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holz looking to hear more about that LB said first time stories are always good.

Yea my friends believe I should know better, and tell me so after the relationship has gone sour. During they are nowhere to be found and graciously blame that on me as well. But they are a solid set, who love each other in a strange strange way. Good to be back home in their embrace even for a bit.

Aug 5, 08 4:42 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I think the reason most friends stay out of the relationship thing is because many in the relationship would put the other above the friends. That, and my tastes are not your tastes, sort of things. On the other hand, if I am asked, I will tell my thoughts.

Techno, ask me next time.

Aug 5, 08 5:22 pm  · 

What I love is when afterwards your friends say things like, "I never really understood why you two were together." Thanks for that guys, real helpful.

Aug 5, 08 5:53 pm  · 

Wait, is that better for them to say than "You guys were perfect for each other" after you break up?

Aug 5, 08 6:37 pm  · 

lol you guys are fun. Sarah, I will definately ask you next time. And you know what I'm at the point where I wouldn't put my relationship above my friends. Friends are supposed to last a lifetime.

Aug 5, 08 7:10 pm  · 

well Slart, they could at least just agree that it was time for the relationship to die, instead of questioning the validity of its existence in the first place

Aug 5, 08 7:40 pm  · 

woooo! I had a long ass day... It was Zoning Board of Appeals meeting tonight with a side yard set back variance...but that was
at the end of the day. I woke up knowing there was to much to do today...but what the hey... go do it get it done kind of attitude....
then life struck.... preparing drawings..then running off to do things in the field....made a couple of stops...went down a gravel road...and managed to break a brake line......w0000...emergency breaks do come in handy. Sat for a couple of hours waiting for a tow truck, watching state workers grind up pavement....knowing full well the tow truck guy was completely screwed cause I had just sat thru a 45 minute construction delay. The best part of the day was that I did not end up crashing into someone and was able to get the zba to
continue our case for a month.....I never told them about the brake problems...but everything is hunky off to bed...

Hope all of life is good with the archinect people.

Aug 5, 08 10:54 pm  · 
Living in Gin
Aug 5, 08 11:04 pm  · 
liberty bell

I had a meltdown at AT&T Mobillity today and we are now - in the next 48 hours - switched over from AT&T to Credo. Every experience I have ever had with the AT&T stores has been miserable.

So I'm without cell phone for 48 hours. It's bizarre. If anyone needs me, email me.

snook, glad the car mishap wasn't an actual crash!

Aug 5, 08 11:15 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Still alive.

Sorry I haven't been around much... Lately I've been putting myself through the living hell known as apartment-hunting in New York City. By now I feel like I've been inside almost every apartment building in the city. It's funny how your logic works during this process... When I first began this search, I knew exactly what sort of criteria I had in mind: Located near subway with easy commute to my office and to the cathedral, must have a real view (as opposed to looking at a brick wall), must be a one-bedroom, must be in a decent neighborhood, must have a dishwasher, must be rent-stabilized, preferably an art deco apartment with a sunken living room, etc., etc.

Yeah, right... After about a week of looking, you get to the point where you're saying to yourself, "Well, that one apartment had a decapitated body in the bath tub, but at least it's near an express subway."

Unfortunately, I'm in the odd position of being able to afford one of two possible scenarios:

A) A really nice apartment in a really shitty neighborhood, or

B) A really shitty apartment in a really nice neighborhood.

Fortunately, I found an rare-but-adequate middle ground, and just got approved for a studio apartment that's only moderately shitty in a neighborhood that's only moderately shitty. And it's on the express subway. I means I'll have to go back to studio living after several years of having a real bedroom, but at this point it's at least a big step up from having to live with a roommate, and my commute time to work will be cut in half.

Assuming all goes well, I'll be moving in on the 16th. Anybody want to help me move?

Now if I can just stick it out in Bushwick for another week and a half...

Aug 5, 08 11:18 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yay, LiG, a studio w/o a roommate is fantastic, IMO! Your OWN space in NYC, what could be better?! Congrats!

Aug 5, 08 11:39 pm  · 

more of the sh*t happens type posts- my desk got moved from a window seat to an aisle seat to make way for a 'new' principal... the son of the firm's founder is returning to the fold after many years of having his own shop. So I get bumped from a prime seat with a view... so I spent 45 minutes moving my stuff last night.

and my car wouldn't start yesterday. so last night got it jump started and parked at the mechanics to see why the battery was dead.

at least LiG gets his own space again, snook got his ZBA in, & LB is getting a new cell phone.

Aug 6, 08 10:11 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LB, you have me intrigued.

I don't really have anything else to say, so I will just say Good Morning.

Aug 6, 08 10:31 am  · 
vado retro

im hangin in nuevo mexico. just took the dog out for a walk down into the ravine etc. very zen retreat like here where i am stayin. getting ready to head up to santa fe to check out the site santa fe biennale which has installations designed by william/tsien. might go to the opera later.

lb i called you to let you know that if you could grab my mail that would be great i left the key next to the cat food. also, i forgot to take my trash out and it may be gettin a bit foul. huge favor? please take it out. i owe you!!!!

gonna do some solar clothes drying now. late...

Aug 6, 08 10:36 am  · 

Good morning all,
LIG personally, although i have lived with roomates for most of my rental life (mostly very close friends) and everything has been peachy, i would much prefer the living on my own scenarios. Esp: in NYC. Sounds like things are turning around fo ryou finally... Hurrah!

It isn't that i don't like my current/former roomates. Rather i am kind of OCD and notice when thinsg aren't exactly how i left them, or if something isn't done the way i do it. Plus, i am partiallto at home nudity, while my roomates are not (understandably) cool with it..

Aug 6, 08 11:11 am  · 

seems like everyone is well. Had a great 1/2 night out with friends at a local I used to enjoy that just changed their design...much better less the unneccesary steps everywhere. Its more of a lounge atmosphere - its next to the barber shop, I'll take pictures by next week.

Heading out to eat fish on the beach with my sis and one of her kids, we thought the dad should be responsible on his day off as well. We should be sitting in giant boats embedded in the sand, tk would like that. Pictures again to come.

and where in the world is Wonder K?

Aug 6, 08 11:51 am  · 

Vado - your vaca sounds awesome so far. Can I come with to the opera? I wanted to go to one this summer, but the season was up before I knew it. :o/

LB - sorry to hear about the cell phone meltdown. Hope the 48 hours rushes by without mising it too much.

Congrats LIG on finding an apartment. Having no roomates is so nice. After living alone for the past (almost) four years, living with another person would be a MAJOR adjustment. Revel in it when it finally happens. I think you'll be surprised how much you'll enjoy the space even if it is a studio.

Atechno - Mmmmmmm fish... on the besh no less. I think you talk about food just to taunt me ;o)

Aug 6, 08 12:11 pm  · 

It's my last day at work today, and this has been the best job I've had despite incredibly shitty pay. So much less ego than I'm used to, my opinion is actually valued, and the work going out the door actually looks good. I'm having lunch with the boss today, and I get the feeling that he's going to ask me to work part-time when I get back from Europe. I think I may try getting up the courage to say that I feel that I've proven the worth of my work, and would appreciate it if while I'm away he could consider increasing my pay rate when I come back in recognition of this. But honestly, I might not have the balls. I haven't been here all that long. So, we'll see how it goes.

Aug 6, 08 12:25 pm  · 

Oops... I meant beach

Congrats rationalist on a job well done.

Aug 6, 08 12:41 pm  · 

[rant of the day] Why do people want us to do projects for them? Why do they want to be designers if they don't have any ideas? I do not understand this. We are in the business of selling people on things that don't actually exist yet - in other words, ideas. If you cannot come up with your own ideas, then maybe you should shouldn't be a designer! [/rant]

Aug 6, 08 2:36 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Rationalist, I thought for a moment that link was going to go to my 'First Gig' thread. I am relieved to see it didn't.

Just took the LONGEST LUNCH EVER. It was very tasty, but when it takes an empty restuarant and hour to bring you a pizza, you've got problems. Whoops!

Aug 6, 08 2:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yes folks, I met vado here on archinect and now I'm cleaning his cat box. What has my life become?!?

vado, the cat is fine but lonely. Maybe I'll make a trip to the pound while you're gone and find her a new buddy! Do you mind fitting two cat boxes in the bathroom? ;-)

Aug 6, 08 5:54 pm  · 

Sarah, your thread is better in that it is at least less vague and dealing more with practical considerations. I see it more of an "eek, I'm running my first project on my own, please advise!" sort of thread, and the other as an "I don't have any ideas of my own, please feed me some."

Aug 6, 08 6:04 pm  · 

I guess it is better than saying: "I've used up all my ideas....just let me do door and window schedules."

Aug 6, 08 7:10 pm  · 

trade dw schedules for design - sounds like a fair deal to me. Just don't call yourself a designer, architect or any combination of that.

Just in from lunch. The couple fish/beach options were all insanely crowded so we opted for the most amazing fish 50 m from the beach in a quaint historic town called Port Royal. Yummy stuff...first one to visit gets lunch there, my treat.

Aug 6, 08 7:58 pm  · 

Morning TC-

LB - I'll lend you a cat to keep vado's kitty company until his return. Which color combo would you prefer, white and black, white and orange, or gray? ;o)

Aug 7, 08 8:24 am  · 
liberty bell

Orange would be the best color contrast to vado's cat, I think.

Naptown really has me down lately. Did you hear the mayor is cutting all funding to the arts? And people on local message boards are carrying on about how all us "turtleneck wearing elite" are crying about not having taxpayer-funded openings any more. The reality is public arts funding brings art to people who otherwise would NOT have access to it - like inner city schoolchildren. I recently juried a publicly-funded arts event that resulted in a large sculpture being placed across the street from the State Fairgrounds, where agriculture reigns supreme - and the sculpture references silos and Indiana's farm history: who can complain about that?

People are just idiots. Here, moreso than elsewhere, I'm afraid.

Aug 7, 08 8:45 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LB, that is sad, especially the "turtleneck wearing elite' part. I don't wear turtlenecks, they make me look bobble-head-ish.

Just got in from a weekly helmet fitting. Abe is coming along nicely. WooHoo! Oh, and as a souvinere, when this is all said and done, we will get a plaster cast of Abe's head on a stick! Its heavy, but how many of you have your kids head on a stick? I can't decide if I should be picturing morbid medeivel stakes, or that comedian with the 'pepper on a steek.'

Aug 7, 08 11:28 am  · 
vado retro

LB thanks for the cat sitting/care. i really apreciate it. well aafter hanging in santa fe yesterday and seeing that since i was here last even more attention is being paid to the arts than ever (and i am talking contemporary stuff not just cowboys and indians) indy just really falls flat. and not just in the arts but in so many ways. for example, they are finishing up a train line from albucrackee to santa fe and the railyard area in s.f. is where site/santa fe is and there are rows and rows of galleries and work/live spaces being built. etc.

santa fe is like this you can get some great food cheap or expensive, see something like site santa fe. go to a bookstore and buy a copy of a 1950's french literary journal containing beckett's the end. have a gelato. here some music for free. or go to the opera.

indy you can get in your car and drive to a mall...

Aug 7, 08 11:29 am  · 

i loved site sf.

isn't one big problem with all the wonderfullness of santa fe, though, that it's really hard to afford to actually live there? << based on anecdotal info only...

Aug 7, 08 11:44 am  · 
liberty bell

...and, as I just discussed with vado: even though I dislike the backward-thinking yahoos in Naptown, I feel like I might equally/more dislike the pretentiousness of Santa Fe.

Plus, having grown up in the West, it pains me to see how crowded it is now. In a way I like feeling as if I'm helping a less-popular place become better by pushing for forward-thinking here, rather than being part of a crowd of people congratulating themselves on being forward-thinking.

It's complex. Modern life is. Louisville seems to have gotten it right somehow, Steven, as did Portland 20 years ago.

Aug 7, 08 11:58 am  · 

I'm here!

I never would have guessed that Santa Fe was pretentious. I've never been but it's quite small isn't it?

lb, don't tell anybody but LA has been getting me down lately too. Going to Seattle definitely didn't help BECAUSE IT'S GORGEOUS.

Time to go to work.....

Aug 7, 08 12:17 pm  · 

Hi all,
Based on second hand account from friends who have lived in Santa Fe i would say that while beautiful (i mean who doesn't love the 4 corners area), it is a little to arty (as in expensive) and stuck in a very specific historical image of itself..

But the countryside, my god!!!

Aug 7, 08 12:34 pm  · 

It pains me too to hear that this funding is going away. Just like it pains me to hear that school music programs are going away. Don't people realize the importance of it? Am I incorrect in my thinking that it helps the brain develop?

In any case... I'm all out of sorts today. The project I've been working on since January is finally in the construction phase (YIPPEE), so today we received some of the submittal packages. Thank GOd for that b/c I'd say about a quarter of the fixtures they submitted were wrong. I just sat there in disbelief. It was all written out on my schedules that I so diligently prepared. So why the fuck can't the sub-contractors actually take the time to look at them? Then I find out from my carpet rep that the GC decided to use a installer she's only used twice before. The first time they tried to use an alternate carpet product and the second time they fucked up on the actual installation. ACK!!!! The people that are installing the lighting seem to think everything is finalized which is hilarious b/c I just now FINALLY approved a fixture for our lobby. Also, he ceiling tile told us that his plans called for an exposed ceiling in an area we called out to have a dropped ceiling months ago ("We didn't bid out for this" he writes). JESUS CHRIST LOOK AT YOUR MOST UP_TO_DATE DRAWINGS YOU ASSHOLES!!!!! I know I shouldn't get all worked up about this stuff but its pretty much too late. Sorry folks I didn't mean to "puke" up my problems to you, but I had to get it off my chest.

I ask you all this... How does a perfectionist like myself, learn to let this kind of stuff not bother me? I know in my head, that problems are going to pop up, but obviously it still upsetting. Anyway, I'm off to forage for food and try to lower my elevated heart rate.

Aug 7, 08 12:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ah, Tuna, dont fret. It will be done with soon enough, and you wont have to worry about it.

And hey, if Mozart is suppose to help a fetus develope, it would reason that Mozart would also help a child develope. So, I'm with you on this.

My body must be doing something crazy. I've been STARVING all week. Well, not starving, but eating much more than before. I just had 4 slices of a 10" pizza. Wonder what the deal is.

And, I've never been to Santa Fe. My mom lives in AZ, just north of Bisbee and the Border, so I drove through NM once, but it was just that little lower tip, nothing but rocks, and crazy 'zones' where you have to turn on your head-lights, and drive slowly. I do love the rocks, though. Guess I just like rocks.

Aug 7, 08 1:00 pm  · 
liberty bell

Dave Hickey wrote a fantastic criticism of Santa Fe comparing it to Las Vegas and saying they are both quintessentially American cities built on fantasy. One is a dreamscape for people who feel they have money to burn, and the other for people who feel they have time to burn.

To me, they are both sides of the West that I enjoy visiting but that don't feel like home. Tucson would probably still feel like home to me. But maybe not.

<melancholy musing>Perhaps one big problem with moving around a lot is not knowing any longer where home is. When you stay in one place the changes are slow and not shocking. Revisiting a place after a few/many years away can be shocking.</melancholy musing>

Aug 7, 08 2:53 pm  · 
liberty bell

PS Sarah, are you pregnant again?

Aug 7, 08 2:53 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

ha ha HA! The thought passed through my mind to, but nope, there are things in place to prevent such a suprise a second time. The next one will me on MY terms - I hope.

I can't decide if the sudden eating is a product of eating Lean Cuisines at lunch, since they say 'diet' food can actually cause you to eat more, or if its cause I've lost so much weight, and simply need more calories for Abe. Some times, I wish I had open access to all sorts of medical tests and minds. I have so many questions.

Aug 7, 08 3:08 pm  · 

lb, I understand. I haven't really called Phoenix home for years, and I don't really have any plans to go back on a long term basis, but when I set foot in the desert it still does feel like home. I think it gets in your bones, in your soul if such a thing exists. I don't really know how it got that way, but people here say things to me like, "wow, you've lived all kinds of places huh?" I hadn't realized. But they say displacement is the modern condition.

Aug 7, 08 3:28 pm  · 
FIRM NAME understands that CLIENT NAME has been unable to secure financing to move the PROJECT NAME project forward. FIRM NAME greatly values our relationship with you and the entire project team. We anticipate the long-term success of the project, which unfortunately could be compromised due to CLIENT NAME’s non-payment. This places FIRM NAME in the difficult situation of being unable to pay CONSULTANT NAME for the excellent DISCIPLINE NAME work that you authorized them to produce. Until we receive the outstanding payments from CLIENT NAME, FIRM NAME will not be able to make good on our contractual obligations to the project consultant’s we entered into on you behalf.

Is there any possibility of receiving the funds required to pay CONSULTANT NAME immediately? If I do not hear from you shortly, FIRM NAME will start calculating the interest on the delinquent payments and exploring our other options to collect the fees for the services delivered.

Please call me to discuss the situation and to inform us of how soon we can expect payment.


that ends our bill collection drill. If the boss was serious about getting the money, he would have terminated the relationship a long time ago and sent goons with big heads after you...

Now I can get back to my regularly scheduled correspondence and billable work.
Aug 7, 08 3:44 pm  · 

Feeling much better now, after a good cardio workout, eating some freshly picked cherry tomatoes (the tag said it was a beefsteak plant :o/) and yummy black bean burrito and slurping down LARGE glass o' my favorite wine. Will be moving onto my second here shortly and then ice cream for dessert.

Hopefully tomorrow will go better. It really needs to for my own sanity... I've already got plans to wear the JADED shirt to work.


SH - Are you hydrating yourself enough? They say thirst often times masks itself as hunger and it IS Summer.

Oh dear, my glass is empty. Better go fill it up.

Aug 7, 08 8:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Funny you should ask, Tuna. I have a serious Hydration problem. I'm hardly ever thirsty, and by the time I am, its too late. I think, in total, counting the glass of Tea I have at breakfast, I may get 80 oz of fluids a day. I know, I know, but I try, really I do.

So, Tuna, not to pry, but you live alone, right? I can't even fathom eating a whole, real meal, and glasses of wine, and dessert by myself. When Husband would go away, I would just eat piddly stuff, like cheese on a tortilla, ect. I have the feeling that if I lived alone, I would either lose lots of weight because I never ate, gain lots of weight and lose lots of money cause I ate out, or always have friends over and cook for them. Even with a roommate in college, she and I took turns cooking dinner, and always ate together. I feel like I would get bored on my own. I don't know how you people do it.

Now, to finish my glass of wine - I'm celebrating because, after plan check FOUR, Napa finally aproved our drawings, and we have a PERMIT!!!!!

Aug 7, 08 9:15 pm  · 
liberty bell

tuna, I loved your comment on the angry neighbors thread. I've had a pretty rough day myself, maybe I should go find a bottle of wine now. Hope your day tomorrow is better!

Aug 7, 08 9:39 pm  · 

That might be your issue than. I know it's hard to keep properly hydrated. Just keep at it as best you can. Even I have to make a conscious effort somedays and I'm one that always has water near.

Yes, you are correct. I do live alone, and I know what you mean about eating alone. You just have to do it, though. I try to make myself one good meal a week and eat the leftovers the rest. This time a year I eat a lot of big salads, hummus and veggies (or pita), and tomatoes. Of late I've been on a peanut butter and banana kick. If I really want to cook a good meal I invite friends over and once a week I saunter over to the parental units' residence. They usually cook up some good food that I can take with me too. What really sucks is that I grew up with mostly non-processed food so almost all frozen food makes me want to gag... i.e I have really expensive groceries bills (thanks mom and pops). I I only partake of wine when it's been a stressful day and that's only been within the past month. So basically for the most part, it is piddly stuff, but at least it's health piddly stuff, right.

Hmmm, ice cream or another glass of wine? That is the big dilemma at the moment.

Aug 7, 08 9:53 pm  · 

Wine sounds great. Unfortunately I haven't been to TJ's in forever so I think I'm dry.

I'm quite spent. Biking like a mad woman lately. I love it though!

Ha ha tuna's drunk....

Aug 7, 08 10:42 pm  · 

^^ you know me too well

Aug 7, 08 10:50 pm  · 

Tuna, I must tell you that I get a mental image of you cursing in frustration of your craft and think its hot! I'm sure your office crush must feel the same way. Now how big is you smile.

Today is a day for smiling.

Finally after much patience I've recieved an answer about work. They have agreed to offer me a remote technical assistance contract. Likely to commence in September.

I sat and watched two films staring Anton Yelchin, Charlie Bartlett and Fierce People. Loved them both. I had two of the greatest friends who both happen to be doctors on either side of the bed watching with me. It was a doss day and I loved it. Keep smiling, damnit!!

Tomorrow i head to the (cough cough) clothing optional resort. Keep smiling...I know I will be.

enjoy your weekend and the opening of the Olympics everyone. This is the time when architecture plays centre stage for all the world to see. Modern, bright and funky, now you can talk architecture to the most mindless of fools and they can calm comment on the beyond obvious references of the structures for the Beijing Olympics it won't last Zaha is up next

Aug 8, 08 12:12 am  · 

no alcohol today, asside from the sorrel. But its been crazy hot/humid stepped in the hilux after my first coffee and it was 38...that's insane. Going to have me some ackee and saltfish and turn in for the night.

Tuna, I promise I'll be in Cleveland before the summer is out and I'll come visit. I'll even bring friends along so you don't have to eat alone...I've done it for far too long, and it blows. I usually invite random people to eat...makes the food taste better

Aug 8, 08 12:24 am  · 

I thought I would post this picture here cause it really isn't a job-site pic....but a building adjacent to a job site. I love the massing of this industrial building. "This company" was know for building bicycle brakes in a day gone by:

Aug 8, 08 9:56 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Am I just a fuddy-duddy? Does it bother anyone else when high-dollar cuss words are used in the title of threads?

Aug 8, 08 10:51 am  · 

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