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so we moved glen's stuff into the storage. tons of models, drawings, publications, personal stuff, posters etc...
it was real fascinating to see his work in historical concept. we inspected every piece before movers stack them up in the rented garage which i will have a key to.
i am going to have a news post about today, tomorrow with pictures.
there were some gems i haven't seen physically before.

here is a teaser piece from 1977 called 'jellyfish' house. familiar with newer versions? i am sure you are familiar with re-discovery of some ideas illustrated, but of course no credit for glen and his 'way ahead of its time' work.
a lot of this stuff came up today...

Glen Small and his Jellyfish House, 1977,
photo by OA.

oh... i am the proud owner of a 'real' eames shelve study prototype that was never produced. all plywood shelves are busted and #4 bar construction need new paint but it is modular and stacks up.
+ some futurist magazines with glen on the cover and posters and other stuff... thanks glen...

Dec 7, 08 8:55 pm  · 
liberty bell

Awesome photo, Orhan, and can't wait to see the write-up. Thank you for sharing it with us - it's a treat.

Dec 7, 08 10:36 pm  · 

****melt - I'm surprised that Milk isn't out in Cincinnati. Nashville is usually light years away from the rest of the world. (That's why it's kind of charming).

Dec 7, 08 10:57 pm  · 


not sure if this is off the mark or not, but has Glen Small ever been in touch with the FRAC Centre in Orléans, France.

this is an architectural centre and collection, specialising in non-conventional architectural developments. their statement:

"As from 1991, the Regional Contemporary Art Collection (FRAC) of the Centre Region, based at Orléans in France, has been putting together a collection focusing on the relationship between art and architecture.

The FRAC Centre is a collection venue for contemporary architecture. The collection, made up of architects' projects, from the drawing-board to the maquette, is organized around the concept of process, where the aesthetic concerns of artist and architect alike can overlap.

The FRAC Centre collection is divided into three periods :
- experimental architecture of the 1950s and 1960s (Archigram, Friedman, Parent, Schein, etc.),
- prominent international architectural projects of the 1980s (Tschumi, Eisenman, Libeskind, Koolhaas, etc.),
- and a young, forward-looking architecture (Decoï, Seraji, Roche, etc.).

The FRAC Centre also plays a part in the dissemination of innovative architectural research projects, which may embrace heterogeneous areas of activity.

The collection now comprises some 300 works, 700 architectural models and over 10,000 drawings, including many collections of architects. The FRAC Centre also acquires works by artists that have a link with architecture as well as projects designed for public spaces."

The FRAC often purchases drawings and models. it would seem that Glen Small's works would be very appropriate to the FRAC. not sure if he is of the mind to sell his works, but seems a better route than being in storage for the next years. not only would he get some money for his incredible productions, but they would get put on display and others could have a chance to know of the work.

if he were interested, he should contact the director, Marie-Ange Brayer:
Ms. Marie-Ange Brayer
12 rue de la Tour Neuve
45000 Orléans
Work: +
[email protected]

Dec 8, 08 12:07 am  · 
liberty bell

Nice info, dlb. Seems like a great possibility for someone of Glen Smalls' reputation.

Also: it's nice to see some people posting here at TC who have been mostly quiet! Everyone is welcome here, the more the better.

Dec 8, 08 7:18 am  · 

thanks for the offer re: the quilt, lb. i'm not sure. really that would just ASSURE that my shirts are gone, wouldn't it? i don't know if i'm ready for that.

Dec 8, 08 7:42 am  · 
liberty bell

True, they would cease to exist as "tshirts"...and you'd not have the opportunity to wear them again.

I took care of that last minute request we were both emailed, by the way, and was very happy to as that person was really my favorite student.

Dec 8, 08 8:03 am  · 

Morning all,
TCs, quilts, yeah!! Sounds like a great idea LB...

Hi dlb.

Orhan, Small's work is really interesting, considering when it came out. I really like the Jungle City (Times Square proposal) Plus, the whole non Flash website is such a relief....

Also, i finally saw the new James Bond and I have a question. Is the ESO /Paranal building rammed earth? Anyone know?

While i liked the film i didn't think the pacing/plot was as good as the first Daniel Craig Bond. But then luckily i don't see Bonds for plot...

And i don't get how some of my friends can say teh Pierce Brosnan Bonds are better. The whole reason I like the Daniel Craig Bond, is that he isn't a pretty boy who relies on invivisble cars and watches with lasers. He is just a hard nosed badass....

Dec 8, 08 8:14 am  · 

Orhan, thanks for all the news and insight on Glen Small. I am glad you've introduced his work to me. Thank you!

Dec 8, 08 8:24 am  · 

i agree that craig is a good 'badass' bond, nam, but i miss the bond who never abandoned his tux.

what's with the casual duds?! i think he actually had a polo shirt untucked in one of those scenes! and what's with the lemon in the martini?! they're messing with some things that are sacred. ...and the old sense of humor is missing.

we still enjoyed 'quantam', at least partly because we got to have a date night.

Dec 8, 08 8:43 am  · 

lb, he emailed be back a 'nevermind' but also a request for another letter. i'll follow through.

i do actually wear most of those t-shirts, despite any stories my wife might tell.

Dec 8, 08 8:45 am  · 
liberty bell

I'm listening to the soundtrack (Nick Cave) from the Brad Pitt movie The Assassination of Jesse James...and it's snowy out. Makes me want to go be a cowboy. Very melancholy. I better get out of here.

Dec 8, 08 11:55 am  · 

thanks dlb we will look into frac. i know frac little bit. me and my then partner were to do a show in frac-lyon back in 89. (i proposed to do a one week long hands on seminar designing tract homes with local architects in this great villa belonged to gilette family overlooking lyon, where frac office was. sort of like a performance piece.) just before, the director we were dealing with resigned and it was in the local newspapers etc.
but yeah. it would be a great venue for glen. thanks again.

last night there was a little party and few of the closest friends came. ray kappe was there. everybody knew eachother pretty well it was a lot of fun.

Dec 8, 08 12:13 pm  · 
vado retro

casey affleck should have won an oscar for that film. cave did the proposition whcih was a very good austarailian western.

Dec 8, 08 12:28 pm  · 

Am I the only one here that gets aggravated by their clients when they try to narrow your design decisions? For instance, I've been asked by my clients to help out in selecting furniture finishes. It wasn't in the original scope and as they are buying the furniture from their own vendors there is a very limited selection. Well last week I get an email from one of their employee's asking me to pick some upholstery for some chairs they are ordering from a website. I let her know that I preferred physical samples to choose from as you always have the issue of things not being true to color when looking online. She ordered them for me and couriered them over to me today. AWESOME.
I open the envelop up and there's a sticky note attached, telling me to choose two designs/patterns and then she narrows it down even further by saying indicating a certain pattern is to go in a specific area. WTF? I don't know why I'm so bothered by it, but it really irks me. If they know what they want already, just order it.

Dec 8, 08 12:57 pm  · 

vado, the proposition was fantastic, violent but fantastic nonetheless.

Dec 8, 08 1:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Vado, I will agree that Casey's performance in the movie was pretty amazing - since I saw him in another movie and he wasn't some sniveling anoying character, the assasination movie totally blew. Maybe its because I wasn't expecting art film, but more western, but I found it incredibly S L O W. And L O N G. Honestly, I thought it would never end, and Husband and I actually looked at each other a few times wondering why we were still watching it. Am I the only one who thinks this? Did I miss something?

Orhan, at first I was thinking your photo was from 1977, and thought wow, Glen has to be in his 50s at minimum there, so he'd be near 80 now. But then I realized the model was from the 70s. I have never heard of him, but he looks to be a happy guy, and someone fun/intriguing to talk to. I wish I had semi-famous architectural friends. I am imagining this party to be very beatnik and high minded.

Speaking of parties, I got to go to one on Saturday!!! Yeah! Technically it was pretty dull, and Husband says I talked to the wierdest guy in the room, but I didn't think he was weird. He looked like guys I went to school with. Tall, scrawny, slightly unshaven, and glasses. Definately didn't look Texan. I wonder if he was a yankee...
He wasnt an architect. I don't know any architects, except for ex-boses and my mentor. Dang. Think I could put an add in the personals? Young Architect graduate seeking other inteligent architect graduates to form a posse. If interested, please send a list of favourite architects and why to this adress....

Think it would work?

OH, we're going to Sears for a family portrait on Saturday. Any ideas as to how we can make sure it doesn't look like a crappy Church Directory photo?

Dec 8, 08 2:16 pm  · 

"Tall, scrawny, slightly unshaven, and glasses. Definately didn't look Texan. I wonder if he was a yankee..."

So what are you saying, Sarah, that all Texan men are supposed to look the same? There's no hipsters (which is kind of what you described there) anywhere in Texas? Deep Ellum and Austin, anyone?

Dec 8, 08 2:39 pm  · 

reject ALL backgrounds. stick to white and black. sounds austere, but really...

Dec 8, 08 2:40 pm  · 

if you ain't pulling this off, it ain't christmas...

Dec 8, 08 2:44 pm  · 

Hi Sarah,
Good to see you still popping in. I was suppose to go to my work's Christmas party Fri night, but my plus 1 got sick and I didn't feel like going and not being able to take advantage of the free bar... She was going to drive.

I think you should model you photos after the image beta posted.... (hehe)

Dec 8, 08 3:06 pm  · 
liberty bell

I think I dated that guy in high school!

Sarah, try not to have your outfits too matchy-matchy, that's my advice, along with Steven's background recommendation.

That reminds me, the annual collections of kids-crying-on-Santa's-lap photos are getting started, I could look at those all day!

Dec 8, 08 3:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I was thinking maybe Husband and Abe wear black shirts, and I wear a red one? THoughts?

And I didnt want to torture Abe with the Santa thing, but everyone else wants me to. It seems mean to me.

Dec 8, 08 3:43 pm  · 
vado retro

Tall, scrawny, slightly unshaven, and glasses---too close for comfort.

Dec 8, 08 4:27 pm  · 

I had a lovely night Friday night but spent the rest of the weekend with what I think was a migraine. I am going to the doctor on Thursday to discuss this as I can't remember the last time I had a headache that long.

Also if anyone wants to play therapist please email me, WonderMan and I are having some issues for which I don't think there are any clear answers...

Dec 8, 08 4:55 pm  · 

oh well, Sarah didn't take the bait on my question :(

Deep Elem(?) Blues

don't think any of those guys are from Texas, though...

Dec 8, 08 5:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Sorry Emilio.

Dec 8, 08 5:21 pm  · 
Living in Gin

What do you all think: Too pretentious, not pretentious enough, or just right?

Dec 8, 08 5:26 pm  · 

They look good, LIG!

Dec 8, 08 5:36 pm  · 

LiG: nice, very nice.

Dec 8, 08 5:36 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Cool... I'm trying to strike a balance between Clark Kent on one hand, and douchebag Williamsburg hipster on the other hand. I think these frames do a decent job.

Now if I can just sell a kidney so that I can afford them...

Dec 8, 08 5:42 pm  · 
vado retro

wk i sent you a facebook hug!!!! migraines suck!!! i had one that lasted two days last weekend and it wasnt even red wine induced. spent two days on the couch with an icepack on my face and a heating pad on my back. jeesh...

i still like my glasses and i've had em for two years. in fact the other day some women said my glasses were cute.

Dec 8, 08 6:29 pm  · 

LIG - I like 'em.

Dec 8, 08 6:31 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Vado, that makes me picture Hello Kitty glasses.

Dec 8, 08 6:47 pm  · 

vado, I got your hug, thank you! That's what I did all weekend! Sat on the couch with an icepack on my face! And I had red wine Friday night. Oh gosh, if I have to give up red wine, I will be so sad.

Also thank you to my three ladies who sent emails of therapy support.

In other news, take a look at this:

In other words, those of you without jobs might do well to start looking for firms who do government work. Don't say I never gave you anything!

Dec 8, 08 7:44 pm  · 

HA!!! DubK - I just listened to that exact story like five minutes ago. :o)

Dec 8, 08 7:46 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Well, if tunamelt likes the frames, that settles it.

Dec 8, 08 8:10 pm  · 

Uhhh OK.

Now if only my clients were so easily swayed.

Dec 8, 08 8:41 pm  · 
liberty bell

They look very nice, LiG. Not overly aggressive, but smart.

I'm really craving some new glasses lately. I can't even have coffee out with vado anymore because everyone looks at his glasses not mine and it makes me jealous! (Kidding, of course, vado.)

Here's a WWTCD: I screwed up and overloaded my cabinet maker, so one client isn't getting their long wall of pantry cabinets until after the New Year. Unfortunately, they are having a New Year's Eve party. The wall behind the cabs has been unfinished, but is paintable. I told them I would "take care of getting it painted" before the party as a gesture of apology for the scheduling mistake.

So, do I go ahead and just paint it myself, which is my preference, or does that turn me from "professional" to "laborer" in their eyes? Or worse, will my paint job suck since I'm *not* a pro painter, so I should just hire someone?

Dec 8, 08 8:58 pm  · 
vado retro

lb i sent you an email for you and your son to enjoy. maybe in addition to painting the cabinet you could also be a server at the party.

Dec 8, 08 9:25 pm  · 
vado retro

i'm sensitive. i'm watching baby mama.

Dec 8, 08 9:28 pm  · 

What is your gut telling you LB?

Dec 8, 08 9:59 pm  · 

Steven in the original books - particular the first Casino Royale, the Vesper always had a large thin slice of lemon peel

Wonder K, if you need a male perspective let me know

Gin trying searching for frames online from China - you can probably find similar frames for much much less including shipping. And you won't have to worry about being poisoned cause well that's pet food.

I head to the opening of a new lounge done by a former school mate. Interestingly he tried luring me into practice with him after grad school but I bailed and headed to Montserrat. I should be blogging about it soon there after - like Nam though I have to stag, maybe I'll find some model to hold me hand/drink

Dec 9, 08 1:19 am  · 

Wow, I was going to post in the "Mecca in the hands of Norman & Zaha" and after reading some of the posts, I feel completely intimidated to post in there. Although I have a fascination with Islam architecture and spent a month in a Muslim country, I still don't know enough. Talking with two muslims at a mosque who introduced me to the religion (and let me sit in the mosque during prayer which is usually not allowed for a non-muslim), I remember their eyes lighting up and looked far away in the distance when I asked them if they have ever performed the hajj.

Dec 9, 08 3:22 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I got to go into a mosque once. A friend was doing a paper on religions, and I tagged along for fun. It was not what I had pictured, thats for sure. The people were weren't middle-eastern at all; well, one of the ladies may have been, and the clensing process before entering the actual prayer room was pretty intense.

Dec 9, 08 7:39 am  · 
brian buchalski

i did a really good job brushing my teeth this morning...almost feels like i went to the dentist. will i ever cease to amaze myself?

Dec 9, 08 10:26 am  · 
vado retro

yeah that barkeeper's friend is awesome!

Dec 9, 08 12:17 pm  · 

I see my post last night didn't go through. My internet was acting up, it was a royal pain in the arse!

Anyway, WonderMan and I talked out our problem. All is well with the world again.

PS. What a douchebag. Seriously.

Dec 9, 08 1:02 pm  · 

dubK, seriously, what a douche.

Dec 9, 08 1:05 pm  · 
Living in Gin

As I said on the Aggregate Chicago thread:

Apparently Blagojevich tried to extort the Obama team for some favors in exchange for appointing Obama's pick to fill his Senate seat. Team Obama wouldn't play ball, and Rahm Emmanuel tipped off the federal prosecutor. Gotta love Blago's chutzpah, and Team Obama comes out of this looking like Elliot Ness and the Untouchables.

And the funny thing is, Blago has been under investigation by the feds for years now... He had to have known that his phones were probably tapped and that his office was probably bugged... And yet he tried to sell an open U.S. Senate seat to the highest bidder, anyway. The stupid... It hurts!

God, I miss Illinois politics, if only for the entertainment value. The federal indictment reads like the screenplay of a Coen Brothers movie.

Dec 9, 08 1:08 pm  · 

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