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ha, I'll mention that to mdler if he doesn't pop in here in the next week... I forgot to mention, we met up at the International Beerfest last weekend and it was a blast. Nice having him in town.

I'm working on some wedding invitations for a friend today, and it's really weird to actually be illustrating something. Not typically my style, so it's a very interesting exercise. I think I'm going to include an option that is more what I normally do in what I show her, just to see if she goes for it.

Jul 13, 08 4:21 pm  · 

oh, and thanks techno. I can't say I'm unmarked, but at least I don't think it'll require a doctor's visit- I'm without health insurance at the moment.

Jul 13, 08 4:24 pm  · 

Happy Sunday all..
I am full, and relaxed after a low budget Sunday lunch.
I was lazy/sick this week and thus only ran once.
However, after almost 8 months i figure, i can take a break.
Occasionally. Hope all are well?
I personally, never got the Beatles, although i understood there place in rock and roll's canon.
That is until, i heard song 17 on side b of Abbey Road, about two years ago, "Her Majesty". A perfect, poppy, number. Foreshadows anything by the White Stripes, and all other Rock(pop) revivalists.

Jul 13, 08 4:40 pm  · 

Nam - glad to hear you are feeling better. I really need to run too, but I did something to my ankle last week and it still is bothering me :o/. I find it interesting you never got the Beatles esp. since I think a lot of musicians take their cues from their work. I can't tell you how many times I hear myself saying/thinking. those folks are very Beatles-esque.

Atechno - if memory serves me right... they were tripping on LSD at that part of the movie, hence the confusion to all us people who didn't take LSD before watching that part ;o)

snook - sounds like an awesome festival, wish I could be there.

Anyway, am off to dinner at the folks. Ta

Jul 13, 08 5:32 pm  · 

does lsd cause long term damage? I always thought of all the drugs out there it seemed the safest. But that could of been because I was in the 80s crowd that got the scare that Garbage Pale Kids and Scratch'n'Sniff had LSD in there and it only made us want it more.

Just in from dinner. Kind of a hunter's meal (not like deer or moose). This was game bird - not too sure what you call it. Two types one jerk the other wrapped in bacon - yummy. acquired taste but the company was fab too. Again again I must say great to be home

Jul 13, 08 9:29 pm  · 
Living in Gin


West Wacker Drive, KPF's monument to early 90's postmodernism across the street from their masterpiece at 333 West Wacker.

Jul 14, 08 12:05 am  · 
Living in Gin

This evening, shortly after getting home from doing stuff in Manhattan, I heard a bunch of FDNY fire engines racing down my street, sirens blaring, and then stopping outside my apartment building. It looked like a scene from Backdraft. Three trucks total, including a huge ladder truck, and dozens of firefighters scurrying around on the street, with lots of neighborhood people standing around and looking on. The whole spectacle unfolding outside my window certainly got my attention.

Thankfully, they were more interested in the building across the street from me. It must not have been a major issue, though, as they poked around for a bit, and then got back into their trucks and left.

But 30 minutes later they were back, poked around a bit again, and then left again. Weird.

Now, as I write this, somebody is setting off a bunch of huge fireworks from their backyard a couple blocks away.

I'll say one thing about living in New York City: At least it's never boring.

Jul 14, 08 12:14 am  · 

this is out of the blue and un-related, but apparently my partner and i are top 50 in the world hot...

check it out

they only showed one of our projects on line unfortunately, but there may be one more in the printed version (hasn't arrived in office yet)...hope so - we have other interesting works going on that i would like to see published....

Jul 14, 08 5:39 am  · 

wow! congratulations. very nicely written, indicating how more-than-one-dimensional you guys are, especially in such a short piece.

Jul 14, 08 7:22 am  · 

That is pretty awesome!!
Congrats. I guess all the hard work does pay off.
Happy Monday all.

Jul 14, 08 8:42 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Congrats Congrats!

Techno, LSD really doesn't have any long term effects, or negative effects UNLESS there is a history of psychosis in your gene pool. Then, there is a possibility that LSD can unlock that, and you become a full-on psychotic. Users plato too quickly to become chemically addicted. I had to do a research paper on it in HS. As for the movie, Bono was suppose to a version of Ken Kesey. He and his gang started the 'painted bus' revolution, and he coined the phrase 'on the bus.' His painted bus was named 'further' and I found it funny that the bus in the film was named 'beyond.' Also, a bit of completely useless info, Kesey and his Merry Pranksters went to see Dr Leary once, and were turned away. The Grateful dead got their start playing for all the Acid Tests that Kesey sponsored, and the character Dean Moraitity (or whatever his last name was) from On the Road, actually drove the bus for Kesey, and was immortalised in a Grateful Dead song - his real Name was Neal Cassidy.

Ok, so there's your history lesson for the day.

On another note, Abram finally decided he liked Bananas.

Jul 14, 08 8:53 am  · 

jump that is fantastic! congratulations, well deserved! and thanks again for your blog, i really appreciate the step by step photos.

Jul 14, 08 9:57 am  · 

congratulations jump!

first day at the new office today.... *eek*

Jul 14, 08 10:05 am  · 
vado retro

congrats jump. that is a pretty amazing accomplishment. do you get a free subscription???

Jul 14, 08 10:18 am  · 

jump thats pretty sweet, are you gonna show off?
id show off, thats a nice site too, ive never seen that
site before, from what ive seen thus far the world of
architects is cool

on another note
i recently bought a Yamaha Alto Saxophone valued at 1250$
off of a cop who lived in Portsmouth for only 200$ - crazy right?
from my own knowledge of saxophones it was in excellent condition
but i took it to a expert/repair man to see if i was right, and i was,
sweet deal right?

so how is it that i cant find any free sheet music
online? they all say free on google or ask, but
in the end you have to pay, i can write music myself
but id rather just print it off and read it.

can anybody help?
any advice on the search?

Jul 14, 08 10:30 am  · 

a classic: a showdown between shock me, i'm bourgeois and per_correll here.

Jul 14, 08 10:40 am  · 

congrats jump. so i guess we now know why you're named jump.

Jul 14, 08 10:58 am  · 

thanks all.

yeh lars, that is the reason. when i signed up to this site i didn't think i would actually post anything or that i would even visit much so just plopped in what came to mind first...which just goes to show...

steven the text is an amazingly well condensed version of a series of questions they asked everyone. we were in the middle of some philosopho-sizing at the time so they got a bit of babble, but hopefully it isn't entirely meaningless.

vado, no subscription. just the adulation of millions. well thousands. ok, actually just one or two, but on a time-share basis - which is actually a step up, so I'm pretty happy.

have fun at new job rationalist!

Jul 14, 08 11:09 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Phil, 911tabs has piano music, so you might try there.

Jul 14, 08 11:12 am  · 

Thanks Sarah, im gonna look it up now

Jul 14, 08 11:34 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Let me know how it works out for you.

Jul 14, 08 11:43 am  · 

Philarct, you scare me. I recently bought a Yamaha Tenor Sax. What kind of sheet music are you looking for? Its not free, but if you're into jazz, this is worth paying money - "The Real Book" aka "The Fake Book."

Jul 14, 08 11:49 am  · 

Sarah - it rocks, i even found a few theme songs, i have to
convert it from guitar or piano to sax, but it works.
thanks a bunch

Philarch - im really just looking for anything to play
i have all my notes and written music from middle
school, i need something new to play.
Jazz is great! "the real booK huh?
ill look it up.
i just ran through a sax forum and
a series of players also agreed that tabs for
saxes are hard to find and that youll have to
pay eventually

Jul 14, 08 12:03 pm  · 

MEH! For whatever reason I don't have the correct software to view the article and it won't let me download it. Congrats jump, hopefully I'll be able to read it when I get home form work.

Philarct and Philarch - Are you sure your not one in the same person, just trying to mess with the people on TC? ;o)

SH - interesting bit of history. I've never knew any of that,

Jul 14, 08 12:38 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Tuna, I'm full of strange facts. Sometimes, I even throw them out there when they are relevant, but not actually asked for. People stare at me.

Jul 14, 08 1:37 pm  · 

Sarah, thanks for that history lesson about LSD, I recently found out about that magical painted bus from a documentary they had on VH1/MTv. They also mentioned the CIA's testing of LSD on racial minority soldiers. So of course you know I'm going to ask the question...if it doesn't cause long term damage (except for the loony bit) why is it illegal?. And not to worry I have no real desire to try just throwing it out there for debate.

And Jump, you never cease to amaze me. Honestly. Congratulations, it is no short order to have a WallPaper mention. I remember a few years ago I got a call from the editor in chief at the time, asking me to nominate a practice doing interesting things - I said Andie Maynard but shoot if asked today without bias I say you!! By the way do you have Irish roots? I ask because Galloway is a prominent name in Montserrat because of its Irish much so as the area East of the Volcano is/was called galloway estate.

Jul 14, 08 7:51 pm  · 
vado retro

tune in turn on DrOpOuT!

Jul 14, 08 8:07 pm  · 

I had a funny call from a contractor today. I put a 1-800 number on some construction documents for floor drains and today the contractor called the number and he got a message that the number had changed and so he dialed the given number and damn if he didn't get a phone sex service. He called me and ask for the number and I looked it up on the drawings and also at the internet
just to be sure and I had missed the number by one digit. So I guess after this I will have to back check those numbers. It will be interesting to see if any other contractors give me a call.

Jul 14, 08 8:14 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, LSD is illegal becuase the majority of people cannot control themselves when on it. Many people end up hurting themselves or others, and we can't very well have that, now can we. I'm sure there are other reasons, but LSD did used to be legal, and people got tired of all the crazys running around. If you never have, and are interested, you should read Tom Wolf's The Electric Koolaid Acid Test. I highly reccomend it. Subject matter aside, its a beautifully written book, and its often laid out on the page in a manner that enphasises the written text.

I really should read more of his stuff. The Tangerine Baby book was a little odd, though.

And, last, I would like to Nominate n___ for most dependable 'nector of the year.

And, I would like to complain. I generally like Windows Vista. It took some time to un-learn the way one had to previously go about using a Windows operating system, but I kinda like Vista. That said, I got this copy of InDesign, and dangit if it isn't supported by Vista! Seems that when you update a system, you should be able to run all the old stuff, like how you can still open ACAD14 files in 2008 (you can, cant you? That would suck if my example was totally wrong). I will have to load the program on Husband's crappy computer, I guess.

Jul 14, 08 8:22 pm  · 

Anyone else finding this thread rather stimulating and infuriating at the same time?

vado - you my friend are NOT bitter, only realistic/honest.

Jul 14, 08 8:58 pm  · 

SH, you frequently surprise me; it's refreshing.

Philarch/t : Please, for the love of all that is good, one of you plllllease change your name??? Here's a good thing to do: just add an * after the end. It will visually differentiate you two without anyone having to come up with an actual different name. Pretty please with a cherry on top? I hate to admit it but I sometimes kind of just skim your posts because I get frustrated that I can't keep your character straight in my head. Check it out:


see! it's pretty!!!!

Doesn't extacy also not have actual long-term deleterious effects? I thought I'd read that.

On the other hand, it's been supposedly proven over and over again that pot does not have long-term deleterious effects, but I can't tell you the number of friends I have that exhibit permanent memory issues, dulled mental responses (sort of like... slow synapses, hard to describe) and in some cases exhibit seemingly permanent personality changes from heavy pot smoking. So, I take the "no deleterious effects" with a grain of salt. There may just be shit the docs can't measure yet. There's not a whole lot we know about the brain, that's for damn sure...

Jul 14, 08 9:26 pm  · 

manta - I think life in general had "deleterious effects" in the brain. I sometimes think I get a tad bit dumber every year. By the time I'm 120, I'll probably be a drooling imbecile.

Jul 14, 08 9:39 pm  · 

drooling at 102 isn't bad....but well wet dreams at a 102 that is a whole other issue.

Jul 14, 08 9:47 pm  · 

haha, tuna, that's a pretty good point. Fairly true of myself as well.

On that note, there's a pretty hilarious South Park on right now...

Jul 14, 08 9:49 pm  · 
brian buchalski la puddles!

Jul 14, 08 10:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Snook, thats pretty funny. I wonder how you file that on the expense report.

The awkward thing to happen at my office today? A guy announced that his wife was unexpectedly adding a 3rd child to the family. You all would be proud of me. My first thought - "Seriously? Another one of you? Thats all the world needs." Second thought quickly following - "Unplanned, that means you get laid on a regular basis, and it wasn't strictly propogational sex. Ewwww. Gross. How is that possible? Is your wife nuts?" Third thought - "That sucks for her." Luckily, all I actually said was "How does she feel about it? Suprise Pregnancy can suck. Cool"

Jul 14, 08 10:08 pm  · 

sarah oh he was the no worry about filing....but It was certainly a first for him.

Jul 14, 08 10:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Dang, so this is what happens when I get interupted mid-post. Sheesh, now I have to do a second. Screwd by the kid, again.

Manta, thank you, and to answer your Ecstacy question.

Exstacy works by releasing all your seratonin into the space between synapsis, and keeping it from being re-absorbed. Knowing this, its possible, though I can't think of any sources to quote on it, that after long term usage, one would have problems creating seratonin, and thus be permanently depressed - in every way. Granted, we have things like prozac and effexor to boost seratonin levels, but, if Exstacy can keep the stuff from being absorbed in the first place, it stands to reason that permanent nerve damage could be done, and all seratonin receptors blocked, which, would suck. Also, Exstacy causes the body to over-heat, which is the typical cause of death related to taking the drug. If I had to choose, or some one asked me between the two, I would say LSD is safer. Its a bit more 'natural' in make up, and as long as you have a baby-sitter, and no history of crazys in your family tree, you should be good.

Oh, and just so everyone knows, No, I've never done LSD, or exstacy for that matter.

I was gonna say that I wished there was a drug that synthesized prolactin or oxytosin, but the former can be linked to loss of labido and impotence, and the latter seems to cause all sorts of other negative effects. So, I guess, if you mess with body chemistry much, you throw the whole ship off course. Dang.

Jul 14, 08 10:26 pm  · 

Unless you are already off course. ;oD

I'll be here all night folks.

Jul 14, 08 10:32 pm  · 

based on pot aplenty experience in canada the drug can have an effect. personality changes and absolutely i have seen memory issues in heavy users. lsd can cause flashbacks or something can't it?

archi, cheers for kind words. galloway is scottish, but my family lived in ireland as well. they moved to canada a little more than 100 years ago now so not such a strong connection. my grandfather did fight in the highlander regiment during WWII however.

Jul 14, 08 10:59 pm  · 

jump, you're scots-irish, transplanted to canada? you weren't transplanted to winnipeg were you? and your family wouldn't happen to have been brethren?

just curious!

Jul 15, 08 12:32 am  · 

thanks for the clarification jump. Still a reason to come to see the other emerald isle.

I just dropped the t-square/gauntlet on that French Citizen thread, the comments were getting disturbing. Whilst I am all for open debate on things like sexuality, race, religion as a means to unearth the social conditions that lie underneath - that one was just getting stupid with two fools making outrageous and attacking statements.

and in about 12 hours I should know the fate of my continued involvement on the new town in Montserrat. [commentator Marv Albert] it comes to this...[/commentator Marv Albert]

Jul 15, 08 1:37 am  · 

hmm, I didn't know that about ecstasy causing overheating... maybe that's why it's so good, since I have low body temperature in the first place, so it would balance me out a bit.

Jul 15, 08 1:37 am  · 

puff the magic dragon lived by the sea...

Jul 15, 08 1:41 am  · 

manta, technically that is true.

but it was so long ago i am just plain canadian.

one of my grandparents was a refuge from religious persecution in germany and then russia and finally in the good ol USA (illinois actually) before moving to manitoba, where i guess it was easier. didn't have anything to do with me though. i grew up baptist, then converted to atheism in my teens.

Jul 15, 08 5:40 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Jump, the flashbacks can happen with any sort of dramatic event in a persons life. LSD tends to fall into that scope, so yes, flashbacks can happen, but its not directly caused by the drug. Also, its not like a second, body-induced, and therefore free, trip, it would be more akin to a vivid memory, or deja vu.

Wish us luck today, guys. This is the day I take Abe to see the Head Doctor about the helmet. If he has to wear one, we will have to come up with a slicker name for it.

Jul 15, 08 7:18 am  · 

Good morning all,
Wow TC is just crawling with drug knowledge today.
SH, re: flashbacks i always wondered myself. I had never been able to discover what exactly a flashback consisted of good to know.
I have deja vu like experiences all the time...Although i doubt they are LSD related. unless it is from leftover effects from all the doses my dad did as a naked commune resident.

Also, FYI. i am happy today. Unexplainedly so...

Jul 15, 08 11:07 am  · 

glad to hear you're happy nam -- now don't ruin by searching for an explanation!!!

Jul 15, 08 11:14 am  · 

good luck Abe. I need some luck as well - heading out for a sushi lunch to distract myself

Jul 15, 08 11:18 am  · 

There's nothing more depressing than biting into a bad piece of fruit two days in a row. My plum today was watery and didn't taste like anything. Yesterday my nectarine was just gross :o/. Guess I'll just naw on the carrots I brought instead.

Jul 15, 08 12:57 pm  · 

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