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Living in Gin

Nice work, LB.... Looks like the type of practice I wouldn't mind running someday.

Oct 10, 08 8:41 pm  · 

Congrats, Emily!

And Sarah -- That is just about the single greatest date idea I have EVER heard! Pick a house with a good room facing west and get yourselves out there for sunset! :D With this recession setting in, probably no one will be going near those houses for awhile anyway...

I have a lot of very happy memories of playing in under-construction developments all around my house when growing up... I'm sure many of us suburban kids do. I loved it. I made swords out of the surveyors stakes (they came with a pre-pointed end!) and it wasn't until years and years later that I put two and two together and realized what havoc I might have been wreaking...

Oct 10, 08 8:59 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Oct 10, 08 9:09 pm  · 

just got home from the ky/in aia convention and i just have to say that i admire architects. there are a lot of smart people in this business, and i got to talk to a lot of them tonight. cheers!

Oct 10, 08 10:46 pm  · 
vado retro

knocked off most of a bottle of malbec lassnight and crashed at about 1 a.m. and then woke up at 5:30 wide awake with no hangover so i made some coffee and watched six feet under...ready for a nap.

Oct 11, 08 9:07 am  · 
chatter of clouds

gosh, i'm almost in love with you

Oct 11, 08 9:19 am  · 
brian buchalski

wil does not so rock yet.

Oct 11, 08 9:34 am  · 
liberty bell

Does so!

Does not!

Does SO!!!

Does NOT!!!



Whew...I'm ready for a drink - for you, puddles, perhaps a Merlotch?

Oct 11, 08 10:37 am  · 
brian buchalski

bell does not so liberty yet.

i need to concoct a rum version of merlotch

fyi, part of what is driving the stock market collapse (something of a misnomer because it hasn't really's still there...and we're actually talking about the secondarymarket anyhow) is a massive pump-n-dump in which a number of the biggest players will continue to massive profit by buying assets cheaply now that market has dropped (this is really how the rich get richer)...other aspect is loss of legitimacy... and a few more reasons listed here. people (investors) no longer trust wall street, companies or even government...i continue to wonder how long before this leads to bloodshed in usa. it's been years since any major riots. and what if a state (michigan for example) did attempt to secede right now...would the fed gov be able to stop it?

merlotch it is!

Oct 11, 08 11:11 am  · 

yeah... ben stein was on tv the other night along with some other economist and their interviewer asked "so should anyone be buying stocks right now?" and the other economist said "I won't be -- I would hold off for just a while, don't sell but don't buy either" and ben stein said "actually i'll be buying a lot of stock today." I thought, of course you will... must be nice to have a good chunk of capital in this economy. Warren Buffett is probably a very happy man at this point.

Oct 11, 08 12:21 pm  · 

I keep wishing i had some money to invest in housing, stocks whatever. Now would be the time to do it. Hopefully i might be in a position to in the next 12-16 months and the way things are looking i should still be in a good spot to reap the rewards then.

Also, my hope is that this is why the Treasury's new plan to buy equity via direct cash injection into banks etc will actually in the long run make us (the taxpayer or at least the government) some money...

Oct 11, 08 6:55 pm  · 

manta - thanks for the links you posted on the last page concerning the crisis. I listened to the first one this morning and learned a lot about the whole situation. Hopefully over the next several days I'll be able to listen to the others.

nam/manta- I have been thinking the same thing. Unfortunately I don't really have any money I can put toward investments right now.

Off to a world music festival. Woo-hoo!!!!

Oct 11, 08 7:13 pm  · 

Hi TC,

Posting from Varkala, India. I'm reading books, eating fresh seafood, and lounging on the beach with my best friend who purchased a 'skirt' that looks like a giant diaper. I arrive back to the States in a few more weeks to cast my vote.

Oct 12, 08 1:27 am  · 

Oops, it cut off. I hope everyone is doing well.

Oct 12, 08 1:28 am  · 

4 am. beers. can't sleep. i love this website.

Oct 12, 08 4:55 am  · 
vado retro

happy SuNdAyMoRnInG i guess...

Oct 12, 08 10:21 am  · 

You're welcome, tuna! I'm glad my links helped someone. :) They really helped me. Whenever big world events go on I get really, really upset if I don't understand them -- I can't let it go. Back in 2002 I actually took an entire semester class on the history of the Middle East because I was so upset by not understanding references to how Israel became a state, what the beef between Sunnis/ Shiites was, etc. It was fascinating.

I'm still trying to vaguely muddle myself through the current crisis... as witnessed above, I only feel like I have a handle on about 10% of it, but at least that feels better than when it was 0%.

Oct 12, 08 10:35 am  · 

in other news : going apple-picking today! which means i am hopefully making either baked apples or an apple pie tonight! :D

Oct 12, 08 10:35 am  · 
vado retro

manta i may be in chicago next week!

Oct 12, 08 11:03 am  · 

Mmmmmmm apple pie!

Off to go rake some leaves

Oct 12, 08 12:05 pm  · 
vado retro

the problem is its like 85 degrees out. i bought all this cold weather type comfort food ie apple cider and ingredients for stews and soups etc. and all i wanna do is drink beers.

Oct 12, 08 12:15 pm  · 

n_ it's great to hear from you!

manta that sounds wonderful. I've always wanted to go apple picking in Maine or something. My friend is getting married in Vermont next fall so I am going to try.

It's been very fall-like in LA the past few days. It was cold last night, and it was wonderful. Unfortunately it's supposed to get hot again. I have lately really been wishing for a break from the sunshine. If I could send people some I would.

Oct 12, 08 4:09 pm  · 

Hey all,

Happy Sunday...

Oct 12, 08 6:11 pm  · 

vado did u drink beers for breakfast

Oct 12, 08 8:15 pm  · 
vado retro

no, but i did go to the market to realize my soul.

Oct 12, 08 8:45 pm  · 

what did you find

Oct 12, 08 9:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

OK, I can't quite figure out who Howski Snovski is, but the way his/her comment appeared on this thread made me spit water all over my keyboard. I'm cracking up!

Oct 12, 08 9:37 pm  · 

exhausted after my weekend of aia convention (thurs - sat). hope someone gets something out of my longish post about the saturday program. (if not, i also posted it just so that my notes about it were stored somewhere i wasn't likely to lose them.) fascinating stuff, though i'm not sure my reporting does it justice.

spent yesterday doing carpentry around the house. we've spent about $16k over the last several months having carpenters replace rotted wood and fix things that needed fixing around this place but they (of course?) never seemed to get around to the few areas that are actually OUR PET PEEVES. so this weekend i (not such a good carpenter, but...) got up on my too-short ladder, reached farther than i should, and fixed them. took a matter of 2-3 hours. doesn't look great, but so much better than before. i can only imagine how beautiful a job one of our highly skilled highly paid carpenters might have done if they had bothered.

Oct 13, 08 7:36 am  · 

Hi all,
So my Sunday was spent going to a cool new exhibition at the local musuem "Promises of Paradise" all about Miami Modernism between 1945-1965....

Quite cool i am hoping to do a write-up about it at some point.

That part of my day was nice, however i then came hoem to a broken computer and had to spend the rest of the afternoon talking with Apple Care trying to get it resolved. Resolution-Mailing it in to an Apple repair center for a new hardrive-Cost 250 $-Turnaround time 4-6 days, which i must say i was really surpirsed-pleasantly so by.....

Well i will probably be on a TC and general media diet for the next week or so until it is back. Which i guess will be good prep for my India trip. Additionally, while i did have the most important stuff backe dup in one form or another a bunch of recently downloaded music and movies are gone.. At least until i can download them again....

Oct 13, 08 8:13 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton


The weekend went much better than expected. We plied the MIL with gifts (framed and walleted photos of Abe) and alchohol. Instead of Husband and I sneaking off to trespass and picnic, we stayed in and played scrabble and drank martinis with the MIL. We were suppose to have wine, but it was corked. Worse, was that it was a gift from someone - never give corked wine as a gift, its rude. But the MIL crushed us in scrabble because I let her slide with words like "Ah." Oh well. At least she was nicer.

Hope everyone has a happy Monday!

Oct 13, 08 9:09 am  · 

I should stop reading the news. Also I should not take the bait and read all those inflammatory threads started by trolls. I should really focus and keep working on my thesis.

I should do a lot of things but instead I watched Final Destination 1, 2, and 3 last night and now I'm a little paranoid about being stalked by death, LOL.

Oct 13, 08 3:04 pm  · 
liberty bell

I should stop too, DubK, but keep in mind it's only 22 more days. Plus a few more for things to settle down. Gosh I hope there isn't any challenging of ballots etc. that drag this thing out past 5 November when I turn on NPR in the morning! i can't stand another 2000, when we sat glued to the TV into the wee hours.

I have to say, here among smart people, that all the crazy videos and rumor from both sides - not the campaigns, necessarily, but the crazed blogosphere commenters - has me basically doubting anything and everything I read. Can it be possible that two humans can look at the same event - say, Sarah Palin possibly getting booed at the Philadelphia Flyers game - and come away with two utterly opposite views of what actually happened and what it represents?

I'm seriously starting to feel like I really just don't know what the hell is going on.

Oct 13, 08 3:18 pm  · 

Sarah, I'm missing something: what's the matter with corked wine?

Oct 13, 08 4:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

No, the wine was corked, not sealed with a cork. Corked, as in musty/vinegary - gone bad due to improper storage. A guy at work said the same thing. I just discovered Wiktionary.

Oct 13, 08 4:20 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Basically, if the wine tastes like old gym socks, and it wasn't made from old gym socks, then its corked. Yuck.

Oct 13, 08 4:21 pm  · 

ahhhh, and I thought you were talking cork vs. screwtop. I see now.

Oct 13, 08 6:07 pm  · 

corked wine is caused by a chemical contaminant by TCA in the cork leaching into the wine - that's one of the reasons why screw tops and plastic corks are going upscale.

watched the 4th season finale of BSG last night - so who is the 5th cylon?

Oct 13, 08 6:15 pm  · 

DubK and LB - I'm feeling the exact same way. I NEED to stop watching/listening/reading the news, but I can't. If all this goes past November 5th, I may just have a full blown panic attack. I really don't know how much more I can handle. But at least the stock market bounced back.

Off to eat a late dinner. Went immediately to yoga after work. I have a feeling I'll be hobbling tomorrow.

SH - I've always referred to it as skunked wine. YUCK!!!!

Oct 13, 08 8:01 pm  · 
vado retro

i just made pan fried scallops tossed in fresh basil with some green beans and almonds and am drinkin pinot grigio and to contrast it all am watchin a dvd of a drive by truckers concert. welcome to the dirty south mofos. anyway you ought to check out the website enobytes an excellent wine resource edited by the great katze.

Oct 13, 08 8:27 pm  · 

is katze still posting here? she is amazing.

Oct 13, 08 8:45 pm  · 

OH I miss Katze! Gosh we haven't heard from her in forever. vado is she still in Portland? I think it was Portland, somewhere in the NW....

I had an epic battle with a vending machine earlier. It would only take exact change and it refused dimes. So it was nickels and quarters or bust. I had to ask several people before I could get what I needed....

And these are the days of our lives, LOL. I'm a little punchy today I guess.

Oct 13, 08 8:47 pm  · 

Mrs b informed me that the dryer was broken, mid-day. So I did the ole internet search and figured I could fix it cause most likely it was a belt. I grabbed my bag of tools and went at it. I never realized those machines were so damn simple. It was a broken belt. I looked on line and it was a nine dollar purchase, I called the local dealer and it was twenty dollars. Mrs. b had wet clothes in the I went local...even though I was feeling screwed. I went in and picked up the part and then noticed their service call rates...and damn...they are expensive. It was looking like $150.00 to get them to the house for more than 15 minutes. Bought the part went home and did a bit more internet research. Nothing on the internet of much help, some lousy old machine pictures. This is something which bugs the hell out of me. Manufacturers limiting information about owner self servicing their products. Anyhow...after about 45 minutes of real time with the dryer I had it up and running, just fine. If I had really known what I was doing it was like a ten minute job. So I went and bought a 12 pack of beer and called it my service call I found over four dollars in change in the base of the I'm headed for a beer!

Oct 13, 08 9:05 pm  · 
liberty bell

FOUR DOLLARS in the base of the dryer?!?

Where's my screwdriver, I want to get a latte tomorrow....

Oct 13, 08 9:51 pm  · 
vado retro

portland yes where portland cement was invented by the portland brothers. thats a coinkindink.

Oct 13, 08 9:53 pm  · 
some person

Were it not for someone in my network booking, I would have missed the launch of your website, liberty bell. Congratulations!

p.s. I had always pictured your partner as much older and more curmudgeon-ey!

Oct 13, 08 10:08 pm  · 

hi all...I'm here. Just in from the opposite end of the island where I had to drop my best friend off to the airport. It was a good, no great, weekend with her (despite just seeing her in Cleveland). We had great food at an amazing restaurant cast on a small tributary. Spent the rest of the night into early morning chatting on a verandah with a bottle of Malbec.

A note on wine. Whilst being corked is bad (usually overcome by proper storage), the taste of metal from twist caps infuriates me. And rubber corks leave a plastic taste...I strongly believe it is environmentally responsible to drink only wine with natural corks

Liberty love the website, and the pic of you is fantastic. You might want to switch the names around - I foolishly got confused.

hi tuna

Oct 13, 08 10:23 pm  · 

Hi Atechno!!!!

Hey snook - I have a ceiling fan that needs to be fixed. Do you do house calls? ;o)

Oct 13, 08 10:39 pm  · 
vado retro

in the us of a the average time between purchase and the opening of a bottle of wine is 15 minutes. therefore, vintners are taking this into account. not all wine is meant to be stored under the kitchen sink er i mean wine cellar.

Oct 13, 08 10:53 pm  · 
liberty bell

Thanks Just Why. My partner is way hotter than I am. Poor, poor me, have to work around this fabulously good-looking man all day!

techno, I think I'm going to flip the picture, as partner's name really needs to come first. Also, don't be embarrassed about not recognizing Michael Speaks at Idea Fest! We had a nice time, no? And he knew your website, or at least your screen name.

Oct 13, 08 11:00 pm  · 

lb, I think that might be (fabulously) distracting indeed. Would that we all had such problems...

And even I wait more than 15 minutes to consume my wine! Actually, I would have thought that the average American lives more than 15 minutes from the store. So is everyone else drinking in the parking lot or something?

Oct 14, 08 12:01 am  · 

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