
Thread Central

Living in Gin

I actually had some Yuengling at a bar in Boston last weekend, but damned if I can remember which place it was. May have been the Joshua Tree bar near Davis Square, but I could be wrong.

Jul 10, 08 11:14 pm  · 

Philarch, that's different now...
let this be a lesson. i have done things like that and followed up on the promise regardless how bad it felt. it is like promising the world when drunk and feeling terrible next day and feel guilty.
there is only one way for you to handle this in a healthy way and that is being honest with her and saying you can't afford to fullfill your promise and tell her you can help her partially and make sure you guys turn this into a nice joint effort by going to camera shop together and after that, going to a restaurant and taking some pictures etc etc.
there is nothing wrong telling her you are broke and express your feelings about helping her to get a better camera since you are partially responsible or feel you are for losing the old camera. honesty over uncomfortable delivery my friend...
obviously you respect and care for her. if you build a nice friendship or maybe relationship with her, there will be a lot of opportunities to get her nice things in the future.
i get things for my better half for no reason or event at all. as a matter of fact i only get presents out of blue because i feel like it.

Jul 10, 08 11:17 pm  · 

damn LiG! i've never seen it up here...i'll have to keep my eye out...however i'm usually not at the joshua tree -- i frequent Sligo, a hole-in-the-wall that has a constant, undefineable smell but $2.50 PBRs...when i'm going for volume, not quality, that is...i may have to check out the joshua tree to get a look see about yeungling. did they have it dirt cheap or marked up a lot?

thanks for the heads up! and on that note, night all!

Jul 10, 08 11:19 pm  · 

Yuengling is great. But it is similar to most island lagers though. But its refreshing with the wasabi still fresh on your tongue.

I used to take the Greyhound from NYC to Boston - but that was about 35 to 50 depending on the time, and you always landed and stopped in the seedy parts of town. Real gritty. I've been on it when it had a few breakdowns - no crashes tho. Also did Philly to NYC but that was something call blackline or blueline couldn't remember - looked like greyhound buses smelled worse though.

Jul 10, 08 11:52 pm  · 

Wow, thanks for all the responses everyone. I didn't really expect this much feedback. I think its hilarious that it also indirectly branched out to the subjects of Yuengling beer and the Chinatown bus - both of which I enjoy once in a while. No lie, now that I think about it - she was drinking Yuengling when she noticed the camera was missing at the jazz club. I listed a couple local beers and thats what she chose. haha...

I generally take LIG's route when going to NYC: RR to Trenton and NJ transit to NYC. It is the cheapest and most reliable without worry of traffic or bus trouble (although once in a while the transfer is on a different platform and you have 30 seconds to run there). If I go to NYC for work, I take Amtrak. Haha, I just remembered the day after we lost the camera - we took the train back up to NYC unintentionally just in time for the gay pride parade. We started catching on when she noticed a guy that was "prettier and better dressed" than her. Not that there is anything wrong with that of course.

Jul 11, 08 1:08 am  · 
liberty bell

Philarch, get her a gift card to a camera store for what you can afford. Tell her it's an offering for what may or may not be your part in the loss of the camera. If it turns out she takes your money and runs, you may be out some cash, but at least your small bit of guilt should be assuaged.

My phone battery is really low so I texted Steven today - I wonder if he got it? Afterwards we were joking at the faculty table about how us old people (Steven isn't as old as I) don't text!

vado, that's also why I haven't called you back. I forgot my phone charger, so the only way to charge it is in my car. An internal combustion phone charger: bad idea.

Sarah, I love the necklace.

techno: I also didn't realize you are officially single now. My sympathies. Glad the interview went so well, good luck with round 2!

Jul 11, 08 1:14 am  · 
liberty bell

PS Philarch: Since you guys are NYC/Philly, of course the gift card should come from B&H.

Goodnight all.

Jul 11, 08 1:17 am  · 
liberty bell

OK, wait, one more thing:

RenderingZ? Please.

Jul 11, 08 1:18 am  · 
Living in Gin

I honestly don't remember how much the Yuengling was... In fact, I may have merely seen it on tap, but decided to order something else instead.

Okay, for the past two weeks I've been working late almost every single night in order to issue some feasibility studies for our Very Important Client™. Yesterday morning, about 24 hours before we need to send out his stuff, he calls us up and asks us to drop everything and convert all our drawings to PDFs, burn them to a disk, and hand-deliver them to him at his office in New Jersey. So we do as instructed, pull an intern off somebody else's project, and send him over to New Jersey with the goods. About an hour later, our Very Important Client™ calls back and tells us to forget about it; we can send the disk tomorrow via FedEx because he's leaving the office for the day and won't be there to receive the disk. We call the intern on his cell phone, and he's only ten minutes away by that point, so we tell him to complete the delivery and forget we ever called him. He manages to do so.

Our Very Important Client™, meanwhile, raises bloody hell when we ask for a one-day extension on our deadline because we had the whole project team working on his stupid PDFs that he decided he didn't even need to see. He reluctantly relents, but we still pull a heroic effort to get his shit sent out by the original deadline, despite a broken color printer and the client's other consultants dragging their feet.

While this is going on, the weather has consistently been in the upper 80's and humid as hell. You can't walk half a block without needing to take a shower afterwards... Gotta love New York in the summer. Being outside is like being in a steam bath, and thanks to my roommate being too much of a fucking cheapskate to run the air conditioner, being inside is like being in a steam bath as well.

So I've been getting home at around 11:00 PM or midnight almost every night for the past two weeks, lie in bed and sweat for a couple hours until I finally fall asleep, and then wake up at 6:30 AM in a pool of sweat and get ready to go to work again.

Well, today was our original deadline, and I managed to get everything printed, bound, and sent out 30 minutes before the last FedEx pickup. Mission accomplished. As an added bonus, the temperature is a bit cooler, with much less humidity. Maybe I'll actually get a decent night's sleep tonight.

Yeah, right.

The apartment I share with my roommate is pretty much an open loft configuration, located on the corner of the building, with lots of huge windows. Great for views and breezes, but terrible for peace and quiet. And because the bedroom walls don't extend all the way to the ceiling, even the slightest noise is audible throughout the entire apartment.

As I mentioned, this is a corner apartment. One side faces the street, and the other side faces an alley that belongs to the neighborhood grocery store, containing all their dumpsters and such.

First came the garbage trucks. This happens about twice a week, so it's not entirely unexpected. Around 10:00 PM, a garage truck pulls into the grocery store's alley, and spends the next 30 minutes with its engine in high gear while the workers bang the dumpsters load all the garbage into the compactor in the rear of the truck. They leave, and then another garbage truck pulls in about an hour later to pick up all the bales of compressed cardboard boxes. Again, lots of noise, and sometimes the diesel exhaust drifts into the apartment.

Keep in mind that all the windows are open, thanks to my roommate being too much of a fucking cheapskate to run the air conditioner.

Meanwhile, there's the car alarm on the other side of the apartment. This particular car has been a nuisance in the neighborhood ever since I moved here last summer. Late model Chevy Impala sedan, silver with tinted windows, New York plates DYC 4579. It has one of those car alarms so sensitive that it start sounding if a pigeon shits on the sidewalk in Queens. Tonight, the Impala is parked directly in front of my living room windows, and the alarm has been sounding non-stop for the past two hours. I've called the city about it twice so far, and so far nothing.

So much for my relaxing evening and decent night's sleep. Christ, I can't wait to move out of this fucking neighborhood.

There's a light at the end of the tunnel, though. Today at work, completely out of the blue and while I was in the middle of trying to put our stuff together for our Very Important Client™, I got a phone call from somebody I had been in touch with a couple months ago about a bedroom for rent up in Hudson Heights. Large bedroom, nice view, three closets of my own, my own bathroom directly off the bedroom, located in a nice co-op building in an upscale and quiet neighborhood by the George Washington Bridge... All for slightly less rent than I'm paying now in Bushwick. Best of all, the bedroom overlooks the bridge and the Hudson River. No garbage trucks, no car alarms. I could even put in my own window A/C unit if I wanted.

It all sounded too good to be true, and at the time, that turned out to be the case. The deal fell through because the current occupant of the bedroom decided that she wasn't going to move out after all. Back to square one. Lately I've been getting a little panicked, because I need to be out of my current place no later than the end of August, and I hadn't had a chance to start looking for a new place because I've been so busy at work lately.

To make matters worse, I've had to empty my savings account to pay for some emergency dental work thanks to a broken molar last month. I was hoping to go through a broker and get a half-decent apartment of my own in Hudson Heights, but that's no longer a possibility at the moment. I had pretty much resigned myself to moving into another roommate situation for now, and was preparing myself to begin looking for a place and meeting people with a sense of dread. Looking for housing in New York is about as much fun as a painful rectal itch when you have no money and bad credit.

Well, the phone call this afternoon was from the person I had originally been in touch with about the bedroom overlooking the George Washington Bridge. Turns out the current occupant has decided to move out, and she really means it this time. I must have made a positive impression on the owner of the apartment, because she decided to give me a call and ask if I was still looking for a place.

Yes, it's still a roommate situation, but it's probably about the best roommate situation I could hope for given my current circumstances. At the very least, it should do until I know where I'll be going for grad school and I have some more money in savings.

Right now everything is verbal and nothing is official, but I'm cautiously optimistic this will work out. I'll hopefully know more by this time next week.... Wish me luck.

In the meantime, anybody know how to silence a car alarm? I'm thinking: smash the driver's side window with a brick, pop the hood, and cut the cable to the positive battery terminal... And then torch the car.

Jul 11, 08 1:19 am  · 

you know every now and then when I read Gin's posts I'm compelled to fly to New York, extend a hand to shake but steal a hug. A big manly, I'm not afraid to hug a complete stranger/archinecteur hug in public. Maybe a kiss on the cheek too. Urghhh it will get better GIN!!

And sometimes I want to tell my own story...but sometimes seeing typed out just affects my positive outlook on life and the shaking table limbo I'm experiencing right now.

Jul 11, 08 2:30 am  · 

triple 8s Chines good luck...oops now its gone!

Jul 11, 08 2:32 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

LiG, you could try to shoot through the hood, and cut the cable that way, or crawl under the car and get it through the wheel well. Or, cut the brake lines, and push it down a hill - do you have hills?

Techno, I can totally see you as a hugger. I am not a hugger, always found it awkward, akward, hell, I can't spell to save my life. In any case, I always seem to get my arms tangled; I go up with the left and down with the right, and the other person mirrors that, or something or the sort happens. The only person I've ever neeb able to hug comfortably was Husband, and now Abe, but thats cause he doesn't really hug. My parents? yeah, I'm ok, but its still strange. Maybe its cause I'm a lingurer, I tend to hang after the hug, which isn't at all appropriate with friends or parents. And I'm really bad at the 'Hi, I know we just met, but I'm going to hug you anyway' hug. It was rough when meeting europeans. So, I guess I said all that to say, if I ever meet any of you, please don't hug me, cause I suck at hugs, but its not cause I don't like you, or that you smell, or anything. And Techno, I'll be watching for that fake shake.

You know, I bet you're a giggly drunk. If you were a cartoon character, I'd imagine you were a Gummy Bear. Was that the only cartoon ever based on a candy?

Jul 11, 08 9:05 am  · 
brian buchalski

i am alive

Jul 11, 08 9:32 am  · 
vado retro

anytime i think things are f'd up on a personal note, i just wait for a post from Gin. Thanks Gin.

Jul 11, 08 9:51 am  · 

Talking about Huggs.....We had a bear come visiting our neighborhood last night. Ya I said BEAR! I didn't see him
but our neighbor had their cars parked up on the front lawn
as close as they could get to the front door. She said it was
a Brown Bear....which she was mistaken cause all we have
are Black Bears and usually they are a bit more remote to the
Country Side not wandering around a road that has a traffic count of 60,000 plus cars a day.

Jul 11, 08 9:53 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I've always wanted to eat bear. I'm just curious as to what it tastes like. Bear, whale, elk, buffalo, theres lots.

Jul 11, 08 10:51 am  · 

Oh Sarah the environmentalists are going to jump on you. I feel that I've eaten turtle...and imagine it was after local bans on the fishing (the country I was in did not sign). But I've also had desire to taste shark fin soup...only because I like most asian soup and well I love fish/shark especially. Okay let me stop before I get my teeth kicked in as well.

Sarah, I won't shake your hand - I'll tell you that from now. You'll be receiving as will rationalist, Wonder K, Liberty Bell, Mantaray, Surfaces or any absolutely fabulous fem-archinecteur being getting a...naw I'll surprise you.

Jul 11, 08 11:49 am  · 

lately my grammar and sentence construction has been poor - I apologise Thread Central...I blame this old keyboard. I will attempt to type most of my posts instead from my laptop. G'bye gone for a skinny cap

Jul 11, 08 11:52 am  · 

Wow, I'm gone from TC for 24 hours and a lot happens

vado - love the videos. I wanna know where he got that hat.

Philarch - I agree with rationalist and manta. It's very noble that you offered to buy her a new camera to replace her old one, but I can't believe she agreed to take you up on it and now wants a more expensive one. Inapropriate and rude. Go with LB's suggestion and get her a gift card at a camera store as a compromise. That way she get do with it what she wants.

LIG - I recommend ear plugs. They might not cancel out everything, but you'll be amazed at how weel they actually work.

Atechno - sorry to hear about the breakup. That sucks, esp. when it comes to losing contact with the pup. She was way cute. :o/. I'm still confused by the whole job situation. So your contract with your former employer never went through? That sucks. Congrats though on the interview (job offer?). You're still in Jamaica, right? Are you planning to stay there indefinitely? What about your house? I'm so confused. Please excuse.

Anyway, the last two days at work have been rather full with revising the specs for our project, working with my lighting designer to select/layout the lighting and (hopefully) wrap things up until construction actually begins. Our GC is still dragging his feet. It's frustrating. On the personal end I've spend the last two days in a row, doing impromptu visits with family and friends that have lasted longer than planned, ergo today I'm very tired. Can't wait to get home and relax. Gotta run.

Jul 11, 08 1:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Tuna, Techno's interview was of the journalistic kind, I believe he was the interviewer and some architects/designers were the interviewees.

Jul 11, 08 1:42 pm  · 

I've been stuck on one of those annoying survey calls for the past 20 minutes asking me about web use for architectural products. they even asked about blogs 7 forums, but none of the ones I actually use or have heard of... I'm pissed that archinect, transmaterial, and inhabitat, didn't even get mentioned.

luckily one of my colleagues accidentally started to eat my lunch and so interrupted to let me know.

Jul 11, 08 1:45 pm  · 

tk i got one of those on tuesday! so goddamn annoying. it went on and on and on and on. and yeah, i had never heard of any of the forums the lady mentioned either.


Jul 11, 08 1:57 pm  · 

Wait, you can't just hang up on them?

Jul 11, 08 2:18 pm  · 

well i think you can, but i didn't. pretty much everything makes me feel guilty, and i would feel bad about it...and even worse, telemarketers i can't hang up on, because i envision them getting screamed at all day...

Jul 11, 08 2:28 pm  · 

the extreme duration of the call just sneaked up one me. the are clever to not tell you how many question and the time it will take or nobody would answer. 'Fern' had an excellent americanized accent even though her supervisor/background folks all sounded like they were from the subcontinent.

Jul 11, 08 2:37 pm  · 

the duration was definitely extreme...and the strange thing was that the lady (who sounded a little midwestern?) kept thanking me for my patience and bringing up the fact that it was taking forever! maybe it's what kept me calm and cool...

Jul 11, 08 2:43 pm  · 

sarah....elk is the best....bear is greasy......buffalo is also a fine meat. Elk is still my favorite...even better then venison(deer) or moose.

Jul 11, 08 3:50 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Care to send me some, Snook?

I wonder if the people get to make up American-ish names for their job. Do you think they only get to choose one per company, or can they change it up week after week?

If I were to change my name, it'd be....

Nope, I kinda like my name, even though I think I like how it sounds when foriegn people say it better. sArrah. Much nicer.

Jul 11, 08 4:00 pm  · 

Sarah I would if I were still out west....Shooting Bear in Connecticut is a is unless your with the Department of Enviormental Protection. They get to use the dart gun. Hope their not wondering around our neighborhood tonight.

I've been feeling alot like Yosemite Sam. No I'm not going to go shooting bears...or anything like that. It have been volunteer day
for me and I wasn't really planning on it. Seems like two places where I help out were in need of some assistance today. So here
I'm up to my eyeballs in something other than swamp water on my paying projects....and have to drop the ball to go spend the day on volunteer projects. Oh well, what are we to do....guess I will get to work most of the weekend.

Enjoy folks!

Jul 11, 08 4:24 pm  · 

Have I told TC lately that my GC really annoys the F$%* out of me? It's almost the third week of July and we still have yet to get our CDs out for permit. The clients are supposed to move in at the beginning of the year. Yeesh!!!!!

Jul 11, 08 4:54 pm  · 

Sarah thanks for clarifying my interviews - the journalist kind <- sounds proper, versus two mates talking architecture over a pot of coffee.

Also let me shed some light, if I can, on my job. I am presently inbetween contracts. The one I was previously on has expired. There is an offer to continue said duties but I will have a different employer. The board of directors however has to give their approval - next meeting is Tuesday. So I fly to Ja to wait and see - I had to replace my travel documents anyway.

Also I'll be back to Jamaica by August for my best friend's birthday. And to complete the last bit of my travel doc/s. I never want to lose anything ever

Jul 11, 08 4:58 pm  · 

on the whole question of phone surveys i just tell the person up front that i have five minutes to answer any five minutes time i will hang up...and then follow through.

as far as telemarketer's go...we get sooooo many calls on a daily basis that i have no problem hangin up on them without even giving them the opportunity to redirect me.

this has also almost led me to hangin up on a woman from the DOT who doesn't speak the best english...

Jul 11, 08 5:03 pm  · 

I got directed to Kumar in India today when I called Verizon for service. Everything was fine except he kept saying "Fantabulous."

Jul 11, 08 5:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

No he didn't! I wonder what movies they watch to get ideas on American slang and such. Do you think it counts as work related research, and as such, they get paid for it?

I'm off to figure out what I will wear for the anniversary dinner - wish me luck!

Jul 11, 08 5:52 pm  · 

I don't even think I want to know what sort of greetings techno plans on giving us all...

Sarah, I have tried buffalo before and it was quite tasty. I'm not sure that I object to the consumption of that sort of animal as long as it is locally abundant- for instance I would never try to get buffalo here in Seattle, but when I was in Denver I didn't have a problem giving it a try. Maybe I'm being short-sighted, but I figure as long as there isn't demand for it to be domesticated and shipped nationwide, then eating bear, elk, or similar isn't different than eating goose or pheasant, just another local catch as long as it's not over-hunted.


I got in the worst bike incident I've ever been in just a little bit ago... I hesitate to call it an 'accident' because there was no other vehicle involved and I managed to keep from crashing. I was coming down a street I had never ridden on before, going downhill, and I hit a pothole (couldn't see it as it was very shady in the tree-lined sort of way). I barely managed to keep from going over my handlebars, and my reward for that was to land directly on my top tube, and have to barrel down the rest of the hill that way, unable to pedal. So lucky there were no cars around as I had very poor control over the bike in this condition. I still hurt. :(

Jul 11, 08 6:41 pm  · 

Mastering the English language: the word for the day is "Fantabulous."

Jul 11, 08 7:01 pm  · 

sorry about the accident rationalist - I've had my fair of those to the point where my folks automatically get worried when i say I'm going out for a ride. I hope you have no bruises or pains to remember the ordeal.

And - my greeting is nothing to worry about, but it would be memorable. I was raised to be appropriate when meeting new people. But I've been known to bring the fairer gender (platonic prearranged introductions) flowers potted or picked on meeting.

Jul 11, 08 7:14 pm  · 

everyone check this out

Jul 11, 08 7:28 pm  · 

Last night I slept for pretty much about 14 hours straight. Now I feel like I'm the dead walking amongst living. I hate sleeping too long, makes me feel worse. Off to start my day. Hopefully I'll feel better soon, once I get my blood o' pumpin.

Jul 12, 08 12:10 pm  · 

okay there must be some Thread Central gathering that no one told me about. The day is almost over and we've only had a handful of posts - and mostly by me. Its like that movie 28 days. I'm all alone. [echo]is anyone out there??[/echo]

Jul 12, 08 11:25 pm  · 

Just checking in. Spent the evening stripping wood trim in the bathroom. Yeah I know... I hate doing it but finally decided I better get my ass in gear and take care of it. Got it down to the oil based stuff on the window frame and am debating whether or not I need to actually take it down to the bare wood or whether I can now sand it, put a good primer on it and paint it again. At the moment, I'm sitting watching/listening to Austin City Limits before I call it a night. Good stuff.

Jul 13, 08 12:36 am  · 
vado retro

Tunamelt's last post .Edited by me...

Spent the evening stripping... I hate doing it ...get my ass...Got it down to the oil...I need to actually take it down to bare...I'm sitting watching Good stuff...

Jul 13, 08 1:41 am  · 

That's a very good interpretation vado, and makes her somewhat down beat day seem well more...entertaining. boys will be boys.

anyone ever saw the movie Jumper? I just sat and spent the last hour watching it - I'm not too sure what to say about it...but it hit the spot this evening (read quiet Saturday night at home - attempting to stay await despite not having my afternoon nap in favour of drinking/liquid lunch)

Jul 13, 08 2:13 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, we can never go to the movies together. This is the second movie you've liked that I couldn't stand. Seriously? Jumper? Come on. That movie was crazy retarded; like Ultraviolet and DareDevil - Though, I did kinda like the English charater.

We spent the evening sipping martinis and watching "Across the Universe." It was pretty good, like Forest Gump on acid, sorta. There always seems to be that one scene in a movie that loses me, and I become bored. In "The Jungle Book" it was the scene with the vultures, though I don't mind it now, in this movie, it was the Circus scene with Eddie Izzard. He thought he could hide by wearing man clothes and a mustache, but he can't hide that walk.

Oh, did I mention that we gave up on avocados? Tried them again yesterday, and poor Abe makes the same faces I make when I eat them, and No, he hasn't seen me eat them. So today, at 10am, we're going to try bananas. I'm overly excited, I'm sure, but I get that way.

Oh, and I dreamed last night, that I was at some Royal English dog race, like Ascot, but for dogs? And, even though I was a commoner, I put on my first Prom dress, and somehow managed to win the 'bell of the ball' award, without even trying. It felt nice. Wonder what that says about my psyche.

Jul 13, 08 10:12 am  · 

LOL vado! Interesting editing indeed. Makes my evening sound a whole of a lot more exciting (for lack a of a better word) that it actually was.

SH - I watched Across the Universe several months ago and really liked it. I was humming Beatles songs for days. But I agree, there were parts of the movie that I just felt they added in order to get in more references. It was still a good movie though. And the cameo by Bono rocked.

Jul 13, 08 10:23 am  · 

I just won a pair of tickets to a Jazz using my speed dial on the phone. Nothing like working on Sunday morning listening to Jazz and winning a couple of tickets. It makes the effort
all worth while. Actually I'm working on the restoration of a barrel vaulted 1928 Diner. It is what you would call a small project 10'-4"
wide and 35'-0" long. The inside is mint the outside is another whole story. I have been doing pre-move demolition drawings all weekend,
along with a field trip to do some verification of my notes and photos.
I'm going to have to go back today and check a couple of other things that I need to measure.

Jul 13, 08 10:36 am  · 
vado retro

the original lyrics to give peace a chance, which were origianlly scrawled on a piece of cardboard and then given to some high school girl who was at the "bed-in" to write on cue cards so every one could sing along recently sold for 750 thousand bucks.

Jul 13, 08 12:59 pm  · 

I am the Walrus...ookukukuku! Sarah I love Across the Universe, and I too thought the circus scene was a little out there. I remember watching it and thinking that something must of been wrong with the dvd. Worse that I figured you needed lsd to understand what the ass was going on.

and for the record Jumper was mellow enough to watch last night - to say it was good would be a stretch. So not to worry we can go to the cinema screaming baby and all.

Congrats on the jazz tickets snook - a local concert? Whose playing?

Jul 13, 08 1:59 pm  · 

Paquito D"Rivera with Zaccai Curtis Trio
Bebe Neuwirth
Windham Harper Quartet
Nicolas Zuratis Quartet
Wayne Shorter Tribute Big Band by Donald Weiss
Dave Brubeck Quartet
Conrad Herwig's Latin Side of Miles and Trane
Claire Daly's "RAH! RAH!" Band
Peter Madsen Trio
Jimmy Green Quartet
Cyrus Chestnut Trio
John Pizzarelli, Dear Mr Sinatra with Orchestra

These folks are spread over Friday night all day Saturday and all day Sunday. We will be vacationing there for all three days. It is a local
festival which supports a summer Jazz school. So often the people
who play this festival are also involved in teaching music and provide
lessons for the school.....Oh ya and the special gift is seeing the students do gigs on the side stages. They actually have kids come
from all over the world.

Jul 13, 08 2:21 pm  · 

wow that sounds amazing snook - I'm a big jazz fan myself despite not being able to play a lick. And its good to see that Dave Brubeck's band is still playing. I'm sure you'll have fun - invariably for me as well.

And now for something completely different.

I was looking at this thread, completely by accident, and noticed Liberty Bell said the following.

Liberty Bell
Total Entries: 26
Total Comments: 7987

01/30/06 20:25

How many MB does my 1600 archinect posts calculate to I wonder?

- that was 6387 posts ago about 2.5 years! And each of her posts are quote worthy...mdler wherever you are (yielding a hammer ala thor) please take note.

Jul 13, 08 3:37 pm  · 

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