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canadians only say "hoser" to mess with americans. it is a joke word, made famous when i was a kid by bob and doug mackenzie (in real life rick moranis and dave thomas). sometimes we say "eh", as in that's pretty good, eh, you hoser... but not really.

canadians are only different from americans in that we mostly think health-care is a right, and generally are more liberal than you folks down south. otherwise i don't think there is much distinction.

a friend of mine is a graphic designer. he has made a few fonts and spoke once or twice about making a complete japanese font set. which is quite alot as the language has 3 full alphabets (well one of those is the roman alphabet so maybe doesn't count), as well as a few thousand chinese characters. i can't imagine the amount of work involved, though he seemed to think it was rocking fun.

Dec 24, 08 8:55 am  · 
vado retro

can you use those 3350 fonts in a sentence? if you can't then i'd say you have too many fonts.

Dec 24, 08 9:33 am  · 

I went to the grocery store yesterday with Mrs B and some lady coming out of the store looked right at me and said, "Hi Santa" and I wasn't even in a red hat with a fluffy ball of fur. I was wearing a red vest and a christmas green pull over long john shirt underneath. So I guess she was putting me in some santa suit. Anyhow I know if next year is looking slim I should be able to hire myself out as a Santa.

Merry Christmas everyone!

Dec 24, 08 10:10 am  · 

thas funny snook.

i played saunta at my oldest daughter's daycare once. played guitar with one of the teachers, some christmas carols and such, then handed out presents. it was quite fun, even if no money was involved. i wonder if professional santas make serious coin?

ach well. happy christmas all! it's already early hours of 25th here and santa has come and went. tomorrow is going to be weird as we have two excited kids to deal with and we ALL have to go to school or work like any other day. what a horrible situational.

Dec 24, 08 11:01 am  · 
Living in Gin

I still have about a million things to do between now and the midnight mass at my church tonight, and I'm not sure if I'll be able to get everything done in the 2-hour window I'll have after I leave the office this evening.

I'd love the holidays a lot more if I actually had time to enjoy them, rather than being rushed to death in a frenzy of shopping and chores. I really should have taken the day off today, but at least I'll have a long weekend to relax.

Dec 24, 08 11:19 am  · 

Jump I want to be Macy's Santa when I retire.....cause he has to make some serious Cash!

Dec 24, 08 1:12 pm  · 

Happy Christmas Eve everyone. Whether you celebrate it or not, I hope everybody has a good and safe holiday.

Dec 24, 08 3:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hi All: Just skimmed the news, yay for beta's job, yay for new glasses, for interviews, for clearing unnecessary items off computers, for Arcosanti, etc. etc.

Sorry to be brief, I'm exhausted from a nightmare travel experience and a cold coming on, but enjoying being totally snowed in at my parent's house. Mostly spending the day cooking and eating. Just popped in to say Merry Christma and Happy Holidays and keep on keeping on, everybody! Much love to all of you.

Dec 24, 08 5:31 pm  · 

I thought I should post this as a Christmas Gift to all those who visit this site. It has to be one of the best Post Ever:

Did anyone see the feature on the Daily Show last night about Myspace? It was hilarious. I like the new young guy whose name I can't recall.

OK I know that post isn't really Thread Central appropriate and I will get back to more apporpriate posts alter in the day after tackling my mountain of work.

WonderK I want to hear about your flowers.

Dec 24, 08 6:25 pm  · 

lol, snook! I did a double take, thought I hadn't gotten to the right page for a minute...

Merry Christmas to all! I'm having a little stay-cation on my own this year. I know that seems strange, but I just needed a break from everything, so I'm alone til at least friday, watching movies, doing work, reading books, cooking, and of course drinking. The mental space is rather lovely actually, though I'm sure I'll feel sad after talking to my mom tomorrow. :/

Dec 24, 08 9:28 pm  · 

Merry Christmas Eve, Happy Winter Solstice, et al. Hope everyone is having a wonderful, safe and happy evening. I've just had a deliciously fabulous day conversing with a certain mountainmelt, making my one niece/nephew combination happy kids with their presents, and catching up with my one brother and his girlfriend.

Time to get hopping to bed so that I can get up early enough to have the traditional Christmas blintzes and bacon at the parents house with dinner and present giving to the other niece and nephew combination. Ahhhh the simples pleasures

Dec 24, 08 11:26 pm  · 

just back in from midnight mass, one of those pre-requisite things with the family. Made spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. Picked up my Christmas present (wink wink ****melt) and just generally have been a good boy.

So Santa flower me with toys, damnit.

Love to everyone have a good season, drink a little or a lot (whatever makes you happy), but more importantly spend time with your friends and family and LAUGH. This is a Joyful season of Peace. And that transcends any religious believe (unless by chance laughter is thought of sinful - then well I can't help you). Time to turn in for bed before Santa realises we don't have a chimney - this is Jamaica,duh!

Dec 25, 08 2:53 am  · 

happy christmas morning! i'm the only one up and it's nice. enjoying my coffee before all hell breaks loose. peace, ya'll.

Dec 25, 08 7:18 am  · 

happy christmas to you, too, Steven! all is quiet here so far. it is raining here in rural Nova Scotia.

Dec 25, 08 7:32 am  · 

waiting for the sun here. i think it's clear this morning after a crazy boatload of rain yesterday. i thought i'd have to build an ark.

Dec 25, 08 7:41 am  · 

we just finished out christmas day and i am going back to work after the house has settled down. unfortunately christmas is a working day in japan, and the kids had school. so we split the present opening into two parts, a short bit before breakfast then the rest before supper. kind of a strange way to do things, but i guess it works well enough...the girls were sure happy anyway...

have fun steven!

farmer where you at in NS? I spent some time in Halifax and then Lunenburg way back when. Still one of my favourite areas in the country.

Dec 25, 08 8:21 am  · 

I'm not sure if anywhere else has this tradition but mum makes egg nog with Christmas breakfast, it's about 1/3 overproof rum. I've climbed into the nearest corner for nap. Will report later.

Dec 25, 08 11:07 am  · 

Ugh!! I think I'm nearing a food coma. Ate something like 6 or 8 blintzes along with bacon and coffee.

Atechno - glad to hear your "Xmas present" arrived safely and in one piece. Enjoy.

farmer - nice to see you drop in, it's been quite a while.

SW and jump - it totally puts a smile on my face to think of you two with your wives and your girls opening presents together. I can totally visualize all the excited energy bustling around each and every new discovery. How awesome. I love it.

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays to all.

Time for the Xmas day nap before I head on back to the parents for more Xmas celebration with the other brother and his fam.

Dec 25, 08 11:55 am  · 

Merry Christmas y'all....
Farmer i didn't realize you were in Nova Scotia (or are you just visiting family?).
I have always loved the East Coast of Canada. Something so Old/other world to it..

I am off to my folks to do presents et al..

Also, my Christmas present to myself made it in yesterday. I finally paid off the last of my back owed last semesters tuition. Yes i finished my M.A. 2 years ago. But you know how it goes...
Anyways, i finally received my diploma.


Dec 25, 08 6:08 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Congrats! It's always liberating to get rid of old debt... Something I need to be doing a lot more of in 2009.

I normally visit my parents in North Carolina for Christmas, but I wasn't able to do that this year, and ended up staying in town. It's a little lonely, but it's also nice to hang around in the city and not have to put up with all the stress and aggravation of traveling. (My parents came up here to visit for Thanksgiving, so at least I've seen them in the recent past.)

I served as an acolyte at the cathedral for the midnight mass last night and again this morning, so I'm pretty exhausted... I had a nice brunch at a French cafe after the morning service, and I've been chilling out at home since then. I'm tempted to go out and wander around the city a bit this evening (weather is decent for a change), but I'll probably just stay in and watch a couple movies instead.

I hope everybody is having a great holiday!

Dec 25, 08 6:20 pm  · 

I'm going on my second straight day of family bonding. I'm exhausted but glad to see everyone and be here, even if it is cold. I hope everyone had a good day and spent it doing exactly what you wanted to do, because contentment is probably the best gift you can give yourself.

Dec 25, 08 8:22 pm  · 

jump, ****melt, namhenderson: thanks for asking after me. jump: i am now in e. walton, e. hants county, n.s. with my parents. is on the minas basin. do you know hants county? it is a relief to get out of Hfx/dartmouth for a few days. i am a haligonian. all of you have a happy and stress-free holiday!

Dec 26, 08 5:19 am  · 

farmer, i am not sure. i think my roommate came from round there, but not sure. probably went through it at one point or another. we travelled round the province quite a bit, just for heck of it. sounds ideal though.

i still kinda miss halifax. lived in fenwick tower for a year when my da was doing his masters degree, and i worked as a cook at restaurant close to spring garden rd. lovely city to be young in.

Dec 26, 08 7:52 am  · 

happy boxing day TC (especially to jump). It's nice seeing snow melt and bare ground again.

Dec 26, 08 10:05 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Farmer, was that even english?

Abram loved his presents, especially the foam letters; they must taste lovely from how much hes been chewing on them. We also took him for a few turns in his wagon in the back yard, and then Husband pulled me around too. It was tons of fun. Unfortunatly, the little guy has a terribly cold. We've left him at my moms for the night. I'm nervous, but we need some time. Wish me luck. I may just break down and drive the 45 minutes back to get him. Hes gonna be ok, right?

Techno, your mom MAKES eggnog, or just Nogs the egg nog? I love it. Husband is a good southerner, and uses whiskey, but not me, yuck. I'm a rum fan; though I do prefer clear to dark spiced.

Dec 26, 08 3:25 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm knww-deep into the second week of a drinking binge...but still alive, bottoms up!

Dec 26, 08 4:23 pm  · 

my xmas present to self was finishing my dad's bottle of black & white scotch. nice speyside blended beverage with cute doggies on the very stylish label. It still great after sitting in the liquor cabinet for the last 30 years or so. I also took the liberty to liberate his unopened bottle of white label for my own hearth.

Dec 26, 08 4:25 pm  · 

Hi all,
Sounds like everyone is having a great Christmas holiday.
I had to be at work today but spent the day "scanning" i will know go home and prepare for a party i am hosting for a friend.

Dec 26, 08 4:52 pm  · 

Ha ha ha, ha ha ha, predictions are up! Yay!

Dec 26, 08 5:33 pm  · 

Damn I got a cold for I have a reason to go to Brazil....warm weather always helps with a cold.

Dec 26, 08 5:48 pm  · 

predictions are cool wk. yours is great!

ever get an e-mail that took you by surprise and have to decide whether or not to change direction of career? just had one yesterday that is leaving me thinking...which is quite dangerous really. just when i thought the world was turning weird and difficult, three doors open up, and all of them are possibly quite cool. yikes.

i am going to take a week off from tomorrow (holidays here start at end of today) and just relax. not sure if i know how to do that anymore, but apparently it doesn't require a special permit or anything, so am set...on-sen is already booked and family just about packed up. hoping weather will agree with us this time around...

Dec 26, 08 9:58 pm  · 

Thanks jump. I hope you like your Spidey suit. :o)

Also I had one for Sarah as well but unfortunately it did not show up, I had a mishap with the file and I told them to overwrite it but....well, anyway, here it is.

Sarah Hamilton swashbuckles the health care system into submission after she has to wait weeks for a referral on her eye patch.

Dec 27, 08 12:06 am  · 

As I mentioned to Emily earlier, anyone who's had the misfortune to get on my bad side already knows that I can breathe fire. So I guess portions of her predictions have already come true. ;)

Anybody else do a little post-christmas shopping damage today? I know it's sacrilege to mention shopping given our economic woes, but I recently realized that I couldn't very well interview with any of the world's best firms in my $15 black slacks from JC Penney and a pair of Pumas that the streets of Europe have pounded flat. So I figured that if I had to buy nice clothes, now was the time, and scored some really good deals on clothes I wouldn't be ashamed to walk into a good office in. I guess I've also got an exhibit opening, my thesis defense, and a wedding coming up in the next few months, so that's worth one nice outfit (or two, if I can find the perfect wrap dress), right?

I've also been enjoying reading tk's [url=]pedagogical philosophies[/i] thread. I haven't quite ordered my thoughts in this area yet, but I've been really amazed at the differences and similarities of the pedagogy in graphic design and architecture. Sometimes I think they're exactly the same, and sometimes I am floored by the difference.

Dec 27, 08 12:26 am  · 
liberty bell

DubK, you win. In everything. You rock. I'm so flattered to be in your predictions, and I love the whole story of the TC Heroes. Sarah's is also excellent, thanks for showing it to us here.

All of them are so perfect. beta's cartoon is SPOT-ON, as is vado dear's.

snook, I too have a Christmas cold, as does the whole family. Damned 8 hours on an airplane breathing in the amoebic stew.

rationalist, I did do a bit of shopping today. We've been snowed in since Monday and everyone looked at each other today and said "Let's get the hell out of here, road conditions be damned!" So we went to Nordstrom Rack which I must admit I love. I got a WARM winter jacket, the first one I've had in years. No wrap dresses sadly. And yes, you were right to stock up on some interview stuff with the sales right now.

As I said, we've been snowed in. But my parent's house has a phenomenal 230 degree view of downtown Portland. You know how I've often quoted Jim Jarmusch's comment that all the cities you've lived in are like your former lovers? I'm staring across a miles-wide divide at my gorgeous former lover/city, shocked at how good he looks, knowing I'll never get close to him again because he's so happy without me. It makes me sad for lost potentials.

Dec 27, 08 1:33 am  · 
Living in Gin

For the record, I don't have anything against building codes in principle... Just the provisions that suck.

Dec 27, 08 3:04 am  · 

Sarah, yup she makes it from scratch and uses white overproof rum. I've had it with whiskey, but really what a waste of whiskey. We did end up chasing the Christmas evening's coffee with the egg nog (egg nog lattes) which made the night's work even better.

Today being Boxing Day we switched locations from family to friends. Its 4am and just came home from my sig other/best friend's house, after having made a couple other stops including my local drinking hole. The sad thing was that we looked like a blackberry commercial - everyone at the table was sporting one - some even two. I guess it was a good xmas for everyone.

love to all

Dec 27, 08 4:00 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

techno, two questions...

How does she make Egg Nog? I mean, I saw Alton Brown do it once, but dont know any real people that do.

Second, You have a new woman? How did I miss that?

Husband and I saw Valkyre last night, and had a few drinks. The movie was ok, but I just dont like Tom Cruise, he never becomes the character for me. Then, husband made me come home and play racing games on the xbox. What a waste of a buzz.

I havent had any calls, so I'm guessing Abe made it through the night. I cant wait to go see him.

Dec 27, 08 8:41 am  · 

hey, lb, saw our fellow instructor last night. were your ears burning?

glad everyone had good holiday. at least it doesn't sound like there were major dramas.

good news on enticing opportunity, jump. even if you decide no, isn't the chance to decide a great feeling?

Dec 27, 08 8:55 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, read your predeictions DubK. They're great. And thank you for posting mine here. I am honoured. Did I mention that I did some healthcare swashbuckling just the other day? We got a bill for 1300 bucks, from the Birth! I called, and the insurance said to disregard, they have a contact, and we shouldn't have to pay it. If they send another one, to call them back, and we will get it all cleared up. Take THAT!

Dec 27, 08 8:56 am  · 

i saw 4 movies yesterday.

in order:

10:45 - Valkyrie
1:10 - Slumdog Millionaire
5:20 - Milk
7:40 - Curious Case of Benjamin Buttons

Dec 27, 08 9:00 am  · 

you were on airplane beta?

right, steven. chances to decide things like that are awesome. kinda takes some of the fear out of 2009. this year has been an odd one so far, so it is nice to know not all the futures out there will need to be hard-fought.

well, off to the countryside in morning. happy happy-ness all!

Dec 27, 08 10:03 am  · 

Hi all,
Party a success. Reconnected with old friends.

Love all the predictions..

Jump, sounds lucky. It is always nice to have the luxury of reexamining one's direction. At least i think so.

Dec 27, 08 12:15 pm  · 

I'm glad everyone's having a good holiday. Here's to embracing our inner superheroes in the new year :o)

beta, I wanted to see most of those, but just got to see Slumdog Millionaire last night. What did you think of them?

Dec 27, 08 4:30 pm  · 

beta - this might be a little too forward but does your ass hurt from all that sitting? Mine does just hearing about it. I pretty much want to see all those movies. Slumdog Millionaire was pretty good. Didn't expect the Bollywood ending but I enjoyed it none the less.

Today started off with brunch which then evolved into a little shopping.

Right now, I'm nursing an awesome headache, Gotta love those barometric changes in the weather. Off to dinner with a friend.

Atechno - YAY!!!!! About time ;o)

Dec 27, 08 6:13 pm  · 

hey tc- i'm trying to find my posts about teaching a 'macgyver design studio'that cameron & I discussed - possibly on tc. something about having two palm trees, a tarp, an old shipping container, and a few other objects to create an entire village or something with. damn if I can remember the exchange, there was also something about 'landscape for humanity' mentioned - but the google/archinect search windows didn't find the posts.

Dec 27, 08 9:10 pm  · 

since Cam doesn't post on the boards all that much anymore, maybe try looking at the 'recently posted in' section of his profile to see if any of the threads there ring a bell?

Dec 27, 08 9:28 pm  · 

also saw 'benjamin button's last night. first movie in a long time that we BOTH enjoyed immensely. exquisite cinematography. cg a little annoying at times. but, all in all, a really enjoyable 3hrs during which i hardly even had time to get fidget-y.

helped for me that it was sort of a love story to new orleans wrapped into the mix.

Dec 28, 08 7:37 am  · 

i saw righteous kill,, weird

Dec 28, 08 12:52 pm  · 

Does anyone else have glove gremlins living in their house? I think they are related to the sock monster. Perhaps now tghat I have outed them, my glove will reappear.

I tried to watch War Inc. last night. It was pretty boring. Kinda reminded me of Grosse Pointe Blank but not funny.

Dec 28, 08 1:03 pm  · 

no, haven't encountered the glove gremlins (knock on wood), but the sock monster at my house is so hungry that even visitors lose one sock sometimes!

I felt like a big old dork last night... both the potential irrationalists seem to have fallen through, so in the absence of other plans I spent til 1:30 in the morning working on my thesis.

Dec 28, 08 1:53 pm  · 

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