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that was pretty neat-o. somebody involved has the same facility with graphic diagram communication that oma has leveraged so well.

Oct 6, 08 7:31 am  · 

That's an awesome video LB.

Oct 6, 08 9:02 am  · 
chatter of clouds

Living in Gin;

thats quite a sign. a sign instrusive enough to seep into a family and seduce the mom outside for a slice of pie. in other societies, this would come across as debauching semiotics. in america, it is semiotics AS family. Kellogs Kares for you.

Oct 6, 08 9:33 am  · 
vado retro

where i come from mom makes her own pie.

Oct 6, 08 12:09 pm  · 
chatter of clouds

my mom would as well, but pies are not a recurring theme in our culinary culture.

Oct 6, 08 12:22 pm  · 

I could use a Big Boy cheeseburger after seeing that sign!

My birthday is on dad came in for the weekend and one of my best friends came in from Seattle and surprised me as well. We had the party on Friday night and it was so fun! What a great way to kick off birthday week/month.

Almost done with my annoying class! I think I just did OK on the second quiz though, thank goodness.

Oct 6, 08 12:33 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i amused that people keep thinking that the rough economic times are going to only last 1-2 years in america (& elsewhere)...this stuff is going to last a loooong time and probably half of us will not live to see the end of it

anyone want to take bets on where the first shots will be fired of the civil/revolutionary war? i'm guessing new hampshire (live free or die!)

Oct 6, 08 1:45 pm  · 

puddles I would guess Southern California actually ... there's too big a difference and too much tension between the rich and the poor, immigrants and citizens, black gangs and hispanic gangs, etc. Plus there's a whole lot of guns and a volatile police force. In fact, why am I still here again?

I just discovered a new potential time suck: The Daily Show forum!

Oct 6, 08 2:18 pm  · 

awesome. i also wondered about palin's accent changing (more folksy, as noted in one of those threads).

Oct 6, 08 2:29 pm  · 

the folks in MN are pissed at palin's impersonation of francis mcdermot in Fargo. then the local paper wrote about how the town of wassalia was settled by norwegan farmers from MN 80 years ago - so they really are talking with a MN accent.

Oct 6, 08 2:53 pm  · 

I would actually not just southern but all of California.
It is one fo the largest economies in the world after all...
I actually read an interesting article in the last year which looked at the possibilities of the USA splitting up or to use the term used over the last 2-3 decades in the UK "devolution", wherein governmental powers become less and less centralized...

Oct 6, 08 2:58 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i would love to see the USA split up/decentralized since it's been the insidious centralization of power in the wall street/washington axis that have me so annoyed (and who are directly responsible for the current financial mess whether intentional or accidental)...where's that "balkanization of america" thread that i love so much?

Oct 6, 08 4:05 pm  · 

just as long as we give alaska back to russia and restore the hawaiian monarchy!

Oct 6, 08 4:57 pm  · 

I would really not mind a split US, as long as all the bits remained somewhat friendly to each other (kind of our version of the European Union). It's long seemed that this is too big a place to be effectively governed centrally.

Oct 6, 08 5:18 pm  · 

oh, and yet another example of what a dangerous thing facebook is: I just saw a photo of myself from when I was in Paris, and the shirt I was wearing was TOTALLY seethrough, even in dim bar light. I wore that shirt at least twice a week, all summer. Why on earth did nobody bother to tell me????!

Oct 6, 08 5:41 pm  · 

you were in paris. you are allowed to wear see thru shirts in france.

Oct 6, 08 6:04 pm  · 
vado retro

time to check facebook...

Oct 6, 08 6:26 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Mmmm.... I'd kill for a Super Big Boy at Frisch's. Guess I'll have to add it to my Cincinnati culinary must-hit list.

Oct 6, 08 9:31 pm  · 

I'm back in Jamaica after 12 hours flying, waiting, napping, and moving through airports. I was delayed in Cleveland for 1.5 hours - but didn't know because I was sleeping. Delayed in Dallas as well but it was already through security (sorry SH). Anyway I'm going to catch up on my thread central reading before I head to bed. Thanks all (Steven, Liberty, Vado and Tuna) for an amazing visit. I look forward to doing it again...soon and promise to make it to Chicago next time

Oct 6, 08 11:16 pm  · 

oh good gracious vado! I think you've been foiled anyways, because the person who posted the photo may or may not (which is probably more likely considering the number of drinks in front of us in the photo) remember my name, and I suspect will be checking with someone in Belgium before she approves the tag.

I'm a bit sad to have not made it onto the techno-travel-schedule...

Oct 6, 08 11:26 pm  · 

rationalist - there's always a next time. I think the Idea Fest is actually a great calling card for an archinect meet-up. Otherwise I will have to resurrect my LA to Seattle tour sometime after my registration exam late 2009

Oct 6, 08 11:31 pm  · 

no dates available for next year yet, but we'd love to see you guys here. i'll make more time....

Oct 7, 08 7:22 am  · 

Good morning all,
An Ideafest meetup sounds cool. Plus it is close enough to me and far enough into the future that i could probably actually make it....

Hope all are well..

Oct 7, 08 8:29 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow. It was pretty quiet while I was away.

We spent the weekend doing weekendy things - laundry, helping husband work on the truck, ect.

And yesterday... I served my first Jury Duty. I was excited. I got all the way to a courtroom, but didn't get selected for the final jury. Oh well. I got out of there by 11am, and went home to make bread and baby food.

Oct 7, 08 10:58 am  · 

anyone tired of being afraid and actually ready to kick some ass? shouldn't we all be playing Doom, Quake or Unreal Tourney online?

Oct 7, 08 11:10 am  · 

back to the classroom. I've been away for about 5 design studio sessions. I'll be curious to see what the students have done. Actually I'm a little excited - anxious to see what my little bees have been up to without me. Nam it would be great if you did go - actually everyone should plan to

Oct 7, 08 11:32 am  · 

back to the classroom. I've been away for about 5 design studio sessions. I'll be curious to see what the students have done. Actually I'm a little excited - anxious to see what my little bees have been up to without me. Nam it would be great if you did go - actually everyone should plan to

Oct 7, 08 11:32 am  · 

back to the classroom. I've been away for about 5 design studio sessions. I'll be curious to see what the students have done. Actually I'm a little excited - anxious to see what my little bees have been up to without me. Nam it would be great if you did go - actually everyone should plan to. Nice photos Sarah...Abram is growing up quite nicely (whose car is that)

Oct 7, 08 11:50 am  · 

ARRRRGGHH!!!! Dead car battery this morning. Fortunately I was able to take the scooter to work, but that does not ease the fact that tonight I must call to get a jump in order to go buy a battery. I shouldn't complain too much... it is a 7 year old battery.

beta - I was thinking the exact same thing yesterday. It's gone though today. Now I feel hopeless, which tends to happen whenever my faith in humanity starts to disappear.

Double ARRRRGGHH!!!!

Oct 7, 08 12:15 pm  · 

tuna, i hear ya. funny how those games wind up being allegorical titles for the state of the world; first comes Unreal, then the Quake and then the Doom?

Oct 7, 08 1:05 pm  · 

when the shit really hits the fan - and i mean really hits - the advice Here seems apropo, save yourself, your family and fuck all else.

Oct 7, 08 1:07 pm  · 
brian buchalski

guns, guns and more guns...can't wait

Oct 7, 08 1:19 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, thats the 50 something Dodge truck with 89 ford mustang motor in it. Husband was doing it for somebody as a side project. We aren't keeping it. Thankfully, it leaves on Saturday!!!!

And thank you. I think he's pretty cute myself, but then again, I did make him.

Oct 7, 08 1:31 pm  · 

YAY!!!! I called AAA and they arrived not 20 minutes later. They checked the battery, determined it was dead and replaced with a new one in all of 10 minutes. Easiest thing I've dealt with all day.

beta- I hope I never have to take that advice. I am seriously on the verge of a panic attack with all that is going on. I know I really need to just take a break from reading/watching/listening to the news, but it's like a terrible wreck on the side of the highway I just can't pry my eyes off of. I'm looking forward to the debate though, now if only I had a bottle of wine to help calm my frayed nerves.

Atechno - I'm now helping out mountainmelt with a project. Only problem... I can't get past talking about anything other than stuff pertaining TO the project. ARGH!!!!!!

Oct 7, 08 7:41 pm  · 

great news tuna, if you can't say it you may have to write it down. But start with a drink after a "long day at work" - see how it works out. Nice car Sarah...if only it were a hybrid/electric conversion. We need more of those around, especially in cool classic vehicles.

Oh and sorry for the triple post for some reason i couldn't log on to archinect

Oct 7, 08 9:12 pm  · 

hey guys... things are looking a little hairy out there for us. cross your fingers for me please.

Oct 7, 08 9:23 pm  · 
vado retro

i will try manta but the arthritis might pose a probs.

Oct 7, 08 9:45 pm  · 

Who's "mountainmelt"? Is it who I think it is? Blond hair, cute dog?

manta, my fingers are crossed. For us all :o/

Oct 7, 08 10:03 pm  · 

DubK - YUP!!!!!!! :oD

Manta - I'm crossing both my fingers and my toes if that helps.

If McCain calls me his "Friend" one more time I am going to fucking scream.

Oct 7, 08 10:06 pm  · 

i've become numb to being one of big mac's "friends"...

what is irking me lately is mccain's non-stop reagan stroke-a-thon. enough already.

Oct 7, 08 10:26 pm  · 
liberty bell

If things get that bad that we'd have to go into bankruptcy and lose our house, I guess I'd move in with my sister. Doctors will always make money, right?

Too fucking scary. I feel like Scarlet O'Hara but I can't think about this today. We live so close to the edge we could lose everything in just two or three bad months.

Oh well! I have to keep on keepin' on, I guess.

Oct 7, 08 10:41 pm  · 

Yeah, I was thinking about backup plans today too. They either involve moving back home with my senior parents or getting married. This might be a tough year...

Oct 7, 08 10:55 pm  · 

happy birthday emily!

Oct 7, 08 11:31 pm  · 
liberty bell

Wait, it's not for half an hour EST yet, right?

Oct 7, 08 11:32 pm  · 
vado retro

get married and move back in with your parents...

Oct 7, 08 11:37 pm  · 

lb, that's right, he's early. But thanks anyway! :-D

How about that debate? Voting day is 4 weeks from today. It will be a relief to finally cast my vote for the one candidate I've been excited about for the last 2 years. For my birthday, that's all I want ... a president that will give this country a vision. Is that too much to ask? GObama!

Oct 7, 08 11:53 pm  · 

Happy Birthday (again) Wonder K. I thought it was possible to cast your ballot early in the US - there were enough folks trying to get me registered and to vote early when I was there. It was easier telling them I registered already - rather than I was only visiting pumping some well need $$ into the economy through my late nights drinking and retail therapy

ok and am I the only one having trouble logging on to archinect? I must have an anti-thread central virus or something. Shit's annoying, hitting refresh over and over in hopes of seeing something, anything damnit

Oct 8, 08 12:55 am  · 

Why, techno, it's not my birthday. Whatever are you talking about.

Wink wink. :o)

Oct 8, 08 3:36 am  · 

i know I don't normally have much to say on TC but Wonderk's birthday is a real EVENT. So, WonderK, have a Happy one!!

Oct 8, 08 7:50 am  · 

Dammit! I wanted to be the first one to wish EmKem a happy birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY. I hope it continues to be a wonderful one for you.

Oct 8, 08 8:14 am  · 

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