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Sarah Hamilton

I'm pretty sure that the 'keyboard' on my touch screen was qwerty - yes, that was weird to type.

Oh, and Abram got his first tooth! I'm a little scared he's going to look like those snaggle-toothed eels, though.

Oct 28, 08 10:33 pm  · 

yay Abram! now he can be one of those adorably snaggle-toothed jack o lanterns for Halloween.

(still trying to get the notifications turned off...)

Oct 28, 08 10:47 pm  · 

rationalist - the unsubscribe link in the notification emails definitely works. the problem today is that our weekly newsletter was sent out last night. the number of subscribers is getting so big that it tends to slow down our mail server, delaying the notification emails that get sent out to people to subscribe to discussion threads. in other words, even though you clicked the "unsubscribe" link, you apparently still received a few lingering notifications that were sent out before you unsubscribed. everything should be back to normal now. carry on ;)

Oct 28, 08 11:50 pm  · 

Thankee Paul! I don't believe I got a notification about your post, so it does seem to be all good. I wondered for a bit there whether I was going to be getting TC updates via email for the rest of my life... this thread generates a LOT of those notifications!

Oct 29, 08 12:49 am  · 

Good evening.

I just got back from a long journey out of "Real America" where I helped WonderMan say goodbye to his Mom. It was rough but we actually had some good conversations about "us" and I'm looking forward to the day where we will be in the same place together.

Also, WonderKitty isn't doing so great. She's very weak and she won't eat. And she keeps trying to pee. Her kidney disease seems to have taken its toll very quickly.

Also I have a midterm thesis presentation on Monday. You know, because I don't have anything else to worry about right now.

I really need good news next Tuesday. We all do.

Oct 29, 08 1:01 am  · 

hi. A few questions to think about 1.curious what puddles wears other than pants 2. Importantly will Abram be biting his mum with that one tooth 3. Is it reall biting if you only have tooth 4. do you have to be 35 to be a US president 5. How hard can qwerty be if you run your fingers on the top lettered line from left to right6. LB are you going to show us some of that hand drafting?

Also as cool as it would be neither Rem or Frank could be president, one's Dutch/British resident the other is a nationalised US citizen so neither qualify.

Oct 29, 08 1:30 am  · 

Oh to continue with the smiles and hope for next week, I saw this it made me laugh because I loved the frogs, crocodiles, and watered down beer drinkers of the TRUE America. Wassup

Oct 29, 08 1:33 am  · 
he may regret this campaign later.

Steven, I think he already is. Pretty sad, I agree--he seems like a decent, intelligent and honest person led very far astray by the republican party which for some unknown reason is hell-bent on pandering to its far-right constituents. (which makes no sense to me... who else are they going to vote for?! they're in the bag, why bend over backwards to pander to them...)

anyway, yeah. It's almost a shame he didn't run as an independent. I still don't agree with his policies, but it's a shame to have seen him forced to sink his character so far.

Oct 29, 08 2:52 am  · 


Oct 29, 08 2:57 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, to answer your questions...

Abram could bite me, but not anything too terribly tender, so it shouldn't hurt too badly. The tooth is very sharp, though. And I would say if tender-bits were involved, that any amount of teeth could still constitute biting; actually, and sort of clamping, even without teeth, could be considered biting.

I just hope he gets them all at once, cause he was up all night the night before, and we didn't know why. It SUCKED.

Yes, you have to be 35 to be president, and a natural born citizen.

Qwerty is hard only because its unnatural, and you arent using multiple fingers lke you do with all the other words you type.

Good Morning!

Oct 29, 08 9:06 am  · 

hah hah great! Good Morning Sarah. I've been up far too early this morning and for nothing. I did have an online conference with the folks I've out sourced some drawings to. Anyway I think I'm going to crawl back into bed, its cool and overcast, and sleep is calling.

Oct 29, 08 12:50 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, you are such a bum.

Oct 29, 08 1:47 pm  · 
brian buchalski
park benches can now count as home addresses soon before they are inundated with junk mailings as marketers discover this new demographic?

Oct 29, 08 2:23 pm  · 
brian buchalski

fyi...per is under attack

Oct 29, 08 3:48 pm  · 

I'm still alive. Coughing incessantly, but alive.

Oct 29, 08 4:54 pm  · 
vado retro

lb and i are going to a lecture! its almost like living in a city!

Oct 29, 08 6:07 pm  · 

hey I resemble that remark! Its been raining all day and I've been most of that time. You would think I am well rested but its the complete opposite. Anyway

Oct 29, 08 6:43 pm  · 
I almost had a really bad day.

But it's better now!

Oct 29, 08 8:01 pm  · 

puddles - can these benches become addresses for voter registration?

Oct 29, 08 10:28 pm  · 

vado -- time for another shameless city plug --

i was up walking around rogers park last weekend (crazy pretty leaves) and saw about 8 million super nice looking places with "for rent" signs. then they started cropping up all around my own hood this past week. don't know what's up, but i can tell you the northside pickins are GOOD right now.

Oct 29, 08 10:44 pm  · 

feel better, tuna!

shameless plug for my blog... I announced some pretty good news on the blog this week. It makes me very happy, even though it's a heads up that I've got as many difficult clients to deal with as ever.

Oct 29, 08 11:03 pm  · 
vado retro

i used to live in rogers park manta. its changing as there's an influx of yuppie bars etc. but you can still buy crack and get mugged and still be near the lake!

had fun with lb at the lecture and the after lecture drink with some other architects. i always seem to talk about the same things. i need a new rap! except for my idea about a kids book about revenge.

Oct 29, 08 11:52 pm  · 

damn I'm still here and it is the bewitching hour 12:11. The plotter has one speed.

It is cold here this evening so the fire place has been burning all day and into the evening. It is a benni of the loss of the tree in the back way could I pay $200.00 for a chord of wood. I love standing infront of the fireplace and feel the heat generating against my body and at the same time smell the burning of the wood.

I did manage to watch Obama this evening, and was comfortable with the message. I just get scared thinking about Bush being seated until January. What the else can he fuck up? The guy only has ten finger digits and ten toe digits..hope he can keep the holes plugged until we can get on track again....most likely not..."So hold onto your briches cause were in for a rough ride over the next few months."

Oct 30, 08 12:18 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I don't really think Bush can mess anything up - he's not omnipotent; the house is against him, so nothing can get passed, hince no trouble.

Sometimes you people just sound paranoid. And then you complain of the Republican Scare Machine. I know I sound young and naive, but it can't be all doom and gloom.

With that said, Good Morning.

Oh, and Techno, you know that lethargy simply leads to more lethargy, right? You have to use energy to make it. Conterintuitive, I know.

Oct 30, 08 9:06 am  · 

sarah, i think the point is that when bush and his crew were using fear it was to get people to let them do whatever they wanted, even if it was poorly advised (and then let them off the hook when it all went buggery).

in this case the liberal audience is worried the bush administration will take some bad decisions that will cause real harm. based on the track record i don't know how anyone could be not a little bit worried. ;-)

the way they are handling the financial crisis is kind of mixed so far. i admire bush for being able to let some of his capitalist ideas go, but wish he would copy the europeans a bit more and actually attach some strings to the bailout...right now i think there is a tonne of room for policy errors on that front. it does worry me a bit, cuz what the US fed does or does not do has an impact on my life in tokyo. which is annoying as hell, i must say.

and with that thought i bid you a lovely evening. its getting chilly out here tokyo way. halloween party at my house tommorrow!

Oct 30, 08 9:57 am  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, everyone can sound paranoid when speaking of things about which they feel passionate. Both sides (of every issue, not only elections) do this.

Oct 30, 08 10:06 am  · 

Lethargy breed lethargy is right, its 11.30 am and I'm still in bed. At least my eyes are open. I got 5 additional hours of sleep yesterday. But now my back hurts - bed pains maybe I dunno. Its dark over here. Where's the beautiful sunshine? Damnit. I love the rain, but I'm sunchild.

Like jump I am a little concerned with the spill off as well. We are located less than an hour away, and much of our business rely either on US trade, the strength of the US dollar or US Industries (mostly due to establishment, histrionics and proximity). Anyway speculation is rampant, the only good thing is that fear has calendar

Good Morning All - I think I'm going to look for food and coffee.

Oct 30, 08 12:32 pm  · 

Hi TC.

I'm back from my travels. I just voted. And I love Halloween.

Oct 30, 08 5:36 pm  · 
brian buchalski

it's not that bush can do anything additionally bad at the moment...part of the potential for immediate problems is that neither he nor the president-elect can do much if things continue to worsen. one of the lowest points during the "great depression" occurred after FDR won election (hoover become a lame duck) & bank runs became a major problem as a power vacuum at the top of the federal government existed until inauguration in march...this is probably why new president now moves into office in january right after the holidays

in meantime...have yourself merry little christmas

Oct 30, 08 5:45 pm  · 
vado retro

n_________ i'm still readin alll those postcards! velcum bahk! (said in halloween vampire voice)

Oct 30, 08 6:23 pm  · 
brian buchalski

...and speaking of the's almost BONUS TIME!!!!

Oct 30, 08 6:24 pm  · 

Goddammit puddles, that really pisses me off. I think if Obama is elected he should announce an interest-rate hike on the loans the government gave to these firms should they continue to hand out bonuses of this nature, and do it BEFORE the holidays. That way he could enact it as soon as he is inaugurated.

Of course if McCain is elected he won't do a damn thing.... but then again I won't care because I'll be looking for jobs overseas anyway.

Oct 30, 08 7:01 pm  · 

WTF!!!!!!!!! BONUSES?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Are you fucking kidding me?!?!?!? So when does the revolution against the Wall Street tycoons begin?

I with you on the overseas job hunting DubK if McCain gets elected. The only thing is I am beginning to fear there might not be any jobs anywhere out there soon.

Still alive and still coughing, despite a prescription of antibiotics. Yay me :o/

Oct 30, 08 7:22 pm  · 

hi tuna...glad to see you are alive despite being a little ill.

Oct 30, 08 8:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

n_, I'm so glad you're back. Welcome home.

Got the jack o'lanterns carved tonight after a long and busy busy day. I'm whipped.

Oct 30, 08 10:07 pm  · 

Oh yeah - in my rampage I forgot to say WELCOME HOME n_!!!!! And to top it all off, YAY for voting early. You rock!

Oct 30, 08 10:26 pm  · 

Welcome home n_!

I'm considering working abroad as well... one of my LA friends and I were talking recently about how we should move to Ireland together, and if McCain gets elected, it could be come a reality.

Oct 30, 08 10:28 pm  · 

Hi all,
India is wicked but intense.
I just got an hour massage for like 4 dollars.
Have been doing lotsof walking but also riding on the rooftops of auto rikshas.

The food is amazing. But i am tring to be careful about where i eat.

I can see that there is much archinectstuff to catch up on when i getback.


Oct 31, 08 1:54 am  · 

Ireland is great, rationalist! So is Scotland although it's a bit colder....

Welcome back n_!!!!! Do we get pictures?

tuna, what do you have? Sinus infection?

Oct 31, 08 3:03 am  · 
liberty bell

Yikes, creepy haunted house image! Happy halloween, all.

nam, glad you're alive and checking in. Enjoy.

Oct 31, 08 7:03 am  · 
brian buchalski

you shouldn't be too annoyed with the bonuses...although mainstream news continues to push the issue of "crisis", it's really a bit of a smokescreen for what is actually happening, i.e., the continuing centralization of power in the wall street/washington axis. goldman sachs & morgan chase have done the best (that is, there the only ones left standing) and their leadership clearly deserves to be rewarded for this banner year that has seen them obliterate rivals such a bear sterns & lehman bros. all the while managing to fully open the spigot of federal money. considering that henry paulson (a former goldman sachs ceo) is in charge of the treasury, should we really be surprised?

i'm still alive

happy halloween

Oct 31, 08 8:17 am  · 
brian buchalski

actually...that kind of looks like puddles' creepy mansion the admiral

Oct 31, 08 8:19 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Good Morning. Has there always been a background picture on here? Is it just for today, or will it always be there? Strange. Would have been funny if it was a Ghost picking his nose or something. Can you tell I'm in a silly mood?

Nam, glad you're having fun! Bring me back some awesome textiles, will you?

Jump, I heard Japan sliced its interest rate.

Oct 31, 08 8:53 am  · 

off to Rochester for a meeting. couldn't carpool with my boss since I had a dentist appointment (1 cavity under an old filling to be fixed in a few weeks). so I get to take a 172 mile round trip by myself (I'm going to try and expense the carbon offsets)...

Oct 31, 08 11:12 am  · 

good morning. Its still raining - this is day 3. I love the rainy season but I have classes today. Its a good thing the project is climate design - maybe I'll take one of the students model out in the rain and make them cry.

Oddly I didn't associate the background image with Halloween, perhaps its because we don't practice it here in the Caribbean much (only for party themes where 50% of folks dress up)

Oct 31, 08 11:15 am  · 

I am not really into Halloween this year but I'm playing along with a bag of random hats that I brought with me today. I have therefore dubbed my costume a "shapeshifter".

I enjoy the background image but it makes me realize that I don't know what it usually there instead. It's just a color, isn't it? Like, beige-ish?

Oct 31, 08 2:32 pm  · 

I think it's usually a light grey.

I'm going as Minerva (the Roman goddess) tonight: I figure it's a great excuse to wear the awesome gold sandals I bought in Florence, and I can always use the fabric for something else later.

Oct 31, 08 2:53 pm  · 
vado retro

i am dressing up as alan greenspan. i chose him because it won't require much makeup.

Oct 31, 08 4:09 pm  · 
Living in Gin

RIP, Studs Terkel.

Oct 31, 08 5:41 pm  · 
brian buchalski

tonight, i drink until i vomit all over myself...and then i go out as a wreck...word

Oct 31, 08 5:46 pm  · 

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