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LB, that is pretty much a sumarry of the last 8 years or so for me too.

as long as i keep moving forward i am content though. luckily we were able to manage things with just me working for much of that, so my girls got to stay home with their mum as well, which is kinda lucky.

a salary of 20 million wouldn't be bad though (some of our friends earn millions a year just base salary, which is frankly unbelievable)...

broken teeth arn't fun. luckily dentists fit under health care here, so are pretty cheap for basic stuffs. they aren't any more enjoyable though...

LB, you know one other thing that is so totally kool about japanese medicine is that kids are free. AND they just expanded the cut off age to take the kids through elementary school as an incentive to parents to have more kids (the world here otherwise does not favor having children - which may explain why no one is having them). not sure about surgery but so far we haven't had to pay for any doctor time. i gotta say it makes life easier here than it might be...

Dec 19, 08 8:02 pm  · 

DubK and n_ it's no wonder my head hurts with all this up and down in temperature/barometric pressure. All I have to say is thank God for peppermint oil.

Dec 19, 08 11:23 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Bah! I'm grumpy. Maybe because its 1030 and I'm awake. Or because Husband is still at work, for the second night in a row. Or because those stupid photos we had taken came back today. Oh yeah, I didn't tell y'all about the fun experience.

They first ask how I'd like the photos. I say "Not Static" and then the 'new girl' makes us sit and smile at the camera the whole time. Plus, one of the lights was out on their set-up, and all the pictures are dark. And out of focus. And generally TERRIBLE. But at least they are done, and parents will cry/laugh whatever, and not bug us for them for a while. We are NOT reliving that expereince any time soon. We were there for 3 hours!!!! And I had an appointment. Effers.

Oh, my ribbon candy turned out alright. Looks more like a fruit roll-up, but still tastes great. I dont know how they make those accordion shapes so perfectly. Must have a fancy machine.

Dec 19, 08 11:34 pm  · 

hahah, sarah, that is funny. i refuse to do those shopping mall photographers myself. instead i make a 100 page book every year of candid shots taken over previous 364.25 days and send to family members. if they want more proper shots we go to disney land and dress up like cowboys. surprisingly, disney doesn't mess about, and you know really the entire idea of sitting for a picture is only made enjoyable by fact i get to hold a fake sword ;-)

gots to order me a giant chicken tomorrow. Christmas is school/work day in japan, but we will be having more or less proper Christmas eve dinner nonetheless, complete with stuffing, friends, and apple pie (not necessarily in that order).

what time do you go to bed sarah? 10.30 is late?

Dec 20, 08 1:27 am  · 

its funny I come home psht'd and can never find the psht'd thread, but I manage to stagger into TC looking for someone to dance with. Wake up damnit I want to dance, and sing too.

Dec 20, 08 3:37 am  · 

I'm still here. Feel like I've learned a little too much about your evening from your facebook status...

Dec 20, 08 3:50 am  · 

and, for future reference... the hammerred thread

Dec 20, 08 3:51 am  · 

Hi all,
I don't want to make it sounds too exciting but just as i was going to bed the crazy ex who was in California for the last 4-6 months showed up at my door.
Apparently she is back in town (EEEEk!) and thus began the riot on my front porch/lawn.
And i barely exaggerate.
Ah finally too bed.

Dec 20, 08 3:55 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

SInce we get up at 530 every morning, we like to go t obed at 9. I know it makes for a short evening, but easier mornings. This whole week, we've been up til 11-12 midnight! Its starting to show. So much for the easy life of the unemployed.

Jump, your dress up portrait sounds funny. I like to think Im that carefree and fun, but really I'm much to controlling and serious. The times I've tried to break out I mostly just feel like an idiot later. Maybe if I got sloshed first? Nah, then I'd have that drunk skin look. I get all splotchy and pale. And we've been fighting against the formal portraits for about 5 years now. Some people think photos only count when taken by a photographer that you have to pay. Don't ask me why. The photos we've taken of abram always turn out better anyway.

Dec 20, 08 9:06 am  · 

i was lucky, sarah, to be raised by fun mum - so though i am serious about work the rest of my life i prefer to be as anarchy-filled as possible. since we are only an hour from disneyland by train, and somehow seem to go about 4 times a year, it seems easiest way to get pics done. although now my mum has a digital frame we may just upload pics to her via internet from now on. i am hoping she got one with wireless connection and she is not sure what that means, but we will find out soon enough...

i think maybe it is true older people don't need much sleep. we go to bed at 12 or 1 am and get up at 6 on normal days. 6 hours is more than enough to feel totally refreshed. i wonder when i am in my 50's if i can stop sleeping altogether...that would be so awesome.

in other news...i got mad at my girls today and started yelling and shit when they proceeded to beat me up. apparently i am not convincing as a violent man. i laughed so hard i forgot what i was angry about...but wonder what ever happened to the angry young man i used to be? i swear there was a time when me being angry didn't inspire a 4 year old to punch me in the kidney...;-)

Dec 20, 08 10:36 am  · 

that is an adorable story..

And i usually get about 6 hours myself except weekends.

Dec 20, 08 12:06 pm  · 

Good afternoon/morning all. I have a disclaimer....

I wanted you to know that I have just completed and sent off my list of "predictions" for 2009, and most of you are featured prominently in it. When asked for my predictions for the coming year, I decided to go silly....I'm not sure if I was just tired of being serious because of blogging too much or what. Anyway, I used all of your primary aliases on TC so if for some reason you don't trust me (you should though, I think you'll like what I've done!), please email Paul/Alex and tell them to, ahem, remove "you" from the mix.

That is all. Have a lovely weekend.

Dec 20, 08 12:24 pm  · 

Aw man, EmK, now I'm struck with the fear that I might not have made the predictions list! Eek.

Dec 20, 08 12:39 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Be afraid. Be very afraid...

Dec 20, 08 12:46 pm  · 

Survived the Dentist....He did a bang up job! I have known him a long time so he is comfortable about handing me a mirror and letting me check out the progress including the placement of the titanium screw.. I did have to ask him for my glasses just so he wasn't waisting time. I will be seeing alot more of him and the
Orthodontist this coming year....Seems like there both wanting me
to do some realignment of my teeth so I keep from breaking them.
I was actually going to start the process earlier this year but held off
because of lack of payment from one of my clients. However I guess I'm going to have to bite the bullet and get on with the procedure.
I know and trust both of these guys. The Orthodontist office is just
across the street from my house and we have helped out the girls from the office from time to time with cars, given them some of our giant sunflower seeds. I have helped the Dr. with some tools when
he was trying to fix a plugged drain line. So they always wave and say hi.

Right now my mouth feels like numb city.....had tomato soup for lunch with melted cheese and soft break crumbs floating in the soup.

We also had over 12 inches of snow last night and today. There is another round of snow coming this evening somewhere between 8 and I will be borrowing the neighbors snow blower inorder to
plow our driveway. Guess we be having a White Christmas Here in New England.

Dec 20, 08 1:40 pm  · 

rationalist - that's exactly what we thought when we heard them say it. Unfortunately the truth wasn't as exciting, it was reference to the current US president, but in a bar full of 1/2 drunken men they thought otherwise. And thanks for the link, but I was looking for the psht'd thread

Nam, don't leave us in the dark - what else happened with crazy ex-girlfriend?

And it was the Saturday before Christmas, everyone was stirring including the mouse.

Dec 20, 08 1:48 pm  · 

And where might these predictions be found EmKem?

I have another headache again today. Yay me!!!

Dec 20, 08 4:38 pm  · 

****melt it is a feature that Archinect is putting together.

Let's just say someone got a black eye, my garden gnome and a couple of plants were smashed and my roomate and I almost had to call the cops.
Thankfully for the first time some of her friends were there to get her and so they were witness to the crazy and therefore i felt vindicated because they finally knew it wasn't that i was just some asshole.

Dec 20, 08 5:32 pm  · 

damn, and I thought my ex-girlfriend was psycho - I am glad you are alright though and see the irony of it all. Are you the one with the shinner?

Dec 20, 08 7:53 pm  · 

techno, even this non-drunk (for once) woman thought that, so it's nothing to do with drunken men. Or maybe I just spend so much time with drunken men that their thought process has rubbed off?

Am snowed into the house, watching christmas movies, hoping I still get to see irrationalist #2 tomorrow (per dubK and Sarah's advice, especially since irrationalist #1 hasn't called).

Dec 20, 08 11:27 pm  · 

namhenderson - EEK! She sounds like trouble. It's a good thing she's your ex and you recognize her madness. Stay away at all cost.

Dec 21, 08 12:19 am  · 
vado retro
Dec 21, 08 9:11 am  · 
liberty bell

nam, thanks for sharing the details be jeepers if an ex of mine showed up and even ONE potted plant or gnome had been broken I wouldn't have "almost" called the cops, I would have! Hope your eye is OK.

So I went to two holiday parties last night: my partner's very fancy uppercrust fabulous gathering, and an artist-filled loco cool shindig. Both were enormously fun; it's so good to get a grown-up night out (the $50 babysitter fee notwithstanding).

(The rest of this post is for the ladies, some girl-talk: I don't have a lot of fancy clothes, so I borrowed a wrap dress from a girlfriend for these parties. I've never worn a wrap dress before but man, I am sold! I always avoided wrap dresses because they belt at the waist and my waist is the least slim part of my body, but this one is all black and I think the belting - and if it had been patterned, the pattern - help hide little lumps. It had a deeper neckline than I typically wear too, but the dress was SO comfortable, so easy to move in, I just felt great. Girlfriend lesson in this: go ahead and try out shapes of clothing you typically shy away from because you might be pleasantly surprised! I'm going to look for three new wrap dresses of my own at after Christmas sales!)

Gonna make some more Christmas cookies today; we don't really need any more but it's single digit temps outside and I have to warm up the house SOMEhow!

Dec 21, 08 9:30 am  · 

I saw an add in NYT this morning: It looks Like SOM is looking for one person to replace all those it has laid off...."Super Architect" and damn they only need two years of experience. I read it in the paper copy. I tried to find it on line but no such luck.

Dec 21, 08 11:04 am  · 

LB - That's awesome about the dress. There is nothing like a dress that makes you feel beautiful. Amazingly enough, the one that I own is also a wrap dress (I've always felt the same way about them) and it always lightens my step and put a smile on my face whenever I wear it.

In other news - there was a great WonderMelt-ing last night. Got to hang out with a whole bunch of great and amazing people in the process.

Anyway, I woke up late again so I better get a move on before it gets away from me completely.

Dec 21, 08 12:26 pm  · 

It was actually her friend who got a black eye as they were trying to get her into their car. Yes she socked a friend.
Anyways, after much consulting with friends I have decided to get in touch with the cops Monday and try and get a restraining order or something.

I just don't want her showing up here ever again..

And i ain;t moving.

Dec 21, 08 1:07 pm  · 

Listen nam, I'm unemployed. You can just hire me and I'll be your personal bodyguard. I have no qualifications other than I can blow a whistle really well and once sprayed MACE in my mouth as a dare in elementary school. I can make due with minimum wage.

Dec 21, 08 4:13 pm  · 
vado retro

that's all good n__________________________________________________, but can you sing This? please note i'm givin' it to you nashville style!

Dec 21, 08 4:46 pm  · 

Dolly does and always will hold a very special place in my heart.

Viva La Dolly.

Dec 21, 08 5:34 pm  · 

Just came in from outside....the snow has all but stopped and we even had a nice sunset. The dogs have been real keen on the deep snow. Like every five is time to go out and play fetch in the deep snow. I shoveled the walk and used my neighbors snowblower to clear out the driveway where the town snow plow always
manages to dump as much if not more snow on top of what ever we
get in a storm. Cleaned off the back deck sort of so the dogs have a half way decent launching pad for jumping into the deep snow. I came in and Frito Jack came with me but the bid guy insisted on staying out and playing in the snow. So I left him and came inside to finish up a drawing and Mrs B said I needed to get him in. Well he was having none of that and continued to stay at bay. It was dark an
he was just having to much fun as you can always tell by how fast he is wagging his tail. I brought a bisquit and it didn't even interest him so then I found some smoke cheese in the refrigerator and went out
and called again and once again he was not interested. So I took some cheese and made a snow ball with some cheese in it an tossed it at him. Yep he smelled the cheese and then he understood what I was trying to tell him....he came flying and we all went in . Now it is time for me to take a shower....after all this exercise on a Sunday. Then a shot of gin and orange juice to ward off the cold.

We ended up with a couple feet of snow this weekend. They were saying more coming our way but it might turn to rain which would be a real shame. I don't want a soggy Christmas.

Dec 21, 08 5:46 pm  · 
vado retro

glad you liked it n_________________________________________
snook that sounds very picturesque.

Dec 21, 08 5:55 pm  · 

Nam wow....LB wow....Tuna wow - I'm jealous!!

So I went out with a bunch of friends lastnight for what was to be a light evening. I climbed into bed at 4.30 this morning. The pre-Christmas outings are getting crazier.

Oops apparently I forgot to hit submit

Dec 21, 08 6:09 pm  · 

Yay for WonderMelting!

Damn it's cold here!

Dec 21, 08 7:27 pm  · 

DubK - No kidding... I can't believe how freaking cold it is today.

I now only have one Xmas present to get. Nephew is a huge fan of Legos at the moment, but I can't really find anything cool for the right price. I'm amazed at how expensive they are. Has this always been the case?

nam - I think it's a very good idea getting a restraining order. Better safe than sorry, right? Sorry to hear that you had to actually go through such an ordeal though.

Dec 21, 08 8:40 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Wind chills around zero predicted for tomorrow morning... I'm not looking forward to it. If I had been smart I would have dropped by the office this afternoon to pick up a thick sweater I have in my drawer, but I decided to head home and take a nap instead.

I was just thinking how I'd prefer to have a car in this type of weather, until I remembered that I'd have to spend 20 minutes waiting for it to warm up while I dig it out from under a snow drift. Maybe I'd be better off working in a building like Rockefeller Center, where you can get to your office from the subway without having to step outside.

Dec 21, 08 11:56 pm  · 

hee haw was such a strange show. vado i ran through the awful jokes they used to tell that were lined up next to that clip of dolly. man oh man i can't believe we watched that every week.

dolly parton is so cool though. my daughters prefer hannah montanah, but that is understandable.

crazy ex story nam. glad you are out of it.

i would so LOVE to have some of that cold and snow here in tokyo. it is still what i'd call fall weather here, and probably ain't gonna change too much before spring rolls around. how boring.

Dec 22, 08 12:20 am  · 

jump - I forgot to mention that I thought your story of your girls beating you up was really, really cute.

Dec 22, 08 12:44 am  · 

thanks n. actually it was a bit painful. who knew a 4 yr old had so much strength?


Dec 22, 08 12:53 am  · 

jump, I will gladly trade you our weather for your fall. it is truly bitterly cold. this place is testing my resistance, I guess I have gone soft.

also it's 2:30 am local time and I'm just not tired! jeez.

Dec 22, 08 2:29 am  · 

So I think I either lost my camera or it was stolen out of my purse sometime running my errands on Saturday. Nowhere to be found in my car or at work. I am incredibly bummed. :'o(

Dec 22, 08 8:25 am  · 

liG- The temperature was negative 11, with a windchill that I don't even want to know about. Be happy you're in NYC and not chicago (or the minneapple like me & beta)

Dec 22, 08 10:50 am  · 

Hey tree,
Did you get the email i sent with the lecture?

Dec 22, 08 10:59 am  · 

Oh and hi all.

Dec 22, 08 10:59 am  · 


superthanks! was busy juggling between the 2009 predictions for archinect and the GB09 abstracts. I'll look at it shortly once the missus, the shrub, and myself return from bean town.

You should start figuring how to get yourself into the academie, you'd be an excellent instructor. I have a 'gnection or two in Florida.

Dec 22, 08 12:58 pm  · 

it's good to know that this book exists. i think it's very cool. but, now that somebody put up this great video of it, i no longer have the need to buy it because my curiosity is satisfied.


Dec 22, 08 1:12 pm  · 

Thanks Tk,
Have fun in Beantown. I also sent you another email.

Steven, that book is awesome!!!

Dec 22, 08 2:21 pm  · 
brian buchalski
stacking food on animals

probably counts as some kind of animal cruelty...but it's also a japanese gameshow...and it's also pretty funny. the monkey is especially hysterical

Dec 22, 08 3:02 pm  · 

tk, sorry for overloading your inbox. I didn't mean to, it just sort of happened.

Dec 22, 08 3:08 pm  · 

r- ?
I brought it on myself. you're right that asking for graphics without any data is like hiring an architect without any understanding of what the building is for. the data will flow like a fire hose soon enough.

Cool news is that I've gotten in touch with folks at worldchanging - rationalist, you should look into working for them!

Dec 22, 08 3:14 pm  · 

i was w/o an internets yesterday, blows myT moose. i don't know if you need a 2009 prediction from me tree, but i could get you one soon.

on other news, and because it's x-mas i thought i'd share it here. first, let say that i have been debating whether or not to share this, given the nature of many of unemployed/underemployed brethren. i got a job. for more money, better benefits, pay for all of my license/aia fees, plus all expenses paid trip to AIA National in SF 2009. the only trick is that there is a commute reminiscent of my commute from central jersey to manhattan, oh well. i don't get the sense that many people in this area do the commute thing, but i needed a job, so i don't care - for now. i will most likely either get a sublet or stay in hotel part of the week. i got hired around thanksgiving, and start early jan. i am hoping for 6months to a year, with things in the world being crazy, i think that's all anyone can hope for. i am still entertaining "offers" - keeping it real, real!

the other good gnews - - i am now a MN licensed architect. that is some scary shit, the awesome responsibility!

so for anyone looking for work, stay positive, jump back in quick, expand your geography. merry x-mas.

Dec 22, 08 3:43 pm  · 

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