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sometimes I wonder how much I will some-day rue all my pre-parenthood statements on Parenthood...
Jul 9, 08 8:04 pm  · 

I've been getting into Little Feat of late, as well as Bluegrass, courtesy of my co-worker on the other side of the panel. Never thought I'd get into the Bluegrass stuff but I admit it's growing on me and now I wonder why I ever thought I wouldn't like it. I think the spirit of Good Ole Kentucky is finally seeping in after almost two years of working across the river. Who would have thunk it? Definitely not me.

Jul 9, 08 11:05 pm  · 
vado retro
Jul 10, 08 12:01 am  · 
vado retro
Jul 10, 08 12:05 am  · 

oddly when you were all making these posts I was hanging with a friend and her 3 yo watching Dora. An important comment is that shows like that as annoying and consumer based as they are do teach children, and important things as well like Spanish. Yeah for if Barney comes back someone has permission to shoot me wait no better him, I'm sure he's on somewhere.

Jul 10, 08 2:51 am  · 
liberty bell

The thing is, if your kid spends time around other kids, like at daycare or school, they will bring home the knowledge/awareness of those consumer goods anyway. My son knows all about Transformers, and I sure never showed him those things! Though I admit we watched the movie and it was cute.

Two more days...if i can get through two more days........

Jul 10, 08 8:06 am  · 

ahhh, morning TC...just waking up on another "no work for me thursday"...god bless our office's new 4 day/10 hr work week...that being said, i am most likely going to squander the day indoors (and mostly in front of a computer), at a doctor's appointment and working on a long-overdue new portfolio and ARE studying...come to think of it, it won't be all that different from a day at work...ah well.

Jul 10, 08 8:11 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Elmo, I dont like. Why? He's too high strung; he makes me anxious. Is that how you spell that? Oh, well. But, he does, as do many of the cartoons out there for kids nowadays. Many of them seem to constantly be yelling, talking 90-to-nothing, and bordering on disrespectful, and I think that might have something to do with why kids seem to behave the way they do today. People do tend to emulate what they see on TV.

And, Good Morning, all.

Jul 10, 08 8:57 am  · 
vado retro

i think the no country for old men haircut was inspired by dora friendo.

Jul 10, 08 9:03 am  · 

haha...that reminds me of the "i drink your milkshake" sketch on SNL from a while back...hilarious:

Jul 10, 08 9:10 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Mfrech, I always think your name is mfrench. Can I call you Frenchy? If you're a girl, I can make it Frenchie.

Jul 10, 08 9:15 am  · 

Good morning all,
My stomach is still slightly off.

Also, SH i too always think mfrech is mfrench.

Myapologies Mfrech....

Jul 10, 08 9:21 am  · 

"frenchy" will work just fine, SH. what's funny is that the same thing has happened elsewhere on archinect and since it's the first part of my last name, it's been happening in real life for as long as i can remember, with a mystery "n" inserted, hehe. it has to be some kind of subconscious word-completion thing, you know?

Jul 10, 08 9:22 am  · 

heh, no problem nam, it's something i'm very used to!

Jul 10, 08 9:37 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Then, Mfrech, pending Lord Bossman's approval....

Jul 10, 08 9:47 am  · 

manta- back in the 70s, capitalism hadn't become ubiquitous and dominating childrens books, toys, cereal, et cetera. yes, I had a star wars lunch box (and wanted the star wars sheets that my friend jesse had), but the volume of marketing attention wasn't the same or as pervasive. There wasn't' five different sesame street spin offs each with their own line of products. there were still unscripted toys and moments to explore. not any more. or do I sound like a grumpy old fart pining for the way it used to be?

Jul 10, 08 10:18 am  · 

I had a dukes of hazard lunch kit, racing car, cap, badge, but I never got those Rossco P. Cole glasses I sooooooooo wanted. I think if I did I would of felt I would switch to the dark side. Even now when I see aviator glasses I want them - but know that I shouldn't for some subconscious fear. Nonetheless, I digress, I say all of that simply to say that those shows were heavily supported by consumerism - but they wanted you to buy their stuff, today you have other capitalist supporters for those kiddie shows. Look at the ads that come between the children might seriously worry you when you child asks you if you have switched to a lower ARP with DiTech!!

Jul 10, 08 10:36 am  · 

haha thanks for the nod, SH -- that is a great thread over there! but does it diminish the egalitarian-ish setup that we have for archinect?

i suppose that levels of archinecteur status exist now, based on posts and general reputation, etc.

Jul 10, 08 11:41 am  · 

tk, reminds me of something i learned about from a kindergarten teacher recently : kids love toys whose purpose is open-ended. for example, a doll with no face at all is better to a kid than a doll that pees; once you've made the doll pee a few times, suddenly there's no longer anything to do with it. but the doll with no face can be anything, and kids intuitively pick up on that and MAKE it anything. She was telling me that the most popular things for her kids to do (she teaches in an open, encouraged-play learning environment) were dress-ups (even just with a scarf! a scarf can be like 18 things), and things like blocks, amazingly.

on the other hand, i also think that a kid whose imagination is fostered by his parents and his home environment will probably be able to take that to the "doll that pees" toys too... so my completely uneducated and inexperience guess is that maybe this self-selected group of people on this website will have less to fear from this problem. Just a thought?

I worry about these things too. Makes me want to move to the country before having kids.

Jul 10, 08 1:17 pm  · 

man....moving to the later years they discover I don't know how good it is to move to the country.

Jul 10, 08 1:42 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Snooks right, in the country, after the age of 14, the only things to do are

1. Ride around in cars with older kids
2. Recreational Drugs
3. Sex
4. Go to Walmart
5. Shoot stuff, blow stuff up, light stuff on fire.

Pretty much everything else is a variation of one of the above, or is directly links with one of the above.

And with gas prices soaring, guess number one can be marked off the list.

Jul 10, 08 1:50 pm  · 

sarah, I participated in all of the above....thing is we didn't have submachine guns, and meth... it was more like hunting rifles and
3.2 budweiser.

Jul 10, 08 1:56 pm  · 

I posted this on the "Dear Abra" thread. While I liked Abra's answer, I want some more opinions since this is a real situation I'm in:

I need some advice...

So I met this girl recently from NYC. I've been visiting her in NYC and this time she visited me in Philly and we lost her camera in a cab. I might be at fault because at some point I was holding her camera. I just took the blame and told her I'll find it or I will buy her a new one. No problem there... except she wants a camera that is twice the value of the one that was lost (and finding a camera lost in a taxi was an impossible task to begin with anyway)...

It wouldn't be a problem to spend that much money on someone I'm close with but I've only known her for so long. So my options are:

A. Just give her the camera she wants and ask nothing in return - and fill up the memory card by replacing all the pictures that were lost by revisiting all the places on my own.

B. Swallow my pride and tell her I'll pay the value of the camera that was lost and she can make up for the difference in cost for the camera she wants.

C. Try my luck at Blackjack and Poker at the casinos to try to pay for the camera

D. Deny it was my fault and refuse to pay for it

I'm leaning towards C then depending on the outcome A or D ...haha...

Jul 10, 08 1:58 pm  · 

sex was a fun way to keep warm when it was 20 below zero....on those cold winter nights.

Jul 10, 08 1:59 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I thought they only had 3.2 in OK. Are you from OK?

And the boys I knew, made potato guns, and such. Husband was very good at making his weapons.

I would do a combination. If you really like her, love her, then A is a beautiful and sweet gesture, but from your post, it doesn't seem you are that serious. So, I suggest, you do a combination. Take your camera and fill up a new memory card with the photos, including extra of you, maybe saying you're sorry, or something, and offer the bought new price of the old camera, and she pay the difference. This would give you another excuse to get together, and if you already have a memory card for her, filled up, it would be a nice suprise.

If you go with C, you will probably end up in debt to some shark, and at the bottom of the Schkulkhil (no, I don't remember how to spell that), and if you go with D, she won't talk to you again.

Jul 10, 08 2:10 pm  · 
Herman said that the [christy] needs to examine her taste in men and that Cook is a narcissist with a bottomless ego.


I wonder how many other architects have bottomless egos... lets start counting, (one)puddles, (two)?

Jul 10, 08 2:43 pm  · 

You think he might have a complex....with a name like Herbert?

Jul 10, 08 3:10 pm  · 

SH, thanks for your opinion. Hmm...I want to try avoid giving cash or have any kind of cash transaction. Seems a bit...cold or unfriendly or something. Thats just me though - I do the same thing with friends when I'm out with them, I either pay it all or let them pay but never sit there calculating how much I owe. Good news is though, I've visited and called some camera places and after all that searching I found a good deal for the camera she wants. I might just pull an "A." As for option C, I was actually half serious since I am indeed going to AC this weekend for my friends birthday and I have left the casinos only once with less money than I started.

Jul 10, 08 3:44 pm  · 
vado retro

tell her to get renters insurance and stop tryin to get a more expensive camera out of you.

Jul 10, 08 3:45 pm  · 

vado, would renter's insurance cover that? How, if it wasn't stolen or lost in an apartment fire or something?

I got a little toasty on the beach yesterday. My theory was to use the SPF 4/tanning oil stuff to get a really golden tan, which worked, for the parts of my body that have seen sun in the past year. For the parts that haven't, like my upper thighs, the plan didn't work so well and now they are quite pink. Time for more aloe!

Jul 10, 08 4:04 pm  · 

PS. Thanks for that video link to the "I Drink Your Milkshake"! I've been trying to figure out what that was for a while now....

Jul 10, 08 4:05 pm  · 

wk -- i've been trying to figure out a good spf / tanning oil combo that would let my dainty white unexposed bits turn golden without frying! so -- SPF 4 is good? I didn't know anything under SPF10 existed. Does it actually protect you at all?

I've been toying with doing bronzers and tanning creams as they seem helpful without completely crossing the line into the world of fake tanning (eek!)... more like sticking a toe over the line. A nicely browned toe.

Jul 10, 08 4:14 pm  · 

manta, only use SPF 4 on forearms, upper chest, tops of feet....places that are used to sun exposure. I would do 10 or higher everywhere else. It does provide a little protection but the express purpose is for tanning, so it lets the sun through.

Today.....I'm not going out without putting 45 on!

Jul 10, 08 4:19 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I have found a nice umbrella to work wonders in the burn department, though, it doesn't help much with the tanning. Oh, but I feel so continental.

Jul 10, 08 4:19 pm  · 

hi Wonder K in technicolor - good to see that you haven't forgettn TC despite your lovely time in Hawaii. I would suggest to anyone that wants a tan to get it whilst in the water. Surest way to get an even tan. But limit it to 15 minutes at a time, come out and put on sun block. And I'm sure you are wondering how I know when I have naturally coffee/cappuccino coloured skin...HAH! I'll never tell.

Phil having just come out of a relationship my response will be bitter, and I would normally safe TC from such a response but why not. My response would be definately don't do A...a modification could work, take the pictures for her, but as SH said propose that you could contribute to the purchase of a new one. But my heart, broken and damaged as it is says that someone who "insists" that you buy a more expensive one is only trying to use you - and I think you sense this, why the Dear Abra and WWTCD?, tread carefully and with your eyes open.

...disclaimer - the words are of a man aiming to recover from a damaged heart....listen with caution.

Jul 10, 08 5:33 pm  · 

Oh and I forgot to say that I did my interview today and it was awesome. I only had one of the partners and will have to do a follow up but it was amazing. Best time I've had all vacation. I do love architecture and this guy was passionate too. More about that later

Jul 10, 08 5:38 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Techno, I am not recovering from a broken heart, and I agree with you. It is a bit childish and selfish for Phil to offer the girl a replacement, only to have her ask for a more expensive one. She sounds spoiled. If you give into her wishes now, she will only continue to wish for more, which, you may or may not be up for, thats up to you.

And, I appologise for being hard on her, but if the story is how you presented it, then she should grow up. I would never expect you to buy me a camera, and I would be gushingly greatful if you did. But, then, I don't like people to give things out of obligation.

Techno, how did I miss the break up? I knew you were having a rough time, but I thought it was more job related, and personal. I know you had that crazy moment, with the movie-tastic chase in the street, but didn't know SO was gone. Is the puppy gone too, then?

Jul 10, 08 5:40 pm  · 
vado retro

The KNoll Reps brought in giant soft pretzels and beer to the office today! woohoo.

Jul 10, 08 5:55 pm  · 

hmm soft pretzels...i miss those from my philly days more than cheesesteaks and yeungling combined!

well, i miss them more than cheesesteaks, not more than yeungling.

mmm... ...yeungling.

Jul 10, 08 6:05 pm  · 

Philarch, i think abra gave you an excellent advice. it is totally insincere for her to double up on something that wasn't really your fault anyway. in fact, it is downright embarrassing to ask something like that from you. she doesn't really see any future relationship w/ you except get what she can from you at the moment, which is a more expensive camera, which is a cheap act and greedy. get her a used camera of the same that was lost in the cab. and tell her to take a good picture of herself.
if she wants to upgrade her camera, she should do so with her own funds. she is like charging you...

Jul 10, 08 6:15 pm  · 

Hmm, looks like I didn't present the situation fully. She didn't insist on me replacing the camera. Since I was involved in the loss of the camera, I boldly stated I would replace it if I dont find it. Most likely, she thought I had it and I assumed she had it - we're not both types to lose things like cameras since I still have mine that I've taken to over 5 countries the past 3 years and she seems responsible too.

But it turns out regardless of whether I pay or not, she wants to get this really nice camera. Which in a way makes sense - if I lost my current camera, I wouldn't want the same one - they probably don't even sell it anymore. And she's obsessed with photography so that explains her taste too. I don't want to give her cash nor do I want her to give me cash for the difference even though she'll most likely offer. It just feels wrong. At the same time, its more than I've spent on someone that isn't family. On top of this, of course, is the fact that I'm leaving on a long trip out of the country soon and have been pinching pennies for the past couple months or so.

So really, its my fault for putting myself in this awkward position and my choice if I want to get out of it. I would hate for something material to make or break a possible meaningful relationship. In another way to see it, it comes down to whether I want to keep my wallet or my integrity intact. The casino provides me at least a chance to keep both, don't you think?

Jul 10, 08 6:42 pm  · 

then why don't you be honest with her? Tell her you felt bad about your contribution to the camera situation and really want to help, but the one that she wants is beyond what you are able to spend. Let her suggest whatever compromise feels most comfortable to her.

Jul 10, 08 7:16 pm  · 

Sarah H, yup I'm single and no puppy either. The latter is a very sad and sore point, but like pre-nups I believe that you should leave as you entered. I don't think I need to bore TC with the details but it was pretty much of the same.

Work on the other hand may take a delightful turn. I'm afraid to jinx it since so much has been topsy turvy over the last 10 months professionally. I even tried to do a dear Abra myself and the within the time I typed it, to me checking my email before sending it - the scenario changed again. But I'm still relatively sane throughout it all. And I've managed to secure a job content managing the website for the architects I interviewed today. Sweet!

Jul 10, 08 7:27 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Phil, howabout this...

Let her buy the camera, and you can buy the card, and possibly a case. I'm assuming, from what you've stated, she wants a digital SLR, and those don't come with an adequate case. If she wants a point and shoot, you could still get the card, maybe other accesories, or, better yet, pay for her trip back to philly, and you both can take the pics again. If you're pinching pennies, put her on the chinatown bus, it runs from philly to NYC and its like 50 bucks round trip - maybe its cheaper, i never road it. I didnt imagine that shes in NYC, did I?

Techno, I'm sorry on the one, and congrats on the other!

Jul 10, 08 9:26 pm  · 

the chinatown bus is like 15 buck from nyc to boston...

Jul 10, 08 10:02 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I've heard enough horror stories about the Chinatown busses to stick to the NJT/SEPTA trains with an easy transfer in Trenton.

Jul 10, 08 10:11 pm  · 

every couple of months there's a story on the local news up here about something going wrong on with a fung wah bus...there was even a fatality last month, though it was the result of a bus getting hit by a nyc garbage truck.

Jul 10, 08 10:16 pm  · 

Philarch, I find it odd that though you offered, she accepted. She shouldn't have accepted something like that, even though it's nice that you offered.

I would take exactly rationalist's advice. No great surprise as that wonderful lady always provides sensible advice. LISTEN TO RATIONALIST! Be honest, this is ridiculous, you shouldn't be expected to follow through with what was definitely an extremely generous proposition. There is one thing for you to offer, and it's another thing for her to accept and then ask for even more, regardless of the details of the situation. She needs to understand that this is getting ridiculous.

Jul 10, 08 11:04 pm  · 

I miss Yuengling. I have discovered a local beer however that I like actually more... first time!

Jul 10, 08 11:05 pm  · 

i used to miss yuengling in boston....ridiculous that they don't serve
it there..but now that i'm in new york and it's available everywhere
i hardly ever drink it...

not the same as it was in college

Jul 10, 08 11:12 pm  · 

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