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got the sapling in the office today, while the missus goes to the dentist. it's not to early to start his architectural education.

Aug 8, 08 11:50 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Thats cool that you can do that, TK. I just have pictures. But look, he likes to read already!

Sorry. I just had to.

TK, you should show us the sapling, he should be pretty big by now.

Aug 8, 08 11:56 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

for the future, how do I resize pics?

Aug 8, 08 11:57 am  · 

[img=www...._width=418] just use a space instead of the underscore...

we need to take more pics. we've been too busy enjoying being parents to pause and pull out the camera.

Aug 8, 08 12:04 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, let me try that again, and Mr. Archinect, could you please erase the first picture?

Aug 8, 08 12:19 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

YEAH!!! It worked!

Aug 8, 08 12:20 pm  · 

Cute photo SH. Looks like he might have some curls?

The other members of my team went over to the site today. I guess all the abatement is done... i.e. the wood beams/coulmns and brick is exposed. They said it looks AWESOME. Can't wait to see it with my eyes on Monday when I go over to show the place to the carpet rep. Hopefully I'll have some photos to share.

Aug 8, 08 12:21 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Why is it news that a family of 4 live in a 1300 SF house? Thats bigger than my house, not much, but it is. Why is that so hard to imagine?

Aug 8, 08 2:37 pm  · 

not that anyone cares, but I may have scored a radiohead ticket for next week!

Aug 8, 08 3:45 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton


Aug 8, 08 4:22 pm  · 

I'm alive. Beginning to understand puddles' fingernail problem.

Aug 8, 08 6:14 pm  · 

i broke my cherry tonight. yep. i acted/danced/and sang in my first musical - EVER!

2 more shows to nail it, but god damned, it's fun as shit to be a goof, get over a fear, and knock another thing of my list of shit i haven't done before, but will do now that i turned 40.

wall climbing - check
acting - check
marathon before 41 - start training next week.
jump out of plane -
perform a standup routine -
open mic poetry slam -

Aug 9, 08 1:03 am  · 
brian buchalski

inform thread central that i'm still alive - check

Aug 9, 08 9:02 am  · 
brian buchalski

visited salon to have fingernails trimmed - check

Aug 9, 08 7:04 pm  · 

also still alive. Has been super-busy weekend trying to make sure everything is ready to go. The combination of washing every piece of clothing I own at once and having to go out to purchase things and do yardwork is a problematic one.

Aug 10, 08 2:22 pm  · 


m&I got slammed today & couldn't line up a baby sitter. sorry to miss you acting brilliance.

the landlord is heading this way in a few to scout out the house with their kids and to discuss if they are moving back in on october 1st or are they renting someplace else. So I'll find out if I'm packing for the next 6 weeks or what. Our alternates are to move next door or to get out of dodge (but I don't have a job lined up). so we're most likely freezing our buns off for another winter.

Aug 10, 08 3:52 pm  · 

is that abram? huh. he looks grown up already. nice there should be a calendar with archinect parents and their children.
there has been at least half a dozen since i have been here.

i am here in the office transcribing stuff. my friend glen small is going to come by at 2 and one other friend. we have always have good stories to tell each other, but i feel tired. we are going to ohio next week for three-four days and might drive back a silver cadillac car with gold trims with a personalized license plate. i will blog all that if we do it.
yesterday i wrote a review of iwomotoscott installation at sci arc gallery if anybody is interested, it is in elseplace.
have a great weekend.

Aug 10, 08 4:18 pm  · 

Orhan in Ohio...damn my timing sucks. Is there any chance that you might be able to delay that trip a few weeks just for the oft chance we meet. If not...we'll have to make it up.

Oh right back in from a fun filled weekend. I've enriched by chocolate complexion and feeling good. I will however need a few days to catch up with sleep but have no time for that, I have a fellowship application deadline looming.

love to everyone. And that is a beautiful baby, Sarah!! Can we see one with him holding someting architectural? Maybe a hardhat on? I have no idea what you look like Sarah, but I'm just going to say something corny, like "he has your eyes!"

Aug 10, 08 7:53 pm  · 

hi everyone, catching up after being away for a little bit.

re : saltfish and ackee -- one of my favorite things ever! i am jealous, and my mouth is watering.

re : the macarena -- odd that it was brought up here, I was at a wedding a couple weekends ago where it was played and it blew my mind -- I had totally forgotten it existed, but my body somehow managed to dredge up the moves! Apparently however I was the only one cooooool enough to dance to it back in the day...I ended up having to teach it to the bride herself, and there is now video of me leading her in white gown and all.

re : lb's and rationalist's comments about "home"... this is something I have been thinking about a lot myself lately as I've been contemplating a move either back to my "homeland" or to a new city that seems like it could be nice. I'm enjoying where I live now, and also tired of moving, but somehow feel I should wind up closer to family in the event that I begin one myself. All of this is a long way off, but beginning to tug at the edges of my brain nonetheless. Compounding the issue is that I feel I only have it in me for one more move, so if I don't like where I land... tant pis! A lot of what worries me is that I'm not so sure I know "home" anymore, and am afraid I am simply remembering the good bits while ignorant of all that has changed.

It is funny however how a landscape can just get in your blood. I am from the west as well and despite myself I feel a sense of home-coming every time I glimpse the beginnings of my home surroundings from the plane flying in... however once I get on land I become very cognizant and very upset by all the changes I can now perceive up close and personal. I suppose it is the landscape of the heart, and we carry it too close to our hearts to allow others to intrude their own landscapes onto it...

I am overtired and babbling. In other news : a big project that was my baby walked away from me a little while ago. Not over it yet. Work just got a lot less interesting. Silver lining is that I should be able to keep more regular hours now.

Aug 11, 08 12:03 am  · 

no prob arborassassin, it was a blast, some very lovely lutheran church ladies, with some rapier like wit, reminded of my grandmothers...i feel very good tonight, very happy.

Aug 11, 08 12:13 am  · 

I love the pajama game, I would have gone if I were even remotely close to your town, beta.

Aug 11, 08 1:02 am  · 

i think i'm home. i guess. been here for 14yrs and plan to stay. unless i don't.

Aug 11, 08 7:27 am  · 

well I'm off in a few to forget about home(s). Have to get on a bus to take me to a plane to take me to Paris in a few minutes. I may drop in occasionally over the next 6 weeks, but all in all it's a good opportunity for my post count to stabilize... catch you on the flip side.

Aug 11, 08 8:22 am  · 

bon voyage!

Aug 11, 08 8:31 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Good Luck Rationalist!!!

Techno, not that there are any good photos of me on there, but my flickr page has one or two, I think, with head attached that is.

We got our new windows this weekend, and I don't care what you say, I'm smitten. They don't have a smell, so they must not be off-gassing, and they let in SOOO much light. Its amazing how much sun those silly grids blocks, that, and of course, the blinds being down all the time to keep the heat out. Oh, and they make the house look newer.

Guess thats all. Good Morning TC!!

Aug 11, 08 8:51 am  · 

ok I'm sitting infront of what must be the most amazingily large coffee mug filled with lovely lovely...well coffee.

I'm desperately trying to apply for a Urban Design fellowship that I'm 3 years too young for (min.age 35) and is due tomorrow with a bunch of stipulations that I can't make in time. Including having a mentor write a reference...But I'm still trying...and one of mentors I've never met in that when lots of people you look for advise you've never met.

Aug 11, 08 12:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, you just made me think of that scene in So I married an Axe Murderer. Too bad I SUCK at movie quotes, that could've been witty.

Aug 11, 08 12:14 pm  · 

uhm Sarah, I miss the reference. Btw I loved that movie...

Aug 11, 08 12:43 pm  · 

Atechno - I think she was referring to your amazingly large cup of coffee. ;oD

Aug 11, 08 12:51 pm  · 

ahhh heh

Aug 11, 08 1:27 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, was anybody else disturbed by the banner add at the top? Am I the only one that got solicited to 'gain 15lbs of muscle in 30 days"? Yuck.

So, Husband and I took the poor kid to Ikea on Sunday. Yeah, I wasn't thinking, and it being the August, the place was packed with College kids and such. All we needed were lightbulbs (i couldnt find them anywhere else) and a play mat. Sheesh. What a mad house.

Aug 11, 08 1:39 pm  · 

"I believe I ordered the large cappucino" LOL. Too bad Mike Myers is such a spaz these days. I wished his last movie would have been funny.

"Look at the head on that boy. It's huge! It's like an orange on a toothpick!"

In other news, I biked about 35 miles since Saturday and my body is still mad at me. Most of it was on the beach, which doesn't sound bad, except the trip back up the beach - about 16 miles - was mostly into a headwind. Which meant that I was exerting enough effort to go 16 miles an hour but only got about 11-12 miles an hour out of it. It was hard, and I suddenly have so much more appreciation for those road cyclists in the Olympics over the weekend! Those dudes went about 150 miles in a day, up and down hills, and hit speeds of 38 miles an hour. Grueling and amazing.

Speaking of the Olympics, I am obsessed. Fortunately I didn't have the energy to do much else last night except watch TV, so I saw the Men's 4x100 relay in swimming and it was AWESOME. Pretty much all parts....the men, the photo finish, did I mention the men....

I'll take 3, please.

Oh, hey, thanks.

Aug 11, 08 1:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

I caught that 4x relay last night too, DubK. I'm so sappy, people's overwhelmed joy at winning makes me cry. Then seeing the bewildered French team also makes me cry.

Aug 11, 08 2:03 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Ok, so the guy on the left, with the silver? looks like he got stuck in the late 80's. I wonder if he didn't wear the laurel wreath for fear it would mess up his locks.

LB, hows your bus stop coming?

Aug 11, 08 2:31 pm  · 

wait I thought he was wearing his wreath its actually his hair - holy spandex batman. Wonder K thanks for the clue in...I think despite the large cap it didn't nothing for my sharpness

Aug 11, 08 3:16 pm  · 

The guy on the left with the silver is the same guy from the other photo I posted.....Dutch swimmer and living breathing "David" statue, Pieter van den Hoogenband. Do an image search, you won't be sorry.

Meanwhile the guy in the middle is Ian Thorpe and on the right, of course, is Micheal Phelps. Three of the best swimmers in modern history. Le sigh.

Aug 11, 08 4:39 pm  · 
vado retro

i hiked to the top of sandia crest elevation 10,650 ft or so. started at about 7000 ft. was a bit tough there for awhile. exgf/future wife had no prob as she was in shape from bein on the rowing team. and she got to the top and had a smoke. wtf? the relay was playin on my flight and everyone cheered when the usofa squeeked it out. people really don't like the french and were saying so...i personally prefer underdogs to win even if it means the us of a loses.

Aug 11, 08 5:14 pm  · 

I swam for two competitively in highschool. Since then I've had this major thing for the male swimmer's physique. In other words, I've been drooling for the past three days. :oD

Aug 11, 08 5:34 pm  · 

I can't get to my Gmail right now! Grrrr.

Aug 11, 08 5:46 pm  · 

hey guys
its been awhile

Aug 11, 08 6:48 pm  · 


Aug 11, 08 8:04 pm  · 


Aug 11, 08 8:04 pm  · 

what tuna said (less one). Tuna I tried swimming competively in school...but the training was too repetitive for me switched to water polo mid season and was pretty good. Best part was that we didn't wear traditional speedos, rather
the shorts.

Aug 11, 08 8:42 pm  · 

Funny Atechno - the repetitiveness is what I love/d about swimming. Doing laps is meditative for me. Too bad I destroyed my shoulders and developed an allergy to chlorine. Nice shorts ;o)

Aug 11, 08 9:06 pm  · 

chlorine=green hair

Aug 11, 08 9:47 pm  · 

oh and I'm a skinny dipper!

Aug 11, 08 9:48 pm  · 
liberty bell

Mmmmm, swimming naked. A Subtle Pleasant Sensation for sure.

Aug 11, 08 9:52 pm  · 

So, why must female gymnasts perform a floor routine as a "dance" to music while the men simply quietly show their skill, with no music or choreography or extra "flair"? I never knew this before, and I find it odd. Are we not allowed to appreciate a women's quiet strength, control of her body, and flexible skill, without turning it into a dance for us? Am I just being a freaky feminist, or is this as odd as I find it?

Aug 11, 08 10:13 pm  · 

(that's not a rant, just a true question)

Aug 11, 08 10:16 pm  · 

mantaray the women also have about 50% more events than the men do as well. I think there is a combination of floor exercises for the women, some with some without music. Although this may have changed with this Olympics (most event changes)

Aug 11, 08 10:29 pm  · 

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