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my mum says she doesn't believe in carbon dating. blind dating is ok however.

just watched sicko. the michael moore documentary/op-ed thing. wow, amerika is a scary place to be sick. he paints a rosy picture of foreign lands but even so what the heck is your leaders thinking?

i suspect starchitects get a glimpse now and then, but are probably too busy to actually go through forums like this one. my schedule is busy enough and im just a reglar shmoo. can't imagine being jet-setting leader of hundreds strong workforces, writing books, doing interviews and all that as well as take care of family and socialise, etc. and then make room to come here. would be cool if it were so, but logistically would take such an effort...

Oct 20, 08 11:36 am  · 

I think LIG pretty much hit the nail on the head concerning the city's nickname. From what I understand it got this nickname is the mid 18th century.

LIG - I hope you gave your grandmother a big hug before you left and told her that you loved her. That's the biggest regret I have from when I visited mine in March. I told her I loved her but I am now kicking myself for not running to her one last time before I left to give her a big hug. All I did was wave good-bye. And now I'll never be able to hug her again. :o(

Oct 20, 08 12:59 pm  · 

folks enjoy your grandparents - you'll miss them when they are gone. I don't have any living grandparents.

I believe that starchitects google themselves, usually in airport first class lounges pre boarding flights to China, NYC or London (enroute to the Midwest <- where its at!!) And google usually points to archinect so yes.

SW mentioned being identified by his post. I use the ateckno tag as an impartial/objective view point to be less associated to me (dc) only to have people further associate it with me - I can't get away from me, myself and I

And jump you are in no shape or form just a shmoo (is that like a schmo?)

Oct 20, 08 2:23 pm  · 
Oct 20, 08 2:27 pm  · 

F this day. I can't get a crit on this f'ing project for the life of me, I stay up til all hours of the night working on it for apparently no f'ing reason, the final team determining client presentation for it is on wednesday and there's no way I'll be chosen because the instructor (who is also my f'ing thesis advisor!!) won't give me the time of day. FFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKK.

Apologies. Just had to get that out.

Oct 20, 08 2:50 pm  · 

offer to take the instructor out for a drink and then ambush with your project. may be a good investment.

Oct 20, 08 2:53 pm  · 

hah, that is familiar rationalist.

try doing a several hundred page dissertation and get your prof to read that (in a language he is not so comfortable with) when he has a full-time successful practice, other phd students AND lectures and school admin to deal with too.

but it always works out. something about architecture biz, it just goes that way. very strange...


i just liked the sound of the word, but the character is cool too. Capp was such a creative feller...

Oct 20, 08 9:33 pm  · 

did anybody see paul's cryptic announcement?

Oct 20, 08 9:52 pm  · 

Barry as i said on that post.
I think it is Archinect 3.0....

Oct 20, 08 9:59 pm  · 

Maybe they are going to announce that 3.0 will be coming in early 2010!

...Just kidding! I think they have been working very hard on it for a while now....I wish I could download their web design knowledge to my brain like in the Matrix.

hey, jump, one question: what IS that thing?

Oct 21, 08 2:55 am  · 

i think you know, wk

Oct 21, 08 3:13 am  · 

we have ways of making you talk us!!

Oct 21, 08 3:40 am  · 

its a shmoo!

they are cartoon characters from the 1940's i believe, created by al capp. he used them a metaphor for what happens when life is too easy - they were the most dangerous creature in the world, in his version. i knew them as a kid from saturday morning cartoons in the 70's.

anyway, like i said i just like the sound of the word, and only put the image for archi...

Oct 21, 08 5:48 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Very strange, Jump. He does look rather familiar, though. Maybe he reminds me a bit of Captain Caveman.

Just an FYI, and maybe its been posted on political threads, but don't wear your Obama sparkle to the the polls. At least here in Texas, it is illegal to campagne within 500 feet of the polls, and sporting your swag is considered campagning.

Oct 21, 08 8:41 am  · 
Today In Minnesota History
Oct 21, 08 9:32 am  · 
liberty bell

I kinda think that deserves its own thread, beta! (PS good to see you, you've not been around much lately.)

Oct 21, 08 9:38 am  · 

Hi Beta....

Oct 21, 08 9:47 am  · 
vado retro

hey lb i'm listening to that gordon lightfoot you love so much!!! wichita lineman is comin' up!!!

Oct 21, 08 11:04 am  · 

You mean you don't have an "in"

Oct 21, 08 11:32 am  · 

yeah jump, I guess I just figured getting out of the architecture biz might get me away from it....

Steven, I ambushed her later in the day and it was fine. I think I was freaking out because she occasionally picks who to talk to by what projects she finds most interesting, so being neglected by her sometimes means something. But I also have to remember that she also always has in mind who needs a crit the most, and I guess she generally thinks I can carry on without. Which is usually true, but yesterday I was too far inside of the project to be productive without someone to help me climb out of it. So at the risk of necessitating an all-nighter tonight, I went out to dinner and went to bed early last night so that I can pick it up fresh... now.

Oct 21, 08 11:41 am  · 
Living in Gin

Tuna: Yeah, I gave my grandmother a big hug. She wouldn't have let me leave without doing so!

Unfortunately, I've been in a cranky and pissy mood ever since I got back to NYC... I was perfectly relaxed in Cincy, but I could feel the tension building up in me as the plane got closer to NYC. I don't know if it's the city itself that has that affect on me, or if it's just the stress of being thrown back into the daily grind at the office, but I'm back to my usual overly-tense, high-strung self. Ugh. At least the break was nice while it lasted.

Oct 21, 08 1:50 pm  · 

nope. i like to be pleasantly surprised like everybody else. i probably could find out, but i wouldn't want to. if i think what it is, some of that stuff in the works for couple of years now. i am excited too.

Oct 21, 08 2:41 pm  · 

Ugh! I'm bored. Redlines aren't coming fast enough to me today. Oh well, guess I'll just read my latest edition of GreenSource while I wait.

Oct 21, 08 2:57 pm  · 

Sounds mysterious and exciting.

Oct 21, 08 3:20 pm  · 

i am thinking we need archiect radio, or some podcast editors...

Oct 21, 08 3:49 pm  · 
liberty bell

Pulled the lever for Obama earlier today!

Yay for early voting in my state. The polling place (City-County Building) was packed and festive. Hurray for the democratic process, and good luck to everyone - no matter who you intend to vote for - who has to take time off work or faces any kind of obstacle in voting.

Oct 21, 08 4:28 pm  · 
vado retro

you count! lb whether you vote or not!!!

Oct 21, 08 4:55 pm  · 
vado retro

lb president obama is going to at the veteran's memorial just down the street from maisson retro. i just rsvp'd the campaign that i'm gonna check it out.

Oct 21, 08 5:04 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LB, did you just post a boob shot? How risque of you.

Oct 21, 08 5:45 pm  · 

Rough day. WonderMan's mom died. I'm flying to Baltimore on Thursday, and back to LA next Tuesday. Luckily my schedule for the next 7 days is flexible. I don't know that I could have left in the 7 days after that.

Oct 21, 08 8:24 pm  · 

lol, SH.

rationalist, you know i didn't think of that. i have done some professional graphic design work here and there (why not) and it was pretty much just the same in terms of schedules, expectations and all the rest - same as architecture i mean. i think it is just design in general. it makes everyone crazy. i wonder why? is the profession or the people who are attracted to the profession?

just read that article on wm mcdonough from the newsfeed. wow, what a waste of an idea he turned out to be. no wonder cradle to cradle can't get any traction (he wants to get paid every time someone mutters the words - even though he didn't invent it). i guess visionaries don't need to be nice, but why would anyone let their ego get in the way of actually making a change? fkucing moron.

Oct 21, 08 8:31 pm  · 

woh, posted at same time as you WK so just saw the news when it refreshed...

that is horrible news. my condolences.

Oct 21, 08 8:35 pm  · 

Thanks jump. It's ok. I never met her. He tells me that I am a lot like her. From the way he speaks of her, it is a great compliment.

Oct 21, 08 8:37 pm  · 

Damn WonderK! My thoughts and prayers are with you and WonderMan. I can't help but find it ironic we'll practically be switching coasts for funeral/memorial services. Too bad we can't meet somewhere in the middle for consoling drinks and hugs.

YAY LB for voting early. Anyone else planning to that is able to? I'm still on the fence on whether or not to wait.

Oct 21, 08 9:30 pm  · 

lb's good to be ahead of the curve (like she wouldn't be - duh) but i personally really like going ON VOTING DAY. just feels good.

Oct 21, 08 9:34 pm  · 
liberty bell

I was concerned, too, about missing out on that Election Day vibe. But the festival atmosphere in the county election offices was enough to satisfy me, and - as a client pointed out - now I get to enjoy that "I voted today!" feeling for two more weeks!

Plus most likely I'll be volunteering on Election Day, so I'll get my shared community experience that day.

Sarah, that *is* more or less a boob shot, if you can find it under the layers, that is!

DubK, sorry you're having to fly across country for WonderMan, but glad he has you to be support. I can't imagine losing my mother, that's going to be about the roughest day of my life. Good luck with your man, he has thoughts coming from TC to support him.

Oct 21, 08 10:19 pm  · 

I didn't even realise, I thought it was a coat on the ground. Is that how politics crazy we've become that we don't notice a breast in space?

Oct 21, 08 10:23 pm  · 

jump - i just read the article. I am just as disappointed as you and feel duped by McDonough's "greatness". Argh!!!

Oct 21, 08 10:28 pm  · 

WonderK sorry about the reason, but at least you get to see Wonderman... be strong for him

Oct 21, 08 10:42 pm  · 

Sounds like a good chance for you to be there for him.

LB, i worried about the same thing since i did a absentee ballot. As i wasn't sure exactly when i was leaving for India (in relation to Early Voting starting).
Plus it is so much more convenient.
End of the day i am just glad to vote.

And it definitely is shitty about McDonough. I remember how wowed i was by Cradle to Cradle when i read it.
Oh well.

Oct 21, 08 11:16 pm  · 

Thanks, everyone, for your condolences. I'm sad for him especially because he lost his father when he was 18, and although he still has his stepfather, he's too young to be without both parents. It's strange to say but between this, and my Dad coming into town a few weeks ago, and my birthday and such, I've been appreciating my parents a lot more lately. They are both really good people and I'm proud of them, even if they won't step foot into the same room together, LOL.

As for McDonough, you have to admit, there was always something a little off about him. I appreciate what he's done for the field, certainly, it just seems like a case of his ego not fitting into the room with anyone else. He needs someone to put him in check for sure. I am interested to see what my coworkers say about his foibles with IP tomorrow, since I work in the USC equivalent of a patent office....

Oct 21, 08 11:30 pm  · 

archinect's one of many videos of the BIG lecture

Oct 22, 08 2:32 am  · 

Morning all,
WonderK I know exacctly what you mean abotu appreciating parents etc.
Some of my peers have recently lost either there mother or father and it has made me reflect on my own. And more generally i find that as i have matured (not necessarily in conjunction with aging) that i do respect my parents and find myself thinking how much i could learn or what kind of person i would be if i was able to emulate even certain aspect sof their life.
Not to say that i want to be exactly like them. Obviosuly i am my own person. At the same time, it is at some level unavoidable and i could do alot worse....

Oct 22, 08 9:00 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

DubK, sad that DubMan's mom is gone, but glad to hear he is still in the picture. You hadn't mentioned any juicy stories lately, so I had forgotten about him.

Tuna, I am going to vote on Friday. I don't know who I am going to pick, and am considerring possibly auctioning my vote on ebay. Any takers?

Oh, and Abe is pulling up to his feet now!

Oct 22, 08 9:08 am  · 
liberty bell

Brief vado siting at 3:11!

Oct 22, 08 11:23 am  · 
vado retro

vado 3:11...

"For Vado so loved archinect that he gave his one idea (over and over and over and over again) , and who whoever believes in him really needs to get a life."

Oct 22, 08 12:11 pm  · 

SH - if you lived in a battleground state, I'd definitely take it into consideration.

Oct 22, 08 12:18 pm  · 

I see Vado.

Oct 22, 08 1:05 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Are you saying Texas doesn't count? You never know. This could be the first time in YEARS that it swings blue, with all the dang transplanted yankees and all messin' up our demographic.

Are they doing the special announcment today? I hope they announce it here, cause I think I've forgotten how to get to the rest of the site.

Oct 22, 08 1:29 pm  · 

Thanks Sarah. There haven't been any juicy stories lately because, well, he's in Hawaii and I am in Los Angeles. And we don't have enough money to fly back and forth and see each other. Plane tickets are very expensive to and from the island.

Which brings me to my second point, if I weren't broke, I would actually consider buying your vote. Somebody actually mentioned Texas in the campaign last week - Texas! - and I would love to see it go blue, if nothing else than for the novelty of it.

Oct 22, 08 2:22 pm  · 

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