like being able to understand peoples thought processes. I know I often make weird mental leaps and connections. Something i get from my mother.

Jan 2, 09 10:34 am  · 

ratio, damn tootin, don't take shit from anyone! adopt a jersetude and the world will bend to you.

Jan 2, 09 10:57 am  · 

ap was in florida and is now in nyc. we play indoor soccer together...
and sometimes outdoor, but not now, cause it's really cold in nyc
well not really, really cold, but cold enough that it's uncomfortable
walking around or playing soccer

Jan 2, 09 11:07 am  · 

farmer, that's an interesting thought. I've thought too about the bizarre collision of intimacy and the unfeeling city that comes about as you find yourself nestling your footstep into the footstep-shaped snow hole left by some other unknown citizen in those piles of snow at the street corners, and sometimes even matching the Unknown's stride as you find their next footstep and fit yourself into it, too. It's one of my favorite city phenomena.

Jan 2, 09 11:55 am  · 

mantaray: thanks for that. makes me feel less alone in the city in winter. you put it so well, i thought. now, to come up with a word or expression for it...

larslarson: glad you see ap around these days. Wonder how he is 'doing'. He used to post more comments when he was in florida. then when he went to New York he posted more news stories, i think.

Jan 2, 09 1:18 pm  · 

Manta and farmer,
Yeah i sometimes do that at the beach...

Jan 2, 09 1:23 pm  · 

hmmm TC that play footy nice. We need to have an archinect picnic somewhere, one day. I'll bring the sunshine and cold red stripe.

I'm still on my seasonal holidaying going restaurant hopping with the missus. Appetiser at one place, then Sushi, and maybe dessert too - we'll see how much we can muster.

Jan 2, 09 6:37 pm  · 

i think AP posted on TC a few pages back about what he's been up to... he took two months off to work on his portfolio and get all his grad school aps in... he's not left his apartment much as far as i know.. other than to play soccer and get sustainance ever once in a while.

i think he still lurks from time to time..but yeah..he's def. cut down on the posting...especially recently.

Jan 2, 09 6:41 pm  · 

My first evening home without any plans all week, I'm amazed at how strange it feels.

I broke down and bought a new phone today. My old one no longer got reception in any steel structure or in random parts of the city. It was downright ridiculous. So I took the plunge and went for it. I'm still not sure as it's got a lot of extras I'll never use, but the touch screen is cool. We shall see.

Jan 2, 09 9:07 pm  · 

tuna bought a blackberry? Didn't you? The restaurants were fantastic - appetiser at Normas on the terrace, its located on the veranda(h) of a 17th century great house. The appetiser of choice was the seafood chowder, a friday special, with mussels, shrimp, lobster and salmon in a pumpkin base - brilliant. Next stop East Japanese restaurant for sushi - we knocked back some calif rolls, crab tempura (to die for), eel rolls and shrimp tempura rolls. For dessert we bailed and headed home versus rocking out at Fiction (new lounge owned by a former school mate) instead choosing a film at home and ice cream (cookies and cream) and champagne. Well the bubbly knocked me out as it does for a few and I'm now home recapping from bed. G'night all.

Jan 3, 09 1:24 am  · 

I'm finally putting some work into my online portfolio. Clearly, men were just a distraction from my work, sucking away my energy. It took me a while, but I think I've finally got the copywriting down, nearly have the look of the type down, so can finally go full speed ahead on the images. Which means I'll be here all night...

Jan 3, 09 1:43 am  · 

sounds fun rationalist.

we got back from on-sen this afternoon. i didn't know it was possible to over-eat with japenese food, but the meal laid out for us last night was a multi-coursed extraveganza, with fresh crab, fresh sashimi (because we were staying on the ocean), and brilliant wappa-meishi (a kind of steamed rice cooked with veggies and such thrown into the mix while the rice cooks). i won't need to eat for a week. also, lots of lounging around in the big old baths that is the entire point of on-sens - including an outdoor bath (rotenburo) that was brilliant. a wooden bowl just big enough for one man to sit in up to his neck, the whole thing sunk level with the deck, so you step down into the thing and just relax with nothing before you but the world outside and the wooden platform...

japan has some nice hedonistic bits that i plum forgot about. i guess 2009 will be the year to take it easy and enjoy them ;-)

Jan 3, 09 3:44 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, is there some sort of ritual associated with the bath in Japan? Did you partake? I like rituals, they can be fun. I see them as a way to become part of a culture and understnad it further. I would love to understand, and join in the whole tea ceremony thing, but it seems to have many steps, and be quite complicated. Could be fun, though.

Techno, you have a woman? Just out of curiousity, and I guess you dont have to answer it at all, but...

Is the new woman one of the friends you went hiking with while still dating the girl with the puppy? Was she suspicious of some sort of relationship, coming down with an acute case of paranoia jealousia, and bringing an end to your relationship? Can you tell that my life is painfully boring and I sit at home making up fabulous lives for other people? Maybe I should write soaps or something...though I never watch them.

Jan 3, 09 10:33 am  · 

Sarah, you always make me smile. But this time your imagination has gotten the best of you. I do have a woman (sounds so grown up, especially since in my head I'm still like 12). And no she wasn't on the hike with me, the paranoia and jealousy of the lady with the puppy had (I think) little to do with me.

But you can have fun with the fact the rumour that has been floating around is that I'm engaged!

Jan 3, 09 10:57 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

ooohhhh!!! Techno, we should start planning your wedding. You seem the laid back sort, so a seaside wedding sounds apropo. So how did you propose? Did you build a ring box out of matte board and zap-a-gap? I bet you even carved the ring out of corral or something yourself, huh. You're so creative.

Jan 3, 09 11:30 am  · 

No, it's not a crackberry Atechno, but close to it. Despite the fact that I love the touch screen option, I'm still up in the air as to whether or not I'll keep it. I might trade it in for something smaller and simpler. All I really need it to do is make phone calls (without losing reception) and texting capabilities. We'll see. I'm giving it a week.

SH - If I read it correctly, the engagement is a rumor. But your ideas about the box and the actual ring are awesome. Hopefully he'll take notes when it is time to pop the question ;o)

Jan 3, 09 12:02 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Melt, I knew it was rumor, but I'm from a small town where rumors run rampant, and its always been a little joke to build upon them with insane ideas.

As for phones, I love mine. Its a Pantech something or other, but its tiny, and no one has one. Maybe I shouldn't give ideas. But, everyone calls it the zoolander phone, and I like that I no longer look like I have a penis when its in my pocket.

Jan 3, 09 3:50 pm  · 

I got a fancy phone once. I had it a week then returned it for the newer model of my old phone. I accidentally ran over my phone in my car.

I only make phone calls. I don't text nor use the camera feature. I'd be happy with a cell phone that resembled Zach Morris' from Saved by the Bell.

Jan 3, 09 4:19 pm  · 

n_, I'm in your boat. The last two times I went to get a new phone (2+ years apart), I asked "Don't you have any WITHOUT cameras?!" The first time I asked, the answer was yes, this last time, sadly ummm, no. (accompanied by an "are you crazy?!" look.) And lo, I am left with a phone with

a) wayyyyyy too many buttons (most of which are awfully redundant, which makes this designer CRAZY) leading to a button-crowding effect which means you have to have tiny monkey fingers to operate the darn thing, and

b) a camera operated by a button on the SIDE of the phone (why, why???) which leads to many inside-the-purse photos and screwed up phone calls on my part.

Ugh. If there's one huge disappointment in modern life, to me, it's phone "technology".

Jan 3, 09 4:38 pm  · 

oh, also, it has a bug which causes it to constantly tell me my SIM card is full of messages (which instigates a chastising "chiiiirp!" at me every 15 minutes) even though I can't empty it, and another bug which makes me "accept" my saved phone numbers every week or it won't let me dial anyone. ARGH!

Jan 3, 09 4:41 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I've had my iPhone for over a year now, and I couldn't be happier with it. It's packed with features (some of which I use more than others), but the interface is so clean and intuitive that I never once had to consult the owners manual. It's actually far more than a phone; it's basically a pocket Mac that happens to have a cell phone built in.

Jan 3, 09 5:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

Apparently blush wines are back? I'm drinking one now and I'm not sure why. I mean, I know why I'm drinking it: it was $8 at the store and I thought "Hell, I've heard blush is back, why not try it?". But I'm not sure why they're back. It's very drinkable, but to borrow a phrase from Steven it's more like wine pop than real wine (and not in the good sparkling wine meaning of "pop").

Anyway - trying to try new things this year. I won't be daunted.

Jan 3, 09 5:21 pm  · 

Most rosés taste okay but too sweet to be anything but appetizer wines, to me. Or am I confused -- does blush mean something different than rosé?

LiG, I wish I could be the type to use an iphone. They certainly are seductive. But I am a woman, and frankly I need something that's not going to bog down my purse. Also, for me personally, I honestly could not in a million years justify spending over $2000 for 2 years of service. (Assuming I went with a voice plan that allows me more than just 450 minutes per month, which is absolutely laughable.)* For that money I'd rather just buy myself a new computer every few years, frankly. I know a lot of people get great use out of them but I know the price tag would irk me incessantly.

In other news, I am at home supposedly cleaning and re-organizing my whole apartment. This translates into more archinect time, of course.

Jan 3, 09 6:21 pm  · 

LB and Manta - I've been wanting to try the blush wines of late, but I'm not a fan of sweet wines. Although, I drank an awesome spiced cranberry wine the entire New Years Eve...incredibly yummy.

SH - LOL!!!! I gotcha. I still think the ring thing would be outstanding.

I had these huge plans to finish refinishing the wood trim in my bathroom over break, but never got around to it. Tonight's goal is to finally finish knitting my scarf. It's only been in the works for about a month now.

Off to the fridge to forage for dinner.

Jan 3, 09 6:49 pm  · 

SH -- I have no idea if you would like such a thing, but I just finished reading the excellent sequel to A Girl Named Zippy, which is a book of funny essays about a happy childhood in a very very small town and for some reason, some of the comments you make about where you're from make me think of it.

The Indiana contingent might like it too -- it's so well-written, and the sequel is even better.

Jan 3, 09 7:02 pm  · 

There are some amazing rosé wines that marry the crispness of the best whites with the tanins and depth of a good red. Some of the best come from the southern france. not a wine to drink with a steak, but perfect with lighter meats and fishes.

then there is boones.

Jan 3, 09 7:14 pm  · 

I am currently on a search for a wine that I can actually drink without a follow-up migraine so if anyone has any recommendations, post 'em if you got 'em.

manta, true about the iPhone plan, but calls to other AT&T customers are free, plus they have rollover minutes, so luckily I don't need more than 450 minutes a month. What gets me are the texts.... I am addicted to texting. I love it. Still, the iPhone bill is much less than what a car payment would be, and it allows me to find buses and taxis and all that, so I am willing to shell out this extra cost.

Also, I actually AM cleaning and reorganized my apartment....if anyone would like any wine glasses, women's professional shoes and boots (8-9), sweaters, socks, a book about Vector Mechanics, old issues of Dwell, etc, etc.....let me know. Also my hardhat and grout are still available.

Jan 3, 09 7:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

I only called it "blush" because I can't remember how to put the accent over the e in "ros-aaay".

The stuff isn't very good, but is dangerously drinkable.

manta, I loved A Girl Named Zippy and I think I loaned it to vado? I've started the sequel but never finished it - it's around here somewhere. The story about the moose was great, and the bit about not getting what she wanted for Christmas and the mom says "Oh honey, you'll soon realize in this life nobody really ever thinks about you anyway". Killer, I loved it.

Jan 3, 09 7:43 pm  · 

My mother is writing her memoirs (well, actually her parents' memoirs) so she's been researching by reading all these great autobiographies/memoirs of others. Oh man, have I discovered some fascinating stories by getting hooked on this stuff (although of course, we had to toss out about 85% of them due to either whininess or poor writing skills). The only danger is that you may begin to think your own life is boring by comparison. Luckily, the Zippy book is both admirably well-written AND has the capacity to make you love the author and her family and their life and hometown, and yet somehow at the same time the story makes your OWN life and family and hometown shine even more. I don't know how that is.

Jan 3, 09 7:51 pm  · 

What other memoirs have you/are you reading manta?

Jan 3, 09 8:02 pm  · 

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