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Sarah Hamilton

N_, you're right, and I hadn't even noticed. Man. Being in Lubbock, I hope he didn't blow away.

Aug 1, 08 2:45 pm  · 


I wish I could share this insurance claim I have been fighting since Saint Patties Day. I have an accident rider which of course was never processed with the claim so they wanted me to carry the total cost by myself because I had not reached my deductable. Well I pissed around with the Orthopedic Clinic and I pissed around with the insurance. Every time I called It was going to be straightened out, but
of course they would have to put it back thru the system because I did infact have the accident rider. Then a couple of weeks would go by and I would get additional information from the insurance company saying they would pay another fifty dollars or so on the accident. So I would call everyone again and get the same BULL....
Finally I ask to speak with a Supervisor, who put me on hold for nearly one hour while they were going to check out what was going on. I ask her if she would mind if I sent them a invoice for the time
I have spent trying to settle this matter which in my opinion is completely their fault. She was a little taken back when I told her I had easily invested ten hours in this matter and my bill would be $1,250.00. Then I told her that I keep being promised that this claim would be taken care of and that she did fully understand I had and accident rider and I had paid the $50.00 deductable and they would cover everything up to the policy limits. She confirmed this
and then a couple weeks go by and yet again I recieve a bill from the Orthopedic Clinic and they have yet to be paid. So I call up the insurance carrier and ask once again for the Supervisor by Name, and she comes on and damn if I'm just another complaining voice.
I thanked her for her help from two weeks ago, but assured her that nothing had been taken care of with the medical clinic bill. She insists that they had made a payment, so I called the medical clinic on the other phone line and they indicated yes they had recieved another $50.00 from the insurance company but there was still
$375.00 on the bill. The total bill was way below the insurance companies limits. So I ask her if I could please speak with her senior advisor regarding the matter just because I was really getting frustrated with the billing practices of my insurnace carrier. She passed me along to her suprevisor with whom I had a lengthy conversation regarding the fricking process of getting the company to honor the accident rider on my policy. I then told him I resided in the State of Connecticut which is know for being the insurance capital of the world and that I would have no problem passing along this issue to the State Attorney Generals Office if this matter could not be resolved. Low and behold two weeks pass and I get another bill from
the Orthopedic Clinic saying I owe them $50.00 and then a statement from the insurance company saying they have paid everything except $10.00. So I call the insurance company back and talk to the supervisor of the supervisor and he claims everything has been paid in full and that it is just a glitch in their billing. So I call the Orthopedic Clinic once again and she assures me that they have
been paid $100.00. So finally it seems that everything has been taken care of. Then just the other day I get a statement from the insurance company saying that they have reviewed the claim and they will only cover a certain amount and there is $375.00 owed by me. I just laughed and tossed it paper work in the drawer....they can call me this time. Fricking Medical Insurance Companies they are about as honest as the MOB! Least you know what your getting when you deal with the MOB!

Aug 1, 08 3:34 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Snook, that was a long story.

Aug 1, 08 4:22 pm  · 

I'm home. A few delays but I'm safely in my folks house, laying in my old bed staring at the water stains in the open shingle roof. I used to see cartoon characters (Marvel) in those water one else did. No wonder I chose a creative career

Aug 1, 08 5:11 pm  · 

Friday evening....working on a weekend plan which formalized during the course of the week....cranking on some design this
I have an important meeting in the morning with clients for a residential project... then off to listen to some jazz under the big tent if it is raining or on the lawn if it isn't. So be home late tomorrow .
Sunday morning meet with neighbors of another project to explain why we need a side yard setback variance. Hopefully they will get on board, as they haven't so far after 5 schemes. Then off to listen to more jazz....ending the evening with mrs. b main man..singing Frank Sanitra tunes. Then we be into another week of Architectural Hell...."Getting it Done"

Aug 1, 08 7:09 pm  · 

Oh ya will listening to Dylan, and Niel Young....It keeps the thoughts a flowing.

Aug 1, 08 7:12 pm  · 

design done for the evening...carry on ! Have to join mrs. b.

Aug 1, 08 8:31 pm  · 

gotta love when a used-to-be-on-his-own-now-a-civil-servant-architect is on the design committee of a client group. of course he feels it necessary to redesign the thing EVERY meeting. ALL of what you've prepared becomes irrelevant in a snap of the fingers! why bring drawings at all? why not just sit and see what he has to say today?!

Aug 1, 08 9:01 pm  · 
liberty bell

I had a fantastic evening full of fantastic people who also happen to be architects who happen to be my favorite type of people to hang out with.


Aug 2, 08 12:11 am  · 

Steven I think you may have to do just that. Just take him out for a drink/coffee and talk shop for a bit, make it habitual too...get it out of his system. Poor fellow isn't getting a chance to use his creative side and is taking it out on your project (which I'm sure he thinks is his project)

Aug 2, 08 12:12 am  · 

just went to a sayonara party and cuz i was drinking am wide awake in the middle of the night (rum and coke kinda works like coffeee for me, somehow)...turn on tv, and there is a collection of really great live performances, you know like one of the concerts with jeff beck and eric clapton, etc. which is cool, but the funny bit is that right between seal singing hey joe and sting doing message in a bottle all on hissown, they got david gilmour playing with spinal tap - the song? fat-bottomed girls.

i am wondering if the japanese show programmers know who spinal tap are, or if they just thought the band was important somehow in spite of their provenance....

things like this keep me up late at night...;-

Aug 2, 08 12:05 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm still alive

Aug 2, 08 12:07 pm  · 

Good Sunday Morn all,
Rock the Bells 2008 and the rest of Miami adventures were great. Pharcyde in particular!

Aug 3, 08 10:35 am  · 

just spent 1/2 hour cleaning my keyboard and removing the toejam beneath the keys. mrs tk is suffering carpel tunnel issues from her lap top, so I'm going to loan her my grungy/suffered through studio/cat bed of a keyboard.

ah, sunday mornings...

Aug 3, 08 11:42 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

What a weekend. I am exhausted.

Even though Husband and I were going to hide Abe from the MIL until the helmet was gone, God had other ideas. My hometown church called to ask me about designing their building - a call I've been waiting on for 7 years or more. So, I had to go to my hometown, 3 hours away, for a meeting. Husband, who hadn't had any work all week, suddenly got slammed, and had to work Saturday, so I had to take poor little Abe with me, and have the MIL baby-sit. So she, her husband, her mother, and a few others saw the helmet. I realize that Husband and I shouldn't be so worried about it, but I was, and now, that they've seen it, I'm ok. Nothing was said to me about it, and I guess I'm just over it. Yesterday, we did pick up some stickers for it. I wanted something sleek, Husband picked out sparkly Moster Trucks. I felt they were too white-trash, but Abe liked them. Husband said that it was just a boy thing, not a trash thing. To be fair, Abe also like the shiny, puffy, starwars stickers, but Husband said they were a choking hazard. So, monster trucks are now driving all around Abe's helmet. Its not so bad. Maybe I will post a picture. Not sure that I'm THAT over it yet, though.

Wish me luck approaching the owner of the firm about this Church project.

Aug 4, 08 8:52 am  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, I'm sorry to hear your MIL is someone who is so - what, meddling? judgmental? - that you felt like you had to keep Abram's helmet a secret. Are you afraid she would think it was somehow "your fault" that he has to wear it? That's just stupid.

Monster truck stickers are perfect, and believe me, this is the first of thousands of times you will asks yourself "Is this too trashy for my son to have?" and yet will still give it to him because it makes him happy. Parenting is a constant balancing act, and we need to not place too much concern that any ONE bit of pop culture is going to affect their lives overly significantly. A little Mozart, a little Macarena, and they'll be fine.

I'll bet there are posters here who are too young to know what "Macarena" means, but when I think of crap pop culture, that's what comes to mind.

Was up til 3:30 on drawings, just sent them to the printer after 4 hours sleep. I'm a wreck today. later all, off to get my drawings.

Aug 4, 08 10:05 am  · 

nah, I think I'm the youngest TC'er here still, and I was doing the Macarena in 7th grade...

I've only got a week left until the grand adventure, and I have SO MUCH shit to get done before I leave, it's unbelievable.

Aug 4, 08 10:19 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Rationalist, I always thought I was the youngest. Wow. I think I was in 7th grade then too. Bet we just made a bunch of people feel old. And when you said grand Adventure, I couldn't help but think Great Adventure for a second. I assume you're actually talking about your trip abroad, right? Yeah, you must be.

LB, that sucks to up so late doing drawings. And, yes, I thought she would think it was my fault. She already said that he has a flat spot because 'he's not held enough.' Silly me, I thought she was talking about the baby-sitter, until Husband set me straight. Evil Woman.

And just to make people feel really old, I was educated a few weeks ago on Hall and Oats. I made mention that I heard this lame song (cause I was listening to a lame station) that said my name, and it cracked me up. I thought is was called "Sarah Smile," but I didn't know. Then, a co-worker said, yeah, its by Hall and Oats, and I thought the band was called Holland Oates. Oops. I was then forced to listen to every lame Hall and Oats song ever recorded in the history of recording.

Aug 4, 08 10:45 am  · 

7th Grade? That's so wrong, I was dancing to that song in a college video we shot on the roof of the arch building. I am usually the youngest but its nice to know I'm somewhere in the middle here (age wise at least)

So I'm in Jamaica. Came in went for drinks, slept, drove to the opposite side of the island, drinks, slept, picked up best friend, drinks, slept, drove back to the otherside of the island, drinks, slept....its been a fun weekend. Hope everyone else did too

Aug 4, 08 11:43 am  · 

and Hall and Oats are not lame!!

Aug 4, 08 11:45 am  · 

Sarah, we're right on the same page. Because when I read "Hall and Oats," my immediate reaction was, "does she mean Holland Oats?"... and then you got there too. I'm a quarter century in a couple of weeks. And yes, grand adventure definitely does not equal great adventure... woah no.

Aug 4, 08 11:48 am  · 
liberty bell

Sarah Smile is an awesome song! Steve, back me up here!

Aug 4, 08 11:58 am  · 
liberty bell

Steven, I mean, Steven Ward - how did I drop that n from your name?! vado, you'd also agree, right?

Aug 4, 08 12:00 pm  · 
liberty bell

And also, if you're looking for proof of the awesomeness of H&O, check out this utterly trippy and fantastic video for She's Gone!

What the hell is up with those woman's shoes? And the lobster outfit?!?!

Aug 4, 08 12:03 pm  · 

i've been rather quiet on here- i've been really busy at work.. but every once in awhile i come back and read TC for the day... but i just had to laugh at Steven Ward's comment: ...
"ALL of what you've prepared becomes irrelevant in a snap of the fingers! why bring drawings at all? why not just sit and see what he has to say today?! "
i can totally feel this today. *sigh* thanks for the chuckle!

Aug 4, 08 12:32 pm  · 

I second Atcheno's sentiments. Hall and Oats are not lame. But to each his own.

Growing up and through college I tended to be the youngest. Now I'm either smack in the middle or the oldest. *Sigh*

LB - I think it's a devil's costume.

Aug 4, 08 12:37 pm  · 

hall and oats once were cool, but then they went lame when they got into 'christian rock' (which is the squarest of the square and by definition is soooo lame unless it's death metal christian style) ...

Aug 4, 08 1:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

Sarah, I meant the lobster-like gloves on Oates' jacket when he plays the solo. I need to give credit to vado for finding that video, BTW. Yes, tk - I MUCH prefer early Hall & Oates. The 80s were bad in pretty much every way.

The albums I have bought recently:

- The Betweeners, Matador Karma: Kentucky band! Saw them live at GSA and decided to support them. The upright bass player is awesome and wrote my favorite song on the album
-Feist, Let it Die - because I didn't think we had it, but we do already.
- Old 97s, Blame it on Gravity: heard Rhett Miller on Fresh Air and he was totally adorable.
-Nick Cave, soundtrack to the Jesse James movie with Brad Pitt: heard/saw it last night. Loved the music. I used to listen to nick Cave at Cranbrook a lot, but now this is the only release of his I own

I've been driving around with just on cd in my car for the last three weeks and frankly I'm tired of it but keep forgetting to put others in the car. And I've given up on news - too depressing.

Aug 4, 08 3:02 pm  · 

just in from an amazing lunch with my best friend. I decided to take her to the Island Outpost hotel called Strawberry Hill. It overlooks the whole of Kingston and is often covered in fog. But the meal was great and it is just the right setting for those on vacation.

more pictures on my flickr page.

Aug 4, 08 7:52 pm  · 

this was only part of the view

Aug 4, 08 8:24 pm  · 

i'm not sure i can go on living in a world where someone named sarah can NOT LIKE the song 'sarah smile'. it's heartbreaking, really.

Aug 4, 08 9:25 pm  · 

Hall and Oats went the way of Christian Rock? Seriously? Yeah... that's pretty lame.

Funny LB - when I saw the sleeves of his jacket I thought it looked more like the flippers of a penguin :o)

Has anyone here read The Road by Cormac McCarthy? If so could you PLEASE explain the ending to me (that is if you understood the ending). I didn't get it and neither did my friends who read it too.

Aug 4, 08 10:11 pm  · 

i can't find reference to any christian leanings in hall & oates bio. what are you talkin'bout, tk?


Aug 4, 08 10:28 pm  · 

hmm, that h&o factoid is something I picked up along the way from vh1 maybe. there was pat boone, amy grant, and a duo I thought h&o that went from mainstream to biblestream back in the 80s. ewww now I feel violated aftervisiting wikipedia's CR entry. Seems like I might be wrong. Guess that not all bad rock/song writing is CR.

Aug 4, 08 10:39 pm  · 

woh, total flashback to junior high and high school days.

Hall & Oates was never a favorite for me. i much preferred stevie ray vaughn, the police, and U2 back then, but these guys were inevitably played at dances and parties. lots of memories of dancing to this stuff in my teens.

anyway, looking back it is hard to not admire them. if any of you play music in band you gotta admit these guys are seriously tight and have their shit together, including with the vocals (not always the case). a bit boring to my taste, but shit its tight.

unrelated, but we got 3 copies of russian version of interni in mail yesterday with one of our projects in it (6 whole pages, which is very very nice indeed). more cool cuz we is chosen to be in company with kengo kuma and shigeru ban. loving it. you can see it all on our blog if interested.

Aug 4, 08 10:56 pm  · 

I'm alive. A little depressed, but alive. I think Seattle is my happy place.

tuna, what don't you understand about the ending to The Road? I didn't really perceive too much symbolism if you're trying to read into it....

I have to go back and catch up now.

Aug 4, 08 11:05 pm  · 

OK, caught up. That wasn't hard. You guys have been quiet.

I like Hall & Oates. They wrote some great songs and some of their versions are great, while I like some others' versions of their songs better. I hope that made sense. I need dinner....

Aug 4, 08 11:12 pm  · 

well DubK, you'll just have to move up. Bring WonderMan, WonderKitty, and WonderPup along. Plenty of brunch and biking and green fun to go around. I do have to warn you though, it's not half as nice in the wintertime...

Aug 5, 08 1:04 am  · 

funny I've been thinking alot about Seattle lately. I'm not sure why. Wonder K, keep smiling.

Just back in from drinks (again), and was berated about my choice in girlfriends over the years. The beauty about friends is that tell it to your straight, much to the amusement of the other friends tonight.

Also I just got my applications for a possible fellowship in Urban design, but I'm 3 years younger than the allowable age. It just seems like the right time...I hope they overlook that part. Anyway if it does come through I'll be nominated to do a 10month course somewhere in the US, a school of their choosing.

Aug 5, 08 2:22 am  · 
liberty bell

I couldn't deal with The Road, it depressed me too much, so I stopped halfway through. Then my husband read it and I made him tell me the ending. Glad I didn't finish reading it.

I'm currently reading This Is Your Brain on Music and really enjoying it.

Congrats on the Russian mag, jump!!!

techno: I'm glad you see that berating one another in front of other dear friends is all part of your bond. Done gently, it shows how much they love you. I kid my friends/family sometimes about things and hope they always know it is done because I take so much joy in knowing that none of us are perfect yet we all love one another despite/because of it.

Aug 5, 08 6:48 am  · 

i made my coffee just right this morning. yum.

i'm sorta like a lot of you on later hall & oates - by the time they were getting to 'say it isn't so', i was in high school and it was definitely more about police, clash, and bauhaus for me. it was the early stuff ('sarah smile', 'she's gone') that i loved.

though i'll also admit that, along with the sax solo in foreigner's 'urgent', the saxes in 'maneater' were one of the things that got me playing the sax in the 8th grade.

Aug 5, 08 7:10 am  · 
liberty bell

Good morning, Steven!

OK I'm off to walk the route for my potential bus stop project. Happy Tuesday, all.

Aug 5, 08 7:20 am  · 

Good morning all,
I am drinking the crap coffee at work but enjoying it this morning as i really need it.
I am still recovering and getting back on work time from my Miami vacation.

Archi, friends are usually excellent for romantic/relationship realism, i just wish they would do it more pre-breakup/during the relationships. Not just afterwards...But i guess that is what friends are for.

As for The Road. I have yet to read it. But i have heard great things. plus i am very excited about the adaption staring Viggo Mortensen...
The screenshots i have seen so far look necessarily bleak..

Aug 5, 08 8:46 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

OOHHHH a bus stop project sounds like fun, ElleBelle. I'm a little jealous. Although, after meeting with my old Church in my hometown, and then relaying the info to the president of the company here, I have been released to do programming and schematic design - on my own time, of course, but I can write it off on taxes - and I guess I will have to look into code stuff, ect. I will probably start another thread to get help with the real world stuff they DONT teach in school.

As for Hall and Oates - I can't beleive we're still on that - I do think the song "Sarah Smile" is lame, but everytime I hear it, and I've heard it 4-5 times now - I should listen to not so lame stations - I do smile, and then laugh, which makes me laugh more and smile more because the song is so lame and I'm doing what I'm told to do. I try to be a rebel, but I was raised to follow rules. Blame my parents. Say, wheres that 'thanks mom and dad' thread....

Aug 5, 08 8:55 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, so I am obviously out of the loop, what is this Road book every one is talking about?

Aug 5, 08 8:56 am  · 

It is a book by Cormac McCarthy. Set in a post-unnamed disaster America, where society has fallen apart and a boy and his father are walking the road trying to escape from the SE US to the Ocean, where they hope to find salvation.
It was a big hit with the literary crowd and then eventually (last year) made it to Oprah's Book Club.

Aug 5, 08 9:59 am  · 

I want a bus stop project... if you need a wayfinding/infographic consultant, I *ahem* may uh, know someone...

Aug 5, 08 11:38 am  · 

DubK - I was trying to read some symbolism into it I guess. Especially when it came to the very last paragraph.
But alas, I've moved ion.

Atechno - Are your friends the kind that only tell you they didn't approve of your gf selection AFTER the break-up? I find that all too common. I'd appreciate being told before I waste my time and energy on the bloke, thank you very much.

SH - don't worry about being "in the loop". It would not have been a book I would have ever picked up but as I'm in this bookclub (don't laugh) and it was chosen for last month's reading, I read it. This month we're set to read Breakfast of Champions. I heart Vonnegut so I hope it doesn't disapoint.

Aug 5, 08 12:39 pm  · 

there are bus stop competitions every 8 months or so, rationalist...

and... holz' first public project opens bid in a week... so that'll be entertaining/educational (it's nothing big, just a support structure, blah)

Aug 5, 08 1:06 pm  · 
liberty bell

Still, congratulations, holz! We here on archinect love to hear about people's first time...

Aug 5, 08 3:14 pm  · 

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