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Living in Gin
Nov 26, 08 4:43 pm  · 

hey nam, i am glad you are back home...

those are nice colors LIG.;.)
is that a legal copy of the software?

Nov 26, 08 4:55 pm  · 
brian buchalski

no, i don't have a pilot's license. i was just shooting some aerial photos and the pilot let me take the controls for maybe 5-10 minutes. it was fun and considering how much i loathe commercial air travel, i might very well pursue lessons & getting a license.

also, office just upgraded to 30" cinema HD display screens for everybody...they are gorgeous but the office looks like an Apple store now...i'm nervous we'll be inundated with gawking tourists

Nov 26, 08 5:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

Off to my 5:30 Friday-ish (it feels like Friday, right? because of the holiday?) meeting, hope they offer me a glass of wine!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Be thankful and be safe.

Nov 26, 08 5:11 pm  · 

and i'm off to the mountains of eastern ky for a country turkey day. 2 1/2 hr drive, unfortunately.

relax, everyone, and have a nice quiet weekend.

Nov 26, 08 5:50 pm  · 

time to head home! just got a call from Ms. TK - she passed the national psychology license exam with a score of 640! all that she needed was a 500. Next up, the state exam - which gives us one more reason to relocate somewhere warmer so she doesn't freeze on the exam day...

this afternoon, I got sucked into a conversation about a proposal for a state campground where we designed the old visitors center. this will be an interested exercise.

Nov 26, 08 6:14 pm  · 

Ah ha ha, my pumpkin pie. I will post pictures tomorrow. I had to call Mom last night and ask her how to thaw the turkey, and that's when I got told about "the bag" inside of the turkey with all of its innards. Yuck. But it's OK, it's about time I learned these things, if I ever hope to have a family of my own someday....

Nov 26, 08 6:18 pm  · 

hahaha DubK. The giblets are good for stuffing, btw, so don't just toss them.

I'm rather a fabulous thanksgiving dinner maker, classic farmhouse style food with recipes passed down from my mom from her mom and so forth. Mdler was invited to sample such, but according to evite, he didn't even view the invitation! humph! I do love making thanksgiving, and am having several people over tomorrow. Actually, I should finish up my work and start on some bread dough tonight so that it can chill. Happy Thanksgiving all!

Nov 26, 08 6:49 pm  · 

whoops. going to log out now...

Nov 26, 08 6:51 pm  · 

I've got some vegetarians coming to my Turkey-day dinner so I'm going to pass on including the gross stuff in the stuffing...

Every roommate I've ever had can vouch for this though: I am like a kid watching science experiments in the kitchen. I have no idea what goes on there but I enjoy it nonetheless.

Nov 26, 08 7:12 pm  · 

ah. I read about a cool thing to do with stuffing for vegetarians: bake in inside of a pumpkin. I really love traditional stuff, but I also want to try that!

Nov 26, 08 7:25 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I initially read that as bake the vegetarians inside of a pumpkin.

Nov 26, 08 7:54 pm  · 

for vegetarians that like cheese - - quorn is the shiznit, tastes awesome!

Nov 26, 08 8:21 pm  · 

Hmmm stuffing with giblets in it. Can't say as I've ever tasted that kind before. The recipe my mother makes only has bread crumbs, celery, onions, marjoram, thyme, poultry seasoning, salt and pepper. Crazy thing about it, is that there is no actual recipe... you add the herbs and seasoning until "it smells right" No lie. Anyone else have any recipes like this? Tonight I'm putting together my mother's family's traditional Bing cherry mold. It's the shiznit. My brothers and I love it, thank God the younger generation hasn't figured it out yet. Just means more for us.

Nov 26, 08 8:46 pm  · 

OMG beta. Breadcrumbs, cranberries and goat's cheese?!?!?!?!? That DOES sound like the shiznit!!! I am totally going to have to hunt some down and try it.

Nov 26, 08 8:49 pm  · 

i had some last night, damn it was good. i am serious when i say this; it tastes like chicken!

Nov 26, 08 8:56 pm  · 

****melt, ALL of my family recipes are like that. That's what makes them family recipes- if you haven't spent time in the kitchen with momma learning the right texture and smell of the dish, you'll never get the recipe right.

Nov 26, 08 10:27 pm  · 

watching the barbara walters obama interview--

he just went on for a bit about how much he admires architects and likes buildings!

(((((sigh)))))) i didn't think my crush could get any bigger!

Nov 26, 08 10:27 pm  · 

i'm making this pumpkin pie in a few minutes. (It makes for a handy excuse to buy a bottle of vodka, too!) Also, check out that goat cheese + port wine cheeseball!!!

If I didn't just drop $25 on the ingredients for the pie alone I would have made that as well.

Nov 26, 08 10:29 pm  · 
liberty bell

Did we already discuss Lars and the Real Girl here?

I just watched it and pretty much wept the whole way though. What a sad, beautiful story. I highly recommend it.

Nov 26, 08 11:28 pm  · 

rationalist - fortunately I spent a lotta time in the kitchen with mom growing up... the only problem is my brother didn't and he's in charge of making the stuffing.

manta - mmmmmm pumpkin pie!!!!! Although I think you need twice as much cinnamon and nutmeg than the recipe calls for. At least.

Lars and the Real Girl? Sounds familiar but can't say I ever have seen it.

Nov 27, 08 12:56 am  · 

My history in the kitchen is, well, nonexistent. My mom didn't cook much growing up and frankly I was much more interested in math or any other number of things anyway. It wasn't until I moved out that I really tried to learn. Each of my roommates over the years has taught me something about making food. How to peel peaches, how to scramble eggs, how to make guacamole, how to eat an artichoke (that last one is fascinating).

Lars and the Real Girl was a great film. I heart Ryan Gosling.

I am going to go try to watch some Obama now, I need a pick me up.

Nov 27, 08 2:04 am  · 
brian buchalski


Nov 27, 08 8:27 am  · 

Yes, the things that are happening in Mumbai are pretty terrible. At first I thought, "Al Qaeda is getting creative" and then they announced that it was perpetrated by a different group - and this can't be good news. It means that terrorist groups are growing, evolving, and sprouting in unexpected places. It makes me wonder if one could ever pop up in the US.

Nov 27, 08 2:13 pm  · 
brian buchalski

terrorist in the united states? no way, never gonna happen

the real question is, why attack a third world city that nobody cares about? i always thought that young terrorists had the same fetish for new york & london as young architects? maybe we're not so alike after all

Nov 27, 08 2:47 pm  · 

apparently one of the instructions from bin laden is that these groups should change names, so that there is confusion on the origin of attacks and they look more loose and fragmented [heard it on the news]. a friend is from mumbai and she's watching all this unfold from far away, pretty terrible.

Nov 27, 08 2:52 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Unfortunately, terror attacks of this scale are nothing new in India. This sort of attack doesn't really fit Al Qaeda's M.O., and so far the clues are pointing more towards a home-grown group.

I hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving... I had a Thanksgiving dinner by myself down at the Moonstruck Diner in the East Village, but my parents arrive in town tomorrow evening for a weekend stay.

Nov 28, 08 12:04 am  · 

we had cordon bleu (cooked by my own talented self) and played some tunes. a co-worker friend brought his guitar and we sat down and played for hours. my oldest showed us her licks, and youngest gave an impromptu performance on the mouth harp (surprsingly good for a 4 year old). and much wine was drunk. no turkey, but since thanksgiving is not part of the culture here that was just fine.

i tell you it has been years since i sat down and played music with friends. it was totally cool and mellow and i am right set to start performing again somewhere in the city. not sure how i managed to let that side of things get sidelined, but man it is an amazing psychic release.

life is good. the economy has me scared witless but man oh man life is just plain good. no complaints from me today. ;-)

Nov 28, 08 4:53 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive. no indian attacks here despite thanksgiving feast.

Nov 28, 08 7:38 am  · 

Hi everybody,

i'm looking for something that makes ground-plan surveying easier. I've already heard about OrthoGraph software, it is something to do with PDA so it's kind of an electronic surveying which sounds good. Does anybody know more about this or other stuff that can help?

Nov 28, 08 11:31 am  · 

hi lifebuilder - I remember back in the day when we only had Palm and Handspring there as a software called MapSketch which did pretty much that, it was more like a surveyors assistant and didn't really do much except screw up your dimensioning.

Hi all. So I'm busted huh? Well safe be sure I'm not moving to Ohio anytime soon but I'll be visiting as often as work will allow. Perhaps I shouldn't of quoted Vado, oh well.

Seems like all had a good thanksgiving. But Gin what's up with eating alone? Anyway we don't celebrate it either but to feel part of the whole spirit of things (since it was all over the media) - I decided to consciously overeat...felt like a holiday to me.

time for class

Nov 28, 08 11:47 am  · 

Apparently black friday is really earning it's nickname this year. Shoppers at Walmart, eager to get the best deals, trampled and killed a Walmart employee in the moments after a store opened at 5am this morning.

walmart death

I can't imagine how that funeral goes... somehow it seems really hard to spin a death of that sort into any sort of "god has a special plan for each of us..." type speech. Not exactly the most dignified way to go.

Nov 28, 08 12:15 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, Techno, thats probably the most American way partake of the holiday.

My made up pumpkin pie turned out great, as did everything else. Husband was really nervous. He always is when his people from the home town come to our house, and I set out nice food and a semi-full place setting. I didn't even use the good china, except as dessert plates, but he still gets nervous if there are two forks instead of just one. But it went marvelously.

Am I the only one who took Puddles' last comment witha smile? Thanksgiving, Indians, haha.

Nov 28, 08 1:00 pm  · 

as it started 3 am tg morning, i have a stomach flu and missed a great tg dinner at our friends' house who is a pro chef.
i also missed a great get together with a friend whom i went to school with and now lives and has his office in albuquerque. we were to drive by some architecture here in la on my selection.
i am here at home feeling a little better today from 1-10 about 6, 10 being the worst. yesterday was 9.9 and .1 goes for still being alive.
my friend described the s flu pretty good on the phone; "it is something pulls up your stomach to your mouth."
great day to watch movies and load up on pepto bismol. these are the times you are thankful somebody is with you taking of you.

Nov 28, 08 3:20 pm  · 

Awwww Orhan that totally sucks, especially missing a visiting friend. Glad to hear you're feeling a little better. Hopefully tomorrow you'll be even better if not as good as new.

I just spent the better part of the afternoon running random errands. It's amazing how much it takes out of you. Off to take a nap.

Nov 28, 08 3:28 pm  · 

Off to see the new Bond flick!!! Anyone fancy humming the sound track with me

Nov 28, 08 4:40 pm  · 

thanks tuna. i do feel better but i am being kept away from turkey care package that is waiting for me. maybe tomorrow.

friend of mine is flying to dubai, abu dhabi, qatar, and saudi arabia next wednesday to get some hospitality projects. it will be interesting to see his take on those places when he comes back.

Nov 28, 08 5:07 pm  · 

get well orhan.

yeh it would be interesting to hear if those places are still working or if the mood is as dire as usa...

sarah, you know i thought he was referring to the terrorist attack in mumbai (which was partly directed at thanksgiving party-ers) in his outrageous callous way...maybe i watch too much tv. but for record i did a hrumph, instead of a tee-hee...;-)

Nov 28, 08 7:08 pm  · 

SH and jump - hmmmm, I thought puddles post was alluding to the debate going on on this thread. Perhaps I was wrong.

Nov 28, 08 7:32 pm  · 

see there you go. nothing anyone says is ever what it they think it is.

interesting isn't it?

Nov 28, 08 7:59 pm  · 
brian buchalski

does anybody know how much it costs to buy one of the forum threads here on archinect?

Nov 29, 08 8:54 am  · 

black saturday special: send me a check for $20 and you can start one right up, puddles.

Nov 29, 08 9:25 am  · 
brian buchalski

that's not quite what i had in mind...starting one is already free & easy to do. i'm more interesting in gaining control of existing threads...either to end them, edit them, etc...

Nov 29, 08 9:46 am  · 

send me $2000 and I'll share my editorial password - not!

Nov 29, 08 11:35 am  · 

yes puddles send me your SS info, credit card information, and a cheque for $10,000 to this address

Its good that despite a downward market that puddles is being novel with his enterprise

Nov 29, 08 1:13 pm  · 

I'm somewhat scared to see what threads puddles would cease if he gained control of things around here ;o)

As for me, I'm headed on up to Columbus for the evening to hang out with my BFF. Haven't seen her since last September (although we talk practically every day) so I'm looking forward to it.

Nov 29, 08 1:56 pm  · 

Hi all,
I spent Wed nigth with Family, T-Day with friends and the day after at the beach with my sister and nieces from Canada. Being the "real" Floridian i am i thought it was cold and wore a hoody half the day, while they romped around half nude (FYI they are 1.5 and 5 yrs old). At least i got some beach yoga done.
I get to take them Christmas present shopping tomorrow. Yeah!!!

I too thought puddles comment referenced the Native American Thanksgiving thread...
Also, that India shit is crazy. What worries me the most. Is that based on recent history and my own limited knowledge of the problem of communalism in Indian society is the likely social/political fallout involving Hindu nationalism.

Orhan, hope you feel better.

Nov 29, 08 7:59 pm  · 

Oh also, i have been meaning to watch Lars and the Real Girl.

I do know i was deeply moved by Ryan Gosling's in Half Nelson.

Nov 29, 08 8:00 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nam, Half Nelson was so sad. Lars is lovely.

Also, please TC go see my funny story on the thread about Synecdoche, New York which i just saw. vado, you must go see this.

Been helping some friends paint their kitchen over the holiday weekend. it's fun to work on someone else's project!

Nov 29, 08 10:22 pm  · 

Quantum of Solace was rather enjoyable. Most people say its not a bond film but it was wickedly enjoyable. The architecture is definately the star of the film, more than the car has been in many others.

Folks hope you are having a hopping Saturday night, except for you Orhan get your rest

Nov 30, 08 12:19 am  · 

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