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I miss you too tumbles! Urgh. I'm here. Late to bed, early to rise. This is my life lately :o/

The good news is I got a lot done this week, by NOT doing any actual coursework. It's hard to explain but I have a lot of other obligations to attend to right now. The bad news is I could have gotten a lot MORE done this weekend had I not wasted roughly 10 hours of my time on my photography class....and we only took 2 shots in this amount of time! This project is killing me. I hate wasting time. Using the big 4x5 camera is awesome but after you move the chair 5 times and waste $20 worth of film, it's like, who cares....leave the chair be and take the damn picture.

Also, more good news: my Hawaiian friend is back from his honeymoon and we talked about the Best Man, finally. It turns out he is thrilled to see that two of his best friends hit it off! And he had nothing but good things to say, of course. Yay me.

I really need to go to bed now.

Apr 14, 08 4:29 am  · 

Morning all,

I am at work. Luckily my mood is good as i have much to do this morning/week.

Hope you all enjoy!

Apr 14, 08 8:44 am  · 

i'm alive - and that is substantial after the madness that was this weekend. I'm thankful for all who expressed their well wishes.

It is now Monday...sigh. I feel like a hamster on a wheel sometimes, otherwise on the phone with no one on the other side. It seems that something is lost, or perhaps I am lost. Let me climb into this hole, and come out after 5

Apr 14, 08 1:07 pm  · 

happy monday TC!

a-techno, I never thought island life could be so demanding. there goes my dream for moving to a place with turquoise water and palm trees...

tonight is the lactation class for ms. tk, so I get to cut out early to learn what daddies can do in this department. I'm sure we can all anticipate mdlers remarks on this topic.

finally a nice day in the m p l s, this weekend it's supposed to finally get up into the 60s!!! garden, here I come!

Apr 14, 08 1:17 pm  · 

sigh sad but true treekiller, in the endless race for progress, often the haunt of developing countries, you work and work without end in sight. I just want to create spaces for insight but I'm stuck on the ferris wheel

Apr 14, 08 1:46 pm  · 

do you ever feel like the day is going 78 RPM and you are spinning 33 1/3 RPM or is my needle stuck and i can't get o u t?

Apr 14, 08 2:12 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh, that reminds me, I need to find a cabinet for a client that will fit her collection of vinyl - one more thing on the endless to do list.

Apr 14, 08 2:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

beta, I think you may have just shown your age; either that, or you are well versed in things of the past.

TK, what do you do in a lactation class? I mean, most women lactate just fine on their own, and with out an infant, you cant really learn to feed, can you? Do they have dolls that can do that? Do they borrow random experienced babies to assist? Do those babies get paid? Are they subject to labour laws?

If had taken one, would I have had to pay the Lactation Consultant for a consult? Would I be pumping exclusivly, every two hours for 30 minutes between 530am and 830 pm?

Apr 14, 08 2:48 pm  · 
liberty bell

Best thing I learned from my lactation consultant: You have to make a "boob sandwich". Which doesn't mean what one might think/hope.

Actually, that's the second best thing I learned. Best was not to get discouraged, because it isn't always easy. Once I got the boob sandwich figured out, though, the rest was simple.

Apr 14, 08 2:53 pm  · 

thats disgusting

Apr 14, 08 2:58 pm  · 

boobs on beautiful women can't be disgusting. And Liberty Bell I hope those records are 12" and not crazy sizes like 45s or worse I say 9" vinyl records - wasn't too sure what speed to play those (worse if they said "Freddy was a devil" is played backwards)

Apr 14, 08 3:06 pm  · 

sh & lb and all the non-dad perves, I'll post tomorrow about what we learn

Apr 14, 08 5:38 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

woohoo!!!! I hope your borrowed baby trains your wife well. Be sure to ask it how much it makes being an assistant nurser to the LC, I've been telling Abram to get a job for a while now. This just may be the break he needs!

Apr 14, 08 7:45 pm  · 

LOL Sarah!!! You crack me up. Would be kinda nice if the wee could earn his keep wouldn't it. Hey speaking of the wee, are you going to post any photos soon. He's probably grown a foot by now ;o). Please apologize I'm going to be an aunt again come October and am getting a little excited about a new addition to the fam.

Anyway, I just found out from an old co-worker that he was laid off today. Apparently it's dead at my old firm these days too. Scary, but I'm happy for him. He was absolutely miserable toward the end.

Apr 14, 08 8:55 pm  · 

so I posted on the bicycles thread that I put a road bike on layaway this weekend, and the pickup date was TBD by the sale of my current bike. Well, the old bike sold!!! It was on craigslist for about 30 hours, and it's out the door. Goodbye, Clementine, I'll miss you.

Apr 14, 08 10:07 pm  · 
liberty bell

Wow, r, changing bikes so soon? Was Clementine not well-suited for the Seattle hills?

I guess I need to sell some stuff, too, so I can pay my taxes tomorrow. Sigh.

Apr 14, 08 10:22 pm  · 

well, there are different priorities in different cities. In LA there were far more motorists that actually seemed to be trying to kill me, it was flatter, and at the time I had never ridden seriously before. A hybrid that let me put my feet down easily and maintain a heads-up riding position made sense. Now I've got around a thousand miles under my belt from the past year which among other things makes me wish I could stretch my back more while I ride, live in a city where people actually seem to like cyclists, has many more hills, and I frequently carry my bike upstairs for storage. So, something lighter, lower, and longer seems like it will suit the current needs better. This one's not new, just new-to-me, and the old one is getting a good home, so I figure if I essentially paid a hundred bucks to try out a cheaper, easier bike for a year, I can live with that.

Apr 14, 08 10:30 pm  · 

wait, here's a REALLY important TC question; why are maxi-pad commercials soooooo fucking wacky?

i mean seriously, do women actually punch their maxi-pads or put them in blue liquids or any of the other weird stuff?

...and what is it about 4 hour erections being a problem or throwing footballs through tire swings?????

can't we all talk like we're adults?

Apr 14, 08 10:55 pm  · 

I've never put any blue water on any of my intimate products. For the record.

Goodbye Clementine! Darcy will miss you.

Apr 15, 08 2:09 am  · 

on that note...

a friend of ours, and fellow u of tokyo research student, has published a book some of you may enjoy...and if it don't beat all the wee bugger has got hisself reviewed in metropolis magazine...check it out

Apr 15, 08 3:15 am  · 

That reminds me... I really need to get my bike out of the mothballs. It's been sitting around since I moved back "home" and is in dire need of a tune-up.

LB - Taxes suck. I have to pay them to the city this year. :o/

Beta - I'm with DubK, never done such thing with my products either.

Jump - Those are some cool forms. Now I'm itching to find and purchase that book.

Happy Tuesday TC. I'm off to hopefully hunt down some work.

Apr 15, 08 8:14 am  · 

I too had to pay some money back. Sent out my check yesterday. Ugghhhh.
As for those forms Jump. Wow.. Quite extrordinary.
Happy Tuesday all.

Apr 15, 08 8:27 am  · 
Apr 15, 08 8:49 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

beta, all intimate product comercials are strange. I mean, 'have a happy period'?! WTF? And the KY comercials that have the same chick from the miracle potting soil comercials, and the viagra ones where theres something different about that guy at the office and no one can tell hes just happy cause he got laid.

The 4 hour erection is only a problem, I think, because the drugs work with your blood flow, or something like that, and you could be is trouble. I DO know that if you DONT have ED, then none of the ED drugs will do anything for you. So if anyone was planning to use it for extra fun, well, it'd be a waste.

Jump - I feel like I've seen some of those forms somewhere before. Does he have any of them built? Maybe I saw them in another Mag. I think one of them was green. Oh well.

Rationalist - I saw a woman riding her bike to work today. It was one of those road-racing types, with the 'ram' handlebars. She was really huffing it, and I hope theres a shower available at her place of business. Our area isn't particularly condusive to cylcling to work. You'd have to take the highway just like everyone else; I'd be nervous.

Apr 15, 08 9:00 am  · 

the lactation class made it seem so easy- just get the lil one to open up wide and latch... lots of line drawings of breasts and babies, though the other guys didn't seem to excited by the subject (I think they wanted to be home watching the twins game). The best news was that good breast care includes air drying, so the guys can enjoy the wife going topless. the waiting continues at the Tk household...

french - mille salut!

r- do you have a cool skid lid?

Apr 15, 08 9:56 am  · 

yeah Sarah, here we have trails that basically act as highways for bikes. In LA I took some pretty big roads to work, but can't imagine pedaling down the highway!

tk- uhhh, skid lid? que?

Apr 15, 08 10:05 am  · 
brian buchalski

it's like you're just going about your business, living your life...and then all of a sudden your look down and realize that you need to trim your fingernails...again

Apr 15, 08 10:14 am  · 

i just break mine on my guitar, puddles.

about the form guy, i don't think he has built anything as he is only in his mid 20's and not had much time yet...however he used to work for starchitects, as the jacket description says (eisenman, gehry, PLOT) so maybe he had a hand in something that is under me looks very much like PLOT-work...

however the dude does seem on streak. few days ago we got e-mail saying he won runner-up prize for estonian academy of arts, so my guess is he will be building things pretty soon. the damn bugger. his projectis the converyor belt sushi project at the bottom...

Apr 15, 08 10:37 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK - That was a total let down; I was hoping for something more exciting. And your instructor lied - ITS NOT EASY!

Oh, and don't get too excited about Mrs TK walking around topless. Working breast are large, but definately not sexy. Husband gets tired of me walking around with my 'flapjacks' hanging out, but hey, no cracks or bleeding!

Apr 15, 08 10:40 am  · 

i'm sorry to all that have had to pay taxes this year...i empathize..i've been a consultant the last three years so i've had to have a small nest egg saved up in order to pay taxes...nothing like writing multiple thousands of dollars away to the irs...

BUT....this year i'm getting back three times more than i initially expected...WOOHOO. i did a little jig when my accountant told me that i'd get back enough so i can actually afford the computer i just bought...sweet!

Apr 15, 08 10:52 am  · 
liberty bell

Aw, hell, lars, that's exactly what I was hoping for, to buy a mac with my tax return! Not to be, sadly - I could have bought two with what I had to pay.

Yeah, tk: what Sarah said about the glamour of the breast wearing off somewhat during lactation. But air IS the best thing for them. For diaper rash, too, so you end up with lots of nakedness around the house during those first few months!

French, I'm not sure what your post means, but I'm guessing you completed a long bike ride?!? Congrats! Or tell me if I'm confused ;-)

Apr 15, 08 12:01 pm  · 

there's been a lot of naked talk in general on TC...spring must be just around the corner...

yeah LB...i did get a's a source of frustration at the moment cause i did somethin that made the cd/dvd drive not work so much...but other than that it's been pretty amazing having two laptops around the downtime and i can do work on both... i was gonna sell my old one, but now that the taxes worked out in my favor i may just keep it...especially after i just dropped it again..don't wanna sell anyone a future lemon.

sorry you had to pay though...i've had to pay around 3-4k the last few years...and after writing a similar check in kinda feel a bit strapped around this time...especially if you file i feel your pain.

Apr 15, 08 12:09 pm  · 
liberty bell

Yep- if the tax checks I put in the mail today clear before the paycheck I deposited today does, I'll have negative $200 in my checking account.

Somehow I thought when I was in my forties I'd not be living so close to the edge all the time! Ah well. I'll work back up out of this hole again quickly - nothing like fear to inspire one to work hard!

Apr 15, 08 12:20 pm  · 

- Please tell me you've been at least consulting with an accountant when preparing your taxes. My friend's boyfriend did mine (He's a CPA) and found deductions I didn't even know about. For instance I guess you can deduct any city and state taxes you paid the previous year on your federal taxes. Who knew? Wish I would have known earlier, b/c I paid city and state taxes last year but I had already filed my federal stuff two months earlier.

french - Tour de France 1968, really?

puddles - I've been cutting mine with scissors at the office of late. Ever since I took ceramics my last year at OSU I can't stand to keep mine long.

Apr 15, 08 12:38 pm  · 

nah, french just made his 1,000 post. félicitations!

Apr 15, 08 12:39 pm  · 

OMG!!! How unobservant of me. WOO-HOO FRENCH!!!!! Many congrats on reaching 1000 posts!!!

aml - Looks like you're not too far off yourself :o)

Apr 15, 08 12:44 pm  · 

Yeah French!

Apr 15, 08 12:46 pm  · 
liberty bell

Oh yes, tuna - and I instructed my accountant to push every rule to *almost* the breaking point this year...problem is husband got a large working grant, which of course had no taxes taken out of it. So despite claiming every bit of equipment and material he has purchased with that money, we owed. It's fine, I would much rather owe than send in my money early. At least it makes interest for me while it's in MY account!

AHhhh hA! congrats, French!! Call me dense...

Apr 15, 08 12:52 pm  · 

@rationalist: skid lid = bike helmet.. do you have a retro 70s hunk of foam, a biomorphic aerodynamic alien blob sitting pretty up top, or do you go au natural?

@sarah- the instructor didn't say it was easy, but that was the message I got from the video. just get the kid to open up wide and say.... milk! we'll see how talented he is when he arrives. burping is going to be the fun part for me.

@taxes- got our state refund last week - woohoo (not enough for a macbook, but enough for some kid furniture and other stuff. the fed should be arriving someday. I'm digging the computerized tax forms- so much easier then the old pencil and calculator method - and much cheaper/quicker then getting a cpa to do the hard work. but last year we were DINKs. this year things will be a little different and might be worth the professional advice.

Apr 15, 08 1:17 pm  · 
brian buchalski

my fingernails are still driving me's a shame that i must suffer like this

Apr 15, 08 2:02 pm  · 
liberty bell

Honestly, puddles, I really do worry about the many hardships in your life.

Apr 15, 08 2:04 pm  · 

at least he is still alive...

Apr 15, 08 2:13 pm  · 

sorry but cutting your fingernails with a scissors is wrong on so many levels. I don't if being in a relationship with a former spa director has messed with my own personal views but their are tools for things like that. And if all else fails use your OLFA or Xacto

Speaking of the missus we've been at it again, I bought her flowers and a HUGE argument ensued, post my birthday - I'm not sure what it is. I must have island fever or something. Eitherway I bought her more flowers today...if it happens again it must be a sign. I'm making light of the situation because well I'm that kind of guy. Wish me luck. Otherwise I'm buying a bottle of scotch and imagining dubk & tumbleweed to the right/left of me as I drink the bottle dry.

Apr 15, 08 3:39 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Atechno, why would she get mad at you for buying flowers? And if she did, why on earth would you do it again?!

Apr 15, 08 3:43 pm  · 

oddly the argument had nothing to do with the flowers - in pensive reflection I found the connection funny. I sent flowers again to prove there was no connection, no love loss, and well I like giving flowers. I'll send pictures for the flower power crowd.

Apr 15, 08 3:59 pm  · 

How in the world would your girlfriend get mad at you for buying her flowers?!? That's not right! Ask her if she wants to hear about mine. :oP

Apr 15, 08 4:01 pm  · 

wK- Any flowers to tell us about from the best man?

Apr 15, 08 4:24 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

For those of us that werent around then, can we get a short summary of the DubK flower exstravaganza?

Apr 15, 08 4:34 pm  · 
brian buchalski

for what it's worth, flowers have gotten me into more trouble than they've gotten me out of...

oh, and that reminds me of one of my new favorite websites

Apr 15, 08 4:43 pm  · 

I'd rather get a pot o' flowers that I can plant in my yard.

Atechno - my nails bug me the most when I'm at work, and as I don't have nail clippers I just resort to scissors and a nail file. I also find it quite strange that you got yelled at for sending flowers. WTF?

Anyway, I'm off to go play in the yard. Have some more cleaning up I want to do before planting season arrives.

Apr 15, 08 5:00 pm  · 

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