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my saturday night consisted of taking all of the cds out of my broken 200disc changer so that i can (today?) put them all back in the new/old 300disc changer that someone gave me friday night. (totally unexpected score!)

you know that you can hardly BUY a disc changer anymore?! they're just not on the shelves! damn kids and their ipods...

Nov 30, 08 8:07 am  · 
liberty bell

Steven, it's so nice to see you!

I know; I took a CD over to our friends' house yesterday to listen to while we painted. Oops....ipod dock only.

In other news: snow!!! It's only a little, but the boys are out playing in it and I put on the first holiday music (from the ipod dock, I admit...) of the year: Esquivel.

Nov 30, 08 8:21 am  · 

mp3 made transcontinental travel easier.

if that digi-book thing ever takes off i will be set. no more boxes of books and music!

my cds are all in the closet. our stereo is even long gone cuz tv has better sound system and is set up for easy digital input. in fact it will be the monitor for our next computer too. we gonna get one of those sony vaio's that look like nice ice-cream bucket, with the wireless keyboard and mouse. technology is way cool.

Nov 30, 08 8:30 am  · 
liberty bell

Chrissie Hynde 2,000 Miles. Man I love her.

Nov 30, 08 8:36 am  · 

i sort of have the 'day off' today. girls will come back from the country this evening. i do have a few house jobs but pretty light. maybe i'll go see that synecdoche movie at a matinee!

Nov 30, 08 10:07 am  · 

got that snow thing too up north. might not see the grass again for another 4 months. off to change the kiddo.

Nov 30, 08 11:22 am  · 

Snow, really? Seems early.

I'm trying to stay motivated today, as I trailed off much too early yesterday but I really have a lot I need to get done. I will probably have pie for breakfast though.

Nov 30, 08 1:46 pm  · 
brian buchalski

oh, i wouldn't be too worried if puddles bought a controlling interest in the forum content here. mostly i'm just looking to manipulate a few very small details in an effort to impress gossip girl. i'm not even sure she's a real person...but it's not a chance that i'm willing to take.

i haven't seen lars & the real girl...but i did catch a bbc special earlier this year in which they explored the subject of what kind of man buys these life-like dolls of fake women. mostly it seemed to be rather lonely type computer nerds flush with cash that they can't help but spend on toys whether it's a vintage star wars "action figure" or a life-size fake woman. the best part though was when this one guy was quoted as saying something like, "yeah, the sex is pretty mind-blowing with the doll...but the peace of mind is priceless. you never have to worry about her cheating on you or breaking your heart, etc." shit, bro, if that's the case then just get a least you wouldn't have to clean her afterwards. yuck.

Nov 30, 08 2:26 pm  · 

puddles, my friend was telling me about that show the other day! Apparently one of the dolls had to go in for maintenance or repairs or something (upgrades? who knows) and the guy said "This is the longest Nancy has ever been gone". Also there was one dude who lived with his Dad, and Dad didn't approve of the doll but he had it anyway? It sounds terrifying. And those dolls cost $10,000 and up, right? Yowsers. Yuck is right.

Nov 30, 08 4:09 pm  · 

just heard the sonic boom of space shuttle. doing an emergency landing on edwards afb. i heard the fly away tool box was $100,000 and it'll be 3million to move the shuttle back to florida. anyway the whole international space station is priceless, if you ask me.

thanks for the well wishes. i am feeling 3 on the scale of badness 1-10. 10 being worst. tina is 6 and trailing me by 1.5 days. s flu is like a truck it hits you very strong and leaves like a hit and run.

i hope all did well on tg. it was really quite here yesterday.

Nov 30, 08 4:34 pm  · 

Took the day off and went to the Dia Beacon with a couple of friends.
Some Serious Richard Serra there....I would speculate LIG...went to
Saint John the Devine today as it was the big Service for the reopening after the renovation. So I'm sure his eyes were just as full as mine today. The great thing was the Dia had very light when we went into the Serra Gallery it was just the four of amazing experience. Now I have to get some drawing done for a December 3rd Deadline...Hoping everyone had a great Thanksgiving!

Nov 30, 08 5:18 pm  · 

That is funny i never even thought about it but yeah MP3s and the digital music revolution probably have made the cd changer "old tech"

Regarding "toys" the cleanup, as puddles put it does seem to be the grossest part.

Orhan, here as in Archinect or LA>?

Nov 30, 08 5:18 pm  · 

O makes sure and get some vitamin C in you, I find the dissociable tablets to be the most effective especially 1000mg. Also get lots of fluids and eat, if you have an appetite.

Speaking of strange sex, I'm here watching Zack & Miri make a Porno so far its pretty funny.

And I wish I had a crew of cad monkey midgets to help arrange, print, copy and sort a set of drawings before Tuesday for me. But instead I have a few of the regular errands to run. Sigh

Nov 30, 08 6:00 pm  · 

Got back from Columbus a few hours ago. Man I heart that place. I feel so comfortable and at home every place I go up there. It was great to hang out with my BFF. We talked for hours today about everything and anything, and pretty much lost track of time. Didn't end up leaving until much later in the afternoon than I originally wanted too. Hopefully it won't be so long until I see her again the next time.

LB - Snow? Really?!?!? We just had lots of rain.

DubK, puddles - shudder, shudder.

Orhan - glad to hear you and Tina are feeling better.

Nov 30, 08 9:47 pm  · 

Anyone know anything about Tara Donovan? Just read about an exhibit of her stuff that is coming to the CAC in February and I am totally intrigued.

Nov 30, 08 10:10 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Today I served as an acolyte during the rededication of my church, the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in New York City. Senators Hillary Clinton and Chuck Schumer were among the invited dignitaries, and I was able to shake both their hands. If you follow the link above, yours truly is in the top photo, between the two torches.

My parents were here in town for the occasion, and I was able to show them around a city a bit whenever we weren't hanging out at the cathedral. I meet them down at Penn Station first thing tomorrow morning to see them off as they head back to North Carolina.

It's not everyday you get to shake hands with two sitting U.S. Senators (and future Secretary of State) and get your photo in the New York Times... I guess that's my fifteen minutes, and it's all downhill from here, huh?

Nov 30, 08 10:11 pm  · 
liberty bell

Wow, LiG, you were truly part of a historic event today! Congratulations; how does one get picked to be acolyte at such an important service? I was only ever an acolyte when I was in confirmation class and it was required.

melt, my husband loves her work too.

Got the house mostly decorated for the holidays today. Hung the lights on the front porch and came in freezing to warm up with spiked nog and a viewing of Rudolph. It all looks very festive; wish my mood was up there with it, but I'm feeling very concerned for all of us this year. I guess that's part of the holiday spirit too, right?

Busy, busy week ahead, and my horoscope (I read it on a total whim earlier tonight - haven't read one in at least five years) says Dec 1, tomorrow, is a "fantastic business contact day" for Aries; a great day to pitch an idea or contact a VIP. Steven, be aware, you're an Aries too, right?!

Nov 30, 08 10:36 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I've been an acolyte at the cathedral almost every Sunday since 2003, barring my time spent living in Chicago from 2004-2007. For a service like today's, it was "all hands on deck", and I was one of about a dozen or so acolytes in the procession, which is pretty much our entire crew. We actually could have used a few more, but we made do with the number we had.

Hillary Clinton is much shorter than I had imagined.

Nov 30, 08 10:41 pm  · 

I posted the NYT story about the rededication to the Archinect news section because the graphic was awesome but also because i thought i remembered (apparently correctly) you talking before about your connection/involvment in the church.

As my nieces and sister are headed back up to Canada soon i took the oldest to Toys r Us and bought her some Christmas presents. I figured this way i get to see her happy and i didn't have to pay for shipping.

Archi, you have been on a movie roll lately. I need to get my ass to the theatre.

Also, anybody like Jandek? I just found out he will be doing a performance in my small college town of all places and am trying to decide whether or not to go.
It is tomorrow and thus pretty last minute. Plus, i haven't been in much of a "folk" mood lately (been listening to a lot more dubstep and grime of late).. But then again problem one of my only (in the near to long term) chances to see him.

Nov 30, 08 11:02 pm  · 

LIG that's pretty cool! Can somebody tell me what an acolyte is?

Why didn't I hear the sonic boom?

Nov 30, 08 11:19 pm  · 
Living in Gin

An acolyte is a lay (non-clergy) member of the church who generally helps out with the worship service. Specific roles include thurifur (the person with the thurible, or the thing that makes the incense smoke), crucifer (person who carries the processional cross, which is what I'm doing in the photo), or torchbearer (who carries the torches, or the candles-on-sticks you see).

Most parish churches use children as acolytes, but the cathedral generally uses adults because A) we don't have too many kids in the congregation who aren't already singing in the choir, B) a lot of our stuff is too heavy for kids to carry in procession, and C) as a cathedral, we generally have a bit more pomp and ceremonial than most typical parish churches.

Nov 30, 08 11:33 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Funny thing is, I'm pretty much an agnostic, but I live the music, the architecture, and the ceremonial of it all. Good thing is, nobody at the cathedral holds it against me. They're pretty cool that way.

Nov 30, 08 11:35 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Argh... "live" = love

Nov 30, 08 11:36 pm  · 

Well if you love it then conceptually you live it as well, so that was a convenient typo as far as typos go ;o)

This place is Episcopalian right? Or is it Catholic? The Catholics have really been pissing me off lately with all of their horsesh*t about Obama and parishioners needing to "confess" if they voted for him. They should have their tax exempt status revoked just like the Mormons. The Episcopalians are cool though.

Dec 1, 08 2:06 am  · 

Gin, I think that love of the ritual and community of it may be what's behind my Catholic boy problem. It's kind of comforting to know that other agnostics feel like that too: I've always been jealous of that bit of religion, even though I can't wrap my head around the actual core of the thing.

And, uh, actually the biggest problem I'm seeing with puddles's little story was the quote: "yeah, the sex is pretty mind-blowing with the doll". First, this is not sex, it's fancy masturbation. Second- really? REALLY? Cause I just can't see it even ranking in the 'pretty good' area, much less 'mind-blowing'. Maybe I just have high standards? Or these guys have extremely low ones...

Dec 1, 08 3:05 am  · 
Living in Gin

Yeah, we're Episcopalian. It's like Catholic Lite: All the fulfillment, only a third of the guilt.

Dec 1, 08 6:51 am  · 
brian buchalski

well, it was more of a paraphrase than a direct quote since i saw that show several months ago. guess i should've been clearer on that. but yeah, i remembering thinking "great sex, what's he talking about?" until the second half of his point where explained the peace of mind of not having to worry about "her" causing him any trouble the rest of the time. that's when i cracked up laughing.

Dec 1, 08 7:22 am  · 
liberty bell

Holiday Season 2008, and we have a pirate problem. Who woulda thunk?

Dec 1, 08 7:54 am  · 
brian buchalski

dec 1 = atlantic hurricane season 2008 is now officially over...i'm still alive...just 181 days until the 2009 season begins

dec 1 also means that i can commence with non-stop playing of the charlie brown christmas soundtrack for the rest of the month. i've done this for the past few years and have yet to grow tired of it. vince guaraldi is simply golden.

Dec 1, 08 8:12 am  · 
brian buchalski

...and if pirates are fighting ninjas by this time next year then i think our worst fears will have come true

Dec 1, 08 8:13 am  · 
liberty bell

I just did my part for Black Monday and bought an engine part online. Paypal did *not* make my ordering process easier this time, sadly, and now I have a huge headache. I hate shopping, and think that engine part was about enough.

Dec 1, 08 9:27 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I was going to order Husband this fancy MGW short-shifter, until I lost my job.

The plan was to send Abe across the street to the sitter, once her husband got out of the hospital, so I could work on my portfolio, but.....he didn't make it out. Its sad, really. They had the kind of love that I won't be suprised if she only hangs around for another 6 months. Husband always says things come in threes, and with his Dad dying, then me losing my job, and now us losing the Sitters husband, I wonder if its over. I wonder what we're suppose to learn from it all.

Dec 1, 08 11:22 am  · 
brian buchalski

i can't believe that a contorted argument just led to me proposing a "fuck squanto" do i even think of such crap?

Dec 1, 08 11:22 am  · 

you know, puddles has some entertainment value but someday can we have some brian too? i sorta miss him. and puddles provocations are becoming (if not exactly predictable) expect-able.

Dec 1, 08 11:49 am  · 

LIG - Wow, I thought I was the only one who felt that way when it came to church. I too love the music (I like the traditional stuff), the ceremonies/rituals, the architecture. I'm just not all about the God thing (I consider myself agnostic as well), so I never go to Church. Feel to guilty.

SH - sorry to hear about your sitter's husband. That is so sad. How many years were they married. I worried a lot about my grandfather when my grandmother passed away, that he wouldn't live out the year, but now I think he's in a good place. I think the fact that he still has a purpose (he still prepares taxes after all these years) gives him something to live for.

Better be off - got my teeth cleaned first thing this morning so I've got to catch up on some time.

Dec 1, 08 12:23 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Well, that photo made it onto the front page of today's print edition of the Times.... It's a little weird walking around Midtown and seeing it on every newsstand!

Dec 1, 08 12:52 pm  · 
liberty bell

I think puddles' last post was a bit of Brian coming through, Steven.

It's 63 degrees in my house and I'm cad'ing with cold, cold hands.

Dec 1, 08 1:25 pm  · 

63 degrees in my hizzouse.

Dec 1, 08 2:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Starmelt, they were married well over 50 years; I think he was 85, but not sure. I do know their wedding date, but only cause its the day before mine.

I need to build Abram some toys. He could really use something that he can pull, turn, push, bang, and make loads of noise with. He has discovered Over, Under, and Through, but has yet to master Around. Strange that one must learn prepositions. Oh, and fun for me...He's learned to throw. At least he does most of his own fetching.

Dec 1, 08 2:37 pm  · 

It's official folks... we're in a Recession GASP!!!!

I think it's cool LIG that you are on the front page of the Times. My parents get it during the week, so I'll have to make sure they save it so I can check it out.

LB - I empathize greatly. It's not as cold in my office, but my fingers are like icicles. I've been thinking about bringing my mittens that convert into fingerless gloves just to attempt to keep them warm. sigh

Dec 1, 08 4:21 pm  · 

remember this [one page back]?

i hate to nitpick, but is too much to ask that when i confirm an interview time and day, that the guy shows up, and that the person i responded to doesn't claim to not get the email confirming the appointment? i mean, shit, i got all dressed up in my Brangelina best FM pumps and everything.

i was as polite as can be, and rescheduled and confirmed right then and there. you know what? i am gonna show up to that one too!

well, i scheduled that day an interview for this morning, then had the person i confirmed the interview with, reschedule for tomorrow. so, surprise, surprise - my best Gomer Pyle - the architect's office called today to put off the interview again, til perhaps next week or the week after. the reason, architect is REALLY BUSY with all these new clients and client contacts, and does not have time in the schedule to meet. now, as a "older gentleman" i am well aware of what is going on, but i figure, eh, wtf i'll play along. so i said sure, lets reschedule - in my best british accent - whatever is more convenient for the architect.

[i should point out that this firm was seeking PA's, this was not a cold call, and was all over my junk in a NY minute.]

[rant]let me say this though - in my best east coast brogue, cynical, asshole best - this firm has their head clearly up it's ass, sure i'd like to work for you, about as much as i'd like a case of the clap or crabs. i'd sooner slit my effing throat, you effing two-bit hack. working for you, no, i'd say more like cleaning up your mess, because clearly as a professional you suck mighty moose cock.

so let me ask, is it too much to ask, that in this effed up Bush economy, you'd get the slightest bit of truth or have someone act like an adult and just level with you?

so here's my rant - well the coda - be professional, at all times, treat people like their adults, and remember, no matter how broad this profession may seem, it's much smaller than we think and chances are the person you screw today, just may sit on a community planning board or design review board, that will cut your nuts off, feed them to you, and then revel in the glory of having done so right to your face.[/rant]

Dec 1, 08 4:30 pm  · 

oh, i too saw Quantum Of Solace, and some previews caught my attention, although i forget which one, there is a new film coming out with i think a Zaha building figuring prominently...

i liked the Bond flick, pretty typical, some interesting bad guy architecture - again.

i do want to see Milk, Frost/Nixon, The Day The Earth Stood Still, i know, i know, The Wrestler, Slumdog Millionaire, Synecdoche NY, and i am sure there are others that i need to see before my freepass runs out this year.

Dec 1, 08 4:38 pm  · 

That suck. I always wish in those situations they would just be upfront with me.

Also, the wrestler looks real good....

Dec 1, 08 5:00 pm  · 

lb, I really recommend those fingerless gloves. They're all kinds of wooly warm goodness, and you still have enough flexibility to type.

beta, I love to hear someone else rant like that. Go forth and conquer!

Dec 1, 08 5:05 pm  · 

Moose, you say, Beta?

Dec 1, 08 5:10 pm  · 

beta, as a reliable person, I empathize, and I know I could not treat a person like that.

I am still nursing Thanksgiving leftovers, and as the major meateater in the apartment, I am starting to wonder when they will run out. Especially since I watched obesity night on TLC last night and that scared me off of eating too much for a while, or at least until the next obesity night. This did not stop me from finishing a box of Rosemary and Olive Oil Triscuits like they were the last thing on earth, however.

Of course we have another meateater but he's still too little to eat turkey chunks.

Dec 1, 08 6:02 pm  · 

thanks peeps, sometimes i think i'm in my own head yelling this shit, that i sound like a loon. here's the thing too; i am loyal, to a fault sometimes, and part of that trait/flaw is that when i say i am going to be at x place, at x time, i try my damnedest to meet that commitment, sometimes i fail, and i apologize profusely, realizing that i need to work harder to not eff up next time. so this re-re-re-re thing annoys me to the point of now, i am going to keep on with this "charade" of an interview, just so i can have the pleasure of asking for some absurd salary, just to have them choke. well i can say at least the local AIA meetings will be a hoot.

Dec 1, 08 6:16 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Awwwww! (And I don't normally say "Awwwww" very often!)

You know it had to happen... The cathedral's rededication service is on YouTube:

Organ Fanfare and Procession
It's a bit shaky, but it captures the organ's world-famous State Trumpets and the opening procession. (If I look like I'm about to bust a hernia, it's because I was. That cross weighed about 900 pounds, and I can still barely lift my coffee mug today.)

Hillary Clinton Speaks

Segment this morning on the local CBS affiliate

Dec 1, 08 6:17 pm  · 

cute kitten.

good luck with stupid interview beta. if it ever happens.

news today is scary as hell. not the economy stuff, but the details of what happened in mumbai. what a horrible waste of life and energy. makes the airport shutdown in thailand seem sort of intelligent as a way to get the world's attention. at least there will be no orphan's from it.

on brighter note we had koala-san for breakfast this morning. my youngest either can't get the sound right or just prefers her version, but croissants are funner when she announces their arrival at the table.

Dec 1, 08 6:49 pm  · 
liberty bell ate a koala?!?!?

Dec 1, 08 7:14 pm  · 

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