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Sarah Hamilton

It used to always be blue, dub. My grandfather voted repub for the first time ever when Kenedy ran (didn't want a catholic in the whitehouse - and don't you guys pretend like he must be some evil backwoods man for that, people have voted for worse reasons), and my grandmother voted the first time repub in the last election cause Kerry creeped her out. Are conservative here, probably more than some states, but thats because we tend to hold to the past, and thats why my grandparents always voted for the party of FDR.

Oct 22, 08 2:47 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

God, I hope my facts are right. Sure would be embarrasing.

Oct 22, 08 2:47 pm  · 

I'm sorry Sarah I didn't mean to offend you, or anyone else. It's just for the past several years Texas has been a strong red state and from all the talk of the states that could potentially swing in the upcoming, Texas hasn't been been mentioned, that's all. That would be flippin' awesome though. I'd love to see the look on GWB's face if it did.

I don't think your grandfather was some evil backwoods man, society was different back then. From my understanding there was a widespread fear that if a Catholic became president, he/she/it would be pushing the Pope's agenda on US society. Fortunately JFK proved that notion wrong.

Oct 22, 08 4:40 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Tuna I wasn't offended. No worries. I actually remove myself from political associations when online, and at work, so you really can't offend me by saying repubs this, democrats that, green party, lib. party, whoever. I like parties. Especially ones with cake.

Oct 22, 08 4:45 pm  · 

Mmmmm cake.

Oct 22, 08 5:17 pm  · 

Indeed mmmmm Cake!!!

Oct 22, 08 8:32 pm  · 

And parties i should note...

Oct 22, 08 8:32 pm  · 

is it weird that I don't like cake? For my birthdays there's usually a cake - for everyone else. I installed a bulb in my room, replacing the previous energy saver that was there about 6 years. Its a dramatic difference in brightness even though they are both 40 watt day glow. So I can see clearly now

Oct 22, 08 8:41 pm  · 

sarah it is astounding to me that anyone would vote based on catholic versus protestant. i guess that is why mccain is so hot to get people thinking obama is muslim.

you know, japan has spoiled me. no one here understands or even cares that catholics believe anything different from the mormons or even the scientologists. yes! to a japanese (typical) scientologist and baptist christians are in the same boat! but even that is saying too much because apart from thinking all religion is dangerous (especially the way americans practice it) no one here ever considers the spiritual life. it isn't part of our life here at all.

thank god.

mind you, we still elect morons to run the country.

Oct 22, 08 8:43 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I just bought a bunch of compact fluorescent bulbs for my apartment, to replace a few incandescent bulbs that had burned out. Unfortunately, with the new bulbs in, it became obvious how filthy the apartment has gotten. Fortunately, I also picked up a $100 Hoover vacuum cleaner so that I can clean my $40 IKEA rug.

Oct 22, 08 8:50 pm  · 

Atechno - I'm more of a fruity dessert person myself. I have yet to meet a cobbler I didn't like ;o)

Nam - when do you leave for India? Any day now I'm guessing.

Oct 22, 08 9:21 pm  · 
brian buchalski

at passing glance i thoguht that the sticker above said "i vote cunt"...which i thought was kinnd of nice

persaonllly i encorurage all no votes

revolution succession is the answer...amercia needs to be dismantle in an effortt to stem the tide of the trillion dollor plus annual money luandering scheme that has been passing as american economy. fools be irie...drug money inflates your 401k & the bebe boomers lose theri pension...howse that for ironie? hurts some but i dont' dislike

...and you know i should bethe new mayour of detroit, right ? detroit & windoor should partner & succeed from respective canada & etats unis & become soveriegn duty free city state, casinos, strip blubs & hyper-capitalism for even children

patrón xo cafe & chocolate chip cookies for all but comforting to know that arrchinect.coms is just tool of cia survelliance

we'll ssee i f i live because have i mentioned my recent fascination with valdimar putin? (no, not the football player)

Oct 23, 08 12:13 am  · 

puddles, dear, put down the merlotch...

Oct 23, 08 12:30 am  · 
brian buchalski

this is for some o fyou greenies

Oct 23, 08 12:38 am  · 

quick question...

i recall seeing some details from marlon blackwell's house (l stack house) in some mag, but can't seem to find it.

anyone familiar, or am i dreaming this one up?

Oct 23, 08 2:03 am  · 

holz, sorry, I have no idea.

Just wanted to say goodnight, possibly for a few days. Be well.

Oct 23, 08 3:03 am  · 

i'd ask, holz.....oh. sorry.

Oct 23, 08 7:52 am  · 

I am very particular about my cake. I actually generally prefer Pie (preferably some sort of cream pie, or pastries in general).
However, if it is a red velvet, german chocolate or any cake with a butter cream icing (which isn't too sweet or is not a sugar icing) i can usually be sold.

Tuna, Yes in like 2 days. I am on pins and needles.
Puddles, nice buildings, i particularly like the towers...

Jump, regarding religion in Japan. My understanding was that Shinto and Buddism are the "main" religions of Japan. Therefore, while they do not have the same sort of structures and practice as most western faiths the cultural/ritualistic/custom aspects of both religions are fairly interwoven throughout a persons life.
Perhaps these are not "seen" as religions though but more cultural or philosophical traditions?

Oct 23, 08 8:42 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, you just make Japan seem so cold.

Techno, I am one of the few hangers-on to the incandecent. I don't care what the manufacturers say, they just can't get fluorecent lamps to have that same great, warm glow that makes everything nice. And the colours I have painted the rooms in my house are quite light dependent. I'd love to have some scientist bottle the sun, and light my rooms with daylight always, but they havent yet, and so I will still spend the 88 cents to pick up a boring old incandecent lamp every few years.

I'm going to meet Carroll Shelby on Saturday, did I tell you?

Oct 23, 08 8:52 am  · 
liberty bell

I'm the same, Sarah. I feel guilty, but I'm hanging on to my incandescents.

Also, though, most of my house is lit by PAR30 recessed cans, so I don't think there is a CF bulb that will work.

nam, that was always my understanding of Japanese religious beliefs. Not that I really know anything at all about it, I'm mostly ignorant, but my Japanese Buddhist friend in college years ago basically said it's just part of everyday life, you don't go somewhere to worship so much as you worship in your everyday activities, except it's not really "worship", it's awareness.

Also, nam: yay! I'm excited for your trip! I always said in college I was scared to go to India without a guide, though now I'm older I know I could manage it. My former boss went years ago and said the most important thing is to be patient. trains never leave on time, or leave early, things never cost what you think they will, admittance hours to sites are randomly changed according to no logic - it's a puzzle you work out as you go. Which actually sounds inviting to me, as if you can keep the "patience" mantra in your mind you'll be open to looking around at whatever you se in the moment and enjoying it. Have a fantastic trip!

I don't know who Carroll Shelby is, and too lazy to google now.

Oct 23, 08 9:14 am  · 

carroll shelby was responsible for the shelby mustang way back when:

imo, still just about his greatest thing. after that he did some stuff with chrysler about which i was less excited. but then i grew up with mustangs...

first dodge and then ford (again) trying to recreate the aura of that first shelby mustang was an early form of all the retro styling that we see from various car companies now: before the new beetle, new charger, pt cruiser, new stepside pickups, etc.

Oct 23, 08 9:29 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yep. And the A/C Cobra.

This is what Abe is going to wear. Have to represent, right?

Oct 23, 08 9:58 am  · 

LB and SH - I too have been having a hard time giving up my incandesent lightbulbs. It doesn't feel as warm and as inviting as the incandescents do. Hopefully they'll come up with something soon.

Nam - That's so exciting. You definiteky need ti take lots of photos while you're there.

SW and SH - Wow! That car above is gorgeous.

Oct 23, 08 12:11 pm  · 

japan can be cold i suppose.

buddhism (as practiced in japan based on my own experience) has no god. no afterlife. no good book. it says that everyone is connected and so the way we live our lives is very important, cuz what we do affects others. since there is no afterlife all life is precious (or worthless, if you prefer), but mostly for me that means that since we only get the one chance at being on this planet and then we go back to being dust, then we are obligated to doing good before we die for the good of humanity. otherwise why bother being alive. more importantly though it means that since god does not exist to judge us, we must judge ourselves. which means there is no one to blame when things go wrong but us. and no one to fix it either but us. sounds high-falutin, but is pretty practical from my perspective. i think it is what makes japanese people so tough, actually.

shinto on the other hand has an infinite number of gods. but in practice it is really more or less equivalent to throwing salt over the shoulder when you spill it. not really impt, but part of daily life in some backgroundy way...i'm not sure how the afterlife works in this system. people do seem to believe in something vague and fuzzy, but i can't say what. i don't think anyone actually believes in the millions of gods thing though...

i do know my wife becomes upset when i teach my kids about noah and the flood, or adam and eve. i suspect she is frightened of christianity (but not christians), mostly i think because of the rhetoric of george bush and all those crazy Christians in american movies (talking in tongues, saying that god is on the side of america but not of its enemies, and all that)....

but anyway, you know, it just isn't part of life here. i only notice because i grew up in a pretty serious baptist church community (speaking in tongues was not unheard of)...and you know i actually do like it that no one here is really judgmental about what you believe (not even my wife), as long as you don't think it gives you a right to hurt others or feel superior...

back home i have blood relatives who think my children are abominations. here most people just think they are cute.

Oct 23, 08 12:18 pm  · 

Why do some in your family think your kids are abominations? B/c they aren't Christians? I'm sorry, I guess I'm ignorant but I really don't get it.

Interesting, I always thought Buddhists believed in reincarnation. Guess I was wrong.

Oct 23, 08 12:56 pm  · 

Not sure about exactly how it is lived/experienced in Japanese Buddhism which has 3 main branches.
But my understand is that in Buddhism at large/in gneral one continues to reincarnate as many lifetimes as it takes to achieve Enlightenment at which point one achieves Nirvana (which is not a place as much a state of peaceful minded oneness and knowledge.

Oct 23, 08 1:05 pm  · 

my favorite Shelby's are all of the Cobra Jets, for a Ford muscle car, those epitomized style and power. i am however a diehard mothra trucking Mopar geek, give me a plum crazy, pistol grip hemi cuda convertible, and i'll sell my soul to anyone.

Oct 23, 08 1:10 pm  · 

hi tc! our big move next door is tomorrow, so I won't be doing much archinecting for the next few days.

LB- there are CF par bulbs available, not sure if they are par 30's. I'm pretty sure there are LED equivalents available for your halogen heat lamps, but those will cost $$, then you'll never have to change the bulbs again. I installed two dimmable PAR CF bulbs in my kitchen (about $13 each) - their color rendering is awful and there is a noticeable delay before they turn on. Regular CF bulbs don't seem to be this bad - think it's the dimmable ballasts.

SH- cute onsey. I could see steven starr in that. For critical color rendition, look too LED bulbs or solartubes. Can I blame you if the polar bears go extinct?

Oct 23, 08 1:40 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK, I did research the LED bulbs, but they are very spotlighty. Maybe they are fixing this, but they didn't seem to diffuse very well. And as for the polar bears, no, you can't blame me solely, since I am not acting alone. Although, I'm sure its part of this mindset that is part of the problem.

Jump, the Baptist I know don't believe in tongues. And I am also confused about your children. I've been through the bible, and it doesn't say anything about mixed races being wrong (I'm assuming this is the issue). People tend to quote the scripture about mixing seeds and yarns, but its speaking species, not sub species.

Nam, there was a guy in college who was from India, and he would always tell us stories of Monkey and HighwayMen attacks. So be careful. Though, his stories were quite entertaining.

Oct 23, 08 2:10 pm  · 

Imagine there will be quite a few shock and some need for patience on the trip.

But crazily enough having traveled only around North American and Western Europe i am loooking forward to such "challenges"

Oct 23, 08 2:23 pm  · 

I think the light that comes from CFLs is actually crisper, gives defined shadows and shows colours for what they are (and also the quality, or lack there of in my case, in execution). There is a warmness that comes with incandescents to be fair, but I remember the old fluorescents (round on a stick) had that familiar yellow glow you speak of. But the environmental/energy concerns warrant me making the struggle - next step turning the family home solar.

Oh and I am just back in from an interview with a former lecturer for a job with his practice. It seems like the looming death of the US (and subsequent nations) is shadow over us, but people are bracing for it. Anyway he's full for the rest of the year, but he's spreading the word that I'm back and is actively looking for me - nice guy

Oct 23, 08 3:03 pm  · 
vado retro

my friend silent bob and i walked over to the barack obama rally this morning at the war memorial in downtown indianapolis. there we joined with 20,000 or so other real americans to listen to the senator's stirring speech. of course, it was a bit difficult to hear as all the local news teams had their eye in the sky choppers hovering around and the people in front of us had to bring their screaming toddler along to witness history in the making.

we arrived at a little after 9 a.m. and the senator's warm up act included an invocation, the pledge of allegience and the star spangle banner. all very uncommon at this sort of socialist event. also, other democrats who are running took the stage and evan bayh spoke as well. a recently laid off factory worker introduced senator obama, although i could barely make out any of her speech as the sound was not very good. before the senator took the stage i berated some guy for blowing cigarette smoke in my direction and i told some guy to keep it down who was talking on his cell phone while one of the candidates was talking. and i know people want to bring their young young kids along because this a historical moment, but goddamn it leave them home. they are not ready to wait around for 3 freaking hours.

i could see the event fine as it appears many obaman supporters only come up to my sturnum. after the event a marching band led several hundred voters down to the city county building to vote early! i would have gone except i was starving and my friend bob doesn't vote here and we were hooking up with some friends from i want to vote on election day!!!

all in all a good way to kill a morning.

Oct 23, 08 3:41 pm  · 

obama won't even come here. i guess we're considered a lost cause.

Oct 23, 08 3:54 pm  · 

sw- you can hope as florida, ohio and virginia become a solid blue , that KY andIndianastan get to see more of him.

Oct 23, 08 3:58 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nice wrap-up, vado, but it sounds like you hate breeders. I actually think it's curious that Obama came here; I'm pretty confident that Naptown will vote for him, it's the rest of the rural state I'm worried about. That's who he needs to convince.

The LED PARs would be worth the investment, I'm sure, I know they're very expensive, but I think I'll try one next time one of my PARs burns out. The incandescent PARs last about 3 years in my experience.

Oct 23, 08 4:50 pm  · 
vado retro

they said on the news he's been here 47 times. apparently 36,000 people showed up...i love kids lb, you know that. its just there's a time to leave em and a time to bring em.

Oct 23, 08 6:05 pm  · 

holz that is Malcoms house I was in it last summer. I'm sure I have some pictures of it on a disk. Mr and Mrs Malcom gave us a tour of the house...actually it was more like the door is open go where ever you want. The back side of the house is rather cool.

Oct 23, 08 6:34 pm  · 

Nam - that's what I thought, but it's been years since I've done any reading on Buddhism. Glad the brain still is storing that bit of information correctly.

vado - I actually agree with you. I was at an early vote rally last week and these parents dragged their poor toddlers to it. It was cold and the kids were hungry and tired (they just kept handing the kids snacks). The one just kept on pulling on my friends bag the whole time. I felt so horrible for the kids and after a while I started getting really irritated by the parents for not seeing that their kids were done. It was so blatantly obvious to the rest of us.

TK and Indianastaners - I thought I heard somewhere that the Demorats saw some hope there and therefore Obama was upping his campaign there. Maybe it was somewhere else. Or maybe it was just a pipe dream I was having.

Oct 23, 08 7:59 pm  · 

yeah sarah, i know. i wouldn't call my family rational. like most people they take their churchin a la carte, and ocassionaly dip into other churches cross the way. speakin in tongues is something my mom believes is sign of being touched by god. her mom thinks its weird, but not as bad as being catholic.

my kids are considered unnatural for being of mixed race. i have a nephew and a cousin who are half black (african canadian?), one of whom was forced out of school by the abuse of his christian classmates in the small farming community he lives in. it was heart-rending to watch how angry this sweet little boy became over the years under the stress. i have heard reasons why mixed race is not considered correct. some of them are based on the bible. i won't get into them here. it does mean that there are family gatherings i kind have to avoid. its very strange and sad. not representative to be fair, but here in japan the problem pretty much is non-existent.

about Buddhism in japan, i studied and practice zen Buddhism as part of physical fitness training type thing for about oh 15 years now i guess, so my understanding might be skewed, and is undoubtedly flawed. however i can say without a doubt that religion does not play the kind of role it does for people back in canada. it isn't found in habits like saying grace, nor in prayers during the day or before bed. there are festivals and so on but that is about all. the gods are not a pervasive part of life, and i would be hard-pressed to even call religion a backdrop here. it certainly is not part of politics the way it is in north america...

i don't think anyone in my wife's family believes in re-incarnation. there is a national semi-religious holiday here that is based on the idea that the ancestors come back home (i don't now where from ) once a year, called o-bon. i suppose if you believe that, then reincarnation would be hard to accept. maybe that part got excised from the list. somehow this does not seem to cause any problems with accepting Buddhism at the same time...which is interesting to me...

i am told there used to be religious wars in japan, not unlike what we see going on round the western world today,with violence and lots of killings. but for whatever reason everyone more or less went atheist-ish and such feuds seem to have ended.

anyway, i never intended to bring religion to TC, and will leave off there. my apologies if anyone is offended.

i was looking for you in the news this morning vado. the cameras kept focusing on this barack guy instead...

Oct 23, 08 8:45 pm  · 
liberty bell

Apparently the last Obama rally in Naptown went off right on schedule, but today's ran quite late? My friend went to both and decided to take her 5yo to this one because the last one went so smoothly - but she just told me it was a big mistake, that the kid was overwhelmed by all the people and neither of them could see a damn thing. So I guess it's better I didn't take Angus because that was exactly what I was worried about. That said, I'd give up my Via Spigas to have a pic of my boy with Barack!

jump I think the way we can discuss religion here on TC is about the cultural differences and it's all very friendly and about curiosity. So no problems.

Oct 23, 08 9:12 pm  · 
vado retro

if you'd have wanted to get close enough for an angus/barack pic you prolly would have had to camp out. we got there at nine and were no where close to handshaking distance.

Oct 23, 08 9:55 pm  · 

hello tc!

vado, i guess this is were you were at?

obama's october surprise

Oct 24, 08 12:31 am  · 

Thanks for the sharing. It is always nice to get a personal perspective or firsthand account of these things.
As for the whole mixed race thing. Idiotic that is all I can say.

Hi all.

Oct 24, 08 8:08 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Nam, be careful on your trip. We (well at least I) will miss you!

Jump, I've never been to Japan, but figure since people in general of afraid of anything new or different, would imagine there being some sort of uncomfortableness with a Japanese marrying a person of another race. In my mind, Japan is still predominently Japanese, and figure this issue doesn't come up often. Are they really that open?

Oct 24, 08 8:51 am  · 
vado retro

yes aml that's where i was. amazing that the photo they show is of the senator waving back at me!

Oct 24, 08 10:30 am  · 

well, they used to not be so open sarah. there are nationalists who find my presence here disgusting even now, but they are a minority, like nazi holdouts in europe...

but yeah people here are pretty open. my wife and i often remark about how oddly happy this country is, really. fear is not such a big motivator here. shame is much stronger. the nation is pretty homogeneous though. perhaps that makes things easier.

Oct 24, 08 10:54 am  · 

yea I am going to miss Nam. I just find his knowledge base for a non-architect to be impeccable and have truly become a fan of his writing. But I am also curious to hear of his trip to India, I would one day hope to go and it would interesting to hear his perspective of it all.

Sarah/Jump, others I have never really understood people's hang up with race - I'll throw it up to how I was raised, my environment, and the fact that I am from a very mixed family - Heinz 57 has nothing on us. All I have to say the end of the day... we'll all be grey, long live the mongrel!!

Oct 24, 08 11:06 am  · 

Nam - I too will miss you. You'll definitely have to let us know about all the amazing things you experienced and saw when you get back.

vado - I wish Senator Obama would wave at me ;o)

HI AML!!!!!! :o)

jump - Thanks for sharing. I always find it interesting to learn about the different ways in which religion plays in different cultural environments. The story of your family member tugged at my heart. Just makes me ask the ever rhetorical WHY. Unfortunately I do not have enough time to get into all them

Alas I am off to pack for my grandmother's memorial this weekend in San Jose. She passed a month ago and it's just now finally sinking in that she is gone. It will definitely be a bittersweet weekend, as I'll reunite with family members I haven't seen in over 7 years. Anyway, I'm running behind. Have a fabulous weekend TC

Oct 24, 08 11:58 am  · 

Thanks all.
It is going to be weird unplugging for two weeks.
TC will be missed the most.
Although I will likely get online 1 or 2.

Oct 24, 08 12:28 pm  · 

the move is over. 50' never seemed that far until now. At least we hired pros for the heavy stuff. with out them, I'd still be hauling crap between the houses.

(and my internet is working!)

have a great weekend TC!

Oct 24, 08 9:23 pm  · 

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