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I love the Consumerist! Awesome site.

Dec 18, 08 3:46 pm  · 

It is really fantastic. Their commenters are professionals too, LOL.

261 already? Hmmm.

Dec 18, 08 3:56 pm  · 

hi aml, hope you have travels (as well as everyone else travelling for the holidays). I made it a point not to travel until immediately after the holidays because well I hate stupid people. Especially when they are impatient and get irate.

Smokey...sorry dude. I feel your pain

Had a little dilemma that turned around today. I outsourced some drawings to make a contract deadline, and invoiced my client. I got an email this morning saying they needed payment urgently, so I went to the bank to pull some moola to pay them and depleting my Christmas/New Year funds significantly. After leaving the bank I got a call from the client saying he had a cheque for me, I was relieved.

Dec 18, 08 4:29 pm  · 

tk.....there is something wrong about the gas statement....How can you burn a gallon of gas over a two week time period inorder to keep one light bulb burning? Some energy producing machine you have there....

Dec 18, 08 5:29 pm  · 
Living in Gin

A bit of good news this afternoon: A feasibility study I helped put together this past spring/summer has turned into a real project for the office, and will serve as a prototype for up to a dozen similar future projects that we may become involved with.

We're also submitting another feasibility study for more extensive work at the same facility, and there's a good chance that this one will also turn into a major project.

Each project could keep a team busy for a year or more, so I'm feeling a better about hopefully being able to ride out the economic storm with this firm until I'm ready to start grad school.

Dec 18, 08 6:30 pm  · 

snook, does it surprise you that so much energy is burned up, or so little?

glad to hear that worked out archi.

Dec 18, 08 6:36 pm  · 
Ok, so I contacted someone at the old firm, and asked for a half set of cds. Lets hope they can come through.

Sarah, know that it is not only within your rights but imperative that you gather images, pdfs of the drawings you worked on, etcetera from your old firm post-layoff. That is absolutely critical. I cannot stress this enough. You should be able to go back and load everything you worked on onto CDs -- maybe not the actual autocad files (although in my experience they usually have no problem giving you these when you ask), but the images, the pdfs, the correspondance, the products, and most DEFINITELY the timesheets as well. Some offices will also very kindly let you take any spec sections you worked on as well -- if so, these are INVALUABLE.

Trust me, you will thank me for this advice. Now go act on it! ;-)

Dec 18, 08 6:51 pm  · 

aw, I feel like the old fogey now.

I had an excellent lunch today with two older architects whom I truly admire. It was a wonderful, refreshing and re-orienting experince; helped me think through some of my prerogatives in life. Everyone should occasionally have such a lunch!

I love living in my city. I love the wealth of architectural resources -- both human and otherwise -- here. I'm so glad I made the move here!

Dec 18, 08 6:52 pm  · 

Man, I've been in a total funk recently. The reasons are pretty obvious:

...My significant other of 5 years and I just called it quits (fortunately, amicably). I'm unemployed. I'm in this weird state of questioning what I am/plan on doing with my life. It's been raining for a week straight...

But then I have to think of the good:
...The split was amicable and, thus far, this friendship thing is working well. I was planning on being unemployed after my travels so I planned ahead financially. I'm hoping to go to grad school so I have a few years of adventure that await. And the rain makes me appreciate beautiful days. And it's Christmas time, my favorite time of year...

I'm snapping out of this funk starting tomorrow. Until then, I'm watching Six Feet Under all night.

Dec 18, 08 7:22 pm  · 

I also forgot to mention that I'm growing tons of gray hair. I'm 25.

Dec 18, 08 7:23 pm  · 

ooooh I love Six Feet Under.

Dec 18, 08 7:41 pm  · 
vado retro

except for being as good looking as him, i am a hell of a lot like nate...

Dec 18, 08 8:01 pm  · 

happy birthday Q!

Dec 18, 08 8:35 pm  · 

n_ sorry to hear about the break-up. Five years is a long time to be with someone. But you seem to have a good perspective on things. Things will get better soon.... after all Christmas is next week. Woo-hoo!!!!

Dec 18, 08 8:36 pm  · 
liberty bell

n_ sorry to hear about the breakup, I thought you and ms. n_ were pretty strong. I hope you can keep the friendship going; I've never once been able to do that with an ex, but I dated a lot of pricks, so never had any incentive to maintain a friendship.

I had a professor who I knew for about three years, at the end of that time she and her husband divorced. She also had to find a new job, not sure what happened with the teaching gig through which I met her it was not continuing (maybe a fellowship?). I talked to her at this point in her life of not really having any strong reason to go in any particular direction and she was, though slightly nervous, mostly elated at the idea that she really *could* choose to go whichever direction she wanted. It all worked out quite well for her, last I heard, and her acceptance of that freedom has always resonated with me. Good luck as you figure out what direction you feel like going.

techno: a check is always good news! Yay!

Dec 18, 08 8:48 pm  · 
liberty bell

Also, the neighbors just left, they came over to hang out and eat some cookies AND they brought with them the bottle of Icelandic schnapps that we gave them after our trip a year ago. Yummy.

Dec 18, 08 9:07 pm  · 

Oh, n_, I'm sorry about your breakup. You are so young though, and despite what grey hairs you might be getting, I agree with lb....your future is so bright, we have to wear shades! Good luck with your decisions and let me know if you want any insight on whatever schools you applied to out here.

Things are good, if quite chilly, here in the Queen City. Also, and this is really weird, but this afternoon Mom and I went to lunch at the Frisch's up the street. There was a cop car in the parking lot with his lights on next to a parked car and I quipped "I bet there's a dead body in there!" Holy sh*t, sometimes I scare myself.

Dec 18, 08 9:24 pm  · 

Whoops I said "out here" but I meant "out there" ... it's not unusual for me to forget where I am at any given time.

Dec 18, 08 9:26 pm  · 

I'm working on my portfolio with steven starr sleeping against my chest. there's something increadibly calming about a sleeping baby (until they wake up screaming).

Dec 18, 08 10:18 pm  · 

sorry to hear that n.

have never seen 6 feet under. so many tv shows i have never seen cuz of being away. even the simpsons was not yet created when i left north america for good. so everything since like the A-Team is pretty much a mystery to me. which is sort of sad. luckily the internet has made so much tv viewing possible and i finally have a clue what my cousins are on about.

manta is totally right, SH. I failed to grab drawings of slightly big project i worked on when i was laid off in 2003, and always regretted not asking for them.

Dec 18, 08 10:26 pm  · 

Hi TC! im back, i survived another semester!

n_ I too am sorry to hear that,
im glad it ended amicably

ive been wanting to watch six feet under,
but i get caught up in all the other shows that
i watch, like dexter, heroes, chuck, 30 rock, life, and fringe

by the way i got a B in phyics im totally on
cloud 9 right now

Dec 18, 08 10:54 pm  · 

i was reading this on Wiki today:

In a dialectic process describing the interaction and resolution between multiple paradigms or ideologies, one putative solution establishes primacy over the others. The goal of a dialectic process is to merge point and counterpoint (thesis and antithesis) into a compromise or other state of agreement (synthesis).

In a dialogic process, various approaches coexist and are comparatively existential and relativistic in their interaction. Here, each ideology can hold more salience in particular circumstances. Changes can be made within these ideologies if a strategy does not have the desired effect. Thus, these entities do not necessarily merge (or become subjugated) into bigger entities as in the dialectic process, but nonetheless modify themselves (sometimes fundamentally) over the course of mutual interaction.

i think i like the dialogic process more...

Dec 18, 08 11:03 pm  · 

my favorite Tschumi quote/image:

Dec 18, 08 11:19 pm  · 

mine too beta.... those were the days were Tschumi was toe to toe with Eisenman...Rem who? I was a strong disciple, even named my dog after him. Many people suspect his time at Columbia softened him up, and kerbed his wit and tongue.

Dec 19, 08 2:15 am  · 
liberty bell

Man, it's 8 AM already and it's barely light outside. I need some sunshine.

Dec 19, 08 7:59 am  · 

Me too LB, me too. This rainy weather is sucking the life out of me. :o(

Dec 19, 08 8:20 am  · 
vado retro

...a very good version.

Dec 19, 08 8:50 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Dec 19, 08 9:44 am  · 

Morning all,
I went to the dentist earlier and am taking a half day so won't be at work for a few more hours.

The work was quick but not enough novacaine was used...

Hi Philarct, glad to hear things are going well.

N_, at least your taking the right approach it seems.

Now I am off to eat some molasses and oatmeal.

Dec 19, 08 10:10 am  · 
Living in Gin

That Tschumi image is just begging to be made into a T-shirt.

Dec 19, 08 10:28 am  · 

I thought it might be good to post a link to this article about George W. Bush from Forbes Magazine in 2000. I came across it when I was googling one of the people mentioned in the article. I would assume after wandering thru this article George is about as good of an operator as Madoff and Some of the others metioned in the article.

Dec 19, 08 10:30 am  · 

my undergrad thesis was on tschumi's advertisements for architecture- good times. Yes, I made that image into a tee-shirt and when i wore it, everybody thought I was a geek.

Dec 19, 08 11:53 am  · 

TK and Gin, I distinctly remember seeing t-shirts with that image and it was a few year after a couple arq students threw themselves off school buildings. Although in bad form, I did find it funny.

I am desperately trying to control my saturation of Christmas music, like the movies they generally suck (chunks)

Wonder K, I meant to ask if you were coming from the restaurant at the time? Or if you were heading to, did you continue onwards?

Dec 19, 08 1:20 pm  · 

hello tc, made it back after a couple of delays, but nothing major. now am having sunshine overdose, it's super bright here. and very, very warm.

Dec 19, 08 2:27 pm  · 

sorry about the breakup n. It's rough when something that long-term ends. If you need a laugh, my posts on the 'dear abra' thread for the past two years or so are generally good for one along that vein.

Dec 19, 08 3:13 pm  · 

aml where are you? Back home? Or are you chilling on a beach in Cuba?

And can I ask a really dumb question. Whose Ken Koense?

Dec 19, 08 3:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ken is someone you can trust, techno.

It's cloudy and cold. aml, I am so, so jealous of your sunshine!

Can I say this: I'm sick of being broke. I've been broke - I mean comfortable enough, but always teetering on the edge of broke, living paycheck to paycheck - for my entire professional life. And the upcoming year(s) don't promise to be any better. Angus needs another round of surgery for his ears (tubes, no worries) and I just dream of a time when I can pay for things like minor surgery without worrying about how many months of my budget this is going to affect.

Dream on way past 2009, right?!? ;-) Oh well, we're hanging in there. Hanging on with white knuckles, but still hanging in there!

Dec 19, 08 3:53 pm  · 

techno, did he send you an email?

Dec 19, 08 4:09 pm  · 
vado retro

who is ken koense and why is he saying those things about me...

i just saw my crush. but she was too busy to talk much.
i also had a coffee "date" with a left wing wine loving theologin earlier today.
then i did some christmas shopping.

Dec 19, 08 4:26 pm  · 

lb I broke a tooth last out the widow goes a bunch of money I don't have. One of the Luxuries of being ones own boss.
The Dentist couldn't see me today and so I scheduled a Saturday
visit, but were in the middle of a fricking snow storm. So who knows what will be happening. Think I'm going to go kill some pain as it is almost dark and the snow is a flying. Guess I will start a fire in the fireplace to chear myself up.

Oh ya one of my projects....which was going to be a building shell has turned into a full fledge project and it has to be done before
December 31 in order to be part of the State Package to the Feds
as part of the recovery plan. So I will be busting my arse all weekend, so I can take it to the printer on monday and file for a
building permit so it can be submitted to State sometime between Christmas and New Years.

I'm broke most of the time as well...but I'm mostly happy about life,
and all the good fortune it has brought me. I could be Maddoff, and have to live with the guilt of cheating people out of 50 Billion Dollars. I couldn't handle that, I would have to off myself.

Have a nice weekend. If you see me here over the weekend it is because I need a break from the project I'm working on.

Dec 19, 08 4:29 pm  · 
vado retro

yes but you could off yourself with a solid gold glock!

Dec 19, 08 4:33 pm  · 

how come ken doesn't post around here any more???

LB- I 2nd being pissed about being broke. I was a grad student for long enough, why do I still have to live like one?

Dec 19, 08 4:42 pm  · 

i liken the career of an architect to that of an actor, not the Brangelinas, but more like my favorite comedian/actor right now, Sarah Silverman. i mean she's so damned talented as a comic, but has been in some shitty films. so, what i figure for her, it's about getting paid and getting exposure - i include her effing Jimmy Kimmel in that equation, so she can do the things that make her happy, like her tv show.

Dec 19, 08 4:49 pm  · 
liberty bell
I'm broke most of the time as well...but I'm mostly happy about life,
and all the good fortune it has brought me

snook, I feel exactly the same way. I'm basically a very happy person, and grateful for everything that is actually wonderful about my life - but every now and then I need to bitch, and you loving people on TC are always such good shoulders to cry on!

vado, I'm guessing the coffee date wasn't too salacious or you would have called to tell me about it! ;-)

Now I'm going to meet a contractor to figure out one tricky detail, then reeeelax.

Dec 19, 08 4:51 pm  · 

here's the thing; the higher one climbs the ladder, the farther the fall. if i fall from a 10' ladder, perhaps a broken ankle, more likely a bad sprain, but if i fall from a 30' or 40' ladder, real damage.

i am somewhat happy that my ladder is only about 8'-10' long...

Dec 19, 08 5:03 pm  · 

my selection for best christmas song heard so far this year:
i heard ac/dc's 'mistress for christmas' on the radio this morning.

Dec 19, 08 5:11 pm  · 

Awwww LB - I completely sympathize, empathize, etc with you. I wish there were something I could so for you but alas, I don't have much to give except for my shoulder and an ear. Hang in there.... everything is going to end up okay in the end.

snook - sorry to hear about your tooth. That's great that the dentist is going to take care of it tomorrow. Just please be careful driving. Good luck finishing everything this weekend for submittable on Monday. That's totally awesome that it's going to the Feds as a part of the recovery plan.

Off to another Christmas party. It's been weird this year. I haven't decorated or anything. I don't even know what/if anything the family has planned in celebration of it.

Dec 19, 08 5:47 pm  · 

what happens at 8'? Do you just think, "damn that's why the ladder is so small?"

Liberty as long as you say I can trust him, he's alright in my book! I am contemplating going out for drinks this evening. I have stuff to do but, its Friday before Crissmus and I kinda would like to play the fool!!

Dec 19, 08 6:15 pm  · 

Hi all. Thanks for the love.

The high today was 73 degrees. The anticipated high on Sunday is supposed to be 32. Food for though.

Dec 19, 08 6:33 pm  · 

n_, it has been food for my thought all day. Global warming? Who cares about global warming when we can talk about how crazy Blago is?!?

Dec 19, 08 7:50 pm  · 

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