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thats the way things should be archi!

Oct 24, 08 9:34 pm  · 

Hi gang. Checking in from what I have determined is the "real America", or at least it's a small town so it must be OK for Sarah Palin. WonderMan is sad about the loss of his mom, for sure, but is doing pretty well considering, and he and I have started developing a list of "small-town values" that we think the Republicans must be talking about. More on that later....and yes, there are McCain-Palin signs here but there are also Obama signs and bumper stickers, so maybe it's not "real"?

Anyway, they have internet, even here in the middle of nowhere, so I'm taking a much needed break. It's amazing how much you can accomplish when you are away from the city and don't have the usual outlets for distracting yourself. I'm getting work done. It's bizarre.

Oct 24, 08 10:17 pm  · 

Oooh I had lots of choices for this page's image.

And this one is from my school :o)

Oct 24, 08 10:20 pm  · 

So about 3 weeks ago I sent in my application for an absentee ballot from my home county (in which I no longer live) which, by happenstance, is solidly and one might even say rabidly Republican. ("Rabidly" because it is the loooone republican county in a very blue state, and is proud of that fact, and very vocal about it.)

In any case, after not receiving my ballot for a couple weeks, I called up the county board of elections. They nice lady who answered looked me up and said she didn't see anything listed for me, and it might be still be in processing --but to be on the safe side, I should apply via their website, as well. (BEST governmental website I have ever had to use, by the way.) So I went and did that. It is now 2 1/2 weeks later and I still haven't received anything.

...except a phone call from my dad tonight saying that he got my ballot and dropped it in the mail to me today. In other words, THEY SENT MY ABSENTEE BALLOT TO MY PERMANENT ADDRESS, the one I said I would not be at, despite TWO official applications stating my mailing address, which is the whole POINT of an absentee ballot. There are literally two things to fill out on the form: your permanent address, and your MAILING ADDRESS.

So now I am worried that it's not going to get here in time, because my stupid county is inadvertently disenfranchising its absentee voters. (Let's hope it's just me, and not any of the other tons of absentee voters out there, who may not have people living at their permanent listed address who can forward them mail!)

ARGH, I was so worried that stupid stuff like this would happen in this election... everyone cross your fingers that it all goes down smoothly, and that whoEVER the winner is, he wins by such a significant and clear majority that we can all breathe easy and go to bed by 9pm on Nov 4th!

Oct 24, 08 11:06 pm  · 

I am making a double posting of this...but what the hell.

For 4 critical hours during the US Presidential Elections I will be in a critique of the second year design studio's Climate and Architecture project. But this does not affect me directly as I cannot vote...I'm Jamaican

In other news...please see school blog

Oct 24, 08 11:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

techno, you're funny.

In the last Presidential election, I was in Rome. I didn't receive my ballot, so I trecked myself to the Consulate. I went through security, waited, filled out paperwork, waited, and then Maybe Voted, and went home. When I got back, I tried to vote for something again, and turned out I wasn't Registered. S I will never Know if My Vote counted. But Yesterday, I know it did cause I got a sticker that says so!

Oct 25, 08 6:55 am  · 

nam, good luck, have fun, stay safe, and eat lots of good vegetarian for me.

while everyone is looking into what "real amerika" looks like, us up in the northwoods must suffer the wrath of this horrible

Oct 25, 08 7:50 am  · 

hello tuna!!! [didn't see your friendly greeting in the change of page there]

Oct 25, 08 10:48 am  · 
vado retro

hi aml :) if you look through all the pages of this thread you will see i have "hi aml :) 'd" you 375 times!

Oct 25, 08 11:03 am  · 

beta, seriously, how can you stand it? Where is her district? I've been aware of her since Treehugger started posting quotes of the day from her several months ago....she is, of course, a rabid global warming denier in addition to being a raving lunatic.

hi vado, techno, Sarah, aml and manta....

Oct 25, 08 1:18 pm  · 

hi wonder, wonder wonder K (I must admit in my head I say Wondah as if to rhyme with Bahbrah). Okay I am a little loopy after my 5k this morning. Not so much the walk but that I got up at 5:15, with 3 really tall mojitos swimming around, then stood around until almost 7:30 and got baked in the sun at the treeless route they sent us on. Nonetheless it was a great cause (breast cancer awareness)and loads of fun and ate some free bananas afterwards.

Hi aml! How's school going? I keep thinking that you should of had a school blog as well. Unless by chance I'm missing something and you already do. Again I'll blame the bananas, hot sun, and early rise

Oct 25, 08 3:09 pm  · 

hi vado, wonderK and architechno! school is good, it is basically a great job where they pay me to read about stuff that i'm interested in. no complaints there. i thought about getting a blog but it's such a small program that i would have felt very much on the spot. also, i had a weird problem for a while were this guy was keeping track of my whereabouts a bit too closely [across several cities] so i'm more comfortable with a low profile. congrats on doing the breast cancer walk! i missed the one here in the silliest way, and it is a very important cause for me.

Oct 25, 08 3:35 pm  · 
vado retro

hi everyone :) that guy aml is talking about isn't me in case anyone was wondering...

Oct 25, 08 3:55 pm  · 

it did cross my mind vado

Oct 25, 08 4:59 pm  · 

nooo not him. ok, off to more reading...

Oct 25, 08 6:57 pm  · 
brian buchalski

still alive...but drank too much last night

Oct 26, 08 12:09 pm  · 
vado retro

we were beginning to worry!

Oct 26, 08 12:12 pm  · 

archi, your life always sounds too much fun to be fair. ;-)

that crazy woman is funny as shoot-heck. it is such a sad thing to see that during a time of crisis someone like this, and i would say mccain and palin as well, are interested in grabbing power by setting americans against each other rather than try to bring everyone together. clearly the point is just power and nothing productive.

apparently real amerikans aren't buying this rhetoric just now, or so say the talking heads anyway, which is nice to see.

i painted a bleak picture above of some of my family members and the general culture i grew up in. but my mum is actually pretty liberal, and while my ultra-conservative step-father is short-sighted in a lot of ways (from where i stand) even he can see that his former hero george bush has not done so much good for the land south of the border. which just goes to show that treating people like they are stupid cardboard cutouts that can be manipulated by pushing the right buttons is just dumb. thank goodness for that.

Oct 26, 08 10:19 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hi everyone, hope weekends were fun. Nam is off on his trip by now, right?

Busy weekend here, lots of yard work and prepping for cold weather and playing with neighbors and an Oktoberfest at the local organic dairy. Beer and brats taste somehow much better when sitting in the middle of a pumpkin patch. Just like single malt tastes best when standing on the hills over a loch.

Monday morning trouble: the grout in a super-slick white bathroom came out too pink. sigh. I have no idea how to fix this one. For now, I'll sleep on it.

Oct 26, 08 10:52 pm  · 
brian buchalski

ah yes...oktoberfest

and completely unrelated

Oct 27, 08 12:02 am  · 

hey, did the big announcement ever happen?

Oct 27, 08 1:15 am  · 

puddles that's a hilarious billboard, and I loved that movie. Although I must say that I reallly like the building in the background. Jump, I'm not sure why my life seems exciting but if you'd like to try it out you are more than welcome. You come on vacation I'll run the office for a week - no promises that your office will be in a worse state that when you left. Travel safely Nam...

Oct 27, 08 2:55 am  · 

well, at the very least it sounds perfectly hedonistic, archi, but in a good way. maybe i should substitute fun with luxurious, or rich? it would be great to switch for awhile, but i doubt i could do your life justice. ;-)

that sign is great. the video of the girl playing the organ on later post from same blog is also awesome.

Oct 27, 08 8:49 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Since Nam is gone, I guess I will be the first to say

Good Morning!

Oct 27, 08 9:56 am  · 

Good Morning to you Sarah. I was greeted first thing this morning with a 6 month consultancy in a perfectly hedonistic location. I'm beginning to think Jump was right. We'll see what happens. Looks like I may have to change my business cards (again). Wish me luck!

Oct 27, 08 1:44 pm  · 

It has been a VERY good morning. Shameless self-promo: good news coming soon to the school blogs...

Oct 27, 08 3:45 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Where is everybody today?

Oct 27, 08 4:51 pm  · 


Oct 27, 08 5:38 pm  · 
vado retro

lb bought me a latte! and we talked about pink grout and farming.

Oct 27, 08 6:14 pm  · 

that sounds fun. you both should move here. so you can come get me for a latte.

Oct 27, 08 9:03 pm  · 
vado retro

it is but you'd have to tolerate me scoping out the ladies.

Oct 27, 08 9:37 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Vado, I check out the ladies, but probably not for the same reason as you do. Mine is more of a comparison or clothing related. I will either scoff, or commend.

Good Morning!

Oct 28, 08 9:08 am  · 
liberty bell

That's why I check out the ladies, too, Sarah.

You guys, I'm freaking out. Seven more days, don't know if I can stand it.

Oct 28, 08 3:58 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

What would happen if everybody wrote in a canadate. Even if he was on the ballot. How does that work. And if everybody, say wrote in theirown name, what would happen?

And, no, I didn't vote for myself. I'm not old enough.

Oct 28, 08 4:10 pm  · 

it'll be fine.

Oct 28, 08 4:10 pm  · 

I never check out the ladies, but I can put up with you checking out the ladies if you can put up with me checking out the men. ;) Not that I have great taste in them, but I still like to look.

LB, we're having an election party at my house. If it doesn't go our way, we're barricading ourselves in and getting as drunk as possible. We've got a full wine rack, some tequila, and a bottle of whisky (not that I'm planning to share). That should hold us for a while.

Oct 28, 08 4:23 pm  · 
liberty bell

I was wondering, on electronic voting machines, how do you write in a candidate? Is there a keyboard? I've only ever done paper/pencil ballots and lever machines.

Oct 28, 08 4:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Its touch screen, LB.

Oct 28, 08 4:36 pm  · 

I've been thinking that we need to eliminate elections (they're just popularity contests) voted on by uniformed dumb folks. in their place either implement a lottery or civil service test to get selected to run our governments.

Oct 28, 08 4:46 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i've been saying this for at least a year now (although probably not on archinect)...1.obama is going to win and 2. the election will be not be even remotely close

if i'm wrong...i'll start wearing pants again

Oct 28, 08 5:01 pm  · 
vado retro

well most people didnt vote until old hickory andrew jackson. and we did okay. george, john, tommyboy, the jimmy m's and quincy.

Oct 28, 08 5:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

Exactly, Sarah: so on a touchscreen, how does one write in a random name, like oneself or Frank Gehry or Rem?

Oct 28, 08 5:58 pm  · 

There's usually a keyboard at the bottom, lb. The trouble with it is that it's in ABC format, not qwerty. (qwerty is an extremely odd word to type out, try it and you'll see what i mean)

Oct 28, 08 6:09 pm  · 

i heard it on the radio: "I'm a John Denver Softy."

Oct 28, 08 7:06 pm  · 
vado retro

thank god youre a country boyo!

Oct 28, 08 8:12 pm  · 

from greg of columbia's blog we get a sad picture of the country boyo here.

why oh why must mccain and palin stir up religious and racial hatred amongst these good country (real amerikan) folk? what kind of nation do they want to build, standing on those foundations?

Oct 28, 08 8:35 pm  · 

it's not what kind of nation THEY want to build. it's what certain of their backers want to build: a nation with THEIR folks at the top - at all costs.

i sort of believe that mccain has integrity, but that he's been led down the garden path. he may regret this campaign later.

Oct 28, 08 9:14 pm  · 

argh. Somehow the 'notify' box got checked, and clicking the link sent in the email does no good. So I'm just posting so that I can uncheck that damned box... I posted in my school blog the latest stuff going on with me.

Oct 28, 08 9:24 pm  · 

shoot, after all that, I forgot to uncheck it!!!

Oct 28, 08 9:24 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm doing some hand drafting of plans tonight and I have to say: it's a sensual pleasure.

Oct 28, 08 9:53 pm  · 

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