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Apr 8, 08 4:19 pm  · 

puddles, this is likely to be the only Olympics I will care to watch (although I've had reasons before). Simply because of the spectacule of architecture taking place

Apr 8, 08 4:27 pm  · 

Atechno I was thinking the same thing. I don't think I've watched any Olympics since I was living in Columbus. The whole thing seems to be on its way towards becoming one giant clusterf**k.

Apr 8, 08 4:41 pm  · 

Puddles, I agree but not for the architectural spectacle. More for all the Tibet bashing!!!

Apr 8, 08 4:56 pm  · 

this is i'm thinkin is going to happen. politics+environment=

Apr 8, 08 5:17 pm  · 

a repeat of Munich?
hopefully not

Apr 8, 08 5:20 pm  · 

rfuller sense a huge fuster cluck coming to Beijing...

Apr 8, 08 5:21 pm  · 

should HdeM (as well as all the other offices) be reprimanded for working on thier Olympic project???

Apr 8, 08 5:29 pm  · 
vado retro
Apr 8, 08 5:35 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

#9's arm is a bit lacksidasicle. I don't think his heart is in it.

Apr 8, 08 5:41 pm  · 

naw, he's just pissed that he came in 3rd.

Apr 8, 08 5:51 pm  · 

haha @ tk

(so true)

Apr 8, 08 6:09 pm  · 

Actually one of those Brothers if from TEXAS! I just can't remember his name.

On another note: I have spent the last few days with my own cluster...f***. I took on a job because I thought it would move along quickly. It is a renovation to an 1900's Brick Masonry Building.

It is about 15,000 sf some of it two story some of it one story tall space. It is not square but I figured at least two walls would be square....WELL the big NOT! Turns out every wall has a distinct kink in it. I measured and drew, went back measured and drew, went back measured and drew...used tape measures and electronic beams everything except a transom and nothing seems to work out exactly
as it should. I have back checked back checks. I told the owner today this is as close as it is going to get. I gave him a little demonstration with the fat max stanley measuring machine. It does one thing good and that is it shows how out of line walls can be. He concluded that it was a nice exercise but we could live without a completely accurate drawing. I indicated how the space could be split up in to individual tenants and he seems very happy. But in the mean time I'm kicking myself in the Arshe..for not looking closer
at the building before giving a price. Seems that the building is actually built to the street line and the property lines which have nothing to do with the real world and the building was built at two different times and someone decided they needed to change the angle of one wall by a couple of degrees. I suspect, inorder to get something to course out. I also have all sorts of widths of masonry walls some 12, some 15 some 18....WTF.....I can hardly wait to get paid so I can move onto more interesting things.

Apr 8, 08 6:45 pm  · 

coming in a bit late...and reading the men/women responses regarding atechno's response i'm just reminded how different we are. i see his response as a flat out there no subtlety in language anymore that one has to say 'NO' and that's it for it to mean no? i understood what he said to be a denial...but i guess it's a good lesson that the ladies need to hear the actual denial.

I for one would be hurt that the person even has to ask the question, but i guess that's the environment we live in and on the one hand shows she cares....i just think if someone asks the question they should be willing to hear a flippant response...but that's probably not the right answer either.

i just don't like that she walked away, but that's just me.

Apr 8, 08 7:55 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i had been thinking that the olympics this summer might be one of those wonderful moments when all the world is (relatively) on the same page and relatively peaceful. maybe a bit like the year 2000 new year's celebration when despite the y2k threat nothing happened and the sky seemed the limit for new millenium optimism.

but the undercurrents of global political & economic trouble already seem to be brewing. it suddenly doesn't seem such a stretch that forces beyond the realm of sports will overshadow the festivities. definitely not architecture and maybe not even a terrorist act (ala munich). a blatant or foolish terrorist strike might actually have the un-intended effect of bringing people closer together. More interesting for me is the possibility of boycotts. Could this force the issue of just who is on who's side? Might the lines of a new cold war be drawn in the sand of olympic participation? And what role might such events have in a future of rising competition for geological resources?

maybe I'm just thinking too much and being pessimistic...guess we'll just have to keep watching

Apr 8, 08 8:30 pm  · 

So I'm supposed to be going to Beijing at the beginning of June until early July, and I've got my blinders securely in place. Protests? What protests? Tibet? I don't even know where that is on a map! (Am I convincing as a stupid person?)

Seriously though, do you guys think I should be worried? I haven't bought any tickets yet. I can still back out.

Apr 8, 08 8:47 pm  · 
brian buchalski

I really have no idea...but probably before the games would be a much better time to visit...the sooner the better

Apr 8, 08 8:57 pm  · 

snook - sounds a lot like the project I've been working on... which in and of itself is also a huge clusterf**k. Came back roughly 1 million over budget and that only included demo, HVAC and Electrical. Oops. We and the GC gave th clients a few options (reducing the sf) to mull over. Hopefully we'll hear back before the week is out. So much for deadlines.

WK - I agree with puddles, you should be fine in Beijing, especially considering you'll be long gone before the games begin.

TK and Vado - LOVE THE PHOTOS!!!!!!

Apr 8, 08 9:46 pm  · 

ach! somehow i checked the 'notify me...' box. hope this fixes it.

Apr 8, 08 10:01 pm  · 

It was one of the 20th century's most powerful and controversial moments in sports, and a watershed event in the civil rights movement. After failing to convince their fellow black athletes to boycott the Mexico City 1968 Olympics, Tommie Smith and John Carlos succeeded in winning the gold and bronze medals in the 200 meters track & field event. Determined to use the grand stage of the Olympic games as a platform for protest, Smith and Carlos accepted their medals in bare feet (to bring attention to the poverty of the African-American community), wearing beads (in honor of the countless blacks murdered as victims of slavery or racism), and holding black-gloved fists in the air (the "Black Power" salute).

A storm of outrage hit Smith and Carlos immediately. For disrespecting the "Star Spangled Banner" and the Olympic games, the IOC forced the U.S. Olympic Committe to withdraw them from the relays, banish them from the Olympic Village, and expel them from the U.S. Olympic team. Most of white America was also outraged at their actions, and both men experienced a heavy backlash upon their return home. Nonetheless, their legend has grown, and this classic black-and-white image has become a symbol of the struggle for equality for black athletes in America.

Apr 8, 08 10:08 pm  · 

They were kicked off the team? That seems a bit harsh.

Hi TC! Gosh I haven't been here in a while ;-)

Apr 9, 08 2:51 am  · 
vado retro

wk why be worried china is a police state you should be safe there unless you where a free tibet shirt or your green hair wig.

Apr 9, 08 8:35 am  · 
liberty bell

Someone should tell National Geographic their banner ad takes way too long to load - I can hit "Go To Bottom" in about 1 second; if I don't see the ad by then I won't see it (unless I hang around longer to watch it specifically so I can criticize whoever it is that has a slow ad).

Apr 9, 08 8:41 am  · 

yesterday we (i) got two new jobs: a $31m new high school and a $8m elementary school addition/renovation. arggh, i'm gonna be busy.

Apr 9, 08 8:57 am  · 

I belive John Carlos was a student in Texas. They had a great sprinter running program at the time.

Apr 9, 08 9:08 am  · 

I wouldn't worry about it. Go ahead with your travel plans. Is it for school or pleasure?

Apr 9, 08 9:36 am  · 

ever been to beijing?

Apr 9, 08 10:45 am  · 
brian buchalski

on second thought, you should go to beijiang during the olympics. the weather should be perfect then

Apr 9, 08 11:14 am  · 

^^ Ice-Nine anyone?

Apr 9, 08 12:14 pm  · 

I'm in blinder mode myself. I have just completed one of the fast powerpoint presentations ever. Its rought 2Mb but hell if I care - I'm running from my new work laptop with its 2Gb of RAM - hallo nurse!!!

Anyway all the folks who were supposed to be assisting me have well, not shown up. One is sick and now based at the hospital, the other is MIA supposedly to be flying in from the Grenadines (if you were me you'd hate him too - not because he's missing but the beauty of the location)

Oh and I almost walked out on my job. I don't have a contract nor an offer agreement, but they wanted to retain me. We agreed they would continue to pay the previous amount but when tabulated I was out about $1500. Turns out after three conversations with the Inland Revenue that my office was double taxing me - fun. to love the shit that floats around me. I've been told that I have not settled some previous account and the Auditor General will be making a deduction from my account.

I don't like lawyers, but shite like this makes you want to keep them on retainer to deal with this crap.

Oh...I turn 31 on Saturday. I was supposed to have 2no. surprise parties and found out about both. I could barely chuckle. Sigh.

Hi Wonder K
Hi Rationalist
Hi Tunamelt
Hi Liberty Bell

just for the ladies of TC, if I forgot you please stand and be accounted for

Apr 9, 08 2:18 pm  · 

btw - I forgot to add after my vent "now that's a clusterFUCK"

Apr 9, 08 2:20 pm  · 

Hi techno! You really seem to have a lot of chaos going on down there. Keep your head above water and do the best you can. And make sure you get paid!

That article about the weather is crazy. I am going to Beijing for school, and I've never been before. Actually my recent outing to Hawaii was the first time I trekked across the Pacific at all. So China will be a super-trek. And I do keep hearing that we should be fine as long as it's before the Olympics.....I hope so!

Apr 9, 08 2:39 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Standing now.

Apr 9, 08 2:40 pm  · 

itd be awesome to go to beijing

Apr 9, 08 2:47 pm  · 

that is literally my favorite Vonnegut book. And it wasn't even my first.

Also, Ice Nine publishing company controls the compositions and rights to songs for the Grateful Dead...

I remeber when i read the book i was like why would anyopne create such a chemical substance...
The danger!

Apr 9, 08 3:50 pm  · 

Hope you can arrange a layover in Hawaii to say hi to that best man...

Apr 9, 08 4:47 pm  · 

The Best Man might actually come meet me in China for traveling for a couple of weeks. (!) I forgot to mention that part of the story...I kind of told him I was going and asked if he wanted to join me for part of it, and he was like "OK". (!!!)

Apr 9, 08 4:50 pm  · 

We have a silver iodide cloud seeding program here in my part of Colorado. We like to pretend it is for the skiing, but it's really all about drought and downstream water rights. It was stopped for this year on account of 31+ feet of snowfall.

Speaking of which, it's snowing right now and 2 more feet are expected tonight....

got sandbags?

Apr 9, 08 5:08 pm  · 
liberty bell

Dangit-dangit-dammit I missed Steven Ward's 40th birthday.

Steven, you are so sneaky going on vacation so we would all miss it -are you trying to pretend you haven't turned 40 yet? I don't remember the exact date - remind me, please. Also, we need to coordinate a GSA planning meeting, I need to call you.

techno, you reminded me of Steven's birthday when you announced you turned 31 - Happy Birthday! And welcome to "the thirties". I turn 41 Friday and have been worried about not being just 40 but being "in my forties" - it sounds old. And lord knows I've been feeling old lately!

That weather article was indeed freaky. And it was accompanied, when I opened the link, by an ad that showed an extreme closeup moving image of a pizza. It looked like an interior view of an intestine. Lately I've been seeing a lot of extreme close-up images of food and I don't find them appetizing, quite the opposite.

Busy busy day, week, month....

Apr 9, 08 5:20 pm  · 

appy irthdat even ard!!!!!
4 1/2 years to go for TK to hit the big four - ohhhhhhhhhhh.

Apr 9, 08 5:25 pm  · 

happy early birthday lb! and happy late birthday steven!
ahem... couple of kids... ahem.
i have been talking to great julius shulman since last mounth. yesterday i went over and took reuben sandwiches for lunch. tomorrow he is taking me to a job site scouting, where he is photographing. he is 98 years old and working almost everyday. we already became pretty good friends. i have been taping the conversations and he has been telling me pretty funny stories and historical moments about his work, life and his architect friends.

here is mr. shulman showing me one of his first cameras. a kodak junior

Apr 9, 08 5:47 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i'm really looking forward to my 48th birthday...hopefully i'll still be alive

Apr 9, 08 5:48 pm  · 

happy birthday SW, LB, techno...

Apr 9, 08 5:53 pm  · 

and of course happy birthday techno. duh.

Apr 9, 08 5:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

Damn I hope I look that good at 98! Great job on the reporting and the friendship, Orhan. and that's a great photograph - very personal and intimate - of a photographer!

I've been swearing too much lately. I guess it's part of my new persona as a tough old broad. But a cheerful one.

Apr 9, 08 5:59 pm  · 

Orhan that's so funny that you've been talking to Shulman. We had a couple of free Q&A sessions with him this past weekend and although I didn't go, I have some friends that did and heard some stories about it. Also I am in this photography class and we've gone over his work a couple of times. I am amazed that he is still working at his age. It's rather spectacular, actually, and more power to him. I hope you are enjoying your time with him and I look forward to seeing what he tells you!

Apr 9, 08 6:45 pm  · 

he is very exceptional, knock on wood. reading without glasses... he does talk about dean @ usc and other schools.
he really likes schindler, who was a real 'mensch!'

Apr 9, 08 6:59 pm  · 

Oh man Orhan that's AMAZING!!!!!!!!! I would just about die to talk to him!!! That's so very very cool I wish I was back in CA so I could tag along. I could bring home-made cupcakes to go with the reubens...

Apr 9, 08 7:08 pm  · 

Happy late birthdays to Liberty and Steven!!!!! Happy early birthday to Atechno. I hope your week gets better.

Orhan - That guy is 98? Seriously? Holy Crap, I also hope I look that good when I'm that age. Damn!!!!!!

Apr 9, 08 7:16 pm  · 


He came to the University of Arizona when I was there. Funny thing is the Architecture Department wasn't the Department that brought him there to Lecture. It was the stellar School of Photography. I grabbed
a couple of friends from my design studio and and hauled them along with me. They had no idea what they were going to...just someone I said is certainly worth seeing if he is on campus. He did a blow away presentation along with all those grand stories. There is nothing like a Story Teller and a Photographer. Thanks for sharing the picture and your new friend.

Apr 9, 08 7:41 pm  · 

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