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[rant] Whoever brings xrefs into sheets and then exploes them, or whatever you do to make them lines drawings again, should also be killed on-site (or on sight, whichever you prefer) be brought back to life then killed again[/rant] Ya, I'm having that great of a day already.

Jul 29, 08 10:00 am  · 

oh goodness, I had almost banished the image of mdler in the new elephant thong from my head... and now it's back.

Jul 29, 08 10:18 am  · 

Elephant thongs.. Are those just large ones or?

As for everything else.
Glad to hear all is well. TC has been a bit dead lately. No WonderK, Strabearry or either of the Phils etc...

Atechno. Perosnally, i like the combo of 1 and 2.
Teaching/lecturing has always been by end goal in my own profession (not the one i am working in now) but the one i am qualified for. I did it for a year, very rewarding etc... Plus if tenure trac, tenure ain't a bad thing.

And Jamaica sound slovely. In fact i might be planning a spring trip there with some old collge buddys for next year. Either there or the Caribbean coast of Colombia...

Jul 29, 08 10:52 am  · 

whew!! had a close call with somebody braking into my garage last night about 2am (it wasn't locked) and rifling through my car (it wasn't locked either). nothing seems to have been taken (even the quarters on the dash were still there), but the glove box was open and stuff was scattered on the seat along with the door & gate being left open. My neighbor's dog seems to have scared the kids off.

Jul 29, 08 11:55 am  · 

OMG TK - I'm glad to hear you and the fam are okay, and that nothing seems to be missing. Were aware that is was going on at time it occurred or did you find out this morning when you went to go to work? In any event, to have someone invade your space like that is always unsettling.

Atechno - I agree with nam... I think a combo of 1 and 2 is a great idea. Am I correct in my assumptions that the school at which you would teaching is in Jamaica as well? Option 5 though, if it works would be really cool too. But I think registration is key.

SH - I'll come ;o) Pearls and martinis... so Audrey Hepburn :o) I heart Audrey... she has such classic style and beauty.

My dinner party last night went off without a hitch. Everyone praised the house (I pretty much cleaned until everything sparkled)and praised the food. This was my first official party since I moved in Feb. 2007 so it made me a very happy girl to know that everything was well received. Now if only everything would stay so nice...weekend plans entail more stripping and sanding of wood trim in the bathroom, so things will be dusty and gross in no time. :o/

Back to work. We have a killer deadline Thursday so no real lunch for me.

Jul 29, 08 12:19 pm  · 
liberty bell

Finally feel like I'm back at work after being away for a week. Tons to do.

I'm a bit worried about general moral decline. Heard on NPR this morning about people walking away from their mortgages because their way over-priced house purchase of several years ago "doesn't make economic sense" any more. So even though they can afford the payment, they stop paying, and live there for free until the bank repossesses in 9 months.

Then tk's house gets broken in to.

And nobody uses their turn signal any more. Damnation.

On the other hand, mmm, strawberry pie for dessert!

Jul 29, 08 12:37 pm  · 

^^ That is the craziest thing I've ever heard. Do they not realize that a stunt like that ruins your credit?

I just found exploded text! Rock on!!!!

Jul 29, 08 1:30 pm  · 

funny thing today I stepped into convenience store only to hear the legislative council on the radio, and they were reading my resume out loud. Hmm not sure that's the PR I want. I didn't wait around to hear the rest, I'm so done with politicians now.

So paid about 6 months worth of mortgage today, so I can be unemployed until January roughly. I'm thinking i hit the beach hard this weekend, there is a food festival going on, the beach some more, get completely inebriated and forget about this mess....stir, repeat and look for a job say end of summer (which in the Caribbean is just when it gets cooler in December) - what thinks thoust?

oh and the eruption last night was anti-climatic...lasted all of 5 minutes but filled the pool with shit.

Jul 29, 08 1:40 pm  · 
liberty bell

tuna, this is the problem: they don't care. The piece on NPR made much of the fact that owning up to your responsibilities - like keeping up your end of a contract - used to be the only socially acceptable option. Nowadays apparently it doesn't matter if weaseling out of a contract makes you a weasel, because everyone else is doing it, so somehow it's OK.

I disagree. Strongly.

And yes, rock on with that exploded text/hatch/xref mess you're dealing with! You're stronger than they are!!!

Jul 29, 08 1:47 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Tuna, if it makes you feel better, I'm in a similar boat - of employee incompitence, that is. An Ex-worker here, half-assed everything, and now our CA project, which is in for its 5th submittal to the city, is STILL wrong, and I'm stuck praying that we can slip all this by the powers that be, after we get a permit. His name was BILL, and since he has made my life miserable ever since I signed on here 2 years ago, I shall hence forth call all idiots BILL. I hope none of you are named Bill.

LB, I'm with you. Unfortunately, we aren't 'allowed' to put people in their place anymore because 'its not their fault.' Social rules are the best way to keep people in line, but public shame is not the same as it was. Often, the shamer is lauded as a bully. I say we start putting shame back in the toolbox. People used to not want to accept welfare because it was shameful, and would work to get off as soon as possible, now, people are going on welfare and working to keep it. And as you say, all these people are running out on their bills just because they can. Its immature, and it tics me off that I have to be responsible, and they aren't. OOOHHH now I'm going to be angry all afternoon. Damn immature, slacker,idiot, heathen, BILL, AAAAAHHH!!!!

I need a break.

Jul 29, 08 1:58 pm  · 

Shame back in the toolbox? When did it leave? Should we castigate mothers that drink or smoke while breast feeding or pregnant, publically? Should we start blasting people for getting pregnant when not married? Should we start shaming people for living together and not getting married? My mother divorced my douche of a father - with four kids in tow - and had to get public assistance, just to survive, do you want to call her up and call her a lazy go for nothing? Let me know if you do, i'll email you the telephone number.

Talking about shaming people for getting mortgages, based on shady banks promising pie in the sky dreams, and then having to bail, because the home owner doesn't know who or how the mortgage was repackaged is not only assinine, but fucking lame. I tell you what, lets parade the effing tools that started this shit storm, and tar and feather them first, then we can go after the speculators.

The carpet got pulled out from the American worker, now the American worker must suffer the indignity of shame, on top of the soul crushing depression.

Jul 29, 08 2:25 pm  · 

techno...i don't think anyone finished that line for ....
stop, collaborate and is back with a brand new ambition.

you sound miseraBILL...sorry couldn't help myself

Jul 29, 08 2:34 pm  · 

re tool - I think SH is talking about people that are intentionally taking advantage of the system, in which case you guys are talking about two totally different things.

A little late, but: Congrats on finishing the requirements for your phd Jump! I wish I had the patience and support for an advanced degree.

I don't quite understand what is going on with you Atechno, but I hope it all works out for you.

As for me, I've had quite a strange couple of weeks. Went to Minneapolis for work and got to check out the Guthrie theatre by Jean Nouvel while I was there. Ate/drank at the bar there and thought it was nice. It was the first time I've been to a midwestern city, and to be honest it had an unusual vibe. I'm not sure it was a bad vibe... hard to explain... I lost my debit card there and had to go on ~$10 cash for a while before I could hit up my bank. I seem to be losing a lot of things lately. My mind must be somewhere else...

Jul 29, 08 3:16 pm  · 

'an unusual vibe'?! what is that?!

and, btw, don't lump all us midwestern cities together. i moved out of mpls because i didn't like it and moved to louisville and LOVE it.

i'm so glad liberty bell's back. i missed you!

Jul 29, 08 3:29 pm  · 
vado retro

i first heard about people walking away from mortgages on npr's marketplace. this was a few months back and i was pretty surprised that people were willingly doing this. it seems that initially they were depressed and desperate about being so upside down on their mortgages, but after one resigns one can do almost anything and live through it to fight another day. by the way indiana universtiy i don't owe you anything. i am paid in full.

Jul 29, 08 3:36 pm  · 
liberty bell

There is a difference between working/trying to work yet being flat broke and unable to pay your bills, versus deciding, even though you can afford to, that you don't want to pay your bills. The second is what I take issue with. It's basically a broken windows theory on a huge economic scale.

The people profiled on the NPR story I heard are backing out of a contract, not because they are unable to keep up their end, but because they just don't want to. That's lame.

Reminds me, the state sent me a notice that they never got my 2007 tax payment, though they did cash my check. I called my accountant who said he'd take care of it. Yesterday I got the same notice again, PLUS a penalty for not replying to the first notice. Should I ream my accountant a new one, or be nice about it (we all know I'm just talking tough, I can't be mean, really)?

Hi Steven!

Jul 29, 08 4:05 pm  · 

Haha, I didn't mean to lump all midwestern cities together... but I would think they would be similar enough in general terms sort of like the north eastern cities. I wasn't implying they would all have "unusual vibes" or be bad in some way. I guess the best way to describe the "unusual vibe" would be that it felt as if I went about a mile from the center of the city , there would be nothing behind it. I'm sure its not the case, but there was that feeling. Actually, I think I felt the skyscrapers did not belong there or something.

Jul 29, 08 4:18 pm  · 
vado retro

hey in indy they give nascar results on npr. that is unusual and rather f'd up.

Jul 29, 08 4:24 pm  · 

lb, I would call the IRS and tell them that your accountant said he'd taken care about it and see what they say- there's reasonable odds that things got crossed and the notice went out before it was input that he had taken care of it. If that is not the case, I fully support calling your accountant and reaming him a new one.

Jul 29, 08 4:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow. Yeah, No, reTool,I'm talking about people who, as LB said, are able to, but choosing not to. I am not talking about people who are having temporary difficulties, but trying to rebuild their lives. I'm talking about the GF of mechanic I know that enrolled in WIC even though she lives with said Mechanic who is pulling in 60plus a year. I'm talking about the women who have 6 kids, and won't get a job because our tax dollars are surporting her. Think what you will of me, but if you wish to continue this conversation, can we do it somewhere other than TC? And who are you, by the way?

And everyone, the Interiors department gave me a cupcake, so I feel better about the world. Tuna, I hope someone gives you a cupcake.

Jul 29, 08 4:34 pm  · 

sounds like lb's issue is an irs issue not an accountant issue: they cashed the check, right?! do they not know that they cashed the check?

Jul 29, 08 4:39 pm  · 

10 archinect dollars to lars!! So in a couple hours i'm going to a good bye dinner at my favourite restaurant with a couple friends. I just have to keep saying to myself that I am leaving as quietly as I arrived in Montserrat.

Jul 29, 08 4:57 pm  · 

Slarsibub - synopsis of my life of late. Newly single and happy about it. Contract ended, was told a new contract was pending, politician interjects claiming poor performance/delivery on two projects, contract still pending but unlikely and more so undesirable at said point. Flying back to Jamaica take a month or 6 off, re-group and figure things out. TC if I've missed anything please interject...

ah.. and the volcano went off last night

Jul 29, 08 5:08 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So what of your house, Techno? You gonna rent it out? Its got a lovely outdoor shower, if I remember. Very Earthy, right? Lots of fresh air?

Jul 29, 08 5:23 pm  · 

I'm still in drawing hell. There's a huge deadline on Friday and I offered to help. Now I'm wishing I were somewhere else.

ATechno - Shit, I could so use a beach and a drink right now, but alas, I'm still stuck at work. ACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Are you seriously leaving Montserrat for good? What about the house.

Word to LB on the mortgage thing. The whole idea makes me want to vomit.

Back to work. Hopefully I'll get to leave soon, as I hear the wine leftover from last night screaming my name. I'M COMING WINE!!! I'M COMING!!!

Jul 29, 08 6:01 pm  · 

Slartibartfast - you missed a chance to meet TK and Beta during your visit. shame! shame!

Jul 29, 08 6:38 pm  · 

I'm back! The last few days at home have been emotionally draining. WonderMom and I don't really have a lot in common or treat the world in the same way. She's very toxic. So every time I have to stay with her I just get really sad and down. But now I'm better, especially since jump posted those pictures of bikes above. I love it!

Also the earthquake this morning was an adventure. Not so bad though, really.

Techno, I think you and I are both so lucky to have such a wonderful "family" as these folks on TC that are so helpful and supportive no matter what the issue is. You guys are all so great. Thanks for always being positive and sticking up for each other. I'm glad I have that even when my actual family fails me.

Jul 29, 08 6:46 pm  · 

I'm excited that I get to see WonderK in a few days! If you want, we can see if you can borrow a housemate's bike and we'll go riding... nothing like some hilly northwest goodness to make you appreciate LA again.

I don't know if any of you remember the damnable man that I was trying to find the hutspa to get rid of for quite a while there, but he is now engaged to someone else, to the point where they've set a date and everything. I've been out of his life less than a year, and this rattles me a lot. Hopefully on my travels (less than two weeks away!) I'll find a beautiful Italian boy to help me take my mind off things.

Jul 29, 08 7:00 pm  · 
vado retro
Jul 29, 08 7:06 pm  · 

DubK - I'm sorry your experience with WonderMom was yet again a less than stellar experience. No one should have to be subjected to that kind of behavior. Makes me sad whenever I hear people treating others badly. Pooh!

I too am glad for my TC "family". There are times when I wonder how I ever got along without you guys.

I'm home now, with a glass of wine in hand. YAY!

Jul 29, 08 7:49 pm  · 


if you weekend plans involve stripping, send me pics ;)

Jul 29, 08 8:20 pm  · 
liberty bell

rationalista: I actually just said "holy crap!" out loud to an empty room when I read that your ex is engaged. Seriously, wtf?! I'm shocked; you have the right to be severely rattled - don't give yourself a hard time about it, it is shocking!

Weird. Just very, very weird.

Gotta get some drafting done tonight. Sigh.

Sarah, I posted a video on the food central thread I think you will enjoy. And Steven: how come no one in Kentucky ever told me that barbecued mutton is a Western state specialty?! I would have tried it!

Jul 29, 08 9:48 pm  · 

never heard of bbq'd mutton around here. louisville's style is pulled pork with your sauce EITHER tomato or mustard based - usually both are on the table. owensboro is a bbq town and i don't remember mutton there either. i think these guys are predjudiced: they made sure that only the nc bbq sounded good.

i wonder how bbq and bourbon are together. hmmmm....

Jul 29, 08 9:52 pm  · 

i stand corrected!

Jul 29, 08 9:55 pm  · 
liberty bell

Steven, Moonlite is the place Ruben and several other GSA faculty claimed as "the best damn barbeque in the world bar none" this summer!

I think I've got my Labor Day planned - drive to Owensboro, then to 21C. Sort of a cross-cultural weekend. Are you in town?

Jul 29, 08 10:05 pm  · 

i have been watching and reading and listening marianne faithfull since vado posted that clip. 2 part interview is strange. even though she says she is on the wagon, she looks/talks very animated and hi.
of course the extra square interviewer was not a big help either.
almost 2.5 hours. thanks vado, i was supposed to pick up some stuff from the market on the way home 2 hours ago too. i am still here.
tina refreshed our earthquake kit and emergency supply under the bed. she is like all quake all the time. i think i am going to hang out another hour or so in the office until she fuckin' forgets about the quake. not that i didn't comfort her every hour on the phone...

Jul 29, 08 10:21 pm  · 

ok - wow! Dinner was great! Had an excellent bitch session especially with the bloke I hired to replace me. Medium rare steak, butterfly shrimp for appetizzers...and 4.5 bottles of wine to chase. I'm sad to leave but I love the opportunity to share it with the people I love.

WonderK, no matter the scenario I feel magically or spirtualy intertwined with you. It's odd, but your post always seem to strike home with me. I hope we get to meet...this year!! And I must say you've got the only smile brighter than might. What makes you so happy...

If this post seems over the edge please scroll above at the line and 4.5 bottles of wine to chase a glass of vodka tonic inhale...yum.

Oh and the most important thing for tonight wasn't my send-off but when one of my good friends sent his girlfriend and mother of his 18 month daughter a dessert with a diamond ring in it to propose. I'm a normally emotionalless man but I shed a tear or two. Especially when they looked at me and said, "what about you"

Jul 30, 08 1:44 am  · 

oh and vado, I prefer green day

Jul 30, 08 1:53 am  · 

that video is not available in my says youtube.

what is the world coming too, when the free-est cowboy internet realms have become so wonky corporate that they are beginning to put up the barriers the internet was so amazing at tearing down? its like a virus of control that saddens me...well, not sad really, but annoyed slightly...

wonderK that is a pity about the family thing...i know the feeling, though not with my parents thank the small gods. the only answer is clearly for you to move to tokyo. lots of young men here who dig the foreign ladies for you too, rationalist !

techno, your life is interestingly complicated but imagine it will all get sorted eventually in a good way. you seem to have it al in hand anyway...

Jul 30, 08 3:22 am  · 

you know owensboro isn't really near here, right, lb?

i had emailed you earlier: we're out of town most of that weekend, though we may still be home friday night. dinner at proof sounds awesome if we're here.

have you checked to see what the show will be at 21C? i think the current work comes down at end of july/early august. no indication on the website.

unfortunately the werner reiterer show at the speed museum closes this week, but the permanent collection show that will be up them might be a good stop too.

Jul 30, 08 7:37 am  · 
vado retro

wk's toxic post reminds me of the only "joke" i ever made up. its old.

My family is so toxic, they were declared a superfund cleanup site." bahdum.

Jul 30, 08 8:36 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LB, that was great. I guess I've made my position clear on the BBQ issue, I shall step down off my soapbox now. mmm. Maybe I will have BBQ this weekend. Steven, can you send me some of that mutton - I've never had it?

Oh, I should ask ML how they make BBQ sauce out fo mayo. Crazy.

Jul 30, 08 8:56 am  · 
liberty bell

"Near" is relative, Steven - remember my husband drives 3 hours to work (one day a week) so the 1.25 hours jaunt from L'ville to O'boro is nothin'. Besides, I love a road trip, even with gas prices and the environment and all, one road trip a year isn't bad.

Driving over an hour for good BBQ is a given. I recall when my parents owned some Cessnas with a few other couples, they would sometimes fly a six-seater from Phoenix to San Diego for dinner. Ah, the excess of days past!

techno, you're a happy drinker obviously, sharing the love when you imbibe - the best way to be!

Jul 30, 08 9:07 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm a nastalgic or quiet drinker. Depending on how much I've had, and the company, I will either talk about High School (I didn't do much exciting stuff in College) or I will sit quietly, observing those around me. Usually, Husband will send me off if I start talking about High School too much. I really need to have a good party.

Jul 30, 08 9:41 am  · 

Good morning all,
The internet and other networky stuff was done at work this morning (but just for me). It ended up being an easy fix, but untill now i temporarily engaged in boxing up files...

Jump personally, i am saddened by it. Not necessarily re: that video, but the general idea that big money is slowly encircling and closing off the freedom of the net. Or at least co-opting it.
Viva, Net Neutrality!!!

Also, i am usually and excited drunk, sometimes a sad one..
Depends on the amount of drink in me.

I wish i wasn't a vegetarian so i could eat good BBQ.
the otherday someone at work brought some in for lunch and and the aroma almost made me eat a pig..

Jul 30, 08 10:57 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Nam, you could decide to jump ship anytime, unless you are a vegetarian for religious or serious medical reasons. And, I'm suprised they havent come up with a veggieQ yet anyway.

Jul 30, 08 11:36 am  · 

hah- i just typed

got a bbq thanks to the UofMN's business relations office this afternoon. I'm going for 'business development' with two of the principals. might only be hotdogs n burgers since 1000 folks have rsvp'd

so we're creating a proposal for a nat'l guard facility that is supposed to be 'leed silver' - but I'm wondering if the AT/FP requirements will prevent many high performance features and good design.

Jul 30, 08 11:51 am  · 

They do have Veggie Q,
But i imagine it can't be as delicious/moist...

I am a vegie for moral/ethical/religious reasons.. Have been one since i was born. Although in recent years have begun to eat seafood ocassionally.
I am surprised they are even wanting a Leedbuilding. is this because of local or federal mandate? Or just because of energy savings, and or desire for sustainable cache/bling?

Jul 30, 08 12:27 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK, you are forcing me to step back up onto my soapbox, tsk tsk.

[Big Breath] BBQ is a food produced by slow cooking meat, in a low dry heat, in a smoker, for hours. It is then usually smothered in a form of BBQ sauce, which can be tangy, sweet, or spicy, depending on location. BBQ is NOT, and never will be, Hamburgers, Hotdogs, or anything else cooked on a grill, as the method of cooking on a grill is completely different than what is required for BBQ. Please see LB's music video posted on the food central thread. [/big breath]

Sigh. I am climbing back down now.

Jul 30, 08 12:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

rationalist, you've made an extraordinary effort and shown remarkable patience here, but yeah, you're better off not engaging with anti - he's not a fan of logic or rational(ist) discussion.

Jul 30, 08 1:09 pm  · 

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