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I'm more caught into the words of snook- grip the text like a woman and it will move....I promise you!


Jul 16, 08 6:22 pm  · 


thanks orhan. checkbook with lots of zeroes in it would be lovely. not so far. it is much easier to get publicity than money i think. the publications are really more a confirmation to potential clients than source for new ones, unfortunately. we still have to hustle. i have friends who did same for about 2 years, but now clients come to them....that is really where i would like to be. now i am finishing phd hopefully will have time to do the required shmoozhing...;-)

treekiller, why is that against medical advice? we had a crib for both our babs, but we sleep on futons and very often with the kids, especially when they were babies... actually, we also move our sleeping location throughout the house depending on the season...and the kids do too. tatami floors in every room makes it easy.

Jul 16, 08 8:09 pm  · 
vado retro

an archinect related dream i had last night---- i was at steven ward's architecture firm. it was located in an old gothic type building and it was full of potential interns all competing for one job. each was in a race against time to build the best model from one of steven's designs!!! i don't know what i was doing there. but there were also many other folks milling around including an attractive curvaceious redhead who was the office manager or some such... well anyway just as i was following her down the stairs to look at something really special(her words) the alarm went off and her voice changed pitch and she started talking like carl kasell...

Jul 16, 08 8:56 pm  · 
actually, we also move our sleeping location throughout the house depending on the season...and the kids do too. tatami floors in every room makes it easy.

oh jump, this is my dream! I move my bed around all the time and generally sleep with my head at the "foot" of the bed (whatever THAT is). If only my boyfriend were more understanding of my hatred of sleeping in the same place over and over again... (Although, I should say he is very tolerant; just doesn't really "get" it.)

Jul 16, 08 10:45 pm  · 

the anti-SIDS authorities think that babies are smothered when sleeping in the same bed as mommie and daddie. but then there is the comfort they get by physical contact and feeling your breath. so what gives? a night of sleep or the 1/10,000 risk of something awful?

Jul 16, 08 11:02 pm  · 

YAY!!! I finally got to read the article. Many congrats jump. I think it's awesome that you got such great recognition for your work. Hopefully jobs will start pouring in now. (one can dream right). Off to bed.

Jul 16, 08 11:09 pm  · 

Liberty/Phil - whichever one. Isaiah Zagar seems to be very much like HUndertwasser...

Jul 16, 08 11:25 pm  · 

Ok I'm finally caught up on TC and these are my thoughts and impressions from the last few pages:

Sarah wants to eat bear ??? (I've eaten squirrel)

rationalist - I'm glad you didn't seriously hurt yourself!

Across the Universe was, indeed, a good movie

KPF has done so many buildings that are better than 225 W Wacker Dr

Congrats jump that is awesome!!!!

Sarah, you really know a lot of random stuff!

the Philarchinectitude is really getting crazy

architechno, did you ever get your interior shot of Mayne's Caltrans building? This is as close as I've got

Finally, I love that Philadelphia mosaic guy and Hundertwasser!


So Hawaii was great and I got a tan. I'm sad that I am not sure when I'll get to see WonderMan again (since I am a poor grad student and his employer is about to fold), but it was, as they say, wonderful. Here are pics of Honolulu: Part 1 and Maui: Part 2 in case anyone is super-duper bored. I have to say it was nice to return to a full day of love from normally aloof WonderKitty though.

OMG Project Runway Season 5 starts tonight! Yippee! Gotta go. It's good to be back.....

Jul 16, 08 11:53 pm  · 

Hey everybody,

Thanks for all the responses, sorry I was away for the evening and couldn't respond sooner. It seems the above mentioned solutions do allow me center the text, and create multiple lines of text within a dimension, but to the best of my ability I have not found a way to keep the line from disappearing where the text is located. It would be great to find a way to have the line bisect the two text lines, but as far as I can tell, that option does not yet exist.

Jul 17, 08 12:01 am  · 
brian buchalski

dear all, this thread has just been re-vived because it is best thread ever that wasn't started by me!

Jul 17, 08 12:16 am  · 

thanks tuna and wonder. i am waiting by the phone for offers...but only the contractor calls me to complain about his profits...maybe tomorrow.

i get it, treekiller. that is indeed frightening if true. didn't know that. all we did was make sure kids slept on their backs...but it wasn't always in the crib...and we had heard that that was also bad and could lead to sids...sort of mild terror period really, that first year.

manta, the trad japanese way of life is not so common anymore, but i love futons and oshi-ire (closets for the futons). most of you know that futons get put away every morning and taken out at night, right? well if you didn' you do. anyway, it means that since i am dragging the things out of the closet anyway it isn't such a big deal to drag them down the hall to the room we keep the AC on for the really hot nights every year. so we move about. sometimes just on a whim. why not...

our girls bedroom is also nice play area during day, cuz the futons go away and the room is empty from breakfast til supper. fantastic for the kids who get two rooms out of one...and for us cuz we can banish their toys from the living room (not that banishment actually works) why does anyone live on beds? i have no idea.

Jul 17, 08 2:36 am  · 

dreambuster: vado, our office is in the front 3000+sf of a 16,000sf metal warehouse in an industrial park outside of the city... and we don't have any redheads.

Jul 17, 08 7:30 am  · 

Good morning all.

Jul 17, 08 8:20 am  · 
vado retro

here's a warehouse instead of a redhead yeah yeah yeah...

Jul 17, 08 8:55 am  · 

Hmmm...I'm not sure if I like this name yet

WK - Haha, I hope "Philarchinectitude" doesn't refer to me

Jul 17, 08 9:14 am  · 
liberty bell

CRAP! I just wrote out five paragraphs on why I dislike Zagar and like Hundertwasser and my internet connection crapped out - gone.

This is symptomatic of my day thus far. Sorry, slartibart, not up to rewriting it right now.

Jul 17, 08 9:23 am  · 
vado retro

lb sweetie its only 9:30 :(

Jul 17, 08 9:30 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Can you explain the new name, Phil??

Jul 17, 08 9:32 am  · 

Ah, its from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. He designs planets and received an award for designing the coast of Norway. He's also very embarassed about his name.

Jul 17, 08 9:40 am  · 

i just re-read the four-part trilogy. lovely.

i prefer agnes nutter, but really anyone who can come up with so long and thanks for all the fish has got to be ranked amongst the best of the best...

Jul 17, 08 9:55 am  · 

And no hurry LB. I would like to read why you don't like Zagar eventually though, out of curiosity. Hopefully you have a better rest of the day.

I recently found out that I'm the kind of person that can debate passionately to the point of arguing, and still be able to get drinks or coffee afterwards without any harm to the relationship. Incidentally, I think that means I'd much rather be right than happy any day...hmmm or maybe that means that for me they have no correlation with each other.

Jul 17, 08 10:01 am  · 

wK- hawaii seems inhabited by zombies. in all your pics, there are no people!!!! where did they go?

I like the slartibartfast name...

thanks puddles!

Jul 17, 08 10:36 am  · 

LOL TK!!! Why take photos of people when the scenery is so gorgeous?

I like the new name.

Oh and at the moment I am slightly freaking out. "The Crush" came up to me a few minutes ago and said that he had heard from my PM that I might be free to help out. So I'll now be helping him out on something. Everyone send vibes that I don't foget to breathe and pass out. I'm nervous as all hell which means my IQ will probably plummet about a million points when I do finally go to him to assist. ACK!!!!!!!!

Jul 17, 08 10:49 am  · 

tuna - im sure youll do fine working around "the crush"
i know how you feel though, i choke up when it comes to those
matters to, i start speaking fast and then i start to stutter

most embarassing

tk - ive always wanted the zombie/resident evil/28 days later/i am legend/dawn of the dead scenario to happen so i could drive to outdoor world in a looted hummer and buy those rediculously huge magnums and beef jerky to go de-brain zombies in order to survive
and at the same time i dont want it to happen cuz i dont wanna see people die and/or get eaten alive.
totally blew the scenery vs people in the pictures thing out of proportion but im glad i got it out of my system.

Jul 17, 08 11:19 am  · 

Cool, I just saw this on CNN - Architect invents water purifier
Good stuff.

Jul 17, 08 12:02 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'm sorry. I guess since I didn't read hitchhikers guide, I don't get it like the others, but I keep reading your name as 'Sloberfest.' And, it makes me laugh. Maybe I should just read more intently, instead of just perusing. You guys really do deserve better from me. From now on, I will try to give you all the time and attention you deserve. I'm sorry.

Jul 17, 08 12:17 pm  · 

I'm not great at taking pictures of people....much better at taking pictures of scenery or buildings. The important pictures of me and WonderMan should be visible to you.

I'm depressed again.

Jul 17, 08 1:03 pm  · 

g'morning. I'm a little post-alcohol this morning. I need food and coffee, and won't be much use to the world until either one of those things happen. Wonder K, I am loving the tan - good on you, and you look really happy in those pictures as does Wonderman. Sloberbeerfest... brilliant name, I just don't know which Phil you were so I'm still confused...and the only thing I remember about Hitchhikers Guide if the meaning of life (SH was that written under LSD/hallucinogens?) Tuna you'll be fine...crush will look into your eyes and be melted, its fate I tell you. And i'll tell you this, whenever I am around people I am really attracted to my voice gets really deep and mellow...its actually quite funny for people who know me otherwise.

Jul 17, 08 1:03 pm  · 

awww, don't be depressed WonderK. At least you got to see him for a while. And hey, in just a couple of weeks, we'll be brunching together! I'm no WonderMan, but that should be fun in a different way, right?

Jul 17, 08 1:23 pm  · 

"I just don't know which Phil you were so I'm still confused..." - whoa... that is deep. Since I didn't put up a picture or provide my real name, I guess there is nothing that associates my "Philarch" name to any kind of identity... In this virtual context, I guess my identity is purely what I write about myself and tone of writing in the threads? I think I'm having a bit of a mini virtual identity crisis here.

Jul 17, 08 1:26 pm  · 

wK- this is brilliant!

ps- you two are too cute.

Jul 17, 08 1:34 pm  · 

our whole office just gathered in the back lot to watch the delivery of my boss's 1972 lamborghini espada. cool thing. i've really never seen a car quite like it. pictures were taken, tears were shed. apparently he's dreamed of this car for the last twenty+ years.

Jul 17, 08 1:46 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, i dont think it was written under the the influence, of LSD that is. I can tell you that drawings people have done, while tripping, all look similar, even though the people themselves are different. I saw some that Hendrix did while tripping at a Hard Rock once, though I can't find them online, and then saw some that a friend did once, and they looked strikingly similar. Mostly its wavy lines, and characatures, and such. Pretty cool, really.

Oh, and were you thinkng of 'Measurements' instead of Currency, yesterday?

Jul 17, 08 1:54 pm  · 

great pics wonderk!

it is entirely possible i am the last one to realize it was out there but i was looking at those images through piclens....what an awesome and amazing tool. if you don't have it i sooo recommend getting it.

entirely by chance (really!)i came across this in flickr while checkin out the wonder-people. it is the last magazine to publish our wee house. but in russian. which is really way too cool. they also chose to publish bits from the blog (we got a 5 page spread so there was room), which i am particularly happy with.

kay, i promise not to talk about my work no more. but you know, its the russian language thing... just looks totally neat.

Jul 17, 08 2:34 pm  · 

Hello all,
Archi it is funny but the same thing happens when i talk on the phone with someone i eithe rhave slept with or want to sleep with.
My friends can always tell when i am, because my voice changes completely.....
I guess it is my seduction voice???

Also, Jump i may have missed them on your blog previously but the actual physical model(s) of the project pictured here are awesome. although, of course not better than the real thing.

Finally, Steven although this isn't the car your boss got, i had never seen that model Lambourgini before and i must say sweet ride.
For sharing's shake.....

Jul 17, 08 3:07 pm  · 

no, that's not quite it, nam. it's this one:

Jul 17, 08 3:25 pm  · 

Yeah, Nam's Lambo is the Miura I think. That is one of my favorite cars, ever.

Jul 17, 08 3:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Y'alls voice change is probably some sort of instinct to portray yourself as Uber-male, and therefor healthier for breeding purposes. I knew a guy once who, whenever he saw a girl he had a crush on, would throw is shoulders back, and puff out his chest. Some bird species do this as well.

Jul 17, 08 3:36 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Nam's lambo looks a bit corvettish to me. Which came first?

Jul 17, 08 3:38 pm  · 

SH, i too know this species of male.....I myself usually don't go for such overt displays of ubder-maleness though...
Steven and Slart,
Yeah i guess i might have had it wrong.. Blame Google image search..
I saw the one you all posted and didn't think it looked like the green one, but the tag said it was...I figured it was a vantage/angle thing. Or my lack of car knowledge.

Also, i prefer green.

Still a nice car.

Jul 17, 08 3:53 pm  · 
liberty bell

To me, nam's Lambo looks like a Ferrari. The nose, at least.

jump, you must find a way to get copies of that Russian magazine! And don't stop talking about your work, this is after all an architecture website.

I've had a bad day. Child and childcare issues and way too much to do before I leave for the beach on Saturday.

Jul 17, 08 3:59 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LB, I'm finding that those kids will get you everytime. I'm sure the beach will more than make up for it, though.

And, Jump, if you didn't talk about your work, I wouldn't be able to pretend that TC is a viable work activity. Do you think I could file hours on here under IDP?

Jul 17, 08 4:11 pm  · 

I completely support you talking about your work jump, I only wish we all did the same. I think also, jealousy aside, that we are living vicariously through your recent achievements. That Interni magazine looks great...I wonder if they make an English version?

Jul 17, 08 5:46 pm  · 

Steven I hope he isn't chick shopping in that Car...

Jul 17, 08 6:06 pm  · 

Wonder-k is wonder-man the guy with white legs..and a dog walking down the path. It it is....I would be suspect of him living in the emerald isles....or he shouldn't be spending so much time in the office. I know ....I know....sunscreen....he is saving himself for later years.

Jul 17, 08 6:14 pm  · 

Has anyone seen Edward Albee’s play The Goat? The one where an architect falls head-over-heels in love with a dumb beast? I saw this mentioned in a new article about a new opera and I remember that I do miss the theatre.

Jul 17, 08 7:20 pm  · 

an architect and a goat....? hm, maybe not. am pretty sure i'd remember that. sounds weird. i just wanna see wicked. we are waiting for the youngest to get old enough that she won't scream in terror.

you guys are kind to let me babel about myself.

you know LB, we usually get copies sent to us, so i imagine the interni will show up someday. i am apparently given writing credit cuz they translated my archi-babble from the stuff we sent that is in itself kinda cool. hopefully it will land on the doorstep at some point...

archi, yes there is an english version, but we aren't in it. we sent teaser images to one of the sister magazines in italy, maybe domus, can't remember which, and never heard back from them...then a while later suddenly a mail from the russian publisher. i actually like their magazine quite a bit. they have a quirky sensibility that is to me quite nice. so we were quite happy to be asked...

nam, thanks. the models never went onto the blog cuz we didn't start til construction got going and it never occured to me to show the design process. my partner used to work for fuihiko maki and is a whiz with model making as a result, so he went through about 20 roof shapes before we came to final version...i think it was worth it, though we were certainly not getting rich by spending so much time refining the project...

nice car, steven. a 20 year wish fulfilled must be awesome.

Jul 17, 08 8:03 pm  · 

yah, he was like a little kid.

watching the thing come off the fedex truck was also pretty awesome. it was in the top level of the box truck/car carrier. lift was raised up to that level and my boss had to basically drive his new treasure backwards out of the truck out into the air! talk about nerve-wracking! then the lift brought it down to the ground.

Jul 17, 08 9:06 pm  · 
vado retro

maybe this is the one, its on a trailer!

Jul 17, 08 9:17 pm  · 

I hate to say it, but all the cars you guys posted look similar to me. All very beautiful.

LB - Hope things worked themselves out with Angus and the daycare situation. Hope you enjoy the beach as well. I'd kill to be somewhere near a beach at the moment, especially after seeing photos of Maui. I HEART THAT PLACE!!!!!

jump - do you read/speak Russian? That's awesome. It's a language I've wanted to learn since college. My dad's mom was raised in Kiev. I thought it would be cool to know so I could talk with her in three languages. Alas I never learned.

Today wasn't so bad with the crush. I was able to speak to him without losing it, but I avoided looking him in the eyes, as that's when I seem to get all tongue twisted/tied. At times it seemed as though he felt just as awkward around me which I was happy about. Unfortunately I may be taken away from working with him tomorrow to work on another project, although I hate leaving people hanging.

Just go back from a wine tasting in which I flirted most of the evening with a very cute lawyer boy. Didn't have the guts to get his phone number but I gave him my card and he asked for a hug at the end of the night. Quite exciting. My friend knows him and said she'd get his email for me, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Off to bed to sleep off the wine, but not before drinking a large glass of water.

Jul 17, 08 10:44 pm  · 

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