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wow, orhan. talk about living icons. even cooler that he too appears to be a real "mensch".

Apr 9, 08 8:20 pm  · 

happy birthdeay folks

jeez im only 20

Apr 9, 08 8:25 pm  · 

Happy Birthday to LB, Steven Ward, and techno.

I visited SCI_Arc this past weekend. Loved it. Loved the studio spaces, the energy, the installations, the skateboards everywhere, loved it all.

Apr 9, 08 9:03 pm  · 

thanks lb and everybody for the nice bday wishes. yeah, we did kinda downplay it this year. in fact, i was driving from atlanta to tampa on the day, to see my wife's high school friend and kids. no celebrating. just kinda letting it lie.

i guess i feel older. freaking out because i'm now watching over about $70m worth of work during the day and scooping toddler poop out of the bathtub at night.

Apr 9, 08 9:07 pm  · 

happy birthday Steve and lb!!!!

Update: called boy, left message, have not been called back. Given up, but miraculously am not actually very hurt or sad or anything. Ironically, it makes me even more happy that I left previous big scary relationship, because it just highlights the fact that there will be more boys, and more dates, and more of all the fun that goes with in the future. Life goes on, and it's too much fun to spend moping about any guy!

Apr 9, 08 10:33 pm  · 
Living in Gin

Happy birthday Steve and LB!

Apr 9, 08 10:38 pm  · 

Happy Birthday peoples. Is 40 as bad as I think it is?

Apr 9, 08 10:52 pm  · 

Happy birthday STeven et al.
What is more rewarding the 70 million or the poop scooping??

I am barely out of my twenties and feel as if i have so much more to go.
At least for now i am excited about it all.

I have always loved Shulman's work. The whole Birth of Cool thang and Desert Modernism.

WonderK, the part of about the Best Man traveling to China is exciting, who knows what adventures in a foreign land may lead to.

Apr 9, 08 11:29 pm  · 

happy birthday techno, steve and lb!!!

Apr 9, 08 11:31 pm  · 

Orhan, if you see him again soon and if the topic of the USC students comes up again, ask him if he remembers the crazy girl with the wet hair. She's a bit of a legend where I come from.

Ok, time to put the cape on.

Apr 10, 08 12:56 am  · 

Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to liberty bell, Steven Ward, and architechnophilia! I'm sorry I didn't mention it sooner. I wish you all the best and I wish I could send you cake or cupcakes or something. Really, I just wish we could have a conference and I could GIVE you cupcakes. Sort of like these:

OMG there's a fantastic crazy guy on the street outside my window right now. Oh LA. You're so funny.

Update to the China I may just not be going with school anymore. Funny thing is that two days ago I would have said, "oh yeah, I'm going to China with school", but then a whole bunch of things have since happened that are leading me to think it's not a great idea. So maybe I'll just go with the Best Man and not do the whole group thing. Crazy, right?

Apr 10, 08 1:08 am  · 

oh gosh, and happy birthday TECHNO!!! How could I have left you out? So silly and thoughtless of me!

Apr 10, 08 1:12 am  · 
liberty bell

Do those cupcakes have Sandra Day O'Connor on them?

Apr 10, 08 9:36 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

So, Steven... which method do you use?

Apr 10, 08 9:37 am  · 
vado retro

happy birthday everyone! i guess my bursitis in my rotor cuff and my arthritis in my wrist is aching to welcome you to the forties and beyond. lb you will NEVER be old!

Apr 10, 08 9:50 am  · 
brian buchalski

racket back early...swing through the ball

Apr 10, 08 10:29 am  · 

That video is hilarious and makes me even more cautious about my abilities to deal with the challenges of parenting...!!!!

Apr 10, 08 11:25 am  · 
brian buchalski

there's an easy answer to this [url="technological doping"[/url] issue...have the athletes swim naked

Apr 10, 08 11:47 am  · 
brian buchalski


there's an easy answer to this "technological doping" issue...have the athletes swim naked

Apr 10, 08 11:48 am  · 

i knew there was something wrong with speedos
ha! now i know

Apr 10, 08 12:14 pm  · 

puddles - swimming naked would cause a lot of drag issues.

Apr 10, 08 12:19 pm  · 

but if everyone did it, then all times would drop by relatively the same amount, right? Well, I guess they might vary a little bit. But it would be so much more fun to watch!

Apr 10, 08 12:24 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Why? Boat rudders don't cause drag.

Apr 10, 08 12:26 pm  · 

in other news
today for lunch im having a special treat,
i decided not to waste my money on chinese
food or a grilled stuffed burrito from taco
today its a peanut butter & jelly, with crunchy
peanut butter and grape jelly.
truly magnificent

what are you guys having?

Apr 10, 08 12:33 pm  · 
brian buchalski

agreed, rationalist...i would totally watch much more swimming events if the athletes were naked. most of them are quite fit too.

Apr 10, 08 12:37 pm  · 

Rationalist and puddles - I agree with you both, it would make them much more interesting to watch.

Philarct - Pita chips and hummus, string cheese and a Braeburn apple. I'll probably be starving by 3pm.

Apr 10, 08 12:43 pm  · 

I had a Jimmy Johns # 13...

Yummo! (ahh i hate Rachel Ray!)

And i think naked swimming is a great idea,.

Apr 10, 08 1:12 pm  · 

when it comes to turd managment, there is only one way to go...manual

Apr 10, 08 1:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Phil - I had a PBandJ too! Along with left over popcorn from last night. And, being a genius like all true architects, I had the brilliant idea to put the corn in the freezer to keep it from going stale, and it worked!

Apr 10, 08 1:34 pm  · 
vado retro

dont forget about shrinkage!?! lady naked swim fans.

Apr 10, 08 1:44 pm  · 

swimming naked...yea we've all done it - some of us prefer it. But then shrinkage would be a blessing eh?

Lunch stewed chicken wings, not bad.

Thanks for the birthday wishes all...means alot, and Wonder K is right we need a conference...I'm sure my office would pay for me - but it needs to look official okay Paul?

Apr 10, 08 1:46 pm  · 

i'm really quite pissed right now... and not to interrupt any good vibes anyone else might be having- so apologies up front.
apparently my thesis advisor will be out of town the week of thesis presentations. so i spoke to the chairperson- who is also my professor- about having myself and the other post-pro m.arch student present the week before (we both have the same advisor). i don't want to present without my thesis advisor present because he has guided me all along- and it's a form of support. i have never seen a thesis student present without their advisor present- and it's just unprofessional and bad form. well the chairperson said that we had to present along with the other m.arch students on the same day - and pretty much it's tough shit if our advisor can't make it. quite honestly i think it's indicative of how they have treated us post-pro students the entire year. the school of architecture doesn't seem to have the time nor the resources to facilitate us- and just lumps us into the rest of the m.archers... and sorry for sounding snotty- but i've already written one thesis and this is their first time doing it, i would like a little more credit.
so i wrote the chairperson an email and asked to go first in thesis presentations... because at this point, i just want to present and get the fuck out.

Apr 10, 08 2:04 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

+i, I have always wondered about people going back for a masters after receiving the professional degree. What were yours, and other's reasons for this? Is there a need or benefit? Is there a difference between a masters and a 5yr degree?

Apr 10, 08 2:17 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

And on a side note..

I want to apologize to all the Landscape Architects in the world. Earlier on the phone, I called the LA on a project a Landscaper. I didn't mean it as a snub, but as an abbreviation for Landscape Architect. I didn't even realize my flub until she said 'uh...Landscape Architect.'

Whoops. I'm sorry. My mistake was at least entertaining for all who heard it.

Apr 10, 08 2:25 pm  · 
liberty bell

+i, that sucks. You have a totally valid concern and they are jerks to not even consider it. And, you would think they would jump at the chance to have you present early, it's not like you're slacking off!! Sorry to hear that news.

On the naked competitive swimming front, I would speculate that the amount of drag would vary from person to person, and I for one would enjoy having the opportunity to study that comparison. In the interest of science, of course.

I have cranked out so much work in the last 48 hours, I'm exhausted. Good news is it's all finished and I won't have to work on it tonight after getting home from an art world hobnob event. Bad news is I'm so wasted from lack of sleep that I may nod off at said event.

For lunch: ham-cheese-tomato quesadilla, homemade. now I need dessert and there is not one - not one! - bite of chocolate in this house right now. Tragic. ;-)

Apr 10, 08 2:28 pm  · 

thanks lb for the support...

sarah- my u-grad was a 5yr B.Arch. most who return for a post-pro do it to research or teach. i felt i had some research to do and wanted to write a few more publications to progress what i felt was a contribution to the profession. my other classmate is really doing it to teach. unfortunately our profession doesn't seem to have caught on the way, say, science has- in terms of research for progression- and sadly many of the professors i have encountered do what they do for self-promotion and to gain notoriety.

at this point i realize i felt more personally invested in my u-grad thesis than i have here. although it might seem differently- i am actually not a confrontational person... except for when i feel this strongly about something. i intend to let them know that they should remove the Post-Professional M. Arch from their curriculum until they can devote some faculty and some time to CRAFTING the program. what is worse, is that the professional m.arch students are getting shafted in the thesis program- they have yet to be explained what a thesis actually is... instead many are simply presenting projects- no actual investigations with legitimate experiment type situations where failure is possible. it isn't their fault... the professor is simply too busy...

Apr 10, 08 3:19 pm  · 

and lb that is just sad on the chocolate ... life is too short to not have dessert at least once a day ;)

Apr 10, 08 3:20 pm  · 
vado retro

i had a chocolate quesadilla for lunch!

Apr 10, 08 3:25 pm  · 

sarah, I like being called a 'scaper or a 'scraper. just don't call me a gardener. Don't feel intimidated or guilty, it's your consultant's lack of self esteem speaking.

Apr 10, 08 4:05 pm  · 

I agree with Tree!

Apr 10, 08 4:47 pm  · 

+i, sorry about your presentation issues. Do you feel like there may be a gap between the generation of our professors and us in attitude? I feel like when/if I become a professor I could never do that to a student.

Going to go have chocolate now.

Apr 10, 08 5:03 pm  · 

+i Find out if he is Traveling on American Airlines maybe they will go belly up before he travels....and will not be able to get on a flight.

I did my good deed for the day. I broke into my 91 year old neighbors house. Seems it was such a nice Spring Day she wanted
to be out in the yard, and managed to lock herself out of the house.
So with a couple of screw drivers I managed to get in in less than a minute. She was impressed to say the least and gave me a big ole
grandma hug.

Apr 10, 08 5:13 pm  · 

+i, I feel you. Sometimes at my program I feel like the undergrads have priority and we get shunted to the side. It's not often enough to be a real problem, but I do wonder what it would be like if the grad program were the real priority of the school...

Apr 10, 08 5:30 pm  · 

Awww snook, that is a wonderful neighborly thing to do.

+i - WTF? That's a load of crap if I ever heard it. It really steams me when I hear this kind of thing happening in any program. Students pay good money for their education and deserve to get out all they can/want from the faculty and resources allotted to them. Having lazy faculty/advisors is such a disservice, if you don't wanna do it anymore leave and get someone in there that wants to contribute to the future generations of the profession. GRRRRR!!!!

Apr 10, 08 5:31 pm  · 

I'm jealous of snook's weather. It's snowing/sleeting/pissing sideways right now. and it is april 10th!!!!!! prediction is for 6" minimum by the end of tomorrow. the seagulls on the lake don't look to comfy right now...

Apr 10, 08 5:38 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well, I emailed an appology to the LA, and she responded saying she wasn't offended, and that she has to constantly explain her proffesion to people.

And what is a BBW? RE: the add at the top of the page.

Apr 10, 08 5:47 pm  · 
vado retro

to celebrate all yer birthdays im gonna go get a beer and then some indian food.

Apr 10, 08 6:07 pm  · 

I had a beer last night and vietnamese soup for lunch - just cause. nothing special like celebrating any of ya'll birthdays. now I have to do something else - maybe mix myself a manhattan when I get home.

Apr 10, 08 6:09 pm  · 

hi thread central... it's been months since i've dropped by in here... i've been so busy with phd applications and getting back into the private sector after 3 years of government work that i haven't had time to keep up with the old TC... i didn't realize until i started working back in the real world just how much time per day i wasted on archinect when i was a city employee... anyways, it's good to be doing real architecture again rather than being the client...

anyways... i thought that i'd stop by here for my 1000th post and a quick hello...

Apr 10, 08 6:41 pm  · 


I had beer last night and Vietnameese soup for lunch as well...weird

Apr 10, 08 6:43 pm  · 

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