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wine opening is relative to the same amount of accidents happening near home. according to progressive insurance, fifty-two percent of accidents reported were five miles or less from home, and an astounding 77 percent reported they were within 15 miles of home.

maybe within the 15 miles or 15 minutes of opening the bottle, americans are so excited with drinking that it obscures their driving abilities.

i'm not a pessimist

Oct 14, 08 3:37 am  · 


darn I just hauled two ceiling fans out to the curb for the scrap metal guys to pick up for recycling. Actually I did a major garage cleaning over the weekend. I want to reclaim my garage from junk that doesn't even belong to us. When we bought this house the garage
had alot of stuff in it. I added to that stuff with demolition debris when gutting the basement of old faux wood paneling and other assorted evils. We were sure our Basement Bedroom was the photo shoot for "Devil and Ms Jones" Shag carpet and the whole nine yards then some.

Oct 14, 08 7:46 am  · 

Hi all,

My two cents regarding cork stopped bottles.

One important issue is that the regions in Spain an elsewhere around the Mediteranean where cork trees grow are some of the last remaining (and hence sensistive) ecosystems/habitats left for certain animals (a species of lynx and some birds of prey). And since cork is a renewable resource which comes from peeling the tree's bark (a tree which can live for some time) it serves an important roel in the ecosystem.

As vinters switch from cork much of this productive but animal supporting habitat is under threat as it becomes more profitable to be used in other ways.

here and here

Besides that seems like all is well for TCers...As for me i am beginign to get overly excited about my upcoming trip to the subcontinent.
Also, i have settled on the graduate program for me....It seems made for me....

Oct 14, 08 8:40 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Not I drink wine with screw caps, but in beer, the metalic taste is gone if you poor it into the glass. Techno, do you drink your wine from the bottle? And I thought the non-cork corks were rubber, but I guess this wood make the wine taste like tires, which could be worse than corked wine. We drink mostly Ecco Domani merlot, its our everyday wine - though we don't drink it everyday, and it has a non-cork cork. Abe likes to gnaw on them.

What is y'all's thought on giving 6-7 y.o. watered down wine at dinner? And by watered down, I mean, 1/4 glass wine, 1/4 glass water. I'm hoping that if we treat alchohol as nothing special, then the appeal will be less. How naive is that? I want to teach that the skill is to drink your friends under the table, not to get drunk fastest.

Oct 14, 08 8:55 am  · 
liberty bell

Eek, Sarah! A wine cork will fit through a toilet paper tube, right? Please be careful letting Abe chew on them! I'm only concerned about the choking hazard, NOT the alcohol he might get from chewing on a cork.

Oct 14, 08 9:12 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I understand. He can't get the whole thing into his mouth yet. And he only gets them when I'm in the room. Another bad parent thing I let him do over the weekend? Play with a plastic bag. The MIL saw me, and probably thought it'd be a miracle if he made it to his first birthday, but he was at my feet, and once he started putting it into his mouth, I took it away.

Oct 14, 08 9:44 am  · 

Sarah the taste of metal remains in the wine, the beer is effervescent and suspect scrubs that taste away. Also I try not to drink from the bottle rather from something like this . Also sorry to hear you didn't get the chance for some romance in a ressession hit/partially complete house it sounded idyllic to me. And I'm all for teaching children how to drink....watered down or not, but then I'm from a country that doesn't have minimum drinking age rather a height limit (you have to be able to see over the bar to order your own drink)

hi WonderK

Oct 14, 08 11:45 am  · 

our network switch got fried this morning in a power outage. somehow, i still have internet connections (it's great having a laptop with wifi), so I can surf. most of the office is our wandering in the sunshine till the network is back up.

oh, they laid off three guys on friday.

Oct 14, 08 12:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Hope one wasn't your IT guy.

Oct 14, 08 12:02 pm  · 

Oh Jeez TK that sucks. A friend of mine in the store design sector of the industry got laid off last Monday. So did half of the company. YIKES!!!!

SH - I was taking swigs of my dad's beer at age 3. I think there may even be a photo to prove it. Me sitting in his lap with a bottle o' beer in hand. HA!

Oct 14, 08 12:14 pm  · 
liberty bell

How many posts will it take for Dick Busch Architects to show up on this thread? Or maybe this one, instead?

Oct 14, 08 1:04 pm  · 

Hi Techno!

Oh no tuna. Was it Sam? And that place? This is going to get ugly....

Oct 14, 08 2:47 pm  · 

DubK - No, it was Lyndsay. Sucks big time, especially with a 4 month old to take care of.

Oct 14, 08 6:13 pm  · 

wow TC was quite today.

Oct 15, 08 12:33 am  · 

I already said my piece. So did rationalist. We blogged :o) I love our coalition of TC big-time posters/real-life school bloggers, actually. Representing!

Oct 15, 08 12:39 am  · 

Word. There was 3 1/2 hours of bike riding/playing in traffic/photography/research this morning, and I'm friggin beat, but have to do work for another class and a client tonight. So yeah, I'm around, but in like, 20-second bursts.

I miss having actual conversations with you btw, WonderK. We used to talk all the time, and then we both decided to try and save the world...

Oct 15, 08 12:53 am  · 

rationalist, with great power comes great responsibility. Or something like that, LOL. It's OK, I'm still here, and I'm missing conversations with a LOT of people lately. It will all work out in the end...

Oct 15, 08 1:28 am  · 

Well, when our projects get all wonderful and successful, I'm sure we'll see each other on the lecture circuit (lol)!

Seriously, a week ago I was feeling badly for not working on my thesis enough and not being enthusiastic, and this week I'm totally back into it and consumed by it. It makes my head spin.

Oct 15, 08 2:15 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Man, am I glad I don't have your schedule, ladies. I'm exhausted and I went to bed by 1030 (which is late for me). Days like today make me wish I could drink coffee, but my tastebuds just won't allow
it. So I say a sleepy "Good Morning" to you all.

Oct 15, 08 8:40 am  · 

word of the day:


The state or process of becoming green, especially the abnormal development of green coloration in plant parts normally not green. Symptom may be characteristic of phytoplasma infection in plants.

I think I found my future firm name!!!

Oct 15, 08 10:19 am  · 

you wanna be an infection?!

Oct 15, 08 10:20 am  · 
vado retro

so, the indianapolis local media in its ever deep analysis of situations reports that there were long lines at the local rnc office to get tickets to the sarah palin concert at the verizon center (which isn't in indianapolis but a suburb up north) but failed to mention the fact that republican presidential politics have passed on indiana for the last 44 years because the state has always and faithfully voted for the republican candidate. so, the real story isn't her coming here. it is her need to come here because indiana is in play.

Oct 15, 08 10:29 am  · 

Tree that would be a really cool firm name,

Good morning all....

Oct 15, 08 10:29 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

See, and I thought that was another jab at the "green-washing" movement.

Oct 15, 08 10:46 am  · 
brian buchalski

[i]"you spent three days lying on a beach drinking rum?" Capt.Jack Sparrow "welcome to the Caribbean, love."[/]

still very inspiring

Oct 15, 08 12:14 pm  · 
brian buchalski
"you spent three days lying on a beach drinking rum?" Capt.Jack Sparrow "welcome to the Caribbean, love."

still very inspiring

Oct 15, 08 12:15 pm  · 

Three days lying on a beach? I think I'd get bored after the first three hours of day 1. Although the rum part doesn't sound too shabby.

Oct 15, 08 12:32 pm  · 

Makes me think of being on the beach in Rio....where you sip on cold beer which is provided to you by some kid. At the end of the day you count the cans and pay the kid and go on your way. I could handle of couple of weeks of Brazilian Beaches at this point in time.

Oct 15, 08 1:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

I like virescence, tk, because it reminds me of virile.

Though it could also be reminiscent of virulent, I suppose. I like virile better.

vado retro: always speaking the truth.

Oct 15, 08 2:05 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i think i'm about to go on another 3 week bender

rehab has clearly failed me

Oct 15, 08 2:49 pm  · 

Cap'n Jack might just be my hero. I feel some post-gradschool plans coming on. Except that I might need longer than 3 days, and possibly need to find a beautiful boy to join me. But, these are details... the basic plan of beach + rum is definitely a solid one.

Oct 15, 08 3:12 pm  · 
liberty bell

Well if you wanted to pick a good three-week period to lose consciousness, puddles, the upcoming three weeks (19 days, 18 hours, 45 minutes...) are the best.

Oct 15, 08 3:14 pm  · 

But, er, puddles, if you ever need to talk, let me know. I have a hard time telling whether you're serious or not sometimes. I thinnnk you're joking there (?), but thought I'd throw that out just in case. I'm here for you man.

Oct 15, 08 3:14 pm  · 
vado retro

puddles said "no,no,no..."

thanks lb.

Oct 15, 08 3:29 pm  · 

tuna the rum helps you stay on the beach for three days. Sigh the weather is crap lately - muggy days and warm nights, not condusive for enjoyable beach weather and keeps melting the ice in my rum.

I just watched Recount on HBO, its a brilliant film and I advise all democrats to watch. I would fear another hanging chad scenario...then we might all be on the "race riot" thread after than.

Love and guidance to all

Oct 15, 08 8:01 pm  · 

LOL Atechno!!!! It would have to be a VERY steady stream than.

I think someone on my block is having a debate party. There are a whole lot more cars on the street than normal.

Oct 15, 08 8:36 pm  · 

the chair of landscape architecture at the U of MN called me the 'yoda of infrastructure' during a jury this afternoon - woot!

now I gotta run and watch jon stewart.

Oct 15, 08 11:03 pm  · 

barry were you talking in a yoda-esque voice at the time?

Oct 16, 08 12:08 am  · 
liberty bell

I think I've bruised my inner elbow by giving McCain the bras d'honneur during the debate tonight. I got a bit pissed off.

Stayed off the wine, though!

Oct 16, 08 12:21 am  · 

heh heh ohh to be a fly on a wall watching lady Bell giving it to McCrain aka I wish I had a brain. But thanks for the educational lesson in French jestures. Now I have to find 3 opportunities to use that phrase before this weekend.

archinect makes you smart kids

Oct 16, 08 1:16 am  · 
liberty bell
archinect makes you smart, kids

LOL, techno, and it's true!

Oct 16, 08 7:18 am  · 

Good morning all,
Barry Doble woot...

Oct 16, 08 8:30 am  · 


Oct 16, 08 8:30 am  · 

LB - HAHAHAHA!!! I did the American equivalent. Screamed at the TV too. That man makes my blood rise.

Oct 16, 08 8:31 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I didn't watch the debate. I'm a bad American. I heard some sound bites from it, though. I have to hand it to McCain when he said Sen. Obama, if you wanted to run agaisnt George Bush, you should've run four years ago. Granted, I heard it out of context, but it seems valid to me.

Techno, your comment, without the punctuation added by Ms Bell is funnier to me. Got me wondering if Archinect had a factory, alla Santa's Workshop, churning out smart kids, and whether or not those were human kids, goat kids, or mini Smart cars - how cute. Oh, and to get that pictured properly, imagine the 1980s Santa Claus movie with that short little english guy.

Remember how I told you that the 1950's truck was finally out of the garage? Its been replaced by a Z4 racecar. Hope it doesn't stay too long. Damn projects taking my place in the garage. When I'm Rich, I'm going to design my house with my own private garage - maybe I'll even paint it pink!

Oct 16, 08 8:49 am  · 

mccain is good at one-liners.

Oct 16, 08 8:57 am  · 
vado retro

i'm good at one liners too. and i have the scars to prove it.

Oct 16, 08 9:11 am  · 
liberty bell

Haha, Sarah, I didn't even notice I had added the punctuation! Must be the mom in more. Or the anal-retentive manners-obsessed control freak in me.

Oct 16, 08 9:17 am  · 

I sat down to watch the debate last night....and well the fricking signal
on the tv was screwing up and people kept melting away into an electronic color grid super pixels. I was getting kind of upset about it because these things should be happening durning a Presidential Debate. Then the fricking power went out in our neighborhood, some 2,000 of us as was in the paper this morning. Someone must have been playing with their radio dial and driving and managed to take out a power pole. So much for the debate...I would say Obama won from what I could see of it. However when I was outside trying to make heads or tails of the extent of the power outage, my neighbor was also out and he was harping...that Mcain was kicking ass.....I was wondering if we were watching the same debate. My Obama Sign is going up in the Front Yard TODAY!

Oct 16, 08 1:04 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I think I'm going to vote one Friday, well, next Friday.

Oct 16, 08 3:09 pm  · 

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