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Living in Gin

No flex spending account, but we have a vision plan that reimburses up to a certain amount ($200 I think) for new glasses.

Dec 5, 08 2:26 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Dec 5, 08 2:28 pm  · 

Hey guys, I got Curbed!

Wish me luck, my final thesis presentation of the semester is this afternoon! Crazy times!

Dec 5, 08 2:31 pm  · 
liberty bell

Congrats, DubK!!

Would it be inappropriate to post on ArchMart that I want to set up a (possibly illegal) swap for someone's flex-spending dollars so I can get a new pair of glasses? I really, really need them (LiG, I'm doing the glasses on - glasses off thing so often lately that half the time I'm wandering around looking for where I last left them - go for the progressives, that's what I need).

Dec 5, 08 2:35 pm  · 

LB...Funny thoughts about flex spending on glasses....first of all lig...$200.00 is a piss in the bucket when it comes to progressive lenses....think I paid $800.00 with lenses last you might want to reconsider. Oh ya and they told me not to clean the lenses with hot water....cause it causes damage to the hardner they
put on the lenses so they don't scratch as easy.

It would work if your eyes are in exactly the same place on your head....but that is not likely....

Dec 5, 08 2:42 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Lately I've been using a $15 pair of reading glasses I got from the drug store, and they help a lot for computer work... But having to constantly put them on and remove them is becoming a hassle, and the lenses are getting smudged all the time as a result.

I understand it takes about two weeks to get used to progressive lenses, but that it's good to start wearing them while you still have a mild prescription, so there's less of a learning curve. Does anybody have recent experience with having to wear glasses for the first time?

Dec 5, 08 2:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

My other option would be to get a super cool crafty glasses chain, like a nutty old woman. I may go that route since $800 glasses are definitely not in my recession-era budget right now.

That said, a friend just got some cool glasses at Costco, frames and prescription and all, for under $200.

Dec 5, 08 3:42 pm  · 

congrats EK

Dec 5, 08 3:43 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Very Interesting. I didn't listen to the NPR piece, but I did read the article, and I'm left wondering....

Is Oshkosh Corp. the same company that makes Oshkosh Begosh? What does that say about me that thats all I took from that? Maybe I'm just tired.

Another random thing...
I'm in love with the butcher at the Sprouts market. Ok, not really in love, but I told him I wanted a pork loin to stuff with leftover turkey stuffing, and he cut it all for me, so now I just have to stuff it. Yeah!!

Dec 5, 08 5:03 pm  · 
vado retro

so that synecdote new york movie was like looking into a giant freaking funhouse mirror. too close for comfort for moi.

Dec 5, 08 5:09 pm  · 

tis friday and no parties to go to this it is off to tend to the fire and unwind with some canadian beer...borieal...or something like that....all i know is it kicks the ass out of Moson...which is now part of the Coors family.....or the other way around. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon...evening or morning wherever you are..."Princes and Princes of the Architectural World"

Dec 5, 08 5:14 pm  · 

a party would be nice.

last night (friday night) had meeting at 10.00 pm. not over coffee or wine or dinner or anything, but sit down in the office kind of meeting. went great but the deadline for work we have to do for next meeting is monday afternoon. i thought i was done, but no....not that i was planning to not work on the weekend anyway, but now i get the pleasure of sleepless nights as well. what a wonderful life architects are privileged to lead...

LIG i thought you were a young dude still, not old enough for the progressive glasses! you too LB!

Dec 5, 08 7:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, first let me say how strange that last night was your friday night, and tonight is mine. Second, is that a Japanese thing to have a meeting at 10pm? I don't know that I'd go for that, cause it seems to me that if you meet with them at 10pm, there isnt much you wont do for them, and theyd walk all over you. Then again, you couldve been meeting with the Emperor or something crazy and awesome like that. Oh, and I saw in an article that factory built housing was the norm over there. Is that true?

On a side note, I think my son just trashed my Zeplin CD.

Dec 5, 08 7:39 pm  · 

hah. pity about the cd, sarah. we are all digital in this house. my mp3 player gets sticky when kids play with it after eating sandwiches sometimes, but so far not broken...

time difference is a funny thing indeed.

meeting @ 10pm is not strange. basically the courtesy re work is that after 11.00pm you shouldn't call the people you work with, but anytime before that is fair game. for i.e., i often speak with contractor in evening (construction workers do 8 to 5, but contractors keep architect's hours)...

whether this is reasonable or not i can't say. it is just the way it is. i don't think anyone was being taken advantage of. we were ALL there after all, and trying to get a slightly interesting project off the ground. so i don't mind. that i have to work over weekend is less happy making, but at least i can do that from home...which is not so bad, all in all.

Dec 5, 08 8:03 pm  · 

Just got back from having a wonderful dinner with a friend, her husband and their 9 week old son. The shrimp pomoro was sinful and the the icing on the carrot cake had almond paste in it. YUMMY!!

What are progressive lenses? I so need to go to the eye doctor. Lately I've noticed it's easier to read with my glasses perched at the tip of my nose or even at times without them, which truly makes me sad because I used to be far-sighted. Oh the tragedy of aging eyes.

Congrats EK on the write up on Curbed.

Dec 5, 08 8:46 pm  · 

Yeah, I'd be worried about what my client's expectations of me would be if I took a 10pm Fri night meeting. I don't mean to come off as lazy here or anything -- I do normally pull all kinds of hours to get things off the ground -- and would probably be working anyway, in fact it is 10pm Fri night right now and I am doing some pro bono work -- but... I have had bad experiences with pushy clients taking more and more of your life and losing more and more respect in the process.

So I guess it's a respect thing, jump. From all of your anecdotes it seems like there is just a much higher level of respect in Japanese work life in general though so I'm assuming this is not a problem in your neck of the woods.

BETA -- you are correct, it has "gone" nowhere -- but the question is, who *made* money off the bubble/crash? (that they still have, I mean) ... something interesting that I've been thinking about, chasing all the people who are or who have made enduring profits on this whole mess.

Dec 5, 08 10:56 pm  · 

orhan what is the 4k club?

Dec 5, 08 10:56 pm  · 

whoa, sorry about the convoluted post up there, guys. i am exhausted.

congrats, em k !

LiG: my deepest fear is that someday i will need glasses, due to the fact that since i gave up my car, i have literally ceased to focus on anything further than about 5 or 6 feet from my eyes 24/7. (Distance-vision-impaired, here I come.) I'm impressed that you're taking the news so well?

Ever had one of those days where no matter how much you eat, your stomach seems to be constantly growling? I am having one of those. It's gnawing so much I can't concentrate, but I literally JUST ate. argh.

Dec 5, 08 11:00 pm  · 

thas funny manta.

the crew i am working with on this project are all cool and we are all in it together. it's very complicated though, where the client is several steps removed from us.

we are in last stages of landing job proper, and present directly to actual "decider" on monday. last night was presentation to a group of people who are i guess what you might call producers. they were asked to find artistic people to make some proposals for a landscape/installation kind of thing, and they went to a friend of mine who came to us. so we are all involved and since we all run businesses in the daytime the meetings are late. can't be helped. on the plus side we have sold our idea to everyone but the last dude on the list so everyone is on board and if we don't muck it all up we will be set.

respect is not really a problem here somehow. it could be we are just lucky so far, but really the deal usually seems to be that everyone works together to make things happen. kind a nice really.

everyone is expected to work late though, mores the pity.

Dec 6, 08 12:05 am  · 

oh i see, that sounds awesome jump! I hope you land the gig!

Dec 6, 08 11:57 am  · 

I have a WWTCD question for all. What do you do with your architecturally themed t-shirts and other paraphernalia when they have passed their time. I'm here looking at my undergrad ('98) study-tour t-shirt and can't bear to part with it. In fact I'm afraid to put it on a regular wash cycle in case the delicate stencil work may fade.

Dec 6, 08 12:03 pm  · 

Atechno - hand wash it.

jump - despite the lateness of the job meeting, the opportunity sounds great and I hope you land the job.

Dec 6, 08 12:19 pm  · 

techno- make a quilt out of them

Dec 6, 08 12:39 pm  · 
vado retro

make a distress flag out of them!

Dec 6, 08 2:23 pm  · 

i just keep all the old t-shirts, wash them normally, and let them fill up the drawers of my dresser. one thing that drives my wife crazy - but they're all representative of a specific time/place and i can't get rid of them. i still have t-shirts from the early 80s.

if she could get rid of my old t-shirts, my vinyl, and 1/2 my books, i think my wife would be really really happy. wish i could oblige, but i'm simply incapable.

Dec 6, 08 2:43 pm  · 
liberty bell

techno, I just made a quilt for Angus out of all his too small T-shirts. It's backed with fleece so it's really, really warm. If you want, send me your old T-shirts and I'll turn them into a quilt for you. I'm serious! But I'd need quite a few of them. A quilt would be about 24 T-shirts, although I can border them all with fabric (in fact...I have some Hella Jongerius fabric that would be perfect for this and I know you like her...) if you don't have enough. Or, I have a few vintage arch school shirts as well I could add to the mix.

Just did a bit of flickr work and here is a pic of Angus' quilt, in progress. A few of the squares are tshirts that he colored himself.

Seriously, techno, this would be a fun project for me to do!

Dec 6, 08 2:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

Steven, you too!! Send me your old tshirts!

Dec 6, 08 2:47 pm  · 

what, you've got time on your hands?!

Dec 6, 08 2:58 pm  · 

Wow LB that's an fantastic idea. I've got several tshirts in my cloest that I cannot bear to give away because of sentimental reasons. I may have to do just that.

Dec 6, 08 3:34 pm  · 

OMG lb I love that idea! Correct me if I'm wrong but when you have a sewing machine you just make time for cool projects so you can use it.....

Presentations yesterday went well. I'm taking the day off, watching trashy television and drinking coffee. Yay.

Dec 6, 08 4:01 pm  · 

uh, yeah. my sewing machine hasn't gotten much work since grad school started. :( I'm not taking a break persay, but I'm easing off a little today: I went to a cookie exchange this morning and am doing some work while watching SC football now.

Dec 6, 08 5:30 pm  · 
vado retro

maybe archinect should offer an "architecture sucks" quilt!

Dec 6, 08 6:16 pm  · 

very cool LB.

thanks tuna, manta...would be nice to get job. we were invited so will be paid anyway, but money is more if we get final go ahead. maybe more important is that the producer people now know my name...who knows where such things lead, but i like to think it is easier if someone has heard of you...

on downbeat, layoffs have started in japan too. temp workers and the folk at the bottom of the pile education-wise, etc are out on the street. the news was quite sad yesterday cuz many of the layed-off are a quick step away from being homeless.

funny, obama just came on tele here in japan. impressive fellow. it is amazing that bush is not even relevant except as a joke (his recent interview with gibson as hilariously edited by jon stewart comes to mind)...maybe things will actually change.

Dec 6, 08 6:30 pm  · 

Liberty Bell, you are AWESOME!! I lost a couple cool shirts to crazy ex-girlfriends and lost luggage and would love them to be made into a quilt. I will however wait until I head back to Monty to pick up the rest of my wares before sending them over if that's okay. Wow my own Liberty Bell Quilt (I'm blushing with these brown cheeks) and with a bit of Hella Jongerius too, who is a Hell'a'gorgeous and I'll stop there before I put my foot in my mouth. Humbly, thanks.

Okay I made the coolest find this evening, riffling through my old study. I don't know if your school libraries did this, but ours used to have "cart sales" every couple of years of infrequently used books over a certain age. Well I bought a book on fitted furniture (built-in) and completely forgot about it, until now. The book is from the late 60s but the stuff in there looks contemporary (also aided by the b&w photos to hide the brady bunch colour schemes)

Dec 6, 08 8:28 pm  · 
liberty bell

Also, techno, if you don't have enough t-shirts, I could make throw pillows. Lots of craft sites show tshirt pillows just as standard shapes, but I think a cool architecture shirt could be made into a box pillow, with the Jongerius fabric as a border and a piped edge.

This could be fun! And of course the offer is good in perpetuity so go back to Monty first. In the meantime, Steven, want to send me yours?
It's not like I don't have anything to do, but I've been anting to make things lately, and working on a quilt keeps me warm in my chilly old house.

Dec 7, 08 9:08 am  · 

Lb I'm not sure if this link is going to work but heck I will give it a try. This is a quilt made in Gees Bend, Alabama out of alot of work clothes which is to be incoporated into, "The Wall of America" Which is a project being undertaken by Ellen Grisedieck. You know her for
the Food Label Designs for "Newmans Own". Sarah's husband most likely knows her husband the former race car driver Sam Posey.

Dec 7, 08 11:46 am  · 

Hi all,
Busy and tiring weekend. Not much else to say...

Although, that quilt is awesome LB.

Dec 7, 08 1:09 pm  · 

off to help my friend glen small store his stuff in a rented garage. glen is 75 y.o. disullisioned with american architectural realm and moving to nicaragua permanently.
i'll do a final interview w/ him today and off he goes, like the jazz musicians did in the past.
glen should be treated like a treasure but instead... all because he has an outspoken personality and unfortunately people can't take it. among his credential is the #2 founding member of sci arc. that school still banks on glen's rebellious image, however it is all show now...
he is also the subject of my first interview for archinect.

Dec 7, 08 1:27 pm  · 

snook, that video was f$%#ing fantastic. What an amazing project. Now I want to make a quilt of my own out of shirts from my friends. Or family. Hell I'll make two.

OMG maybe we should make a quilt out of shirts from PEOPLE ON THREAD CENTRAL!!!!! Let's do it!

Orhan, sorry about your friend Glen. Wish him safe travels for us.

I think I have come down with a post-semester cold of some kind, my sinuses are stopped up and my head hurts something awful. My most successful attempts at feeling better involve using the neti pot, strapping a cold pack to my head, taking 800 mg of ibuprofen, and eating saltines. Not exactly how I was planning on spending my days off after presentations :o/

Dec 7, 08 2:20 pm  · 
brian buchalski

where did the money go? good question. for those of you who continue to be interested in the shadier aspects of american finance i continue to recommend catherine austin fitts & the solari website as one of the best resource for answering some of these questions. start with her case study of dillon read and then go from there. she occasionally makes cheesy references to church & god...but other than that, is an excellent resource.

Dec 7, 08 2:40 pm  · 
snook_dude need to google American Wall Mural to check out the project Ellen is working on....I walked thru her studio last year and have worked with her husband Sam on a project. While at her
studio Sam dissapeared and appeared with a book he gave to me
as a gift. It is something I will always treasure along with my AWM Teeshirt No. 69. Ellen is a ball of energy!

Dec 7, 08 3:17 pm  · 


You are a damn fine friend. Glen Small is one of my Heros in this crazy world of Architecture. I hope Life is good to him south of the boarder....I have seen photos of some of his work there. I watched
the documentary done by his daughter a while back. Which well those who have partaken in any film know that 60 minutes of film time is worth about 1 minute of I sure it was filled with big holes....but who gives a shit the guy is a genius. Oh ya and this is coming from a guy without a college degree in architecture so I have not been spoiled. (just kidding)

Dec 7, 08 3:28 pm  · 

manta, i am thinking that same amount of money is there, it's just that it's in more hands than before and those who have the money are more afraid to use it than they were yesterday?

what i am fascinated with is the speed of which change is taking place! it's entirely possible that this will get much worse, but that the "much worse" will not last long. evolution seems to be happening quicker and quicker....

Dec 7, 08 3:28 pm  · 

My environmental optimism sees the economic meltdown as a positive development in fighting climate change. Just as long as we actually follow through with developing the new tech that will wean us off carbon emissions.

Dec 7, 08 4:05 pm  · 
My first post on ArchMart!

Funny but true.

I'm currently watching "The Lake House" on Oxygen with Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves as an architect. It looks like a truly mediocre movie but the architecture themes behind the love story make for some great shots of Chicago.

Dec 7, 08 5:35 pm  · 

Just watched MILK.

Good movie. I'd recommend it.

Dec 7, 08 6:07 pm  · 

Wonder K, its funny I did this the underlying architectural theme saved that movie from being a real stinker. Also its what I imagine those arch-school classmates that got married to watch on date night.... who knows.

Liberty I do wonder if the pillow might be a better idea sine it is not often that I will need a quilt. I am sure to figure it out by the new year.

I missed the concert of the year last night, uncertain what to do with myself, ended up staying in and watching Hellboy II and of course regretting it. Anyone fancy flying to Jamaica next year for Jazz & Blues? I'm sure not to miss that

Dec 7, 08 6:29 pm  · 

can i just say i love this SWPL

i saw the book yesterday, and LEED was one of the things WPL...hilarious!

Dec 7, 08 6:38 pm  · 

blues concert sounds awesome archi...

i guess i like bad movies. strike that, I KNOW i like bad movies. hellboy is fun, boathouse maudlin, but both were entertaining enough for me. the architecture did help with the latter i gots to admit. i also enjoy the highlander and mary poppins.

that is a pity about glen small, Orhan. it is hard to watch friends get less than they deserve.

Dec 7, 08 7:20 pm  · 

n_ I saw a preview for MILK yesterday and totally can't wait to see it. It hasn't reached our neck of the woods.

snook - that quilt project is amazing, I loved listening to all the women at the end singing.

It's officially winter here. I bought Bailey's today and am sitting here enjoying some with hot chocolate, although I'm thinking there's too much hot chocolate in my Bailey's.

Off to knit some more. Almost done with another scarf. Decided the first one was too short and will be giving it to my niece for Xmas. I'm thinking of starting an afghan here soon so that I have something to do during the longs winter nights. We'll see.

Dec 7, 08 8:50 pm  · 

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