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nam: those who like it like it a lot - and I do. It precipitated a paradigm shift.

Dec 30, 08 12:18 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I just found this website. The video on the Desk is inspirational. The one on the Lens was pretty darn intriguing. Just thought I'd share my discovery!

Dec 30, 08 1:14 pm  · 

wow Steven. just wow.

thanks for kind words dub K. I hope you're right...

and LIG, the list is a bit long, includes some schools you would expect, a couple you may not. we should get together for a beer soon, catch up.

on that note, i'm pleased that the commiserate thread is somewhat calm this year. in past years its been, as a friend once described, like a train wreck...a horrible sight but so hard to look away...

nam, do you still have that couch? i love that couch. if it's still around you should post an image here, although that wouldn't do justice to its amazingness.

last night's dinner:

mightylittle (or anyone else) - turkey soup recipes?

Dec 30, 08 1:33 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Damn... Where did that meal come from? Looks like something you'd get at a delicious hole-in-the-wall soul food place in Harlem.

Yeah, we need to meet up for drinks again soon... It's been a while.

Dec 30, 08 2:00 pm  · 

speaking of food, did anyone else see this image posted to the gallery?

amazing, whoever made it.

Dec 30, 08 2:04 pm  · 

TC need some assistance here; now that i am a licensed architect, and NCARB'd, i thought i'd move on to some more trouble making exercises. as an alumnus of a somewhat dubious architecture program, i'd like to try and motivate the alumni from my program to get behind a letter writing campaign, to demand the resignation of the current dean of the architecture program. he has been there too long, and has been inept to ineffectual for the better part of the last 10 years.

what i am searching for is a list of programs in the US, names and addresses of the current dean of each program. i then intend to send each a letter with three questions

1. How long have you served as dean of your particular program?
2. How long do you intend to serve as dean?
3. How long did your predecessor serve your particular program?

lastly, i use open office for my word processing, and i am trying to figure out if there is a macro that will simplify the adding of the names and addresses to each letter i send. if i remember correctly, word in conjunction with excel had a function where you could make your cells transfer to each letter heading??? does that make any sense? i just don't want to spend a whole lot of time retyping headings for each letter....

Dec 30, 08 2:20 pm  · 

haha. that's awesome phu. that cantilever at the top had to be challenging to achieve...

LIG, that is a plate of Christmas leftovers, plus a lovely roll the gf picked up in Tribeca. those potatoes were rich and would've felt right at home at said harlem hole-in-the-wall.

Dec 30, 08 2:23 pm  · 

it's probably a card board model underneath, most gingerbread houses are, but it looks tasty...

Dec 30, 08 2:28 pm  · 


Dec 30, 08 2:28 pm  · 



and a Guggi-Cake

Dec 30, 08 2:33 pm  · 

I wish i still did have that couch. Know I have a small, old brown leather one reminds me of something froma 1950 office maybe..
I am not even sure any pictures of it exsist. If they do they aren't digitized.
I may have to go on a picture hunting expedition this evening.

Yes, one could do that with word/excel. I imagine Open Office has the same feature although i would not know where to direct you.
I pretty much use Google Office for all my persoanl stufff but am stuck with Microsoft Office at work...

Dec 30, 08 3:04 pm  · 
It's The End of The Amerikanski As We Know It?
Dec 30, 08 3:28 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Saw that... And as if that weren't bad enough, the Yellowstone Caldera is making noises. If it goes boom, it would certainly put an end to the global warming crisis.

The History Channel has talking about the possibility of some huge asteroid hitting the planet and wiping us out. Maybe the asteroid will land on Yellowstone and plug up the caldera.

Barring that, anybody want to join me in forming a roving biker gang a la Mad Max?

Dec 30, 08 3:40 pm  · 

come on, you know you want it! i wasn't there for the beginning, but man, i'd love to be there for the end...

Dec 30, 08 3:48 pm  · 

beta, I would posit that if you mail out a small questionnaire like that, chances are you won't get very many answers. You know what deans are like -- super busy and very instant-communique-oriented. If I were you, I'd just call up the schools and ask the secretaries -- they are more likely to a) answer and b) not realize / be bothered by the possible privacy implications.

Also, I think you'll find that deans at the more "famous" schools last only a few years while deans at the "lesser" schools last usually longer, unless it's a sort of step-up, "make a name for yourself" kind of a place. (Like a state school with a good rep.) Just a thought.

Dec 30, 08 4:01 pm  · 

phu- is that from the Theo Chocolate gingerbread competition? I just went on a tour there a few weeks ago, and it seemed that all the gingerbread houses were made by local architecture firms. They were pretty much all stunners.

I already missed NYC, and then this thread popped up. Now I want a hot dog. And a teeny tiny apartment in the village. *sigh* The problem is, if I decide that I definitely want to live in New York, my list of places to apply dwindles even further... so that's not really practical to make a decision like that at this point. :(

Dec 30, 08 4:02 pm  · 

as manta said, call the secretaries for that info, don't bother the deans if you truly want the answers. There seems to be a huge turnover in deans/department chairs this year - not sure whats in the water. As to getting the NJIT dean to get out of dodge, get involved with the schools alumni association/get on the board - best way to have a say in their affairs. but then again, why do you care? you've been practicing way longer then you were an arch student.

Dec 30, 08 4:31 pm  · 

but that means 50 plus phone calls? i care, because for one, i think that those coming behind me deserve better, and because i think that the current dean has done enough damage and needs to be shown th door, and lastly the alumni from that particular program has been conspicuously disengaged for years and they need to be better stewards of their school and its future.

Dec 30, 08 4:36 pm  · 

You can probably get some of that info from the websites. I really don't think you'll get an answer by either mail or email, I would wager money on it. 50+ phone calls with 20 responses or 50+ letters with 2 responses...? It shouldn't take more than an afternoon, I would think.

Dec 30, 08 4:39 pm  · 

perhaps you're right, i mean it's really just an informal survey, nothing could be derived from asking basic questions...unless you come here.

Dec 30, 08 4:43 pm  · 

i have been working on clearing a virus called xpa. it introduces itself as an anti virus urgent action needed with exact graphics of microsoft page and you click with an instinct and it takes over your search redirecting yo to a pizza parlor, discount drugs, virus removal software companies etc. it looks like a legitemate page but it is a round robin thing preventing you from any real web site you are looking for. whatever you download to get rid of it gets infected as well. i finally used verizon dsl service virus cleaner and it seems to caught some of it. at least i can search and arrive at real web sites. it is really disturbing to get raided on with a computer virus even having couple of anti virus systems didn't catch it. so if you see anything looks like a windows defender with same graphics etc. and asks you to get rid of a virus under anti virus brand name, don't hurry into it. it is basically a malicious adware trojan worm fuckhead asshole who takes over your browsers search functions. firefox is not immune to it either.
i am now back to normal search situation but some weird stuff is still happening but not as bad.
other than that, i have to make a tray of boreks for tomorrow.
(link is okay.;.))

Dec 30, 08 4:49 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Orhan, I think you've just answered my decades long search for a food I had at a festival once!!! You're my hero. What I had was your borek, but I think it only had yellow cheese in it. I have craved it ever since I tasted it, and I was all of maybe 7 then. Wow. Just another reason to love this place.

WIll you send me some?

Dec 30, 08 5:14 pm  · 

Hi TC -

We're WonderMelting incognito.

Dec 30, 08 5:21 pm  · 

mmmmmm, I LOVE boereg!!!!!! orhan, we should get together some day in archinect future for a festival of food. it would be interesting to taste subtle differences btwn cultures. i have found that turkish food is much, much closer to what my family makes than greek, for example. those silly greeks... ;-)

Dec 30, 08 6:19 pm  · 
brian buchalski

two of hearts...two of hearts that beat as one

i'm so fucked i shouldl jus t kill myself now

two hearts that beat asone

i need you, i nedd you

wooo, oh woooo oh ho

Dec 31, 08 3:47 am  · 
brian buchalski

so...anybody else find st. tropez abominable during the offseason?

Dec 31, 08 4:20 am  · 

Puddles, wish i could answer that. never been there to form an opinion though.

Dec 31, 08 9:09 am  · 
Living in Gin

Just booked my trip to Denver, even though it means blowing off a few of my bills for a month. Fuck it, you only live once... Seeing some old friends again will be nice, and I've been itching to see some real mountains since I left Oregon four years ago.

Dec 31, 08 11:48 am  · 

somehow i got a virus (i think that one Orhan was talkign about) on one of my two work computers...
The othe rhalf of IT is looking at it right now.

Dec 31, 08 11:59 am  · 

interesting day for local politics in MN today - one of my colleagues has just been named to the state urban design board or something, while another one is running for city council. (Beta, you'd be interested in Charles' progressive/left wing civil rights platform). I'm sure that I'll hear stories about Mayor Rybek's New Years party next week.

my NYE plans are fondue in front of our fire place tonight. Bought a ciabatta on the way into the office this morning, and will have to thaw it before dinner.

Anybody going into times square or other exciting public festivity????

Dec 31, 08 3:01 pm  · 
liberty bell

tk, I sent you an email.

Fondue actually sounds perfect for tonight. We're doing an early evening with our neighbors and kids - my Angus needs some time around other children after being stuck with only parents and grandparents for over a week! Sometimes I think having only one was a mistake, although he seems to like the undivided attention. When I'm not archinecting, that is.

Be safe tonight everyone!

Dec 31, 08 3:05 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I actually work not too far from Times Square, and the NYPD has been setting up barricades along the streets since yesterday. I'm high-tailing it out of the neighborhood once I leave the office, though, as I'd rather shoot myself in the face than deal with that sort of crowd.

Dec 31, 08 3:09 pm  · 

Well i am off. They are letting us out early. Everyone be safe, have fun see you tommorow.....

Dec 31, 08 3:11 pm  · 

also leaving early. another 40-or-so minutes and i'm finished with this #$%$#@ spec writing for the week.

happy start to '09 ya'll!

Dec 31, 08 3:18 pm  · 
liberty bell

It's nice to see you again, tumbles!! Happy New Year!

Dec 31, 08 3:18 pm  · 
liberty bell

In the spirit of TC:

*****Thread Alert******
read the -----thread yet??? there is a dog fight going on between ----- is about gondolas and pollution in Venice..see you there.

I'm really enjoying the dog fight going on between Antisthenes and KURT here. Archinect has been so quiet lately, it's fun to see some kicking up of dust!

Dec 31, 08 3:29 pm  · 

good luck everyone, have a safe and happy night! i'll be doing something, somewhere with the missus. tree, i'm intrigued.

Dec 31, 08 3:30 pm  · 

LB- I'll respond once I check my home email!

2009 can only get better then 2008!

Dec 31, 08 3:30 pm  · 

You know, you try to tell people about a good idea....a little architecture PSA, if you will....and the crazies come out of the woodwork and start making up stuff about taxes and the "rights" of the individual. Am I missing something? I thought it was a great idea.

Anyway, I had a decent 2008, aside from that whole losing-half-my-401k thing, but am looking forward to next year and the challenges it brings. Happy (early) New Year, my friends! And watch out for that "eclipse" on Jan. 21, 2009. Kidding.

Dec 31, 08 3:42 pm  · 
liberty bell

God I miss the west. That pic is amazing.

DubK, your thread idea was a good one and I'm sure a lot of people are doing what you asked but not posting about it.

No big deal, tk, it's a question about a book I just didn't need to bombard TC with.

Dec 31, 08 3:55 pm  · 

We had 6 inches of snow today with alot of wind to back it up. So it be a drifting tonight.

The Jeep Lives: Just had to replace the Key Cylinder for $300.00.
One damn expensive lock smith. Now I'm torn between running this ole gal into the ground or trading up for a newer sweeter model but not a 2009. I actually took a nice rig for a ride yesterday. Have to contemplate it over the weekend.

Happy Happy New Year... Any Resolutions to be shared?

Dec 31, 08 4:20 pm  · 

Ok, I usually skim TC but I just thoroughly read the past 4 pages.

Mrs. Liberty Bell - I like the analogy of former city of residence to former lovers. Totally true.

LIG - I'm applying to 7 schools. I'm giving the west coast some love as well as the midwest. I little of this and a little of that. No strong preference as to where I get accepted because I'm uniquely attracted to all the programs. I've never been really anxious about anything before. I'm not going to lie, it's December and I'm already freaking out. I've been avoiding the 2009 commiserate thread like the plague.

To all TC'ers - Happy 2009.

To 2009 - Be nice to me. I'm sensitive right now. If I'm good to you and follow through with my resolutions (no more cursing, read 2 books a month), you can reciprocate and get me laid once or twice.

Dec 31, 08 6:12 pm  · 

Happy New Year's TC - I'm about to head an hour north to have dinner with friends and lose me a little money at poker. Be safe. See you in 2009.

Dec 31, 08 6:25 pm  · 

ha, I think n_ and I are having opposite thoughts on New Years resolutions... mine is to be more picky about men. In the words of Dr. George O'Malley, "because a future of meaningless one-night stands and problematic penises is not what you want"

Maybe I'll start that one on January 2nd... Happy New Year to all!

Dec 31, 08 6:33 pm  · 

another lost thread that I need TC's help to find-

inspired by:

over at bldgblog reminded me of a thread where 'indianistan' and other midwestern states became their own nation along with other fun regional biases...

Dec 31, 08 6:44 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'm definitely in n_'s camp when it comes to 2009 resolutions.

Dec 31, 08 7:17 pm  · 
Living in Gin

A new page for the new year!

Dec 31, 08 9:08 pm  · 

Ahhh ha ha ha, better not let the Louisianans know they will be part of Mexico. Ha ha ha ha ha.

Dec 31, 08 9:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah, Texans dont want to be part of Mexico either. We fought hard to get away from that mess!

Dec 31, 08 9:20 pm  · 
liberty bell

tk, there's ">this one.

There's another one evilp started, let me see if I can find it.

Dec 31, 08 9:21 pm  · 

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