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liberty bell

Also: I highly recommend that you get your friends to bring on their contractor of choice early. The builder can really help the process run smoothly AND are a wealth of knowledge and potential cost savings. Example: you want to frame an opening 10'-6" wide, but the contractor knows that the parallams come in 10' or 12' lengths and you'll save $350 if you make the opening 6" smaller. I'm not saying roll over on every design decision, but with the contractor's help you can decide where the extra expense is worth it and where it's not.

Nov 21, 08 3:50 pm  · 

archi I hope it wasn't a big bird...

Nov 21, 08 4:32 pm  · 
Nov 21, 08 4:53 pm  · 
vado retro

man i just swung by a branch library and picked up a few beethoven string quartets and the french piano trios. the librarian was sooooooooooo damned cute. she was dressed all in black but wasnt goth she was brunette which i like so much.
as she looked through my items...

"oh" she said "i saw ravel's grave in paris this summer. i took a lot of pictures of graves"
"Do you know who else is buried there?" i asked.
"Jim Morrison? Voltaire? I have pictures of their graves. The ground is worn down at Morrison's from people laying there."
"The lizard king will never die" I said, "although I was thinking of RinTinTin."

It sucks when you have a great conversation with a woman who could be your daughter.

Nov 21, 08 6:08 pm  · 

poor vado. Gotta try and meet some older smart ladies (other than lb, who is not 'older' and married anyway).

Hmm, think I'm going to try and get a little work done before a beautiful boy comes over and distracts me from everything else.

Nov 21, 08 9:11 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm not old-er, just old!

rationalist, you asked what famous person you would be and of course my first thought was Molly Ringwald, because of the hair, lips, and beautiful skin. And because when I was a college freshman she was so, so hot to so many people.

But she hasn't stayed that shocking as she has aged so I was trying to think who has a bit more of an edge than Molly that you could be crossed with.

Nov 21, 08 9:21 pm  · 

Just spent the last two hours wasting my life away in a crappy movie. Twilight. Movies never do justice to the books they portray, but I didn't think it was going to THAT bad.

However the house in the movie was outstanding. I pretty much drooled over it.

Hmmm. It's funny as I've never given much thought to what famous person I resemble and really never give much thought to anyone else in that manner either, although after seeing him more lately I am convinced a good friend of mine looks a lot like Ashton Kutcher. So much so, it's almost uncanny.

Nov 21, 08 10:25 pm  · 

I'm tired and going to bed. All these responses about who Rationalist looks like is only making me want to meet her more. But I have already expressed this gawking weakness towards red heads.

time for bed.

Nov 21, 08 10:26 pm  · 


Nov 21, 08 10:35 pm  · 

Hi ****....btw I think you look like cross between Meg Ryan and Natasha Henstridge

Nov 21, 08 11:21 pm  · 

does anyone know what happened to Archibald the Architect, drawn by Maaik? Those were fun, oddly the character reminds me on p2an with his new glasses(no offense). Anyway maaik's website is down wondered if anyone had a clue

Nov 22, 08 1:21 am  · 

You know, I didn't think it was possible for my head to hurt this much for this long, but here we are. At least today I was functioning, which I can't say for the other day.

WonderMan and I had our first fight today, which was actually more a miscommunication. It's over now though, thank goodness.

One of these days I might actually get some work done. If my head stops hurting.

Nov 22, 08 3:03 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I feel like I should post something, but don't have too much to say. Now I know why puddles does the "I'm still alive" stint.

Vado, if the girl is into France, cemeteries, and Voltaire, maybe she's very mature for her age, or very cultured, or actually quite old, and just ages really well. In either case, sounds like a good match for you. Girls who are into graves are probably into older gentlmen. I don't know, though, as I'm not into graves.

Nov 22, 08 9:06 am  · 
vado retro

you could be right about that sarah. she could be into guys who have one foot in the grave...

i promised the person who i had the fight with that i would no longer tell the best relationship fight i ever had due the embarrassing behaviour of that person.

Nov 22, 08 9:18 am  · 

DubK - Has the smoke dissipated yet? I am sending you non-headache vibes. I hope it ends soon, as I know how much they interfere with life. Glad to hear your fight with WonderMan is over. Arguments with loved ones suck.

vado - graves huh? Interesting. SH has a very good point and some good insight. She may be an old soul.

Atechno - HA!!!! I don't see it. I just look like my mom's family. I remember years ago seeing a photo of my grandmother (sigh) when she was my age. I couldn't believe how much I looked like her, it almost like looking in a mirror. My brother and I could practically pass as fraternal twins if one of us had the others hair color. I actually love having such a strong resemblance to everyone in my family, makes me feel more connected for some strange reason. I also love meeting my friend's family members too, b/c I like figuring out the physical similarities. Strange I know, but it's still cool.

Nov 22, 08 10:35 am  · 


Nov 22, 08 11:43 am  · 

That's funny, ****, I share your happiness about family resemblance. My family members look like a bunch of in-breds or something. We are all clones of each other, out to aunts and uncles and cousins and grandparents, even. When we get together at family events I think it creeps all the poor in-laws out. I LOVE it. We have a really strong family feeling, too--I wonder how much of it is influenced by our looks?

vado, my parents are about 20 years apart in age. you never know, if you have another good conversation with her you should invite her out to coffee! Love has no age boundaries, I think.

WonderK, I'm sorry to hear about your fight. Doesn't it seem like most relationship fights are over miscommunications? I think long distances exacerbate that tendency. My only long-distance fight with my bf lasted like 2 days and it was 100% due to a miscommunication. While that's really frustrating, I think the good news is that that means it's not over any actual *problem* in the relationship. So that's good, right? Even though it's so lame and frustrating...

I will also say that my bf and I both learned a lot from that long-distance fight, and because of that I feel that one of the best things about l-d relationships is that you learn how to work out problems entirely by calming down and speaking about them, hashing them out verbally until you finally figure out what's what. And when you finally get to live together, that experience is invaluable. But I know I'm preaching to the choir. Just hoping to make you feel better. :)

Nov 22, 08 11:50 am  · 

Just be careful Vado....she might kill you in a good way!

Nov 22, 08 12:16 pm  · 

Aww, snook! In my daycare as a child, one of the daycard attendants looked like santa. Man, we LOVED him. My mom said all the little kids would like fight over who got to sit on his lap.

Nov 22, 08 12:17 pm  · 

We actually have a picture of me with my santa daycare attendant at age 3. That's how much I loved him, I made my mom take a picture of me with him.

Nov 22, 08 12:19 pm  · 
vado retro

thanks manta. i have had my moments. lb knows all about the nordstrom episode :P

Nov 22, 08 12:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

But do I know about the embarrassing fight? Did it involve a television?

Nov 22, 08 2:06 pm  · 
vado retro

thats the fight!

Nov 22, 08 2:32 pm  · 

here and on the "old architects" thread there's talk of old age, and vado is posting pictures of this an end-of-the-year zeitgeist?

Nov 22, 08 2:32 pm  · 

thanks manta and ****. The smoke has dissipated but we think there is still something wrong with the air pressure or something, all my coworkers had headaches yesterday too. It doesn't help that my hormones are kicking my ass this month :o( And yes, the long-distance relationship fight thing sucks but it was totally a situation that wouldn't even have been an issue if we were in the same place. It caused me an anxiety attack which didn't help the headache.

In any case the headache is gone now, thank goodness, and I need to get some work done. Also I have a meeting with my urbanism professor this EVENING at a COFFEE SHOP in Downtown. I find this to be odd and borderline creepy and have therefore passed his name and phone number onto my roommate and best friend.

Nov 22, 08 2:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hahahaha vado I'd say that behaviour was not overly embarrassing AT ALL as I have done similar things many times in my life!

I have a terrible, terrible temper and most people who know me simply can't imagine that it's true. I hide it well in public! And it passes quickly, so if you're not around for the sudden flare you're not likely to see it at all. Every now and then on a job site I'll let loose with some loud swearing and the guys who've not worked with me before are shocked. And somewhat scared.

Nov 22, 08 2:55 pm  · 

i am the lizard king.....i can do anything

Nov 22, 08 3:15 pm  · 
vado retro

it was the young librarian that brought up graves.

Nov 22, 08 4:07 pm  · 

umm, DubK, I'd agree. That's borderline datish, and therefor weird. And seriously, your profs should assume you have something better to do with a Saturday night anyway! Though I'm glad you mentioned that this was your urbanism professor, as I feel like he's more likely to just be bumbling and clueless than, say, a history professor would be.

Nov 22, 08 4:40 pm  · 

hmm, maybe the young librarian has end-of-the-year blues...or she just likes graves

Nov 22, 08 4:44 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Thats so not fair, now I want to hear the fight story.

Do people lay down at Mozart's grave? Beetoven? Lennon's? Patsy Cline? Just wondering. As an 'architect,' can I place a tomb into all th cool buildings I design, and then be interred in the best one? I've always threatend to put husband's ashes into a concrete mix on a race course.

Dubbers, if its anything to you, Husband and I did the long-distance thing while I was in school, all five years. I looked at it as a betrothal, and therefore, time for him to prepare a place for me. Guess that last part is old fashioned, but the bottom line is that we made it five years, and all our fights were about time and me doing exactly what he had asked me NOT to do. We've gotten better, obviously.

Nov 22, 08 5:14 pm  · 

I went to that graveyard and I took a picture of Chopin's grave and Oscar Wilde's. Oscar Wilde's is much, much more interesting than Morrison's. The inscription on it is tremendous and the design beautiful. A fitting monument.

Nov 22, 08 8:42 pm  · 

Ahhh, what a lazy Saturday it's been. I've just spent most of the day knitting a scarf. Turned out great but is slightly shorter than I was hoping for. OH well, iut'll still keep me warm. Austin City Limits was pretty good too, I didn't realize Thievery Corporation had just an assortment of singers. Way cool. Nice way to finish out the day. Time to hit the hay and read for the next hour or two.

DUbK - I agree with rationalist. That IS just slightly odd and creepy. Hopefully all turned out well and not in the date-ish sort of way.

Nov 22, 08 11:05 pm  · 

i am told i look like robin williams. i think it is because of superficial resemblance and the fact that i can be manically unfunny for long periods of time...

thanks for encouragement LB and Orhan. so far We done did a dozen proposals this year. about half were succesful, but several of those are on hold, and 3 are still waiting on a decision....which is annoying. but if anyone wants to stretch their imagination, a 1100 ft2 home on a 9 x 40 ft plot with 4 bedrooms is fun to figure out. mvrdv has to turn on the juice to get that funky - we get it for free. hurray for asian urbanism.

LB, you sound like my wife. i am more like farmer joe, very slow to anger but when i get pissed off i tend not to let go. so when we fight my wife will be over it in an instant (literally. its the damndest thing) while i'm still working up steam. it is actually kind of funny...and is great training for me cuz i know now that getting pissed off isn't worth it. so i just stay happy all time instead. life is much easier that way.

hopin the creepy vibe wasn't justified WK.

Nov 22, 08 11:37 pm  · 

Vado You might offer to take her to Graceland Cemetary in Chi-Town to see Bruce Goffs Grave:

The Glass if from Joe Prices House in Bartlesville, Oklahoma. The House was torched and the glass was some of the only surviving artifacts.

Nov 23, 08 10:02 am  · 

Vado you could also drop by Daniel Burnhams Island in the cemetery

Nov 23, 08 10:08 am  · 
vado retro
Nov 23, 08 10:21 am  · 

TC has definitely gone morbid over the weekend. I helped a friend move yesterday and part of the prize was tickets for a formal dinner. Having only 1/2 of my wares I had to buy a suit. The suit was needed away as my father has an inauguration in December. Anyway after we went for a drink and were by far the most beautiful people in the joint.

Has anyone heard anything from WonderK since her meeting with her professor. It's funny I've had the shoe on the other foot - being asked out by students and not sure if you are being asked out on a date or just to speak outside of school. Its harder for us part-timers, because we don't have office hours.

Ok heading to the big box store...brb

Nov 23, 08 12:54 pm  · 

a-techno (back to the other page)

calculate the MP fee based on how long the process is going to take. so if your time and three colleagues who will produce the mp need $10k/week and you have 7 weeks, charge $70k. There are tons of meetings/presentations research that go into the mp - but the level of detail and number of schemes is based on how long you have.

Nov 23, 08 12:57 pm  · 

hello tc!

yes, reading the last few posts, would be nice to have a post from WonderK

architechno- i got the same thing, was asked on a date by a student- i declined. have never been asked by a teacher, but have become friends with former teachers afterwards- only good friends though.

Nov 23, 08 1:58 pm  · 

techno, have not heard from WonderK yet, but that's not particularly unusual these days. She's one busy lady.

Also, I remember you mentioning the redhead fixation, and at the time being a bit creeped out by it, as we hadn't actually spoken at all yet. Glad that you turned out to be a good guy after all.

Nov 23, 08 2:10 pm  · 

Hey guys! I'm alive, sorry I didn't check in sooner. All is well....Professor McCreepy actually bailed on me, and I'm meeting him tomorrow morning before class instead. It turns out he wants to talk to me about not only about my project but about using it to perhaps do some additional research for a publication that he's working on as well. My topic is "ecocities" and he is very interested in it, at least I get to talk to him about it in a professional capacity now, and not in some coffee shop where I'm worried about my safety! Of course I am very busy so it may or may not happen, but we'll see. I am just going to chalk the whole thing up to him being super nerdy and interested in this topic and not actually being creepy.

I didn't get a chance to tell you this last night though because we had a birthday party for a friend in my apartment and I'm pretty sure there were like 50 people here. It was a new record for capacity. Also it was a "no pants party" which meant that people either wore skirts, tights, shorts, or....they came in and dropped their pants. I would post pictures except I don't want to get anyone in trouble. It was pretty funny though. I wore tights, for the record, and referred people to

Nov 23, 08 2:39 pm  · 

50 ppl in your apt. DubK. Damn. I'm honestly surprised they all fit. Glad to hear you are safe and will be meeting your prof in a much more suitable (professional) environment tomorrow.

Nov 23, 08 2:47 pm  · 

no worries Rationalist, my redhead fixation as you call it, wasn't directed at you, but had more to do with two best friends being blessed with funky red strands <- ms melt can attest to one. Weird too that there are quite a few in Jamaica, and all seem to be eccentric and jovial individuals. It was more of an appreciation.

Wonder K - glad to see that you are alive and well. 50 people in an apartment doesn't phase me, 50 people in an apartment without pants does. Sounds like fun.

aml - I too have good friendships with former lecturers. I even went out on a date with one after I graduated but I think it was a bit weird for the two of us. Its a difficult line to tow with my students because of the short gap in age between us, as well that there are few older than I.

Nov 23, 08 4:42 pm  · 

It was cold here this weekend, so we kept the fireplace rocking. I love the smell of burning wood. This morning I went out and split enough wood to last us thru the week. I think this is the last I can split by hand, now I will have to depend on a wood splitter. I have a crazy guy wanting to come split it but somewhere I know there is a catch. Actually I'm starting to think he might need some money with the holiday season coming up, so I will most likely be a sucker...and pay way to much to have it split. I think It is about a days work but I'm positive it will turn into two days of work. This afternoon took Mrs.B to the movies.....James Bond... I love the women and blowing up buildings....I might say nice buildings. I told my wife I thought the Italian looked a little old...and she said oh He was a real looker when he was younger....I chuckled and let it slide.

It has personally been a little bit of a wild ride theast couple of weeks. One of my Uncles not that much older than me has been
on a Christian Mission Project in Chile where he has been working on developing and building a complex for orphans. It is called Vocations for Orphans. His goal has been to help kids who are tossed to the streets once they reach a certain age develop a vocation. This project started in 2000. Two weeks ago he came down with what is know as the Guillian Barre Syndrome. It is a medical condition where the immune system attacks the nervous system. He is basicly paralyzed from the neck down. He has been in a hospital there for the past couple of weeks. There have been alot of people state side and in Chile who have been connected via phone and internet trying to find out the best thing to do for him.
Seems like another of my uncles found a medical plane that flew
there yesterday from the Vigrin Islands. Today they picked him up
and are on their way back to the states. It sounds like there is one procedure that they were not able to carry out in Chile. However it is reported the doctors and nurses at the Hospital provided the very best treatment possible.

So in all of the craziness of the world their is hope for a better world.
My uncle with a business degree and owner of a construction company, has lived and worked on missions of this sort all over the work including Tibet, Brazil, and also in this country on indian reservations. My hat is off to these people with such conviction that
they are willing to put their life on the line for the lives of others.
Your thoughts are appreciated.

Nov 23, 08 4:59 pm  · 

Hi all,
I spent the weekend with family. My older sister and two nieces from Canada are in town for the holidays. Yeah!!
Little children, (especially that aren't your own) are awesome. I love being an uncle...

I still need to see that Bond film maybe over the holiday? Post-Thanksgiving is a big, traditional post feast, movie night isn't it?
Maybe it is just me or the fact that i am a man. But i met professors while i had classes with them, after school, at coffee shops and other places.
It never seemed weird to me. Sometimes at my request or at theirs.
Is it just a gender thing?

Nov 23, 08 6:43 pm  · 

i think it must be, cause i thought the same thing, nam.

not sure if it is normal in other schools or not but in my uni there was some kinda policy, unwritten or not, that said all profs would be addressed by first name. we even conducted some of our classes in a cafe, which was cool.

but i trust the creepy radar of the female persuasion. so am glad wk din't have to test the matter...

Nov 23, 08 7:49 pm  · 

Nam I share your sentiments - I have a niece and a nephew (I refer to them as niephies)

Snook sorry about your uncle, also I can't imagine a flight from Chile to the Virgin Islands being very comfortable - thats' a helluva distance.

Nov 23, 08 7:50 pm  · 

no worries techno, it was only weird because that was the first time I ever really noticed you was when you made a redhead comment on the 'what do archinects look like' thread. Now I know you're a wonderful person that just happens to appreciate one of the rarest traits there is.

snook, very sorry to hear about your uncle. It's crazy worrisome when relatives are that far away and having trouble. My dad (who lives in the southern Carribean) got Dengue Fever a couple of years ago and we all just had to wait it out and hope for the best.

Nov 23, 08 8:35 pm  · 

Hope it all works out.
Good night all.

Nov 23, 08 9:43 pm  · 

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