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Very interesting. I'd like to see for myself if it actually works though.

Jul 2, 08 12:24 pm  · 

hi all I'm here. I've been enjoying the time away from work too much by again visiting an architects' office. I spent most of my time with the ladies of the CAD section, and my friend in the ID section. Not bad at all since they really are a creative set and the CAD lasses were all former students.

Now I'm sitting in a coffee shop 1/2 full with a mug of skim lat that's almost a foot tall I kid you not. The movie last night was a bust cause its the official "end of school" for high schoolers and they were all at the cinema. All films were sold out - so we went to dinner early but not before catching the rush hour traffic. It wasn't so bad got to catch up with a friend and vent over previous romantic experiences. Always good to have friends.

I came in here with hopes of CAD'ng myself but no luck - the ACAD compatible program has run out and I won't get my personal laptop until well maybe until I get back to Monty. In the meantime my prime contractor has completely removed the roof and I will have as blank a canvas to work with as possible when I get there. Fun times.

Jul 2, 08 1:02 pm  · 

Oh and Sarah yes I do tan (for the areas that fade...shhh don't tell anyone)...the warmth of the sun on (cough cough) is refreshing. But I haven't made it to the beach yet since being here. Actually I haven't done much of anything.

Jul 2, 08 1:07 pm  · 


Jul 2, 08 5:05 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Im here, but since nobody else was around to play, I've been keeping quiet.

Jul 2, 08 5:14 pm  · 

I'm here...

Jul 2, 08 7:30 pm  · 

me too, i have just begun my four-day weekend...however, the simpsons are on, so i am more than a little preoccupied.

Jul 2, 08 7:34 pm  · 

about to get ready for all you can eat seafood, yummy

Jul 2, 08 7:56 pm  · 

I'm here but I don't have much to say. I am a little sluggish today and I think I may have run out of things to do on the internet, which is scary.

Did someone say they had read all 7 Harry Potter books or did I make that up? How was the last one? I'm thinking about getting the audio book for my listening pleasure (I'm starting to get a little bored with my own music and podcasts, also scary).

Less than 48 hours until I go to Hawaii to see WonderMan. If it weren't for the adoration of my cat I might be at LAX already, bursting with anticipation.

Jul 2, 08 8:08 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

DubK, you simply must dish out the details upon your return from tropical paradise. Maybe you should start your own Wonderthread.

Yes, I live vicariously through others. Its sad. I know.

Jul 2, 08 8:37 pm  · 

DubK, that was totally me. The seventh one was the best, I think (second best was the fifth one, if that helps you tell whether my opinion is worth anything or not). I've never listened to an audiobook though... how does it compare with the pleasure of curling up with a real book?

Sorry all, I've been doing manual labor at school for the past few days, which keeps me well away from the computer! I also took a bike maintenance class last night, which was really helpful. I felt kind of stupid that I'd been riding so regularly for over a year without knowing a lot of that stuff, but the benefit to that was that I went into the class knowing the super-basic stuff already and was clearly not the biggest bike moron present.

Jul 2, 08 9:06 pm  · 


I'm at the computer drafting away to meet a 7:15am I hope your not living thru me.
It is amazing how work comes in "Storms"....wondering if
i will wash up on the shore?

Jul 2, 08 9:07 pm  · 

MWAHAHAHAHAHA My plan worked... DubK. Harry Potter is indeed a great adventure to listen to. Rationalist - if you enjoyed reading the books I highly recommend you think about listening to the series. The narrator ROCKS. Everyone who has both listrened and read them says listening to them is much better.

I'm off to reserve an audio copy of the 7th book at the library. I'm so excited

Happy Wednesday night TC. For all those who are yet on vacation... one more day. YAY!!!

Jul 2, 08 10:33 pm  · 

Sarah, of course I'll dish when I come back! A WonderThread, that's funny. Probably won't need one though, unless you guys want daily updates while I'm there. I might seriously kick my own ass if I spend too much time on the computer when I'm in Hawaii though.

rationalist, I like the Audiobooks for a few reasons: 1) I get motion sickness easily, so it's good for roadtrips, planes and what not, 2) You can do chores and such while listening (i'm a multitasker), and 3) the guy who narrates Harry Potter is absolutely brilliant. He's won awards for his work on this audiobook series, he's literally created over a hundred characters using just his voice. Ask tunamelt, she's the one who turned me on to the audiobooks. It does take a while, for sure, but who cares when you can CAD/cook/feed the cat/work out/do laundry at the same time?

PS. I could totally use a bike maintenance class.

Jul 2, 08 10:39 pm  · 

Whoever invented audiobooks really is a genius, for all the reasons DubK stated above.

Jul 2, 08 10:43 pm  · 

I have heard McCourt is great reading his books...the Irish brogue and all....Anglia Ashes. His brother is alot funnier though, but I doubt they would allow him to read a book he had written cause he would get carried away and talk about booze an swimming naked in peoples pools in Hollywood....

Jul 2, 08 10:51 pm  · 

WonderK, try here. I know you probably can't make that particular date, but they are weekly up here so it's worth checking with the store to see how often the offer them at that location. It is just the really basic stuff, but I feel more confident on the road knowing I can do it now.

tuna, not only did I enjoy reading the books, I am re-reading right now. Well, only the last few, but whatever. I'm on book six, and it fell apart, so I'm reading it in pieces. Curling up on the couch with a good book is honestly one of my absolute favorite things in life.

Jul 2, 08 11:02 pm  · 

Funny, I just went to the library to check out an audiobook for the reasons wonderK stated! I LOVED being read to growing up, and in fact my mother read to me until I was in high school even, and in fact still does sometimes when I request it. I realized the other day that I really missed being read to, and since I've run through all 350+ episodes of This American Life, I figured it was time for audiobooks.

For me, though, the greatest benefit will be to my eyes; I don't drive, and therefore my eyes get zero relief from near-sighted work. I'm on the computer all day, I read on the way to and from work, when I get home I watch TV, look at the computer, and read some more; nothing I focus on all day is futher than about 10 ft away. I've begun to notice problems with distance vision as well as more frequent headaches... so, time for some audiobooks!

I wish I'd heard about the Harry Potter narrator before reading them all. Funny, I don't want to spoil the parade but I personally intensely, intensely disliked the 7th book. I actually disliked it so very much that it completely negated my near-total enjoyment of all the previous books and unfortunately now I only think back on the series with dismay. Bummer. :( I think she's done some marvelous work coming up with that series, though. I think once the 7th book wears from my memory I'll love them once again...

Jul 2, 08 11:27 pm  · 
liberty bell

I just went and saw the amazing house Steven posted about recently. Note that by "saw" I mean I parked outside the platted-but-not-yet-built subdivision that already has a gated entry finished and locked, climbed over the fence, and hiked/snuck in to see it. It was dusk, but lights were on in the house, all I could do was peek in the windows (it's unoccupied), and oh my god. Oh my god! It is the most amazing place. Right up there with any other hugely important house I have had the good fortune of seeing for real (Villa Muller, FLW, it's better than Tugendhat).

When architecture is not only good, not only amazing, not only awesome, but truly makes life worth living. Or at least I don't want to imagine a life without it.

Jul 3, 08 1:07 am  · 

lb, thank you for pointing that out. I haven't been paying attention to much of the forum lately so I would have missed it completely otherwise.

Jul 3, 08 3:07 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow. How do you find a builder to pull that off? The ones we seem to work with have a 6" 'give or take' sort of thing going on. That house is tight - and not just in the 'Thats Tight!' sort of way.

Jul 3, 08 9:23 am  · 

hello all I had the most amazing culinary experience in the most appropriate and majestic setting last night. The sky was beautiful, we were open air and the drinks were flowing - after two mojitos I was ready to start singing with the band. A sampling of what I had seafood penna, seafood kebab with shrimp, mahi mahi and roasted onions, flank steak, grilled crab legs <- yummy, shrimp skewers, did I mention the mojitos? Ahhh there was also grill fish - I think it was red snapper wrapped with pickled onions, carrots and pimento. Ohhh I'm getting insanely hungry thinking about it. Sigh...time for breakfast y'all

Jul 3, 08 11:15 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Hmmm, I wonder, can you do a salmon/fish omelet? I can picture it with egg whites, but howabout the yolk? How would that be? Sometimes, I cook by colour.

Jul 3, 08 11:23 am  · 

sigh after talking about that scrumptious spread last night makes me felt guilty to be eating leftover chilli...double sigh

Jul 3, 08 11:40 am  · 

Sarah cooking by colour makes loads of sense - don't sweat it. But I've had salmon omelets before usually with paramason cheese

Jul 3, 08 11:45 am  · 

I agree with Archi,
Yes fish (esp) salmon omelet are not strange i have seen them cooked.
Also, I prefer cooking by color, as long as taste is taken into account as well.

Jul 3, 08 12:16 pm  · 

My friend had a smoked salmon omelet the other day at brunch. It was quite tasty.

Jul 3, 08 1:04 pm  · 

lox-n-eggs is a classic.

Jul 3, 08 1:31 pm  · 


Jul 3, 08 1:36 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

YEAH!!!! I get off at 3pm today, and Abe is at the sitter until 6! I get to go to happy hour!!!!!! MMM, I'm dreaming of that Mojito already.

Jul 3, 08 1:36 pm  · 

Sarah congrats....!!
I am sure you can use the break.
I wish I was getting of early.

Jul 3, 08 2:33 pm  · 

yay for sarah!

and for the omelet topic, ill put anything in an omelete,
when i dont have ham, cheese, green, onion, or tomatoes

i mix it up
thanksgiving leftovers omelet
tuna omelet
vegi omelet (when theres no meat)
ill mix whatever i find in the kitchen
color cooking is fun as long as it tastes good
one time i made some special fried rice
at home, it turned out really yellow, so i shaped
pacman when i put it on the plate - sounds really childish
but it tasted good, i dont care

my fro is back, i love it,
so hide your loose change

Jul 3, 08 2:52 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Phil, you seem very excited today. Is your tail wagging?

Jul 3, 08 3:25 pm  · 


well im trying to apreciate the small things in my day
cuz the day started out sucky, im in the process of changing that

im owning my day

Jul 3, 08 3:37 pm  · 

I'm having a great morning so far. Got my computer back for the 3rd, and hopefully last time, and it seems to be working beautifully now (knock on wood).

Also I got some really positive feedback on my freelance work. I believe the quote was "you are fricking awesome", so I'll take that!

To top it all off, they have PAELLA at the cafe across the street. I probably mentioned this before, because it is so tasty. I don't actively advocate for many things but good paella is one of them, and I've gotten half of my office to get some. At this rate they'll be out in about 10 minutes.

Jul 3, 08 3:38 pm  · 

Sarah I thought I alone noticed that. Reminds me of that afroman song, "cause I got high" are you high Phil?

Also for those in the temperate states, do you feel really sleepy after drinking lemonade/limeaid in the Summer? I'm having a really difficult time keeping my eyes open.

Jul 3, 08 3:42 pm  · 

Almost forgot to anyone else paying attention to this? I mean, seriously, first of all, who cheats on Christie Brinkley? Secondly, what a supreme douchebag. And of course he's an architect, which doesn't help things. I think what we have is an image problem. We need an architect to save a kitten from a tree when douchebags do stuff like this.'s just not helpful.

Jul 3, 08 3:51 pm  · 


drugs : miss
architecture, graffiti, cooking, video games : hit

i just wiki'ed PAELLA
it looks magnificent
ill have to see where i can get some in my

Jul 3, 08 3:54 pm  · 

I love paella...I make a mean one myself. Granted its hard to get fresh mussells but hey.

Wonder K how are we to save a kitty from a tree unless we put it up there in the first place?

What we need is for Cameron to win the noble peace prize

Jul 3, 08 4:06 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i sleep funny last night and have had a sore neck all day...i'm not very happy about this

Jul 3, 08 5:03 pm  · 

So it's really thunder-y up here, which is unusual. Last night it was kind of a cool novelty, but then this morning I was awoken at 5:30am by a thunderbolt that sounded like it was basically in my backyard, and lightening that actually lit up my bedroom. Then, the car alarms on my street started going off, and my house's fire alarm went off! So I jumped out of bed and was checking the whole house, convinced that it had been struck by lightening and was on fire. Of course that turned out not to be the case, but man what a way to wake up. Then when I came to work in the morning the neighborhood street lights were out, so I think that lightening bolt may have actually hit somewhere nearby.

Jul 3, 08 6:35 pm  · 

I made my deadline....and so I can tell Sarah....I went to Limerock today....guess they have repaved the whole track since Memorial Day Weekend when her hubby was hugging the pavement in that hot BMW. I'm working on a project right next door to the Skip Barber Racing School. Went to look at Concrete foundations and listen to
Contractor was a hoot. We were to meet with the owners representative but he was in a meeting so we finally gave up and headed back home. Pounded out a prelimnary drawing for a diner...then headed out to our Brick oven Pizza house as they are preparing to open next week. So we sat with the owners and chefs and drank wine and beer at 1:00 in the afternoon. Then off to grab
a couple of measurements for a small Liqour Store addition. I wasn't climbing any ladders, but I needed one specific measurement to complete my I had the contractor I'm working with do all the climbing and measuring and I wrote it in the notebook. Then on the road in a wicked to do groceries and pick up booze for the 4th of all I have to do is kick off my a home movie and get some sleep. Happy Happy Everyone wherever you may be. We celebrate 1776 with purpose in our house, have a nephew who is a navy seal and another sitting in
Iraq or should I say off the coast of Iraq. I'm glad to know they know
how to take care of all of us at home if need be.

Jul 3, 08 6:54 pm  · 

Wonderk....I would be disapointed to hear she was interested in a
Structural Engineer...Civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Chemical

Jul 3, 08 7:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, I went to happy hour, and even though they SAID it was happy hour, they must've been lying. First, they did not have Mojitos, and because I asked for one, the waiter carded me. Ok, yeah, I know, I look all of about 13, so it wasnt that I was carded, but that he said it was BECAUSE I asked for a Mojito. When did mojitos become wimpy kid drinks? I find them to be very refreshing, and completly un-girly, though I did ask for one at a restuarant one time, and was given a bacardi-mojito-malt-beverage something or other - that was sad. In any case, I had to order a Long Island Iced Tea, which is my second favourite drink of the moment, and it cost me EIGHT DOLLARS and TWENTY FIVE CENTS!!!. Yes, thats 8.25. I was agast. And, the waiter took 30 minutes to bring my debit card back to the table so I could leave. I gave him a dollar tip. Damn, I think that was more than 20%. Eff me.

DubK, you own a Mac, right? Three times to the shop? Sounds like a voltswagen, I think I will stick to my cheap little Everex.

Snook, you will have to keep me apprised of LimeRock, since Husband is no longer Race-car mechanic extrodinair. Although, after he left, they had a big meeting to inform everyone they were NOT allowed to call him, and then, last week, they asked him to come fix the car for them.

Jul 3, 08 8:13 pm  · 

enjoy your 4 th of july and party!!!
from (l-r) rupert and daisy and daisy's boy friend newton

Jul 3, 08 11:34 pm  · 

OA I don't know how you got that shot but wow!!

At present I'm stuffed as a suckling pig after having a late dinner (stewed peas). Went to the cinema again this time to watch Hancock - which was so so. A typical 4th July film in many ways but unlikely to be an Independence Day type showing. So now I'm back at the folks place and the house is rattling in celebration of 1776. This is what we get for having a house directly across from the Ambassador's The sad thing is that its not worth calling a "night protection" violation. Let's just hope I wake up for my 8am dentist appointment - I am on vacation after all.

Jul 4, 08 1:05 am  · 

SH, the long island ice tea is very often the most pricey drink on the menu. since you will hopefully have more time for cocktail hours soon, (cross our fingers), i'm gonna let you in on a good booze-hound secret of mine: the 7 and 7. a touch classier than jack & coke (and MUCH better tasting), no eye-rolling from the bartender, goes down sweet and hits with a bang, and best of all, usually it's one of the cheapest "mixed" drinks you can get. score!
also, the mojito-profiling was probably because it's seen as a "trend" drink, and underage women (who typically don't know what to order) will often default to the trend. which, of course, screws those of us who truly DO like those drinks. i completely and totally sympathize. I've been pissed off lately because i have been honestly hankering after cosmos for some reason (just a personal phase) and of course it completely coincides with the sex and the city movie... so i can't order them without getting eye-rolls! argh.

ooh: another old-timey standby of mine: the side-car! try it!

philarct : i feel compelled to say that you are one of my favorite people in all of archinect-dom. i love your posts, they always make me smile.

back to SH:

awhile back you said something like "but nobody wants to hear all my stories of Abram" or something like that. i wanted to let you know: i do! i would love to hear more. i really enjoyed hearing all about the process leading UP to abram -- which i am still really thankful to you for -- and now it is great to get little stories of the end result!!! so, for my part at least, please don't ever feel like you're boring us or being "one of those moms" or anything!!! it's GREAT to hear he/you are doing well. :)

Jul 4, 08 2:13 am  · 

Sarah, i do own a Mac, and I love it, which is why this whole process has been so hard. The truth is that none of this ever happened before I dropped it and cracked the LCD screen.....but it's fixed now (I think) and I still feel good about not buying a new computer and contributing to the waste stream. (Let me explain, most of the decisions I now make are all tempered by an internal conflict over how many tons of carbon dioxide the whole endeavor might emit. Fortunately I've either been biking or bussing to and from the computer repair shop so I didn't waste too much gas, and of course, I only bought a few new parts instead of a whole new computer)

Jul 4, 08 2:41 am  · 
brian buchalski

yes...i'm still alive

Jul 4, 08 9:04 am  · 

Mantaray funny you mentioned the cosmos, I ordered one recently at a lunch date cause well it was both strong enough and light enough to have during the warmth of summer. Well I got the jokes "that's a girls drink" - and its not the first time either, I just can't see what's effeminate about it. Sign...

well I'm officially on vacation - I have completely missed a day. I woke up thinking it was Thursday and even went to the dentist still thinking it was so. Ahhh the power of alcohol.

Jul 4, 08 11:07 am  · 

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