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Congrats to mdler and WonderK.

Happy Father's Day to the Archinect dads.

Jun 15, 08 1:45 pm  · 

Happy Father's Day TC!!!

Snook, is it to big to take care of yourself piecemeal over a few weekends?
If you don't have a chainsaw and it is already down on the ground couldn't you just rent one?

Jun 15, 08 2:01 pm  · 

happy father's day SW, Treekiller, and the rest. Wonder K as nice and funny as that cheque is can we see the light that you won it for? Nevermind found it - MISO Pretty (you have to almost say it like a Star Wars character) - congrats again.

Jun 15, 08 2:32 pm  · 

Thanks everyone! My roommate and I are plotting a series of photos with the large check. The first will be one with me trying to deposit it at an ATM with one of our friends in a black hoodie trying to rob me of it. Also me taking it out of my normal sized purse, etc. Tee hee. Of course the real, normal sized check will be here sometime this week.

It's a beautiful June Sunday and I'm way behind on tasks. Turns out I would rather nap or read the news. Ah well.

Happy Father's Day to Steven, ether, treekiller, and all the other TC dads!

Jun 15, 08 4:57 pm  · 


werent you the only entry in the competition?

Jun 15, 08 5:21 pm  · 

That isn't nice :o

Jun 15, 08 5:27 pm  · 

Oh and congrats WonderK!!

Jun 15, 08 5:27 pm  · 

snook- I don't know if this is your thing, but ~$600 will buy a LOT of chainsaw. I have a Husqvarna 350 with an 18" bar that I got brand new for $300 & I love it. Oddly enough it lives in my kitchen cabinet. Sounds like you might need something bigger, but for the money you're talking it'd be worth it. Plus they're just fun to use.

Speaking of maple trees and father's day- talked to my dad today and the maple tree I planted from a seed in my parents back yard +-30 years ago has some disease and they don't know if they can save it..... :(

actual summer here today 78F, 14%.

I've always wanted a comically large check.

Jun 15, 08 7:10 pm  · 
Living in Gin

I'd be perfectly happy with a normal-sized check with a comically large number in the "amount" box.

Jun 15, 08 7:56 pm  · 

Congrats EmKem on winning the lighting competition. I love the big check. Are you going to endorse it with an oversized pen too? ;o)

Happy Fathers Day to jump, Steven Ward, ether, Treekiller and any others I've missed. Hope it was a good one.

Jun 15, 08 8:17 pm  · 
liberty bell

LiG, you are one smart cookie. That's the check I'll take, too.

Happy father's day also to Mr. Sarah.

snook, did you send me an email? We just had a brief thunderstorm here, luckily only pea-sized hail. We're getting lots of them - thunderstorms - this year.

Jun 15, 08 8:58 pm  · 

Oh yea and Happy Father's Day to Mr. Sarah as well. I hope you enjoyed your present.

LIG - Me three ;o)

Is there anyone else still out there who has yet to receive their Economic Stimulus checks too? I'm beginning to think it was just a farce.

Jun 15, 08 9:06 pm  · 

LB - Are you kidding me? More thunderstorms? I wonder when they are set to arrive in my neck of the woods. Soon probably. This is getting ridiculous.

Jun 15, 08 9:12 pm  · 

hi all. Oh what a night!!

I got a call from my bbf saying she wanted me to crash a wedding reception. So I got dressed - didn't want to be dressed like everyone else so I grabbed my black and dress shirt with a pair of louvers. I looked like one of those wealthy professionals that breezes through (hint hint...gimme some of that ridiculously large amount on a regular sized cheque). Anyway I was greeted at the door by two ridiculously beautiful women, and sat amongst several where i was the only man. Taken but I can enjoy the visuals God lay out in front of me.

The speeches were boring as hell, and coupled with the fake flowers I was feeling like I was tricked into coming. Turns out I knew the grown - but I didn't figure it out until about 45 mins into the speeches. I was tempted to go up and make a speech...

Anyway they opened the dance floor and well I had to take it over. And about 3 in the morning my legs were done, dehydration and lack of alcohol. So we left and headed to the after party which was a near penthouse hotel room overlooking the city and its local park, with booze and bunch of Dad's rolling in their special day. Not bad for day 2 of my vacation!!

watch this space for more. Might be going to look at marble later in the week. Fun fun fun!

Jun 15, 08 9:29 pm  · 

back in my hollywood moment, I actually got to make a 3' check for one of the stupid MTv shows. My boss was pissed, cause I included the date that we were taping the show. So we ended up coving that corner with the show logo. Don't think that one was cashable.

so wK- congrats on being luminous.

Jun 15, 08 10:16 pm  · 

nam: This is one big ass tree, when MRS B posts it to her blog I will tag it so you can see this is no weekend job. The Circumfrence of this three is something in the neighborhood of 9 feet. The tree is
some 60 feet tall. So about one third of the tree is laying in our back yard and the neighbors and the other two thirds is standing....and swaying. The tree guy came today and tied the tree off so hopefully it will stay intact until tomorrow. They will bring in a
tree bucket to take the baby down. Our job today was to disassemble the 6'-0" high stockade fence and another low fence around on of our raised planting beds just so the guy can get into the back yard. I have actually done alot of work with chainsaws so I'm not afraid of a weekend job but I know this would turn into a summer project and Mrs B would most likely take a power and return to Brazil and always speak of her Crazy Husband. There was one point today when she ask me if she could get me something and my reply was, " A twenty year old body would do just fine." So I be punching keys on the computer tomorrow making money to pay for this baby. With the thought I will not have to be buying any fire wood for a couple of years.

Jun 15, 08 10:24 pm  · 

wow. that's a big tree.

Jun 15, 08 11:37 pm  · 

looking forward to see that picture. Is it possible to plank them, wolmanised them and send it over as flooring for my house? Just a thought - no pressure.

Jun 15, 08 11:48 pm  · 
liberty bell

Back around TC page 135 or so I stated that I had downloaded Leo Sayer's "You Make Me Feel Like Dancing". Well somehow in the pc--->mac conversion I didn't move that song over. So I just re-downloaded it.

As well as Norman Greenbaum's "Spirit In The Sky", which I am pleased to see has finally made it to itunes - it wasn't there last time I looked.

Jun 15, 08 11:56 pm  · 

re: check- my mother, who worked in a bank before she got married always spelled it 'cheque' - must be an anglo thing.

Jun 16, 08 2:04 am  · 

------> rude!

But, FYI, I was one of several entries in the competition. This was apparently their largest turn out in years. Only one other person from my school participated, even though many had done the work. I guess putting in the extra 10% was worth it.

I am still at a loss following the passing of Tim Russert. Anyone else taking this hard? It was just that it was SO sudden, and he was SUCH a good person. Life is short, my friends....make it count.

Jun 16, 08 4:03 am  · 

Merry Monday TC...
Snook that is one huge tree. Wow!

Farmer i am pretty sure it is just an old English way of spelling it...

Jun 16, 08 7:58 am  · 

snook - DAMN!!! 9' in circumference. That's insane... and sad that it came down in a big storm. I heart old trees. Glad to hear nothing was miraculously damaged or anyone injured.

Jun 16, 08 8:20 am  · 

Oh and mdler, that was rude. Even as a joke it went too far.

Jun 16, 08 8:22 am  · 

congrats, wonderk!!! $5k sure ain't nothin' to sneeze at! I remember being forced to take a "boring" lighting design class in undergrad and finding to my complete surprise that I really enjoyed it. Sounds like you did too!

in other news : i'm working on the absolute best project in the whole world and yet I still am having a lot of trouble bringing myself to go in to work in the morning. :(

Jun 16, 08 8:55 am  · 

Well here is da mother tree: Branch that is:

Jun 16, 08 8:58 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Good Morning, All!

I am happy to report that Not only did Husband like the wrench I had engraved, he also like the screwdrivers that "Abram" got him, and I let Abram sign the card - it was a liscense plate that said GR8 DAD. Abram held the marker, with some help, and scribbled.

Also, the Tenderloin I made turned out PERFECT. Good thing to , cause it would suck to mess up a 34 dollar cut of beef. Husband said it was the best meal I'd ever made. Ever. Come to think of it, I think I saw his eyes roll back into the back of his head, and he only does that when, well, never mind.

Jun 16, 08 9:34 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, and thanks everyone for the links to those summer programs.

Jun 16, 08 9:34 am  · 
liberty bell

Do I see one of the snook-dogs peeing on the downed tree in that second photo?!?

Jun 16, 08 9:36 am  · 

yup frito jack giving the downed tree branch a blessing.

Jun 16, 08 9:54 am  · 

Snook that is ridonk.....

Jun 16, 08 10:12 am  · 

mornin folks

Jun 16, 08 10:24 am  · 
liberty bell

BTW happy Bloomsday everyone. Reading at the Rosenbach as always!

Jun 16, 08 10:43 am  · 

hi all I'm awake. Yes cheque is something us Anglophones know about and it ain't that olde

I'm back and forth with the bank, apparently since I hadn't been here in over 12 months or so they closed one of my savings account. Gee thanks guys. The sad thing is that it has money in it - my money about $2000 worth. Sigh.

But nonethless i'm going to head for some sushi for lunch. That should fix me right up. Oh and it seems like i'm the only one getting bitten by the bugs...

Jun 16, 08 12:05 pm  · 

that sounds like an excellent father's day. fyi, I rather have a porterhouse (around 2" thick is best) then just a filet. its a little cheaper, but has twice the flavor (and you get a filet too). Ummmm beef. (damn cow farts/burps and climate change).

RIP snook_tree

Jun 16, 08 12:12 pm  · 
liberty bell

That just means you're tasty, techno! I'm the same way - the bugs loooove me.

One screwup after another lately, I think I'm ready to quit private practice and start doing government work. (Apologies for the broad and mean generalization of all civil servants being incompetent!).

Jun 16, 08 12:13 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK, it was a whole loin, not a fillet. I had to slice it after. It was suppose to be tied, but I didnt see the point since I wasnt stuffing it, and it was already in the proper shape. Maybe I will ask MightLittle.

Jun 16, 08 12:19 pm  · 

im looking out of my office window right now, there's
a thin blanket of smoke that has fill and surrounded
the city, from the dismal swamp flames, its kinda cool
cause the smell of the smoke reminds me of England,
it also sucks cause where the fire started, there
had been alot of work done to recover and replenish
the trees out there, buzz kill

whats for lunch today

white rice, teryaki chicken on a stick,
washed down with water, for me

Jun 16, 08 1:50 pm  · 
liberty bell

Nachos with guac and pineapple salsa, while watching MAD-TV. Ah, self-employment.

Jun 16, 08 1:55 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

My lunch sucked. It was a Lean Cuisine, which are usually very tasty, but they missed the mark with their Grilled Chicken Ceasar pasta dish. And now, I'm hungry. 240ca was oviously not enough.

Jun 16, 08 1:58 pm  · 
vado retro

in honor of bloomsday i had cajun food.

Jun 16, 08 2:30 pm  · 

i had Habino Latino - its a Mediterranean restaurant here. Had lunch with a long time friend from art school whose now gone into teaching at the school. She does pixelated portraits but with needle and thread. Anyhow the lunch was okay I'd give it about 5/10 but the beer was good had two of those.

Also I met with a young practice here called cornerstone - and mentioned that I'd like to interview them. I'd like when I'm done - Orhan please advise me, to publish it not just on my own blog but on archinect as well. Just a thought. Can anyone think of any really cool questions to ask?

Anyway...time for a midday nap (albeit its 2:30) - no employment/vacation is the best...maybe i'll follow LB's suit after and watch some mad tv

Jun 16, 08 3:31 pm  · 

since we're talking lunch- dahl bhat with some curried beef and a couple momo eaten outside. Really has made my day so far....

Jun 16, 08 3:47 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Well, my project manager just left for the evening... He didn't speak a word to me all day, which probably explains why this has been one of the most productive days I've had in weeks.

Jun 16, 08 5:53 pm  · 



Jun 16, 08 6:35 pm  · 

dahl bhat!
I love um.

Jun 16, 08 7:10 pm  · 

tomato soup here. a costco opened up in tokyo and my wife bought it for me cuz access to canned soup has been close to zero for the last 15 years or so (japanese don't eat the stuff ya see). it tastes like my childhood. now all i gotta do is find chese slices to make the grilled cheese sandwiches and i can pretend i am 10 again.

Jun 16, 08 8:14 pm  · 

OMG! Grilled cheese and tomato soup!!!! The ultimate comfort food. YUMMY! I had grilled chicken, grilled asparagus and watermelon slices for dinner tonight.

Jun 16, 08 8:21 pm  · 

congrats tunamelt...sigh I remember when it was just yesterday that I was at 1k (actually I think it might of been last year). And you've added meaning contributions to archinect...well done.

Jun 16, 08 9:57 pm  · 

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