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good luck, tuna! in my experience if you give away your card you often get at least an email back. In the midwest, at least.

Slartibart : AWESOME name change. I could not have asked for a better one!!! in fact I'm a little jealous I didn't think of it first! :) Now, only one thing remains... exactly which Phil are you, again? ;)

(i'm actually kinda serious...)

which phil had the lady camera problem?
which phil had a car crash on the way home from church?
which phil hangs out with his niece/nephew?

ok phew. got that out of my system!

LB: I, too, had a SHITTY day today. Just a shit-load of small annoying shitty things, a string of them, all day long starting with the time I woke up till the time I got home with no break in between. Ugh.

Also, my best friend and I got in our first disagreement in over 15 years last night. Pretty sucky.

Jul 17, 08 11:18 pm  · 

Mantaray- my heart goes out to you. There is nothing worse than having a disagreement with your best friend. Hope things between the two of you settle down soon.

Jul 17, 08 11:30 pm  · 
liberty bell

Still up drawing cabinets. Yep, mantaray, a pretty shitty day that will continue for a couple hours at least.

Glad to hear you had some flirtatious wine this evening, tuna!! Good for you, good luck with it.

Jul 17, 08 11:35 pm  · 

hi yall's!!!!!! Its me, mdler. I am in Seattle now and its my 29th birthday!!

Anyways, moving to Seattle was a great choice. I am really enjoying the city so far; the weather has been nothing but blue skys and 80 degree days.

I am doing construction which has been quite a change from the whole architecture gig...7:30am work days are fun. My body aches every night, but I am getting buff. Leaving the jobsite covered in saw dust is fun...

I laid green roofing today which has been and educational adventure...hauling 300lb rolls of wet plant material up multiple flights of stairs is not my idea of a happy birthday...but it is cool to be learning how all this stuff really works.


Anyways, I hope all is well in the Archinect world

talk soon,

Jul 18, 08 1:39 am  · 

glad to hear it is working out for you mdler. lifting heavy stuff is always fun.

tuna, no i don't speak a bloody word of russian. only japanese and english, and a good grasp of cereal box french. the fact i don't speak russian is sorta what makes it cool. even the blog was translated.

Jul 18, 08 2:39 am  · 

mdler, would your company hire a girl? It's about time I get some real use out of my pink toolbelt ;o)

Jul 18, 08 3:00 am  · 

mdler is back! Yah! And happy birthday ol' chap. Now this is something you can really only say to a bloke, "I thought you were older than that" Oops...well not to worry a month from now with all your lifting of wet grass you'll be looking like a young BP soon.

The abbreviation BP was used so as not to excite and attract willing mothers who should be drawing cabinets.

Anyway glad to hear you are enjoying Seattle

Jul 18, 08 3:09 am  · 

Happy bday mdler. Glad to see you're back and are enjoying Seattle and the job. Don't stay away so long.

My advice for the day. Driving a scooter to work with a headache probably isn't the best idea. A fuzzy brain doesn't really help with the attention you need.

Jul 18, 08 8:18 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Tuna, since you made it to Archinect, I'm assuming you made it safely to work. I hope you get an email today from the WineMan, even if you are more interested in the Crush, just cause it would be an ego-boost, and that's always nice.

Something I've been wondering.... Do you feel strangely closer to some 'nectors than others? Names are not needed, but I definatly feel closer to some, than others. Which is weird, since I've never met any of you.

Jul 18, 08 8:44 am  · 

Good morning all,

SH, i know what you mean. I have always thought it weird period that i feel close or "miss" TC and the Nect when i am gone for a bit....

Jul 18, 08 9:56 am  · 
liberty bell

Thanks for thinking of me, techno! I have too much to do to think about BP today!

Jul 18, 08 10:02 am  · 

I do feel closer to some nectors than others, but they are generally those whom I've corresponded with by email or met in person.

...and am I the only one who doesn't understand what BP stands for? Other than British Petroleum, that is?

Jul 18, 08 11:16 am  · 

what pix are most likely to distract lb, rationalist?

Jul 18, 08 11:22 am  · 

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I see now.

Jul 18, 08 11:52 am  · 


That reminds me of the time one of the principals at my last Arch firm changed my computer desktop background to a shirtless BP while I had a meeting with another principal. Hilarious

Jul 18, 08 12:00 pm  · 

HA Rationalist! - I was stumped as well. That's the only thing I could think of too.

Yes SH - I did make it to work safely. I have concluded though that riding the scooter takes more concentration, so when I'm tired or not feeling up to snuff I drive my car instead. I should have driven this morning, but I had already driven the car twice this week to work. I think it has something to do with not being encapsulated (lack of better word) in a steel frame. I feel I need to be on my toes more so as not to get run off the road or hit. People are just starting to ride sccoters in this city and so drivers aren't used to them and are pretty much jackasses around them.

Jul 18, 08 12:35 pm  · 

I am apparently brain dead because i do not get it.. BP? (is it something about Beefcakey men?) or what?

Jul 18, 08 12:58 pm  · 

yes nam, that's pretty much it, except a particular beefcakey man...

Jul 18, 08 1:08 pm  · 

HAHAHA, I think that is the same photo!

Jul 18, 08 1:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

Best beefcake photo ever. There's one of Ewan McGregor that runs a close second.

Did anyone catch the "cougar" segment on the Daily Show last night? Did it appropriately emphasize what a double standard we live under, when women attracted to younger men are given an animalistic label, while an older man attracted to a young woman is considered somehow natural and unremarkable?


OK, so what to do: I sent an email to the Owner plus the Owner's second-in-command listing the things we absolutely have to deal with if they are going to get open in time.

I got back an email from each of them, totally contradicting each other.


Jul 18, 08 2:07 pm  · 

send 'em each other's emails?

Jul 18, 08 2:08 pm  · 

Ohhh Duh "Brad Pitt".....

Also, somewhat Brad related..
Has anyone seen the trailer for the new Coen Brothers film with Brad, Clooney, Malkovich etc.....
It looks funny!!

See here

Jul 18, 08 2:26 pm  · 
liberty bell

Brad's nice, but there's some better eye candy here (it's architiectural - the stair thread).

Jul 18, 08 2:56 pm  · 

hmm, lb, I'm seeing several options here, depending on how you feel about each of their ideas... If you like Owner's ideas better, email second-in-command and say, "oh, I just got this email from Owner saying x. Does that supersede your instructions?" That way you're pissing off second-in-command by ratting them out to Owner. OR if you like some bits of both approaches, you've got the chance to say, "Well, we've just illustrated what a variety of solutions there are to this. I think we should proceed as follows..." and outline a plan incorporating elements of both their ideas. Or if you really like second-in-command's ideas, you can say to Owner, "that makes sense, although Second in Command had a great idea about x that I think would work really well." So I guess it basically comes down to making a value judgement on their two opposite takes and finding a way to go with the one that you like the best.

Jul 18, 08 3:40 pm  · 

Oh lb, might you be referring to this:

nam, I just saw that trailer the other day. Brad Pitt acts like a dumbass especially well. And I love him and Clooney together!

mdler's post about working construction yesterday inspired me. Good for you mdler. Hope you had a great birthday!

Jul 18, 08 3:56 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh yeah, that's the one....

That trailer looks great, I love it when Brad does dumb comedy, he's excellent at it. His turn on Jackass - being "kidnapped" - is one of my favorite BP performances.

Today I showed my favorite client some carpet samples. She's concerned about red wine stains, and I had two sample pieces, so I said "Let's test some red wine on this one and see what happens!" So she opened a PacNW Merlot, poured a tablespoon on the sample, and handed me the bottle to keep. What a lovely person!

Sample didn't weather the wine so well, I'm afraid.

Jul 18, 08 4:12 pm  · 

hummana, hummana, hummana. So many things to drool over today. I wanna know what the handrail is made out of on the spiral staircase posted by holz at 21:54. It appears to be floating. YUMMY!!!!

Jul 18, 08 4:58 pm  · 

I'm drooling over microwave popcorn and thoughts of a cold beer once I get home.

factoid of the day - the odds of a fire sprinkler accidentally discharging are 1 in 16 million. So if a building has 2000 sprinklers - does that make the odds of being flooded by the fire stand pipes at 1 in 8,000?

since it is 5 - I'm going to disappear.

Jul 18, 08 6:05 pm  · 

Went out to a job site visit today for a Firehouse which should be complete in a month. Had nice words from one member of the Fire Department Committee who happens to also be a building offical. It
was a good feeling as he was saying all the people of the community
really like the project. Mrs. B is going to have to assist me it getting pictures up....ya it is a Firehouse...but what the hell they save peoples asses everyday!

Jul 18, 08 6:52 pm  · 

firehouses rock! Hi all i have not deserted you all, its been a rough day filled with expectations. Great expectations. Completed my interviews with cornerstone, and had a lesson in why I love my country. Chatted for about an hour longer than planned, and then had a photo showing of Camana Bay the new town in Grand Cayman being masterplanned by Duany Plater-Zyberk. After that I went to sort out my architects registration and got talking foreign policy with the secretary. Fun times.

But now its near midnight, and we've had a bad thunderstorm which knocked the power out for an hour across the whole metropolitan area. Decided to have a glass of wine with "mi mum" a 2003 Sauvignon Merlot that was unfortunately corked and 1/2 tasted of vinegar. Sigh.

Anyway...I'm up and slightly bored

Jul 19, 08 12:43 am  · 
vado retro

Snook! Call the FiReHoUsE!!!

Jul 19, 08 9:31 am  · 

Hi all,
My weekend took an unexpected turn for the worst last night.
Anywho, i am home now. And thankful.

Jul 19, 08 4:20 pm  · 
Jul 19, 08 5:11 pm  · 

nam- hope all is well.

steven- that picture looks like winter or a tornado sucked all the leaves off the trees.

I'm trying to polish my cv for a possible teaching gig in the spring, but I keep getting interrupted with last minute caption requests for my book article. this might just be the beginning of the end of the waiting for publication. TC will be the first to know when [url=]
it[/url] hits the shelves.

Jul 19, 08 5:42 pm  · 

it's what happens when redevelopment hits a historic-but-blighted neighborhood with limited resources or better choices.

'you wanna build a house? you want three lots? come on!'

Jul 19, 08 5:46 pm  · 

SW - I was wondering what was up with the photo.

Nam - Hope everything is okay, that post didn't sound too good.

I'm sitting around for the paint stripper to work, while attempting to keep cool. It's a hot one today.

Jul 19, 08 6:13 pm  · 

damn, Tuna is stripping again and no PHOTOS!

Jul 19, 08 6:20 pm  · 

nam, I hope you're OK!

Steven that picture makes me want to yak a little.

Jul 19, 08 8:31 pm  · 

Hi all,
I am better. A bath and some time to think has helped. I may have a complication or two still to sort out...But the worst is over.
TCs kind words and some support from my family have definetly helped to lift my spirits.
I am looking forward to a good nights sleep.

Also, that house is an example of redevelopment gone bad..

Jul 19, 08 9:31 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I like the rowhome, though, I guess it really be called that without the row.

Jul 19, 08 9:32 pm  · 
some person

Steven's photo above reminds me of this 'epitome' of mixed-use zoning that I pass when I walk to and from work. It's a church on top of a gas station. (click through for more images)

Jul 19, 08 10:42 pm  · 

Wow. That is awesome.
What city is that?

Jul 19, 08 10:49 pm  · 
some person

It's in the Rosslyn neighborhood of Arlington, Virginia. Not far from the famous "Deep Throat" parking garage, actually.

Jul 19, 08 11:01 pm  · 
Living in Gin


Given the way Americans worship oil and the automobile, maybe the uses of the site aren't so mixed after all.

Jul 19, 08 11:06 pm  · 

that is a great mixed use project, the kind you only hear about - but mentally prepare for during arch school. SW that image seems to be at the horrible intersection of sub + urban. And Just Why I was thinking it might of been a different deep throat you were referring to - not to worry that's a family safe link to wikipedia.

Jul 20, 08 1:21 am  · 
vado retro

iz zo hot already my cat is sleepin in the tub...

Jul 20, 08 9:20 am  · 
vado retro

today is national icecream day!!! the only good thing ronnie raygun ever did...

Jul 20, 08 9:21 am  · 

Awwwww keep cool kitty, keep cool. My little gray kitty has once again gone missing/ on holiday. She had a small cut/sore on her ear on Friday that I should have taken care of but was too lazy to do anything with. I hope she's okay. Everyone sent vibes out to her to come home

OK WWTCD? As you know, I am currently refinishing the wood trim in my bathroom. One of the prior residents used latex paint over the oil based stuff without priming in between (i.e. the paint doesn't stick properly). I am planning on repainting it. I originally palnned on taking it down to the oil base, but I'm noticing there are small divets and bumps that are still present. I'm using an eco-friendly stripper that although is great, it takes forever to work (btw 4 and 24 hours). Should I take it all the way down to the bare wood and go from there, or should I just stick with my original plan, strip down to the oil, sand, prime and paint? Thoughts, suggestions? Opinions/ knowledge on the right primer to use? I bought some Kilz Premium yesterday but have no qualms in taking it back if there is something better out there.

Oh and Snook - just photos of me working the strip job for all it's worth.

Jul 20, 08 11:19 am  · 

tuna be sure your wearing a good mask when your taking the paint off. It would be part of your stripper costume... just joking. I have a bunch of outside trim I have to work on but it has been to hot and I have been to busy on the computer. Two meetings on a Sunday.
One at 8:00 am left the house at 7:00. The owner is going out of the country next week and I needed to talk to him. The other was to look at an old 1800's post and beam barn and a 1799 brick colonial.

Jul 20, 08 5:41 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Good Morning! Just thought I would recap the weekend, at least the events that might be inportant you y'all.

Everyone seemed to be in favour of Green Beans for the kiddo, so I steamed the crap out of some - you know to the point where they turn a bit dingy-brown - and then pureed them, and THEN pushed them through a strainer. Abram thought they tasted great. He loved them. Unfortunatly, his stomach didn't agree with his tongue, and he spent the day spitting up all sorts of lovely mess for us to clean up. So, I will freeze the rest for another time, and try when he's a bit older. At least he thought they were tasty! And, since that didn't work, I gave him oatmeal, which he wasn't sure about, but ate anyway.

Last, but not least, I thought I'd share a picture to brighten your day.

I always let Abe 'sign' the cards that he's giving (this one is for the sitter's anniversary) and as you can see, he chose to 'draw' a picture of Fiji. I bet I could sell them, right? Make a movie? He could earn his keep.

Jul 21, 08 9:01 am  · 

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