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Actually the flight is bringing him to Oklahoma... Flight originated in the Virgin Islands.

Nov 23, 08 9:58 pm  · 

Oh snook - that's terrible. I send you, your uncle and all your families many warm wishes at this time. I've never heard of the syndrome, is there anything that can be done?

nam and Atechno - I share your sentiments. I love being an aunt and cannot wait to see the four of them (two nieces and two nephews) Thursday. It's sad though how fast they grow up. My oldest niece is already 11. It seems like she was just born yesterday.

jump and nam - I think the reason I found it so creepy is that the professor wanted to meet on a Saturday evening. But maybe it's just me.

Nov 23, 08 10:08 pm  · 
vado retro

snook that is terrible!

tuna meet me on saturday evening! signed vado mccreepy

Nov 23, 08 10:22 pm  · 

nam and jump, it IS a gender thing. I am also much more sensitive to the situation as I am not exactly a teeny-bopper, and frankly I seem to take my studies a lot more seriously than many of my classmates do, therefore I almost feel like more of a target to middle-aged single male professors who may find me more enjoyable to talk to than your average co-ed. And **** is right, the Saturday night part was crazy.

We rearranged my living room post-party-cleaning and I'm drinking leftover free wine. I might throw parties here more often!

On a side note, I accidentally hit myself in the face with my headphones earlier and now I have a swollen lip. It's OK, you can laugh, it was pretty funny.


snook, my thoughts are with your family and uncle. That sounds so horrible and especially so since he was doing such good work. God speed for his trip and recovery.

Nov 23, 08 11:52 pm  · 

yeah i get that, WK. the saturday thing i didnt think about cuz days don't mean anything to me anymore, sadly. id forgotten that the weekend meant something to people living in the real world.

point of fact i am working now from home on national holiday...wife is at work, and kids are watching movie while i supervise from dining table...i would prefer to take a nap, but then I'd just have to stay up late tonight instead.

Nov 24, 08 12:46 am  · 
liberty bell

Move-in day today! My big house clients are moving in. The carpenters were finishing up all weekend (I spent some time there too) and the place is looking good.

snook, hope your uncle is OK. I'm buying some pre-packaged firewood today. The fireplace is not finished, but it's cold and I just can't wait any longer. We relined the flue when we moved in and have never used it - but the time is on us, this weekend. I'll think of you when I fire it up - like you, I love wood fire.

Nov 24, 08 7:26 am  · 

Oh vado you're not creepy. And if you come come to the Queen City we'll definitely have to meet up. Although, i must let you know, I'm not into graves ;o)

DubK - Oooh rearrangement. You've got me totally intrigued now.

Nov 24, 08 8:16 am  · 

i hate to nitpick, but is too much to ask that when i confirm an interview time and day, that the guy shows up, and that the person i responded to doesn't claim to not get the email confirming the appointment? i mean, shit, i got all dressed up in my Brangelina best FM pumps and everything.

i was as polite as can be, and rescheduled and confirmed right then and there. you know what? i am gonna show up to that one too!

Nov 24, 08 11:40 am  · 

Are you serious beta, the person was a no show? Incredibly rude.

Nov 24, 08 12:12 pm  · 
liberty bell

I feel like an inadequate girl that I don't know what "FM pumps" means.

Wait...fuck me?

Nov 24, 08 12:13 pm  · 
liberty bell

I just spoke on the phone to le bossman!!! More real-life contact with 'necters to add to my collection!

Nov 24, 08 12:32 pm  · 
Dapper Napper

yes, LB, that's right

Nov 24, 08 12:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Man, gravy boats are effing expensive! Husband casually says, "Hey, pick up a gravy boat for Thanksgiving," and I say ok, thinking what could be the big deal. Sheesh! Big Deal it is, apparently. Its one of the most expenisive serveware peices you can buy, and it only holds gravy. Husband may have to live with the creamer again this year.

Beta, I thought you were going to go it alone. It does make me feel better that you at least have interviews already.

Nov 24, 08 12:46 pm  · 

SH, i am running parallel platforms so to speak. oh, that reminds me, i got my reciprocity application approved, now it's just the 120 fee [tax deductible] and i'll be licensed to 06/30/2010.

i am, officially, an Architect - in my resident state. now i can let Connecticut license lapse, sorry CT.

Nov 24, 08 12:53 pm  · 

beta - there is a state selection board rfp out there that has your name on it. What are your predictions for the stanley cup this year?

Nov 24, 08 1:19 pm  · 
vado retro
This Time We Didn't Forget The Gravy!
Nov 24, 08 1:43 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

my, that was disturbing.

Nov 24, 08 2:03 pm  · 

Well I was thinking I had a pretty great friday night until I heard about DubK's. And until the boy didn't call. WTF. Hate men. Where's my whisky?

Nov 24, 08 2:54 pm  · 

I would call you.

Afternoon all, busy busy busy at work.

Nov 24, 08 3:35 pm  · 

From the school blogs, I don't want you guys to miss this link:

I foresee hours of time wasted on this site....

Nov 24, 08 3:52 pm  · 

I'm really feeling the weekend this Monday. I had to make a b-lined on my way to a meeting this morning for coffee and a cannoly. But 3 hours later I feel worse than I did and I still have stuff to do. Anyway, I'm now a member of the school's editorial committee for the school journal. This is a flash back for me as I was on the editorial whilst in undergrad. We should have our next issue out by May 09. Also if anyone would like to contribute for the 10th issue on Mapping, please let me know

Nov 24, 08 4:05 pm  · 

nice RFP, too bad i can no do.

NY Rangers all the WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 24, 08 5:32 pm  · 
liberty bell

AAAAGH DubK that's too irresistible! I have to get dinner ready!!!!

Nov 24, 08 5:44 pm  · 
vado retro

just got my calfskin chukka shined. talked about shoes, football and angelina jolies body. sometimes its fun being a guy.

Nov 24, 08 6:27 pm  · 

Dear God DubK where did you find such a fascinating site? I am utterly addicted.

Nov 24, 08 8:34 pm  · 

Oops. Never mind... from the school blogs. Sorry, I got a little overly excited when I saw the word MAP in the website address.

Nov 24, 08 8:50 pm  · 
Living in Gin

That's a pretty cool site... I'll have to check it out when I'm bored and have some spare time, like when I'm at the office.

Okay, with the radiators on, my apartment is about 98 degrees unless I open the windows and turn the fan on. So now the fan and the radiator are fighting it out in my living room. Problem is, I have a hard time sleeping with all the noise from the street.... Arrrgh. I should go get myself a window A/C unit so I can keep cool in the winter.

Nov 25, 08 12:17 am  · 

Okay I just made a huge mistake by going on the layoffs thread. I know its helpful to air your grievance and possible see what is out there but its made me look at my own situation. Next week will make 6 months since I've left Montserrat and my full time employment. And whilst I don't have much to complain about, because I have an active project with a playing client, and a part-time job at the school of architecture things are beginning to look a like darker. I had sent out a few feeler resumes to gauge the economic climate locally, the government says not to worry but the architects aren't hiring and its beginning to feel like the previous decade when nothing was happening. Added that I have an active mortgage on an incomplete house on another island that everyday I ponder if I should just run over and finish, forgetting that I have responsibilities here. I'm not aiming to bring the mood of Thread Central down, but I guess it reflective of the times.

Anyway when there is blood in the streets buy real estate!!! A little Godfather reference is always good to cheer up the mood. Its after midnight here, and a little warm + humid (granted that could be the laptop on my knees). I should count my blessing since I know there are those of you freezing your @$$ off.

Nov 25, 08 12:40 am  · 

haha nam, that's what all my guy friends say... every time some guy's just messed me around. *sigh* back to square one I guess. Whatever, power through the next two weeks, then find another distraction if it's still not better.

techno, I've got no advice except to take it one step at a time. And I hope it works out for you.

Nov 25, 08 1:45 am  · 

I had a planning and zoning meeting last night. ARGH! The planner hands me a memo from the Fire Chief as I walk into the room. They have had the plans for over a month for review. I even called earlier in the day to check to see if their were any staff comments on the project. All of the comments were just the run of the mill kind of comments....except the last one...." Parking facilities do not allow for the entry and turning movements of a single unit vehicle- thus fire appratus and ladder truck are unable to enter rear of building and negotiate turning when vehicles are parked there."

This is an existing building with an existing parking lot with minor modifications. There wasn't a problem a number of years ago when
the building was purchased and they were before the Planning and
Zoning Commission. Why Now?

I told them I would address it with the Civil Engineer and also contact the Fire Chief to see what he is looking for. So our hearing was tabled. The next issue was when can we meet again. Well they informed me their December Meeting was canceled where we are allowed to present the project once again. Then the first meeting in January is a planning meeting so were looking at Late January. They ask me if that would be a problem. I told them it certainly would as the client doesn't want to be producing construction documents for a project which has not been approved by the planning and zoning commission. They don't want to be paying me or all of the consultants based on the gamble that the project will be approved.
They also need to start construction in The Spring so that the majority of the work can be carried out over the Summer Months when school is not in session.

So they decided to hold a special meeting next Monday. I called the engineer and he side that is nice but....I'm going out of town Tomorrow and will not be back till monday, so it gives me today to work this out.....ARGH!

Sometimes you have to ask yourself has this country lost its marbles? I guess no one wants to see anyone working.

Nov 25, 08 10:35 am  · 
brian buchalski

i got to fly an airplane this morning for the first time and it was so great that i'm thinking i should start one of those threads that goes something like this...

I know the economy is bad right now and although I LOVE design I find working in offices and having other people tell me what to do is not very exciting. I've always secretly dreamed of being airplane pilot. I hear they makes lots of $$$ too and get to travel lots and lots of women think they are sexy.

So what do you guys think, should I become an airplane pilot? All suggestions are appreciated. Thank you guys so much for your help!!

...on second thought, that's just pathetic. i'll think i'll just continue being awesome instead.

Nov 25, 08 12:55 pm  · 
liberty bell

puddles, you define the very word "awesome".

Were you a pilot, of course, you'd be able to add "totally" before that word.

Nov 25, 08 3:15 pm  · 
vado retro

hey liberty i heard on the news that the next time the big three go to washington that they will be travelling via (wait for it) caravan! now who had that idea last week?

Nov 25, 08 4:51 pm  · 

Ummmm. So I think a co-worker in a round about way told me he has a thing for me. Wasn't sure how to handle it so I changed the subject. Now what?

puddles - do you have your pilot's license or are you in the process of getting it. That's actually pretty neat. I dated a pilot once.

Nov 25, 08 7:06 pm  · 

Oooh melt which one was it? One that I know or a new one? You don't seem excited so I guess it's not mountainmelt huh?

Nov 25, 08 9:48 pm  · 

I WISH it were mountainmelt, but no... one would only be so lucky. I don't think you've ever met him.

Anyone on TC seen Towelhead? I just saw it tonight and ummmm yeah. Not at all what I thought is was going to be.

Nov 25, 08 10:29 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

I'm not sure if any one of the other school bloggers with nome de plumes feel somewhat naked when posting on regular threads with their real names. Consider this my streak!!!

Nov 26, 08 1:15 am  · 

Um, yeah, that's why I try not to as much as possible ... I'm not a big streaker :o)

Nov 26, 08 1:32 am  · 

well I'm feelin a little wild tonight then. Or possibly just too lazy to log out and log back in.

Nov 26, 08 1:43 am  · 
liberty bell

techno, did I hear you on the architecture to medical school thread imply that you might be moving to Ohio?!?! How exciting for us Midwestern 'necters that would be!

Nov 26, 08 6:45 am  · 

Hi all,

It is Wed. One day to go before i eat myself comatose. Perhaps drink to.

Looking forward to family time and time to think. I have some plans for the future to make.

Nov 26, 08 8:31 am  · 

Wow Atechno that's an interesting development. Can't say I didn't see that one from a mile a way. Anyway, it is quite exciting to have another Midwestern archinector.

We'll be practically neighbors.

Happy Day before Thanksgiving All!!!

Nov 26, 08 8:45 am  · 

What? Moving to Ohio? Why?!?

I'm in my class right now, and while I like it, I'm still a bit bored. I think my brain just moves too fast some mornings.

And OMG my stomach won't stop growling!

Nov 26, 08 12:09 pm  · 

12:30 pm here 30 minutes to Beer Time....

Nov 26, 08 12:30 pm  · 

just got a proposal out the door that for once isn't a long shot. now i have time to archinect.

have other folks noticed the strange convergence of lots of arch & 'scape schools hiring department chairs and deans this year? what gives? guess that means that next year will be a better year for getting a teaching gig.

Nov 26, 08 1:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm having pumpkin pie and bbq chips for lunch. It was a test pie (I made up the recipe) and Husband thought I should leave out the rum, and add more sugar. Personally, I think the rum is awesome.

Dang, I thought I already posted that. I was just coming back to see responses. Where is my head?

Nov 26, 08 1:43 pm  · 
vado retro

happy thanksgiving everyone. i'm about to head up north to spend the holidaze with family. i'm expecting to be pulled over as i have been watching hours of top gear videos on youtube. peace

Nov 26, 08 2:38 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh how I love Top Gear. Its one of the few things I miss from our Cable days. Wonder if the BBC America does online shows like the big three...

Nov 26, 08 3:53 pm  · 

happing thankswanting everyone! freedom from want? freedom pie? pumpkin fries?

can i say i love Toile?

hey cryz, one thing, you should stop trying to resist the death rattle and come to the fantastic realization that perhaps you and architecture were never meant to be? i mean dood, you've got a whole ton of shit out side architecture, perhaps focus on making that your focus?

"The best way to achieve international stardom is to spend 10,000 hours honing your skills, says the new book by Malcolm Gladwell, author of the best-selling The Tipping Point.[/q]

i will be feasting on gluten free delights, thinking about my idea of Toile[t].............

peace be unto you.

oh, and dubK i want to hear about your pumpkin pie.

Nov 26, 08 4:37 pm  · 

oh, and dubK i want to hear about your pumpkin pie.

Nov 26, 08 4:38 pm  · 

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