
Thread Central

Sarah Hamilton

Hey, can I sell my vote? Just a question. Could I auction it on Ebay?

Oct 16, 08 3:36 pm  · 
liberty bell

TC, anyone out there? I need a math check.

If 150 cookies fit into 1 box, then one million cookies would fit into 6,667 boxes, right? Assuming the additional boxes are the same size as the original.

Oct 16, 08 3:46 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yes, LB, but the last box wouldn't have 150 cookies in it; it would only have 100.

Oct 16, 08 4:33 pm  · 

I've just concluded that I am a difficult person to deal with when my design gets altered for whatever reason. I really need to work better on that.

That said... Damn them for not being able to afford the reception desk I designed.

Oct 16, 08 4:54 pm  · 
vado retro

blame it on mccain and his buddy bush. and speaking of politics...why the hell do the so called legitimate constantly use the comedy shows on their newscasts? they all show the daily show and colbert and the late night talk shows as part of their news. that's entertainament and in some cases better reporting than the real news but wtf using someone elses jokes is not news.

Oct 16, 08 6:30 pm  · 

what's with the quiet days on thread central. If this keeps up I'm going to have to post my manifesto here just to liven up the place. Sarah when Liberty posted about the box of cookies, I knew someone would work it out. Guess what you were it.

The weather here still sucks, its so humid now that my metabolism is a mess. I'm not hungry through 2/3 of the day then after 6 I become ravenous. Including late meals and not being able to sleep because its too hot. I blame TD 16 and Omar for screwing with what is normally a cool rainy season damnit!!!

Oct 16, 08 7:32 pm  · 

thats hilarious vado. they don't hav that here because nobody watches the daily show in japan except a few hundred ex-pats...once a week or so we do get news of the run for president. probably today there will be something about the debate, but no one really cares. this is a society in which politics is not to be spoken of or thought about...very sad, reallly.

tunamelt, you really will have to get used to that. my designs are vetoed and cancelled al the time. sometimes i even throw my own work out. being objective about your work is essential to becoming good at what you do. this is of course different from not caring about your am sorry your desk got nixed. some other place and time, i guess. heck if rem koolhaas can propose one idea 5 times in the hopes it will eventually get built then i think there is hope for your desk too.

Oct 16, 08 7:34 pm  · 

We went and had flu shots earlier in the week....and Mrs B wakes up with the flu.....selling buicks most of the morning....I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed I don't get hit next. She even had to cancel her girls day know the hair thing and then the finger and toe thing....and of course lunch and all the catching up with her lady friend....she was really wiped out....didn't even have energy to go for a smoke this morning...(this is a good thing). Hopefully she will be better in the morning and I will hold my own.

Oct 16, 08 8:04 pm  · 

has anyone else noticed that the school blogs have been turbo charged lately? I added a post a few hours after our acclaimed ladies (Emily + Erin), hit submit went downstairs for a bite to eat and poof it was at the end of the page already. Its a great thing that people are blogging about their experiences, but I think so many get missed and its evident by the lack of comments made.

anyway...I'm going downstairs for something to eat, maybe this message will disappear as well. Poof

Oct 16, 08 8:16 pm  · 

jump - yeah I know I neew to get used to it. It just really sucks when everyone likes the design but they decide they don't like the pricetag. It wouldn't be so bad if the accent wall that stands behind it wasn't going to kick ass. ARGH!!!!

snook - i hope Mrs. B feels better soon. That sucks that she missed her girls day out.

Oct 16, 08 8:32 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Checking in from Cincinnati... It's nice to be back home again.

Tuna: I sent you a message on Facebook.

Oct 16, 08 9:32 pm  · 
liberty bell

Thanks, Sarah, that's exactly what I got, but I obsessively recalculated it several times; I have a phobia of some 8-year-old accusing "Your math is wrong!".

I'm beat. Science fairs are hard work. Trying to be an involved active parent at your kids' school: hard work.

But! I had a nice conversation with another parent about keeping chickens - she's about 10 blocks south of me in a very similar suburban setting and keeps 14 chickens in her backyard. Come spring, I think we'll be doing the same (but probably only four or five). I'm kinda excited!

Oct 16, 08 9:48 pm  · 

that banner is for an architectural 'short film' competition for students. if you know of a student who might be interested. something i am, paul petrunia, geoff manaugh involved with. thanks for the interest or not.
SMIBE (The Society for Moving Images about the Built Environment)

i have been drawing some proposals. something i haven't done for a looong time.

anyway, hello.

Oct 16, 08 10:35 pm  · 

Gin - check your Facebook.

Oct 16, 08 10:38 pm  · 

It's amazing to me that for us women, our grandmothers were the first generation to grow up in a world where women were allowed to go to the polls. That's incredible! I am a member of only the third generation in American history that grew up thinking that women's voices matter! I can't imagine what it would feel like for all us girls here on the board to be caring and listening to the debates and reading up on the issues and talking about the candidates and all of that that we are doing -- and then sitting back and watching just the men go to the polls in 3 weeks and waiting to hear who THEY voted in. MAN. I would have developed some kind of depressive disorder for sure if I'd had to grow up then.

Anyway, so yeah! I'm so psyched for this election to finally happen and for me to be voting in it! Except I haven't received my absentee ballot yet... everyone cross their fingers.

Oct 16, 08 10:55 pm  · 

I'm often amazed at how developed much of the developing world was/is. We were fortunate enough that in Jamaica, and much of the Anglo Caribbean, when adult suffrage extended across all social and racial lines it included women. Manatary what will be even more imporant is that when tell our children about the social descriminatory practices in our history that the point of reference will be nearly 3/4 century old. 18 days left everybody, is it too late to register???

Oct 16, 08 11:18 pm  · 
vado retro

and that's why i'm voting for sarah palin manta! (just kidding nobody stroke out)

my mom's generation is one of the last american generations who kept the chickens and lopped their heads off on a friday night. good ol' american small town values...

Oct 16, 08 11:21 pm  · 
liberty bell

I actually think a transplanting of small-scale farming activities into the suburbs would be a pretty fascinating development pattern. For example, growing up I lived on the far edge of Phoenix with wild desert directly north of us; lots of neighbors had horses. Every now and again a horse would break out of a stall and run wild through the neighborhood. Everyone would come out of their houses and rally around to catch the horse and get it home. In my current neighborhood, this kind of event would *definitely* happen - all the neighbors are very involved and helpful to each other. I can see it.

AND - since the dawn comes so late here on the end of the time zone, the roosters shouldn't even be much of a problem.

Oct 16, 08 11:35 pm  · 

Reposting from the Sarah Palin thread, this is too good for you guys not to see:

In other news, my roommate had to put her cat down today. So now WonderKitty rules the roost. However, she's still a little low energy, and not eating as well as I'd like. Maybe she senses the loss in the apartment? Sad day for the girls on Spring Street in LA.

Speaking of LA, shameless self-promotion, but I've been a little lax in posting to my multiple blogs lately, which led to a dream I had about this subject over the weekend, which I then blogged about here. Well it got really interesting when the people that appeared to me in my dream then linked to my blog post about that dream here. Blogging is such a funny thing. Most people I approach about guest posts get really worried about what they will say, and how they will say it. At this point I'm like, just put whatever you want on there, I do!!!

Oct 17, 08 12:01 am  · 
vado retro

roosters crow all the damned time...

Oct 17, 08 12:25 am  · 

funny link Wonder regards to Wonder Kitty.

Oct 17, 08 12:32 am  · 

Who do I talk to about getting in on this op-ed business? I think I just inadvertently wrote most of one, on my own. Does it have to be about something in particular? Let me know.

Oct 17, 08 3:45 am  · 

damn rousters...

my cousin keeps goats and chickens. she has a fine collection of chickens just cuz they are pretty i am convinced of it... even if she says she keeps them just for the eggs. the goats were i think mostly used for roping practice, but one or two were also good for milk. animals are so multifunctional.

like architects really.

school-blogs are victim of popularity, maybe, archi....? they are the most interesting thing to read here lately. f'shoo-a

Oct 17, 08 8:00 am  · 

My aunt keeps sheep and donkeys. They are her children (she never had two legged ones) so we get Christmas cards with photos of them every year. I love it.

DubK - THAT SUCKS. Condolences to roomie's loss. Tell WonderKitty I demand her to eat ;o)

Oct 17, 08 8:19 am  · 

Hi all,
I and the rest of my department at the hospital got our flu shots this week.

One of my neighbors recently built a chicken coop in his backyard. However for some reason they aren't giving him eggs yet.

I told him i wanted some once they start doing so. Luckily he doesn't have a rooster (chickens are ok according to city cod ebut not roosters) but someone who lives along my bike route to work does.
It alway sgives me a smile to see a small part of the rural in the urban.

Also, my computer being broken helps to explain my lack of TC activity.

Finally i felt stupid because i bought a piece of furniture yesterday and when putting it together missed once dowel. Next thing i now it is all built but i decorative piece of it isn't staying on.
By the time i realized what was wrong it was too late. These new all plastic no tools required furniture is greatif you build it correctly. However, it is impossible to take apart so once you make a mistake you are screwed. Then of course i noticed a corrections sheet insert (which edited the step by step instructions) in th ebox that i had missed.
Oh well it was only 40 bucks...

And Hi Orhan!

Oct 17, 08 8:44 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

My mom and her husband are thinking of buying pigme goats. I think she's thinking more as pets, but isn't completely opposed to processing some of the offspring, and milking them. I've never eaten goat, so I dont know. She's definately anti-chicken-slaughtering, not because she doesn't like chicken, but she seems to have vivid memories of my great-grandmother chasing the headless chickens around the yard, ect. Yuck.

And Nam, where abouts are you? You are always the first one on here.

Techno, if you need to talk, I'll be refreshing all day.

Oct 17, 08 8:58 am  · 

Oh and i have taken to actually clicking on the school blog's main page just so i can see all the latest posts, knowing that a bunch will have dissapeared before i can get to them....

Oct 17, 08 8:58 am  · 

I am in Florida. But also I have to be at work at 8 every morning so...

Oct 17, 08 9:24 am  · 
liberty bell

Well the goal wold be to not get roosters at all. They tend to be mean, for one thing, and I'm afraid of all birds as it is, so even the most placid bucolic little hens will be a big commitment for me.

I realized this morning chickens would mean I get to design a coop. I'm thinking a chicken coop would be a great place to explore "blobbyness" as it's not a formal area in which I've ever had any interest.

Oct 17, 08 9:50 am  · 

Yeah LB,
My friend/neighbor got to build a coop. He went the more traditional route. Rectangular, chicken wire etc.

Experiment a litttle i say...

Oct 17, 08 10:26 am  · 

wK- nam missed your question about the op-ed. he's the editor-n-chief for the op-ed department. so drop him an email with the piece and cc paul.

Oct 17, 08 10:27 am  · 

hey guys,
the other day someone posted on some thread somewhere on the 'nect a frit pattern that gradients super subtely from almost opaque white to completely transparent. The image i have in my head was of an interior office space... im racking my brain but cant for the life of me remember the name of the company who did it, or the thread it was in...

anyone remember?

Oct 17, 08 10:59 am  · 

Sarah now that I know you'll be lurking around I'll make sure and say something. By the way goat meat (sometimes also referred to as mutton) is great I actually had that for dinner last night. Its one of our traditional dishes - curried goat that is. We also make it into a soup, which tastes excellent but is not for the gastromically curious - best not to know what parts are in it.

Liberty we have these commercial chicken coops here that look like they attached the jets of a A380 to a shed, fantastic detailing too...I'll have to take a picture before you start your work. But also what are the chickens for....eggs, meat? Oh by the way I forgot to comment how much I loved your hair when we met, it was far more vibrant than I could of ever imagined and it made me smile just looking at it (even if wind assisted).

Oct 17, 08 11:38 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh my god techno that picture is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!

I love it - I look like Mr. Heat Miser. Thank you for sharing that one; guys, look what a dork I am!! HAhahahahahaha!

And yes, I'd like to see a pic of the chicken coops.

lletdownl, doesn't the new Gehry building in Manhattan have that nice white frit glass?

Oct 17, 08 11:50 am  · 

i raised chikens and roosters. i am a little ashamed to say, had participated in cock fights but before they caused injury to each other we ended the fight. i was 9-11 years old. it was a neighborhood thing.

Oct 17, 08 12:07 pm  · 

have any of you guys seen an eglu before? Honestly, they look so cute, but the concept of paying that much for one, and all the crappy materials it must be made out of really put me off. Not that my landlord would let me keep chickens anyways.

Oct 17, 08 12:49 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Mutton is sheep, Techno, at least around here. I've never had that either, though. We call goat Cabrito - it sounds better.

Oct 17, 08 12:51 pm  · 

I have contacted DubK...

Those Eglu things are wicked cool...
And LB looking good! The pose is statuesque?

lletdownl, Gehry's does have something at least similar
Internal view

External view

Oct 17, 08 1:19 pm  · 

from the LAtimes today.

since we're talking about goat, whatever happened to the chupricabra?

Oct 17, 08 1:30 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK, he's been on the political threads recently.

Oct 17, 08 1:55 pm  · 
brian buchalski
bear cavalry?

1. bear cavalry
European brown bears harnessed and often bred for cavalry purposes. The Cossack riders of such bears are generally armed with long sabers and fully automatic assault rifles.

i used to think this was ridiculous...but after being serious spooked out by an attack of ghost bats last night...well, who knows any more

Oct 17, 08 2:39 pm  · 
liberty bell

puddles, puddles, puddles, honey....breath...breath...

You're on an island. Those bears can't swim that far.

Oct 17, 08 2:41 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Have a good one everybody; I'm going home!

Oct 17, 08 2:56 pm  · 

I should have just shut the alarm off, turned over and gone back to sleep today. I am in such a horrible funk and can't seem to shake it. ARRGH!!!

Rationalist - those eglus are awesome. I wonder if my cats would use it to get out of the elements. Probably not, they seem to take to the free stuff more than the expensive stuff.

puddles - bear cavalry? LOL!!!!! Outstanding. Hope things get better.

Is it quittin' time yet?

Oct 17, 08 4:03 pm  · 
vado retro

lb i was there and i do not remember that chicken that got into your hair and messed it all up!

Oct 17, 08 4:03 pm  · 
brian buchalski

[url= width=400[/url]

Oct 17, 08 4:08 pm  · 
brian buchalski
Oct 17, 08 4:08 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i usd to kknow ho to do this...

Oct 17, 08 4:09 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i think i'm going to go hide now

Oct 17, 08 4:10 pm  · 
vado retro

fortunately your grandkids won't have to worry about penguin or bear armies. they'll have lost the good fight to global warming by then. survival of the fittest drill baby drill and all's a BoUnCy! song about it...

Oct 17, 08 4:15 pm  · 

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