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Philarct, welcome back..

I have been watching non-olympic sports today. Aaron Rogers is kicking ass. F-Favre...

Also, I hope all are doing well. It appears as if life is going ahead as normal for me. Minus all the crap i am dealing with right now.

Finally, I personally always liked rings the best when it comes to gymnastics...
I can't remember do women compete in rings?

Good night all.

Aug 11, 08 10:35 pm  · 

Rings are incredible. Nope women don't compete in rings (I'm not sure if women would have enough upper body strength relative to skeletal proportion, honestly).

...ok according to Wikipedia:
In some countries, women at one time competed on the rings, high bar, and parallel bars (for example, in the 1950s in the USSR).

Techno, actually the men have about 50% more events than the women.

in other news, did anyone else see this?! fascinating!

Aug 11, 08 10:52 pm  · 
vado retro

R.I.P. Mr>SoUl...

Aug 11, 08 10:57 pm  · 

<rant>feck, finally. ugh. i hate my life.</rant>

Aug 12, 08 2:01 am  · 
liberty bell

holz, man, c'mon: that's not enough of a rant to let us respond!

Aug 12, 08 7:28 am  · 

Good morning all.

Aug 12, 08 8:47 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Manta, I like you, so don't take this the wrong way, I'm not writing this intending to be mean. But, yeah, I think you were being freaky feminist. The men would look silly doing a danced floor routine, and it seems more fun to add 'dance' to it. Its not like its ballet, its just not tumbling.

On a similar note, I am thinking of getting a personal trainer (apparently I'm not the only woman depressed by celebrity baby-weight-loss), and I think I may get one of those running skirts. Sounds kinda hot, and who doesn't want to feel hot while working out - its empowering. Besides, it might play into cheerleading fantasies. ;)

*is that a winking face?

Aug 12, 08 9:13 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, and I agree that women woudln't have the strength to do rings, at least not those kind. But when it was mentioned that Russia used to, I couldn't help but picture those big scary russian women from television.

Aug 12, 08 9:16 am  · 

i think if a young lady trained up enough that she could do it,
rings does look hard and im sure the training is like training to
be a spartan , but i think a women could it.
I never actually noticed that women dont until the topic came
hey i heard baseball and softball wasnt gonna be an olympic sport anymore, is that true?
ill look it up

I recently went to this Jazz club with my band members, and they have an open mic 3 days out of the week, So we decided to get a few pieces ready to perform, Im so excited
right now we're planning on playing timeless and classic cartoon themes and jazzin them up, so far we have

Stompin - Jim lang "Hey Arnold" ending theme
A shot in the dark - Henry Mancini Pink Panther sneak theme
Linus and Lucy - Vince Guaraldi classic
and two of our own original jams, i cant wait

Aug 12, 08 9:58 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Congrats Phil.

As for rings, so much of gymnasics is about balance, and I don't think women are built for the rings. Our center of gravity it much different - this is also why most gymnist are young girls. I'm not saying that a woman couldn't do it, but I think the women who could would be few and far between. I think its more of a structural thing, than a training thing. We just dont seem to have the proper equipment - naturally, anyway. Sure, we could do the flips and such, but I dont think we could pull of the 'crucifiction' move.

Aug 12, 08 10:36 am  · 

baseball and softball are out for the next Olympics - the official reasons being that not a significant portion of the world plays those sports. But on that merit I aim to have other sports taken out as well...and others in there place. Also I'd change the name of some sports for instance Soccer would be Football. There I said it.

Oh manatary, including the rhythmic gymnastic events...the women do more...excluding, the men do more.

Oh and Sarah finally looked at your flickr page...I am glad to put a face to a name, and a beautiful face at that. I'm thinking of hitting the gym myself too, as early as today - but I need a place to swim (because of the injury to my shoulders) so I suspect I'll be paying double membership.

Aug 12, 08 12:16 pm  · 

Oh. I didn't know anyone included the rythmic gymnastics. Isn't that a whole different team? I'm not sure it's the same girls. I actually hadn't even heard of it until the last olympics.

Sarah, no one ever offends me so don't worry! I was honestly soliciting opinions, you never have to apologize for giving one. I find your answer interesting. I still think the dancy bit is a weird hold-over from the early days of sports, when women were not included at all. It just makes me feel like "well, let's see... what can women do? Well they can dance to music... Maybe they can do that."

Aug 12, 08 2:00 pm  · 

Or maybe that's not how it came about at all, I have no idea, and I'm curious. Anyone here ever participate in gymnastics? Maybe the music was introduced later for a reason, I don't know at all. Intriguing to me!

Aug 12, 08 2:07 pm  · 

let’s just say, I’m not ok w/ extreme ungratefulness and selfishness, especially after going so far out of my way.

Aug 12, 08 2:11 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Holz, that was still pretty vague. So I'm going to make the story up for you.....

Me, as Holz...

So, This girl called and said that she needed a ride. She was a little tipsy, and didnt want to drive the 2.5 hours back to her house fromt he party she was at. So, I agree to go get her. Let me state that it is 2:30AM, and we live in the same apartment complex. I get out of bed, get dressed, get in my car, drive all the way out to BFE - sheesh, who goes to a party in BFE?! - go in to find her - cause she won't answer her phone - drag her out to the car, where she giggles, breaks free, and runs back in, grabs a guy, and runs back out. Begs me to take them BOTH back to her place. By this time, I'm annoyed, and just want to go home. So in they both go. On the drive home, they begin making out, which progresses as drunken make-out sessoins tend to do, practically throwing my little car off the highway. I turn the radio up louder, and louder. Just as the car begins to settle, I hear a splash, and a giggle. She says "Oh MAN, I'm so sorry! I just puked all over your jeans!" Giggle giggle. The guy with her says, "oh, I've still got mine on, must belong to your friend - no worries." Then, they pass-out, leaving me with the stench of vomit wafting from the backseat floorboard, all over my freshly picked dry-cleaning. When I finally get back to the apartment, the guy wakes up, and then bolts, leaving the chick passed out in my backseat, and me to carry her up, and clean up their mess.

The above story only works if Holz is a single guy.

Anybody else?

Aug 12, 08 2:29 pm  · 

haha, that's amazing

Aug 12, 08 2:31 pm  · 

the missus just got a really tempting (part-time) job offer that will enable her to start(!) her practice in a place that we have been dreaming of returning to. the catch is I don't have a new job lined up yet, as we planned to delay our relocation for another 6 months for $$ reasons & so I could teach. I've also been waffling between gaining short term experience versus long term opportunities in selecting between 2 cities.

So should we jump ship now or wait?

Should we freeze through another winter and hope the economy/job opportunities improve in the spring?

Should I seek project experience doing what I want to be doing in a crowded market or focus on establishing a presence in market with no competition?

the other confounding factor is I'm not making any progress in IDP or towards my RLA at the current job...

Aug 12, 08 2:39 pm  · 

sarah, only if you multiply that be like 60 times.

Aug 12, 08 3:02 pm  · 

treekiller.....hmmmm. You need to go with your gut instinct on this one. Do you have the financial resources to ride out a couple of months if you don't have a solid income, if you move? Or a free place to stay, at least? *(You're welcome on my futon but I don't think my cat would like the Acorn, and vice versa.....)

Did anyone see this in the news?

I mean, seriously, did you SEE it?

Aug 12, 08 3:24 pm  · 

I woke up thinking today was Wednesday. By this afternoon it felt like a Thursday. It's only Tuesday. :'o(

Aug 12, 08 3:58 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm a bit behind here, a couple comments: Sarah, sorry so slow to note Abram's picture above, he is adorable and manages to be both angelic and a devilish little boy all at the same time.

holz, hang in there.

treekiller, being super-broke for a year while being a stay-at-home dad to the sprout sounds to me like a great trade-off. Angus starts Kindergarten tomorrow and I realized recently that his childhood is from here forward going to be regimented in a way it didn't necessarily have to be previously. I'll never again have the opportunity to spend days and days at home with him. Not that I regret this necessarily, but the opportunity to spend his formative years with him is now over. Grab it now if you can, finances will take care of themselves albeit perhaps at a much lower level.

On the Olympics: the men's/women's sport inequities are one thing, but this pisses me off more: So now we're event telling seven-year-old girls that they aren't "pretty enough". Fuck off, opening ceremony organizers.

And now I'm going to post a new comment that is very relevant to Thread Central's original purpose.

Aug 12, 08 4:47 pm  · 
liberty bell

I want to start a thread asking "Did you hear Bob Hillier started a magazine that is all obituaries, including a "died on the same day" feature (that Rita Novel has not posted about already?!?).

But I'm afraid it was discussed years ago and I just can't remember. Can anyone else?

Aug 12, 08 4:53 pm  · 

you have a gift...that's a funny story. Holz I don't know what you are going through but I hope it is something can go away or at least be ignored not like a terminal disease or something. Keep your head up. Lb I heard about that and felt very hurt by it, really hoping there was another reason and not some propaganda dredged up my fox news. I did hear the fireworks were fake tho...not sure how you do that but cool. treekiller I noticed you didn't suggest remaining whilst the missus moved away with the acorn. I suspect that is the option you are not willing to take. I applaud you for it. I think you might have to think spending time with your son at this time, you have the talents to work from home...even if it is to bring life to trees

Aug 12, 08 5:39 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK can't bring life to trees...He's a Killa!

Aug 12, 08 5:52 pm  · 

- that article makes me sick. Their criteria are wacked anyway, b/c that child is beautiful. But than again, I find most Asian women gorgeous, so perhaps I'm just partial

Holz - It appalls me just how self-centered some people can be. Hang in there. And don't forget, if you need to vent, TC is always here to listen. I'm sending good vibes your way.

TK - I agree with what everyone has said so far. Besides, I would think it would be a lot easier to find a job when you are local than when you are not.

It's been a long day. Off to dinner with the girlfriends. I already have a large glass o' wine waiting for me with my name on it.

Aug 12, 08 6:10 pm  · 

thanks for the suggestions. I'm going to call my old boss when i get home and see what he thinks about fall or spring return to lotus land. I'm not worried about the long distance job search since I know all the folks I'd want to work with in socal and have a great network in norcal if we go that route.

Aug 12, 08 7:00 pm  · 

opps - I meant to write: thanks for all the GREAT suggestions.

Aug 12, 08 7:02 pm  · 

tk ask him if he's willing to offer you the possibility of working from home, even though it will be a extra miles away

Aug 12, 08 7:32 pm  · 

Good night all...

Aug 12, 08 10:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh my GOD! This guy up here just has me STEAMED! I hate people that think they're being taken advantage of when they have to pay for something. I realize that was vague, but this guy just has me so mad I can't think clearly enough to pen the situation.

Aug 13, 08 9:16 am  · 

know what you mean LB.

we went through same feeling 2 years ago when oldest started proper school in grade 1. we wanted to just take a holiday for a few weeks in early summer not so long afo and realised we couldn't without screwing up her education and having to fight the school for taking her from her school. so we didn't go anywhere and from then on decided to time our life to the rhythm everyone else in japan lives by. which is kind of a first in a very long time for both of us. doesn't feel right, but skipping school just ain't done in this country.

sounds like a nice problem to have TK. hope it works out for you and the famly.

Aug 13, 08 10:10 am  · 

update- the missus turned down the offer for many reasons. back to the spring time plan of getting out of dodge (and based on what's best for my career since the last 2 moves were for the missus).

talking about the missus- check out her new blog. She's not quite ready for all the design/formatting input that orhan got, but comments on the entries are appreciated.

Aug 13, 08 11:36 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Your wife is a Dr? Man, you better step up. Does she focus just on mind and eating habits, or exercise to? Can she help me with my diastasis recti?

Does she make you eat health food?

Aug 13, 08 11:55 am  · 
Does she make you eat health food?

My best friend is a dietician, she just graduated with her Master's in Nutritional Science and is studying for her RD exam right now. She "makes" me (read: suggests that I) eat "health food" (read: fruits and vegetables), which, frankly we all need to eat more of. In fact, TK, if you and the Dr. move back to SoCal, your wife and my best friend should hook up! I'm sending WonderBFF her blog right now.....

Aug 13, 08 12:02 pm  · 

the missus is a phd health psychologist. & yes, she tries to get me to eat healthY food (slowly & in small amounts). I choose to eat healthy foods for environmental reasons (and my garden veggies taste better).

she's starting a practice in september coaching folks on healthy behaviors to help them loose/maintain weight. once she passes her psychology exams, she'll also be treating folks with eating disorders.

we met via a cousin of mine who was her class mate in NYC.

Aug 13, 08 12:19 pm  · 

Hah hah a family friend/pyscho therapist/dietiton and health guru for the national football team doesn't suggest anything except being happy. He's a big guy, 6'2 with a big stomache to match and he politely says until your body complains enjoy everything it has to offer. He's the greatest.

Ok so I have the biggest smile, courtesy of archinect when I saw the adverts for the new t-shirts. I'm buying one now - but completely fucking up the is not working fast enough.

In other news i'm here trying to finish up a proposal for a client/friend - that I managed to loose when my flash drive crashed. I found an old one but its sans the revisions. So we are going to try and piece it together with a bit of client/architect charette

Aug 13, 08 12:20 pm  · 
liberty bell




Or am I the only one seeing this ad?

Aug 13, 08 12:57 pm  · 

I saw it too lb. Awesome!

Aug 13, 08 2:48 pm  · 

alex gets to have fun shipping shirts again!

I want an 'architecture sucks' onesie!

Aug 13, 08 2:57 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Can I get an "Architecture makes me drool" onesie, or "I drool over Architecture"?

On a completely different note, and ladies ever get a 'dry' hair cut? I'm considering it.

Aug 13, 08 3:07 pm  · 

hello all! I don't know why, but it's easier to post here than it is to answer emails, so anyone expecting an email from me is shit out of luck until at least sunday... why don't we just pretend that I've said whatever y'all want to hear (not much of a stretch there, I think) and call it a day? The internet at my hostel is free, but crap, and is not fully able to handle gmail even in html view.

Paris is beautiful but the men are super intimidating. I always heard they were bold, but this is way beyond what I expected. I went to the pompideau center and montmartre and walked along the seine today and am taking a little rest before heading down to the bar for the rest of the evening. Yesterday I explored St. Martin and spent some quality time in Parc de la Villette. Lots of pictures have been taken, but they still don't cover half the places I've seen, as I'm not good about taking out the camera and would rather just enjoy the moment.

Aug 13, 08 4:19 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Rationaliste, How glamorous your life sounds - minus the hostel part. I'm jealous.

I made my hair-cutting appointment. Strangly, I'm actually excited about it. The guy sounded cool, and open. I'm not really good with the whole hair thing, and the last one was a year ago. I hope he doesn't faint when I tell him. I'm really just looking to make it healthy, nothing drastic. Husband has asked that I 'make and effort,' and I'm gonna try. I even put product in my hair today, guess I won't on Friday.

Its so sad that this is the most exciting thing happening in my life. I'm going to close my eyes and dream of Rome now.

Aug 13, 08 4:42 pm  · 

woot woot!

holz wins the award for least amount of physically completed work since graduation. and i've lost all ability as a manager/designer. in fact, i've regressed to where i was probably my 3rd year of uni. f*ckin amazing!

but i can identify any project you freakin want.

what a week.

anyone up for a drink(s)?

Aug 13, 08 5:03 pm  · 
liberty bell

I'm pouring some gin right now, holz, join me! Angus (and I) survived his first day of kindergarten - cause for celebration!

But seriously holz: I've been doing this for 20 years and still - frequently - have moments when I feel like I have not the slightest freaking clue what I'm doing. We all mess up, there is so much ground to cover in this field that mistakes are inevitable. Don't kick yourself too hard, dear, we all know you are intelligent, capable, and funny.

Aug 13, 08 5:08 pm  · 

fake it til ya make it, i know...

i guess the way i feel is that the projects i am working on are so small, insignificant and inconsequential, i'd be better off hauling trash. because there is honor in that, right? it keeps the streets from smelling...

Aug 13, 08 5:10 pm  · 

I'm going for the black on black...its there but not too obvious. Something you can wear with a dinner jacket for JIA functions (similar to AIA but in Jamaica)

Aug 13, 08 5:13 pm  · 

whoa holz. Chin up...being able to accurately identify architecture is a gift. Use it. And don't worry about the projects - they will come.

Aug 13, 08 5:20 pm  · 

holz, I gave up on trying to get something significant built a while ago. I'm past the point where I feel that my contribution to society has to involve something pretty and shiny that ends up in a magazine. (Or am I?...) Point being, I have a lot to offer, and I'm trying to figure out right now where my talents are best used. If they are going to be helpful in a design firm, then great. If someplace else, that's fine too. I think my problem (is it a problem?) is that I suffer from a lack of ambition. I've recently decided that having goals, like wanting to design and build my own house, is OK and I deserve to want those things for myself....

Ack, I don't know where that came from. I mean, I'm bored out of my mind here so maybe I have more time to think about these things. I'm so bored that I'm getting stuff done that I don't even want to get done. But I am.


So, not that you're asking, but I need to get this off my chest. An update on myself and WonderMan....well, there isn't really an update. I think we're in limbo. He's got so many things in his life that he needs to deal with right now, and I don't want to complicate matters, so our communication has dwindled to very, very little. It's a strange place to be in, this "Long Distance Relationship Purgatory." I've been thinking a lot lately - too much, I'm sure - about it all, and I feel like I'm just trusting that if it's meant to be, it will be, and trying not to project beyond that. But it's hard to want to think about my long-term goals and not knowing if it will include this other person or not.


Anyway, sorry. Spending way too much time in my head lately without talking to anyone about this. Back to

Aug 13, 08 6:43 pm  · 

DubK - You have my phone number. Call me if you need to.

Anyway, what a whirlwind/rollercoaster today has been. It went from peaceful, to stressed out, to overwhelmed, to an emotional breakdown at my desk (tears and all) to a calm/relaxed yet tired feeling. After a few breathing exercises, blasting Bjork in the car, having my dear accountant friend clear up a glich in my state tax filing (take that you bitches I, in fact, DO NOT owe you any money), and little bit o' greasy food (in the frenzy I skipped lunch); I am sitting here lounging on my sofa watching the Olympics and all is right with my little piece of the world. At least until the insanity begins all again tomorrow. Namaste.

Holz and LB... I'll gladly join you for that drink

Aug 13, 08 8:59 pm  · 

holz if I told you who I was working for you would piss your pant laughing....actually they are really good clients. But for the life of
me it in not your everyday client. You do put together a great list of your day will come my friend....remember it is an ole person profession. Most of the glitter people fade away their are a few in for the long haul....and boy do they ever do special things.

Aug 13, 08 9:29 pm  · 

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