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Hi all. I've been in California the past 10 days with my family enjoying wine country. I hope everyone had a good Turkey Day. I'm leaving later this week and will return to the Dirty South to finish my grad school apps.

I saw Lars and the Real Girls the other day with my sisters! How funny that it has been mentioned here. I loved it.

I also saw The Counterfeiters. It's been one of the best movies I've seen in the past few years. It's hard to watch but amazing.

Dec 1, 08 7:38 pm  · 

I just lost my long post.

I'm in California with my family enjoying wine country. We've been drinking and watching movies.

Coincidently, I saw Lars and the Real Girl the other day. Loved it. Also, saw the movie The Counterfeiters. Hands down, one of the best movies I've seen in the past few years. Hard to watch as it deals with a concentration camp but absolutely wonderful.

I hope everyone had a good Turkey Day.

I fly back to the Dirty South later this week to finish up my grad school apps and lounge until Santa comes.

Dec 1, 08 7:40 pm  · 
Jump + Nam

speaking of a Koala and movies I did watch Tropic Thunder, and effing surprised to see so many actors there. Funny none of the ads I watched mentioned Tom or Matthew (we roll tight like that, first name basis and all).

I'm here checking drawings into the twilight, I promised a client I'd have them printed tomorrow. But when I got in I forgot that I have the end of year critique tomorrow, and 3rd year's housing project on Wednesday. Hmm this is when you really need staff. Further to this I have to ask the question, when working late which do you prefer;

Coffee or Wine?

For those looking for a new competition, I posted one on my blog for regional practices. Internationals can participate if teamed with one from one of the many Caribbean licensed architects.

Congrats Gin that is a fine honour. I think when one is critical of the world, and the things around us religioin included it is difficult to be anything but agnostic. I Ilike to refer to myself as a liberal Catholic with agnostic leanings. Dub what's this about declaring if you voted for Obama?

Hi Liberty Bell. Hi ****melt.

Dec 1, 08 8:37 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Agreed... My own theology lies somewhere in a murky gray area between liberal Christianity, agnosticism, and universalism... Maybe with some bits of pieces of Zen Buddhism thrown in. (Don't ask me to explain any of that, though.) The only thing I know for certain is that I get very nervous around people who are convinced they know all the answers.

Dec 1, 08 8:52 pm  · 

I think Jump meant that that is how his kid says croissant.
Or did i just ruin your joke?

Also, techno what does Tropic of Thunder have to do with Koalas?

LIG i see you!!! haha and awesome organ music....

Dec 1, 08 9:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

LiG, that's pretty much exactly where my childhood Christian upbringing has brought me. I went to some classes at an Episcopal church a year ago, and practically stood up and cheered when the priest stopped midway through a Bible reading and said "..and you understand we're speaking in metaphors here..." and kept going. So smart.

nam, that's about what I figured but my initial reading was definitely that koala was being served. Angus still says "Hawoleen" and I can't correct him. Speaking of Angus I was reading some grim economic news and he did something that annoyed me; I exploded my fear and stress all over him and yelled in a really uncalled-for way. Poor kid. My parenting sucks. We had fun reading stories before bed though so maybe he wasn't too disturbed.

techno: coffee, but not too much. Or do what I've been doing lately and have coffee with Kahlua in it, cover both bases.

Dec 1, 08 10:06 pm  · 

Atechno - wine always makes me feel relaxed and tired. If you wanna stay up, I suggest coffee. You could always add some whisky to it if you need to.

n_ re: Counterfeiters. I've been wanting to see that for a while. I've only heard goo dthings about it.

DubK - Damn that's a cute photo.

beta - I heart your rants. ALthough I know that kind of stuff happens all the time, it still never ceases to astound and anger me how disrespectful people can be.

I think my cats have cabin fever... and it's only December. Time for the fat one to cool his jets off outside... all night.

Dec 1, 08 10:11 pm  · 
Dec 1, 08 10:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

Am I the only one who drinks Tension Tamer tea then finds herself halfway through the cup yelling "Why aren't I calm yet?!?" That's me tonight.

At least I think it's a new Daily Show, thank goodness...

Dec 1, 08 10:48 pm  · 

Well guys I went for the coffee, but what a shame I had none of the "good stuff" and was feeling to lazy to make midnight run like Deniro (a prize for anyone who recognises the reference). Anyway, so I grab some stuff that's in some freezer bag dubbed wedding coffee. It was possibly the worst oral experience I've ever had - vado/puddles save the wise cracks. So now I'm green green tea and can almost hear the gong chiming in my tummy

Liberty B I don't think there is any way you could be a bad mother. All say "yah" in agreement

The Koala reference relates to a scene in Tropic Thunder where Ben Stiller's character kills a Koala! Sorry thought some of you had scene it

Dec 1, 08 11:19 pm  · 

I heart my Gmail theme that changes color throughout the day.

I don't heart doing papers. Eh well.

Dec 1, 08 11:21 pm  · 

heh, LB. no we didn't eat a koala.

my wee little girl struggles to hear the ku-wa-san sound of croissant as anything but koala-san. so we eat koala-san's for breakfast.

in japanese there are no "L" sounds and r is substituted, so koala in japanese is actually pronounce ko-a-ra. which if you add the mr, to the end gives you mr. koala, or koala-san.

ko-a-ra-san. ku-wa-san. croissant

its funny, if you live inside my head ;-)

Dec 1, 08 11:46 pm  · 

call me weird, yeah call me weird - ha!, but i have ALWAYS been intrigued by Tina Fey's scar. it's not a morbid fascination, but as someone with multiple scars, i have been interested in the stories scars tell about people and the events that caused them. so, now, we now know how she received the scar Tina's Story and my admiration.

Dec 2, 08 5:56 am  · 

call me weird but, until i saw that article yesterday, i never noticed she had a scar.

Dec 2, 08 7:01 am  · 
liberty bell

Weird. For sure ;-)

Dec 2, 08 7:12 am  · 

steven, it's really difficult to see, but since i have a "dented" dome, i am keenly aware of the techniques we damaged people use to hide the obvious. if you watch her on SNL she was nearly almost always shot from her right side, and you hardly ever saw the left cheek.

after many years of favoring the better side of my profile, i actually like revealing the damage done.

Dec 2, 08 7:36 am  · 
brian buchalski

r instead of l = engrish

Dec 2, 08 7:54 am  · 

jump - that is the cutest story.

LB - You are NOT a bad parent.

beta - Interesting, I never noticed the scar either.

Time to hit the CAD

Dec 2, 08 8:17 am  · 

Morning all,

Archi, is it the Marley Marl or Tribe Called Quest reference???

I too have many scars and am always interested in hearing about others. I didn't know Tina Fey had one either. An i kind of have a crush on her... Along the sames lines i didn't realize until the election was almost over that McCain had a big scar on the one side of his face.

I still haven't gotten into the Gmail themes. In fact i switched back to classic as soon as they started the theme thing..

Hope everyone has a good day.

Holiday party season is coming up at work.

Dec 2, 08 8:20 am  · 
liberty bell

I recall an interview with a young Japanese grrl rock band back in the 90s in which the singer said the hardest English word for her to say was "...the little animal in the parks...suqu-hul". So cute, I still say it that way sometimes.

Dec 2, 08 8:26 am  · 
brian buchalski

this is amusing, apparently []the reserve bank of zimbabwe is now commending US & UK banks[/url] for their recent actions. what's next?...a congratulatory spam email from a nigerian banker with an invitation to a very special vip party?

Dec 2, 08 8:32 am  · 
brian buchalski


this is amusing, apparently the reserve bank of zimbabwe is now commending US & UK banks for their recent actions. what's next?...a congratulatory spam email from a nigerian banker with an invitation to a very special vip party?

Dec 2, 08 8:33 am  · 

no puddles, i think the next email i'll get will be from a Nigerian prince looking to put $1,000,000.00 in my account.

Dec 2, 08 8:38 am  · 

i filled out all the forms and those friendly nigerian people NEVER sent me the money. so sad the world is coming to bad things, it is.

Japanese also doesn't have the "qu" thing going on, so yeh i guess squirrel must be a tough on. much easier to say in japanese. westerners are lucky that Japanese is easy to pronounce so i seldom sound like i have accent. i do apparently talk like a slight moron fairly often so people can tell i am not Japanese anyway. dammit. it is kinda funny to have 8 year old daughter correcting how i speak least she isn't old enough to be embarrassed...yet.

Dec 2, 08 8:55 am  · 
liberty bell

beta, have you read Geek Love? I think you'd love it. Your use of the term "damaged" above is what reminded me of it; the book is about "damage" being a gift, more or less, but it's not at all sentimental or hippydippy, it's just the freakiest most raw and awesome story ever. One of my top 5 books for sure.

Dec 2, 08 9:00 am  · 
liberty bell

jump, David Sedaris wrote when he was learning to speak French he went through a phase of sounding like a demonic man-baby or something similar. I'm sure you speak better Japanese than that!

Snowflakes, very pretty out right now.

Dec 2, 08 9:02 am  · 
brian buchalski

this is a bit disappointing, in the wake of the mumbai attacks it sounds like luxury hotel design might start resembling the bunkers of us embassies

Dec 2, 08 10:14 am  · 
Living in Gin

Damn, that sucks.... If terrorists can't bomb luxury hotels, they may have to go back to blowing up trains and airplanes.

Dec 2, 08 11:06 am  · 

Tina Fey has a scar? Now I feel bad for jones'ing after and not noticing. Nam Tribe Called Quest you are absolutely right the sad thing is I think there is a generation of kids who have no idea that its from a film

Dec 2, 08 11:27 am  · 

is it weird that the scar (and that side of her face) makes her look even more like Palin?

I woke up too early this morning, having gone to bed far too late, I'm grumpy - there's no coffee in the house. I've had to spend all morning doing someone else's project before I have to give up this afternoon with critiques, similarly tomorrow. I have to go tail in cheek (yea that one) and apologise why I can't print their drawings in time. Better make the call now.

Dec 2, 08 11:49 am  · 

Ahhh David Sedaris. That book had me in stiches it was so funny.

Dec 2, 08 12:26 pm  · 
Living in Gin

For those who are interested, our anonymous videographer at the cathedral has now posted Part 2 on YouTube. Good thing I had my hands full and wasn't able to pick my nose.

Dec 2, 08 2:59 pm  · 

I watched this interview Charlie Rose did with two Americans who were in the one of the hotels during the Mumbai attacks.
It was very moving. Really made me feel the humanity of those distant and cruel events.

Dec 2, 08 4:54 pm  · 

Oh no, Tina Fey was attacked in Upper Darby!?! Another strike against the Philadelphia area...on the plus side, Upper Darby produced Hall & Oates and Todd Rundgren.

beta, I always stared at Tina's scar too (it gives her a very distinct smile) and wondered what the story behind it I know.

Dec 2, 08 5:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Um, Emilio, I'd say that Hall and Oates is yet another strike against the area.

Dec 2, 08 6:17 pm  · 

Well, not early Hall & Oates...meh on the top forty stuff, though.

Dec 2, 08 6:48 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, Sarah...haven't we already established that you're just too young to like Hall and Oates? There must be some cheesy band from your youth that you still love at which us oldsters would all go "uuugghhh...", right? And really, how oh how can you not like Sarah Smile?! ;-)

Emilio, speaking of great Philly musical influences, Gamble and Huff were on Fresh Air last week. Love Train is the best song ever written, IMO.

Dec 2, 08 7:37 pm  · 

Missed the Gamble & Huff interview (although I try to catch Terry whenever possible) I'll look that up online. Yea, the Philly sound was definitely a peak moment in the music scene here.
Agree on Sarah Smile...and She's Gone and Fall in Philadelphia are good fact, their first two albums are very listenable.

Dec 2, 08 7:44 pm  · 
Living in Gin

One of the best concerts I ever saw was in Philly: Sun Ra Arkestra with Yo La Tango opening up for them.

I also saw a great Los Lonley Boys concert in Philly, but they're not a Philly band.

Dec 2, 08 8:34 pm  · 

speaking of cheesy bands that us old folks don't understand. When I was in Cleveland they had a New Kids on the Block concert and I got caught in the elevator twice with a pack of rowdy fans (ie. they were 13 year old girls back then now 30+ mothers and divorcees) - how fun. I did leave the elevator, looked back and said ooooo OOO oooo Ooo Ooo Ooo Oooo and they responded as the doors closed, "hanging tough!!" Sad sad sad!!!

Dec 2, 08 8:58 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno, I don't even know that reference but assume it's from a NKotB song.

DON'T feel inclined to post a video, anyone! The less I know about NKotB the better.

Dec 2, 08 9:50 pm  · 

i thought the OOOOoooooOOOOOoooooooOOOOO was CMB? Colour Me Bad?

Dec 2, 08 10:22 pm  · 
liberty bell

I've been drafting for the last 3 hours. But I won't complain, because it's a job.

I could not name a Color Me Bad song, in fact I could not for certain say which decade I should associate them with.

Dec 2, 08 10:54 pm  · 

I saw that the same tour but in Jax.
It was awesome. Probably one of my favorite shows ever.
I had never even realized Yo La Tengo were such Sun Ra Arkestra fans.

What was cool was because they had the Arkestra come out so much for their own songs and covers of Arkestra songs, the Arkestra basically played the a whole second show..

Dec 2, 08 10:58 pm  · 
brian buchalski

7 or 8 years ago i was living in boston during the height of a boy band phase (nsynce, blink 182, backstreet, etc) when some friends of a friend from back home visited town. of course, they were aware of the fact that ultimate boy band,new kids on the block, were from boston. because i love being mean i told them that there was actually a small monument to the new kids in their old neighborhood of dorchester and that they should take the train down there & just ask around to find it. they were pretty excited about this and spent half of a day wandering around dorchester looking like fools asking about this new kids monument before it became apparent to them that it was a wild goose chase.

needless to say, they weren't very happy with me. but i still think it's funny.

Dec 3, 08 8:00 am  · 
liberty bell

Now *that* kind of practical joke, puddles, is what makes you so awesome - bravo!

Dec 3, 08 8:30 am  · 

Boy bands BLEH!!!! By the time NKOTB hit their height, I was already listening to the Cure, Depeche Mode, Erasure and the Smiths. Ahhh the sullen teen years.

Dec 3, 08 8:31 am  · 

what's with the pouty lips on CMB? did i miss something or were they sucking lemons?

Dec 3, 08 9:20 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

hmmm, I guess there wasnt a band for me then. I grew up listening to Country until the mid 90s when it got too poppy, and then went through oldies, then grunge and metal, and then classic rock. I know, not exactly the musical journey of most, but when you live in a small southern town, there isnt much to choose from. I can't think of any singers that I like that could be considered cheesey, but then again, I like them, so how could they be? My sister did like mmmbop, who did that song? THat was pretty cheesey. I was listening to smashing pumpkins and sound garden at the time.

And I hate the song Sarah Smile because I cant help but smile everytime I hear it, and it makes me feel silly. Sheesh, what if people see me in my car, laughing like a loon?

Dec 3, 08 10:02 am  · 

yesterday, my office handed out pink slips to another 4 (un)lucky folks. We're having an office meeting in 25 minutes to learn more about our future here... at least I still have a job.

Dec 3, 08 11:07 am  · 

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