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brian buchalski guys are missing the point. i'm not concerned about bears or penguins.

GHOST BATS are what concern me because i'v actually been attacked by them

o'm going bactk into hiding

if you hear a rustle noise in the tree out

considered yourelf warned

Oct 17, 08 4:35 pm  · 
liberty bell

I thought ghost bats only live in Australia?

Which is an island...I guess I'm confused as to your locale, puddles.

Oct 17, 08 7:05 pm  · 

didn't know bats attacked humans. google tells me ghost bats are in danger of extinction. or maybe just one species of the wee beasties. so maybe you are safe puddles. all you need to do is wait for them to go away and live with the dodos.

here in tokyo we have good news and bad news coming in to office everyday. it is worse than economic news. which news to believe? and will the bad news make good news into old news? that is the question.

what a year.

Oct 17, 08 7:33 pm  · 

Ha ha ha "Fuck off bear cavalry" That's funny.

Also apparently there was some big dinner last night where Obama and McCain kind of roasted each other and themselves. Again, sorry for bringing the politics here but this is genuinely funny:



Oct 17, 08 7:48 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Checking in from Cincy... I'm on my iPhone, so this will be short.

Open house at DAAP was well worth the trip, I was able to get a lot of questions answered, and I feel pretty excited about applying there, even if it means I have to wait another year to do it. In the meantime, I gave the co-op coordinator my firm's contact info so that we might become a destination for DAAP co-ops.

Afterwards, I met tunamelt for dinner in Covington, and had a great time. She's a great person to share a few drinks with... I wish I could do it more often!

Now I'm at a bar on Mt. Adams, enjoying a martini with an incredible view of the city. Nice way to cap off the day.

Oct 17, 08 10:18 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Checking in from Cincy... I'm on my iPhone, so this will be short.

Open house at DAAP was well worth the trip, I was able to get a lot of questions answered, and I feel pretty excited about applying there, even if it means I have to wait another year to do it. In the meantime, I gave the co-op coordinator my firm's contact info so that we might become a destination for DAAP co-ops.

Afterwards, I met tunamelt for dinner in Covington, and had a great time. She's a great person to share a few drinks with... I wish I could do it more often!

Now I'm at a bar on Mt. Adams, enjoying a martini with an incredible view of the city. Nice way to cap off the day.

Oct 17, 08 10:18 pm  · 

hi all. I step out to go to classes and come back to hear about ghost bats, cavalry bears and pengiun armies, to join the fleet of flying tanks/shark and a some crap coming out of a mountain. Brilliant!! That's why I want one of these in my basement just in case.

wwtcd, this is perhaps a thread question. But a couple friends and I are entering a competition but we located in 3 seperate countries, with the consultant on the project located on a 4th. We are searching for a (hopefully) free software that we can communicate our ideas, preferably with a white board that allows file transfer between parties. Can someone recommend one?

Oct 17, 08 10:19 pm  · 


SMIBE is a great idea. if I ever have more time and get back to socal, we should talk about how I can be of assistance.

Oct 17, 08 10:30 pm  · 

Gin, you found out exactly what I did! Tuna is the best drinking mate. I only wish the night started early and lastest longer, with tiramisu for dessert. I only trust you too the obligatory "here's me and tuna" photo for all of us to see.

Oct 17, 08 10:54 pm  · 
vado retro

checking in on my ispyphone. man im freakin drunk went on a date with a woman who turns out to be rather conservative. we went to dinna at this new thai place lb told me about then we went over to this new bar/lounge where lots of hipsters were hangin. anyway my date went to the bathroom and i was makin small talk with this guy i know at the table next to me. i say so did you just make it back from the sarah palin rally???and he says no but so and so here went and she pulls out this pin that says "read my lipstick" and has a pic of sarah with a shotgun. anyway of course this girl was a tattooed roller type girl and went for the hipster doofus irony of it all. anywaze when my date gets back i mention that this chick went to the rally, expecting my date to say hahaha about it. but then she starts going off about politics and i get the pic that she is rather conservative. wtf. that's really kind of a deal breaker for me. you could be a freakin' murderer and i'd consider dating you before dating a republican. huh, its so weird cuz this woman lives in a cool area of town in this cottage etc, is into art and film etc and springs this republican b.s. on me. i guess i didn't vet it all properly.

Oct 18, 08 1:37 am  · 

vado I love you!! Thats the greatest date story I've heard in ages. I must say having just watched the yayabombs video linked via the school blogs (I won't match the link for fear of attachment), and having 3/4 red wine down my gullet - it seems even more funny.

don't drink and post kids.

Oct 18, 08 1:43 am  · 

i would have to stop posting archi, if i followed that advice.

great story vado. too funny. sounds like talking to most anyone in my family actually. my young bro and i are black sheeps with our liberal ways, but luckily neither of us lives in our birth country so canada is safe.

although to be fair you might be surprised by how adaptable the republican view is in the right circumstances. don't let politics get in the way of love!

Oct 18, 08 1:59 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm a republican...and a murderer...feels great actually!

Oct 18, 08 10:22 am  · 
liberty bell

So how was the Thai food, vado?

Oct 18, 08 10:37 am  · 
vado retro

thats why we would never work puddles!

the food was good lb. although they were still getting their act together ie i had to open the bottle of wine we ordered because the waitress couldn't get it!?!

Oct 18, 08 10:54 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm confused as to me locale too

so true vado so truu

Oct 18, 08 11:46 am  · 

ha ha, vado! that could be a page out of my dating history. when are you coming to chicago btw? send me an email... i'd love to get a drink.

Oct 18, 08 12:47 pm  · 

Hi all my computer is back from apple and up and running.
I watched that video too, it was hilarious i thought.
"Musclemilk" hahah
Vado, word....

Oct 18, 08 1:32 pm  · 

vado that's a great story.

Good news is I'm getting lots done today. Bad news is my head hurts again and I've no appetite whatsoever, and would rather be asleep. I think I need a break or a sandwich, or both.

Oct 18, 08 5:38 pm  · 
brian buchalski

today's been awesome....have i mentioned lately how AMAZING unicorns are?

Oct 18, 08 6:25 pm  · 

techno, how on earth would I single-handedly keep the hammerred thread alive if I followed your advice? Actually, that was depressing last week when I posted there and realized that all of the recent posts had been from me.

vado, what happened to future-wife?!

puddles, this is the second time this week I've heard a comment about unicorns from a grown man. I feel like I'm missing some reference here, but am frankly scared to ask what it is (particularly given the context of one of the comments)!

Oct 18, 08 7:24 pm  · 

Oct 18, 08 8:17 pm  · 

Is that seriously it?! Or did you just photoshop that right now?

Oct 18, 08 9:42 pm  · 

I just got sent this, and knew dubK as a green + mini lover would appreciate it too

Oct 18, 08 10:25 pm  · 

I want a minE!!!!!!

Oct 18, 08 10:40 pm  · 

rationalist, that's not "it", but since you were talking about unicorns, I thought I would throw that in there.

techno and barry, yes the Mini E is quite cool, but Mini didn't make it because they wanted to ... they made it to satisfy the California requirement of having a percentage of its new auto sales be emission free. I think it's 5%, I can't remember. So when they say it will be sold in a "few major cities", you can bet they mean LA, San Diego, San Francisco, etc. It's a shame because I think it's a great idea and if they can make 1000 of them, why not make 10,000 of them and sell them all over? Lame.

Oct 18, 08 11:43 pm  · 

Oh and I didn't Photoshop it, the button came from this awesome web site:

They have every imaginable button....EXCEPT architects for Obama :-/

Oct 18, 08 11:47 pm  · 

now that's something to photoshop...architects for Obama. But as soon as you say that McCain will claim the true working man like a tax evasive Joe the plumber? Ok that's enough international interference into US politics. I would like to know if you will int'l observers at the election because of the fiasco earlier in the decade - it would seem appropriate, though it does open another can of worms etc.

Oct 19, 08 1:40 am  · 

those are great, wk. my favorites:

Oct 19, 08 6:39 am  · 

cool buttons.

i got some great news yesterday! while my current firm's 401k lost 800 bucks, my last firm's 401k was all in mutual funds and made 400+ bucks! i am excited because about 3 months before i left jersey my firm merged and shifted retirement funds, which moved me from highly agressive international stocks to the safe mutual funds. now those agressives are down 40% and the mutuals are at .20%. time to jump in and go agressive or pull out?

Oct 19, 08 9:06 am  · 
Live from New York
Oct 19, 08 2:26 pm  · 

Happy Sunday TC -
I must say it wasw indeed a delight to finally meet the infamous Living In GIn. After having such a blah day at work, it was certainly a bright spot to sit down for a drink and some tasty fish and chips at one of the local pubs in Covington. Wow, I am so lucky to have met two Archinectors in one month's time. Anyone else have a plans to stop through the Queen City? I'll gladly take a moment to have a drink, or two.

And yes Atechno - the requiste photo was taken, hopefully with Gin's permission you'll be able to see it posted on my flickr account.

Anyway, am off to the parents house for din-din.

Oct 19, 08 5:02 pm  · 

how can anyone NOT like this one.

Oct 19, 08 7:11 pm  · 

Was there supposed to be a picture there beta?

Oct 19, 08 7:23 pm  · 

yeah, it was Zombies for Obama...

Oct 19, 08 7:29 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Oct 19, 08 10:12 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Back from Cincy.

Tunamelt will be happy to know that I took her advice and made a point to visit my grandmother out in Mariemont, who is older than dirt but still sharper, healthier, and more active than most people I know who are half her age. She was glad to see me, and I'm glad I was able to meet up with her. Thanks for the push, Tuna.

The flight back to NYC was a living hell... Imagine being stuffed into a tiny regional jet with three screaming, spoiled rotten toddler brats in the row in front of you. After three hours of that, I was thankful to finally leave the plane at Newark Airport... But my relief turned to dismay when my baggage never showed up on the carousel, and I was informed that it was apparently never loaded onto the plane at CVG. About half the people on the flight had the same problem. Supposedly the baggage was put on a later flight and they'll deliver my suitcase to my apartment sometime late tonight, but I'll believe it when I see it.

Back to work in the morning...

Oct 19, 08 10:19 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Some dud finally dropped by my apartment at 4:30 this morning to drop off my luggage.

Happy Monday.

Oct 20, 08 7:36 am  · 
Living in Gin

oops, that should have been "dude" instead of dud.

Oct 20, 08 7:37 am  · 
liberty bell

GOOD MORNING LiG, please come answer your door at 4:30 in the freakin' morning!!!!!

Well on the bright side I'm glad your luggage is home.

Oct 20, 08 7:38 am  · 

Hi all,
4 days to go.
Also, LIG what a shitty way to end what sounds like a great trip. And then a even crappier way to start a Monday.
Did you even bother going back to sleep?

Oct 20, 08 8:34 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Nam, four days to go til what?

And Tuna, why do they call it the Queen City?

I don't have anything to add to that. So Happy Morning.

Oct 20, 08 9:01 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, I came up with something to add.

The Frank O Gehry thread got me wondering, after people started reffering to him in short hand, that we have a FOGsomethingorother on the forum, and I don't see why he couldn't be Frank. Which got me wondering even more...

Are there Starchitects on the forum? What do they think when we praise or complain about them? Does Renzo blush if I say "I love your work - except for a few pieces" and does Eisemen steam when people hate on him?

If I was a starchitect, I'd be all over this site.

Oct 20, 08 9:21 am  · 

i think we'll never know, sarah. if libeskind is here, he's probably under the moniker 'doodlebug' or something.

Oct 20, 08 9:26 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

How do I know he's not under the name Steven Ward?

Oct 20, 08 9:29 am  · 

Till i leave for my two week trip to India.

SW et al. I have wondered the same thing to. How much or how widely is this site read. From what i gather (based on page views) and from other anecdotal evidence, very widely.
So it wouldn't surprise me if some "big" names read the site. At least occasionally.
Or even more likely that when they are discussed someone (from their office etc) forwards them a link and they at least read that exact posting etc.

Oct 20, 08 9:56 am  · 

i once got a second-hand 'thank you' from someone at deborah berke's office after i said something positive about them here.

and i meet people that already know me from here, like michael speaks. weird.

Oct 20, 08 9:59 am  · 
Living in Gin

I'm not Tuna, but I can take a stab at the Queen City question.

The nickname "Queen City of the West" dates back to the days when "the West" was anything west of the Appalachian Mountains. Cincinnati was one of the first cities to be settled west of the mountains, and soon became the gateway to the interior of the country. (Chicago would take over that role some years later.) The moniker first appeared in a local newspaper column in the early 1800's, and it stuck.

Oct 20, 08 10:11 am  · 
vado retro

so there's some old farmer here in indiana who believes the earth is six thousand years old and, of course, they have found mastodon bones and flint arrowheads dating back 10,500 years.

Oct 20, 08 11:21 am  · 
vado retro

on his property that is...

Oct 20, 08 11:22 am  · 

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