
Thread Central

liberty bell

OK, I only clicked on this thread to copy the url, because frankly I don't want to know how people's offices smell.

Jul 30, 08 1:27 pm  · 
vado retro

lbs office smells like coffee or at least the office where i was just at smelled like coffee. thanks for the coffee ian. i mean lb.

Jul 30, 08 1:29 pm  · 

HA, lb, he did it to you too! It's so easy, he's a very good troll.

Must. Not. Feed. Troll.

Jul 30, 08 2:10 pm  · 
liberty bell

Ack I know, get me out of here! I can't resist!!!!

Jul 30, 08 2:11 pm  · 

sarah, i didn't call the event a 'bbq', the organizers did. I'll let ya'll know if there is a pit and real 'que or just grillage of burgers n brats.

Jul 30, 08 3:52 pm  · 

That thread is hilarious to me. It seems like such a non-debate, but so many people have said so much about it that I guess there must be more to say.

Update: Anti AND his mom are now better than all of the rest of us. Just so we're clear.

Who is chupacabra? Somebody change their name?

Jul 30, 08 4:38 pm  · 
Jul 30, 08 4:47 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

techno, thats a little large. WK, Chupa is one of the 1st pagers on the 'What does and Archinect look like' thread, I'm not sure if he's a name change, though.

And I need help finding a thread. I thought there was one that listed out movies of Architectural significance. I found one about 'Investigation through film' but I thought there was one more specific. A higher-up here wants to start ordering pizza, and watching movies during lunch on thursadays. He asked for my help. Yeah, I may have the most architectural education (and thats not meant to sound hoity, just that my university required stuff like reading, and was more artsy), but I don't know much about movies.

Jul 30, 08 4:57 pm  · 

off to the 'bbq', then drinks with the missus and fellows celebrating the end of their indentured post-doctoral existence.

crazy busy day - feels good to have accomplished much, though I have little to show for all that effort.

Jul 30, 08 5:59 pm  · 

we have bbq in japan, but not technically correct it appears. but thats ok, for years all you foreigners been eating sashimi and calling it i will go on calling it bbq in spite of the moral badness of it all.

usually btw the fake bbq i japan does not involve roasted anything, nor any bbq sauce. instead we grill vegetables and bring "pondsu"-sauce - mushrooms and corn and peppers are standard for this. as is the every popular yaki-soba, a long-standing standard of the bbq in Japan. we also have skewered meat and veggies and such. the main ingredient however is undubtedly alcohol. the food is just a by-product of the enterprise.

few years ago i introduced the neighbourhood kids to marshmallows cooked over fire. is now tradition for our crowd. cross-cultural pollination makes the world better for all. even if we do get the term wrong ;-)

Jul 30, 08 7:32 pm  · 
vado retro

sarah here is a LiNk! that contains a classic film link as well...

Jul 30, 08 7:42 pm  · 

Jump - can I join you for bbq? That sounds totallt yummy! I'm drooling already.

Although I read most of the thread, I stayed away from posting anything. I'm not sure whether or not to believe anything Anti says. Proud to say I did NOT feed the troll, even though it took everything not to. GRRRRRR!!!!!!

Jul 30, 08 9:22 pm  · 

no food poisoning yet from the 'que. 90 degrees and the potato salad was in the beating sun (on a bed of ice). there was mediocre 'pulled' pork and turkey that barely had any smokiness and an awful sauce (which was not based on mayo). the baked beans were ok and the free summit ale was great. Even better was a chance to take a segway for a spin!


ps. thanks tuna!

Jul 30, 08 9:58 pm  · 
liberty bell

tk, that's the funniest picture I've seen in a long time!

Jul 30, 08 10:00 pm  · 

I always feel like I'm a page behind with the Thread Central.

TK, I didn't realize you guys were out in Minneapolis, although I barely had any free time out there anyway. Luckily, I went out there with a close friend that is working on the same project from a satellite office. I had some good food out there - a jazz club, a tapas bar (which was crazy cheap), and that Cue bar.

I just couldn't believe how overpriced the tickets were for a direct flight. Since it was for work it would've been reimbursed anyway, but I couldn't justify spending so much for the plane tickets. On my flight back, I had a layover in Atlanta of all places (?).

I'm craving some BBQ with all this talk... I think I tried to be a vegetarian for less than a week before I gave up.

Atechno - What an interesting life you lead... This is why I never understand why people watch dramas on television or at the movies. Real life is so much more interesting.

Jul 30, 08 10:17 pm  · 

TK - I think the handicap thingy makes that photo. Absolutely priceless. LOL!!! Love it. Sorry to hear the BBQ was a disappointment. At least the ale was good, right?

Jul 30, 08 10:26 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK, I always pictured you younger (wink)!

SO today is helmet day. Is it wrong that I'm terrified? I'm conflicted about being terrified as well - seems I shouldn't be so shallow, that I shouldn't care if people think poorly of him because of the new hat, or that they think poorly of me. Worse, I can't figure out what it is that I am so terrified about.

Wish me luck.

Jul 31, 08 8:27 am  · 

Sarah, if you are worried just about the public perception just wear a t-shirt that says saefty first whenever you go out with him. They will just think you are the overzealous new mother and leave you be.

Okay this is my final post from Montserrat....the end of an era. I fly to an Antigua in a few hours to overnight, and have a final boozing then off Jamaica tomorrow.

Jul 31, 08 8:31 am  · 

Good day all.
Best of luck Sarah.
Also a TC question..

I read this story this morning and was pissed!!!
Sad end for bear with jar on head
I mean if you can shoot to kill can't you shoot with a tranqulizer??

Or am i missing something here?

Jul 31, 08 8:37 am  · 

Steven Ward - I spent the majority of my afternoon in Louisville around St. Catherine Street. Your town has wonderful old buildings and character. It was my first time to visit and not just drive through. While only a few hour stay, your city really impressed me.

Jul 31, 08 10:34 am  · 

thanks, n_! louisville IS interesting and wonderful. i'm curious about the circumstances that would have you spending the afternoon on st catherine. not an obvious place for a visitor to find right away. you know someone living in old louisville?

Jul 31, 08 10:43 am  · 

good luck lil' abram!

Jul 31, 08 11:11 am  · 

Our visit to St. Catherine was serendipitous. My coworker and I were driving back from a site visit and noticed all the old brick buildings from the interstate so got off at the next exit for our own little Louisville tour. It was very impulsive and made us 3 hours late getting back to Nashville.

Does Louisville have a neighborhood called Germantown? My coworker had a studio mate from Louisville that, as he recalls, lived in a historic neighborhood called Germantown. My coworker wasn't positive if the neighborhood was called Germantown or not. We were wondering if it was the same St. Catherine Street area?

My only complaint was that we couldn't find a restaurant in the neighborhood. We found one deli and a coffee shop but we were craving something more substantial. We stopped a few locals and asked and they all directed us out of the St. Catherine area and into the downtown core.

We drove around for quite a bit of time to see different areas of town, constantly getting lost and enjoying the city. It made me appreciate a city that values historic structures, unlike the majority of Nashville that feel victim to the wrecking ball of the 60s.

Jul 31, 08 11:37 am  · 

ach, you shoulda called. (not that you have a number...)

yes, there is a 'germantown'. it's adjacent/east of 'old louisville', which is where you were. germantown is characterized by much smaller working-class houses, mostly shotguns. it's a neighborhood created by primarily german immigrants, centering around the 19c industrial buildings which served as neighborhood hubs. like most louisville neighborhoods, it's got its own distinct character/culture: in the case of germantown this means it carries a lot of german traditions, including beer, dainties, bologna, catholic picnics, democratic clubs, gambling, etc.

old louisville is where the heads of industry (because louisville WAS a huge industrial center) built their big houses. lots of minor robber-baron looking mansions with an encyclopedic variety of styles and materials. this is now one of the most economically diverse areas of the city. it has a lot of rental, it's a college-residential neighborhood, it's near downtown, and it also still has a lot of wealthy residents who have been able to restore 6k-8ksf castles.

there are some good restaurants in old louisville, and really not at all far from where you were. i could have helped. oh well.

thanks for visiting on impulse and thanks for mentioning it. i LOVE it when people discover louisville, especially when it's in a personal/circumstantial sort of way like just stopping off to see something interesting.

Jul 31, 08 11:57 am  · 
liberty bell

n_, its good to see you here, I feel like you've been away for awhile, or have I not been paying attention?

I think Steven was the one who told me that the historic downtown of Louisville, including all those old cast iron facades, was not saved so much from the populace valuing the historic structures as from the fact that tearing them down was too expensive, so they just sat empty until someone came along to fix them up!

My day is solid booked, right up til 9pm. I'm eating lunch and printing drawings right now, which is why I can take a break and check TC. hi everyone!

Jul 31, 08 12:01 pm  · 

Is it Friday yet?


Jul 31, 08 12:32 pm  · 

Not yet but i wish..
Especially cause i am only working a half day on Fri.
The reason; I am going to Miami for Rock the Bells where i will be seeign Tribe Called Quest and Pharcyde reunited for the first time in over 10 years.

Call me excited...

Jul 31, 08 1:16 pm  · 

Sarah, it's okay. Even though it's so fashionable these days to claim you don't care what other people think, and many of us care less about what other people think than about our own whims and tastes and thoughts, it's a rare person who doesn't care at all. But I bet that a bunch of people will look at him and think, "oh, I remember my little sister (second cousin, nephew, whatever) had to wear one of those..." So don't worry about it. It actually makes you a GOOD mom, because you are taking care of something that could be an issue for him later in life now, to make sure that he's always happy and healthy.

thought of the day: happiness is having someone who loves you enough to throw you a birthday party

Jul 31, 08 2:11 pm  · 
vado retro

its friday for me as i start vacation tomorrow. well ive already sort of started i guess...

Jul 31, 08 2:18 pm  · 

Is anyone else as freaked out by the story of the guy on the Greyhound bus in Canada as I am?

Jul 31, 08 4:02 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh crap DubK I'm afraid to click on that link....

Jul 31, 08 4:11 pm  · 
vado retro

you didnt know waht rocknroll was
til you met the drummer on the greayhound bus
once bitten twice shy babe.
wheres that ian thread at?

Jul 31, 08 4:16 pm  · 

LB - Dont.

I read it earlier and it is very disturbing. Coincidentally, the friend that was involved in my camera situation is coming to see me via a Greyhound bus.

Jul 31, 08 4:17 pm  · 

goodness. I'll be sure to be careful who I sit by...

Jul 31, 08 4:17 pm  · 

No more Greyhound buses for me. I had a prohibition on them before this and this certainly doesn't help.

Happy 6000 rationalist. :o)

Jul 31, 08 4:57 pm  · 

wK- you must love horror films.

Jul 31, 08 5:09 pm  · 

Eh. I just think they are dumb and a waste of time. I saw the remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre a few years back though....that scared the bejesus out of me.

Jul 31, 08 5:31 pm  · 

i just purchased a round trip ticket to san diego from los angeles. $34 refundable. mike davis (city of quartz) is going to pick me up from the bus depot...

Jul 31, 08 6:00 pm  · 

LB - I've been laying low recently as I've been incredibly busy at work.

But I'm back.

Jul 31, 08 9:20 pm  · 

Woo-hoo!! n_ is back!!

Happy 6000 rationalist!! Woo-hoo!!!

Happy Vacation vado!!!

Nam - have a fabulous time at the concert. Sounds awesome.

SH - you could always just wear a helmet yourself and tell everyone you and Abram are starting a safety trend. It's tough I know, but he'll be out of it in no time.

Hurray it's Friday at last!!!!!

Aug 1, 08 8:54 am  · 

Good day All it is Fri..
I am trying to get stuff done before my half day at work is over...
I gues sthat means i should get off the Nect.

Aug 1, 08 8:56 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, thats crazy. I rode a greyhound once. Its by far the craziest, and most independent thing I've ever done. Sad, I know. I was in Philly, and we had a week between end of school and graduation, and none of my friends were in town, so I packed a bag, and my guitar, and took the bus to see a guy friend in Maryland. Husband wasn't happy about it, but I'm glad I did it. I was totally scared, awed, nervous, and happy about the whole thing.

Probably won't repeat it though. Those other pasengers were weird. Of the loud, obnoxious, crude, sort.

Aug 1, 08 8:57 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Tuna, you make me laugh. Even funnier, before I finished reading your sentence, I was thinking things more along the lines of goofy sci-fi types of things. Since his helmet is all white right now, its somewhere between storm trooper and hocky player. The sitter, and her 40something year old son think he looks even cuter in it, but Husband and I aren't so sure. We're looking into paint designs. We can only use Non-toxic acrylic though, so does that mean crap paint like 'Roses'?

Aug 1, 08 9:11 am  · 

Sarah just remember that the colours you paint his head-gear is only likely to make him want to eat it more. Oddly I don't think you guys are bad parents, though you may have been if you thought for fashion reasons (or otherwise) you wouldn't go that route. I'm very proud you did. Live it up, its only for a few months...send pictures.

I'm in the airport again, my flight just got delayed for another hour. I'll be here until the tin bugee arrives.

Aug 1, 08 10:25 am  · 

also I just got a DWR newsletter (the only ones I actually read) and they had something for the college dorm. The statement is just filled with irony DWR (design with reach) has emerged as a more expensive option despite making quality mid century design readily available. Worse they mention the college dorm...uhmm usually in college you have no extra $ to spend (unless its for booze at 2a in the morning). Just wondering if they meant college dorm in a oil rich country say in Dubai

Aug 1, 08 10:28 am  · 
Aug 1, 08 10:28 am  · 

I'm sorry but that couch does not look at all comfortable to me.

Is this day over yet? I am totally brain dead today.

Aug 1, 08 12:08 pm  · 

that is a couch....I thought it was some sort of collegate sex bench.

Aug 1, 08 12:33 pm  · 

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I hate health insurance comapnies. It's always the doctors fault as to why your insurance rates are going up!!!! FUCK YOU! YOU LYING PIECES OF SHIT!!!!

Sorry just had to get that out of my system. The dangers of being the offspring of two people that provide healthcare to others. Carry on. CArry on.

Aug 1, 08 2:31 pm  · 

Observation - rfuller has disappeared from archinect.

Aug 1, 08 2:33 pm  · 

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