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I also realized because of all the discussion that i will be at 1000 soon enough.

Yeah TC!

Tree, Doesn't SOM gets everything... One of my friends is actually trying to go the corporate route and get a job with SOM this summer post MARCH at Berkeley.

And i definetley want to get some stickers.. Although i am worried now about sweat pools.

Apr 17, 08 7:06 pm  · 

Life is the stars align....shit I don't believe in that stuff......but anyhow had a great happening today. It was one of those cell phone calls which I'm glad I returned because it was one where you really couldn't understand most of what the other party was saying for two reasons. First reason was the connection, as I was out in the sticks. Second Reason was because English wasn't his first
language. Lost him in the middle of the conversation because my cell phone decided to go to the graveyard but I was able to obtain
the message he left on my machine. He is a Greek realtor involved in a transaction of one of my clients. So I meet up with him and well is Zorba the Resturant Realtor...We have a nice meeting...I come home and go to his web site....and one of the things he specializes in is Diners. Diners are my new passion....least Mrs...thinks so. We are working on one of the oldest existing barrel roof diners in the country....and damn it is exciting. The amazing thing is it is 90% original. So everything is to be handled with kid gloves. So plan on calling him tomorrow cause this might be a book. Tree Killer has
Mickey in Saint Paul.....and I'm sure I can find a, "Jerry O. Mahony"
Designed diner within hours of your home if your anywhere in New England or the Midwest. You will also find them in England, Germany
and Paris France. They are a collectable.

Apr 17, 08 7:45 pm  · 

My mom and her friends just flew into town. I'm taking them to see Menopause: The Musical at our local performing arts center. I can't wait.

Apr 17, 08 8:04 pm  · 

well done on the teaching orhan. i imagine you are very good at it. i agree it is very tiring work. fun though.

in response to the skid-lid (which still sounds to me like thermal underwear with a back door more than anything) conversation above...

our ride looks kinda like this

my wife and i share. it is a bit different than this one cuz front basket on ours can be converted to regular basket and back seat also has child-seat attached. we used to take both kids at once. now oldest has own bike and youngest has choice of seats. this is what we use for all our grocery shopping and is pretty much what everyone in the area uses. it is kinda funny to go to the local bar/restaurant at night for ramen and see dozens of these parked out front...i'll have to take a picture sometime.

anyway, none of us wears helmets, but the rule here is that bicycles belong on sidewalks not on streets, so we don't tend to go very far so safe...

Apr 17, 08 8:54 pm  · 

I had no idea about that Spam thing, nam.

Menopause: The Musical sounds fun, n_!

I actually got complimented on my bike tonight. I'm surprised because I have it so nerded out that all I really need is head gear to complete the look. jump, your bike (ish) is super cute though. I want to see a picture of all the bikes!

Apr 17, 08 11:47 pm  · 

i'll try to take a pic near future.

it certainly looks dorky but is kinda nice to be in country where bikes aren't just for yuppies. no competition for lightness or any of that stuff. and is hilarious to see mum with 2 kids in front and 1 more in back...and they are middle class, upper middle class folks....not making a point about the environment cuz they are enlightened and not riding a bike cuz they can't afford a car...its just part of the reglar culture, including extensvie covered bicycle parking in front of every flat. only in tokyo though. at in-laws place in countryside only old people and kids ride bikes.

Apr 18, 08 12:34 am  · 

so I went to my 1st yoga class in about a year today and I feel great!!!!!!!!!

Apr 18, 08 1:54 am  · 


All of TC..
I was drinking and now have to be at work in 4 hrs.....

Apr 18, 08 3:11 am  · 
brian buchalski

i had a flat tire this morning...but i am still alive

Apr 18, 08 7:01 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Well this sucks. The sitter called while I was in the shower to say her mother was in the hospital, and she couldn't watch Abram. While I hope everything works out, I wish I'd known sooner so I wouldnt have gotten up at 5am. Damn.

Apr 18, 08 7:01 am  · 
liberty bell

Hi TC - I haven't read anything above so forgive me for not responding - gotta get the kid packed off to school, but YES the earthquake this morning rattled me awake - woo! It was funny...and sorry to make light of something that kills people, but in our case, it was fun. More later.

Apr 18, 08 7:07 am  · 

LB - I was wondering if you felt anything. I did not but, others I know did.

mdler and nam - I've been needing to get back into taking classes again. IT was so crowded at the beginning of the year that I stopped going. Now that the weather is nicer I think it's time to start doing my sun salutations again.

Apr 18, 08 8:18 am  · 


Personally, i would rather do sun salutations (preferably outside) on my own than be stuck in a large formal class.

Apr 18, 08 8:23 am  · 
vado retro

I survived the great EaRtHqUaKe of 2008! Funny how it puts you in a good mood.

Apr 18, 08 8:32 am  · 
liberty bell

Oh - I guess vado wasn't in South America then.

Apr 18, 08 9:05 am  · 


Apr 18, 08 9:22 am  · 


Apr 18, 08 10:29 am  · 

im am posting this naked!

Apr 18, 08 10:51 am  · 

nam - if my form weren't so off, I'd agree. I still need the assistance of the instructor from time to time. I still can't get my Adho Mukha Svanasana (downward facing dog) right, even if my life depended on it. Who knew doing it properly was so difficult.

Happy Friday TC. YAY FRO and TK for it not snowing where you guys are!!!!

Apr 18, 08 12:38 pm  · 
brian buchalski

i think i might actually be bored right now...maybe i'll do some work today after all

Apr 18, 08 1:14 pm  · 

How awesome is it that I move to California and everyone I know in the Midwest gets an earthquake? I love it! I know I know....knock on wood....

Apr 18, 08 4:28 pm  · 

i ate a tuna melt for lunch with the missus today - it was delicious.

Apr 18, 08 4:54 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I like my tunamelts in sandwich form, not the open face pita form Ive seen. I also like a twist on one that has bbq sauce, bacon, and cheddar.

Apr 18, 08 5:41 pm  · 

I mayyyyy have a thesis advisor. Yay(ish)! We met, I started to ask, and before I could actually get the words, "I was wondering if you would chair my committee" out of my mouth, she said, "no, it's fine, I think this can be a really good project." Since those are not 100% congruent, there is still a possibility that she thought I was just going to thank her for meeting with me and not realizing I was trying to ask her to be my advisor, because she wouldn't let me get the words out.

Negative thought of the moment: why do I always end up in these ambiguous situations? positive thought of the moment: yay, I may have snagged my ideal thesis advisor!

Apr 18, 08 5:43 pm  · 


how is it up north??? I may be coming to lie near you soon. Tell Daniel Friedman that I say HI!

Apr 18, 08 5:50 pm  · 
liberty bell

aml, yes, it means you need more critics to distribute among the rooms. And as tk said, it may be better for mid-reviews, because the big presentation/show with audience at the end can be more gratifiyng. BUT! when a big final review is really only a competition to be esoteric or slam the poor kid presenting it's not useful to anyone at all.

Beautiful day here having fun with my college buddies. I did wokr a little, but not much...ah, self-employment!

Happy weekend TC!

Apr 18, 08 5:56 pm  · 

i am going to take up meditation this weekend...hope it will do me good.

Apr 18, 08 5:57 pm  · 

mdler, you're welcome up here! Let me know when/if you're headed up and we'll get some whisky. Don't know Friedman though.

Apr 18, 08 6:02 pm  · 

I ate a dry tuna white bread sand today, for lunch.

Apr 18, 08 6:20 pm  · 


he is your dean...we go way back

Apr 18, 08 6:40 pm  · 

He's not my dean. My dean is Chris Ozubko. I've got nothing to do with CAUP.

Apr 18, 08 8:01 pm  · 

TAG SALE WEEKEND! The one who must be obeyed, insisted. We have been cleaning out the basement of clutter and old left over
building project extras. I did my due dilegents this evening for an
hour or so, grabbing all the things she didn't know if she should throw out. So I keep the dogs under control tomorrow and her and the neighbor lady man the tag sale except for potty breaks. It is
amazing how two women can plan and all out attack on emptying out the clutter.

Hope you all have a grand weekend.....were looking at blue skies...and upper 70's..Spring has finally arrived.

Apr 18, 08 8:11 pm  · 


Apr 18, 08 8:43 pm  · 

Tee hee!!! I love them slightly warm with sharp cheddar cheese and a big slice of a beautifully ripe tomato.

Apr 18, 08 9:29 pm  · 

pan cooked steaks on a bed of rock salt & mash potatoes & steamed artichoke...

Apr 19, 08 9:56 pm  · 
Apr 19, 08 11:20 pm  · 
liberty bell

Pork tenderloin grilled with soy/ginger/OJ glaze, mashed dill potatoes, and snap peas here. Plus salad and bread and three of my best lifelong friends at table - had a great evening.

I went to the Indy Art Museum today and saw the exhibit of the Manufacturing Material Effects symposium. I'm still sick that I was out of town the weekend of the actual symposium and missed it; the installation is amazing.

Apr 19, 08 11:23 pm  · 
liberty bell

Hi Orhan - is that one of yours?

Apr 19, 08 11:24 pm  · 

hi lb!
sounds like good times with your friends. how nice. enjoy!

top #205 is not mine but i have a similar one.

these are mine and i made about 98% of them!

Apr 20, 08 12:04 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Thats a top? I thought it was a plumb bob.

Apr 20, 08 9:54 am  · 

Those are amazing Ohren. I didn't know you made tops. Way cool.

LB - glad to hear you had a good time with your friends. That exhibit looks really cool as does (did) the symposium.

Apr 20, 08 1:20 pm  · 

lb called and woke me up this morning to ask me a question about Cincinnati. For the record, archinectors (-teurs) are the only people that I am happy to hear from that early in the morning! Let's not make it a habit, but yeah :o)

Apr 20, 08 3:50 pm  · 

70 degrees and sunny - yeay!!!!!
but the lake is still half covered in ice like a giant slushy.
it's been a weekend for spring cleaning (and that wasn't the nesting instinct).

O, I'll be needing a dozen to go.

Apr 20, 08 6:29 pm  · 

LB - whatcha want to know about Cincy? I might be able to help.

Apr 20, 08 6:57 pm  · 
liberty bell

tuna, I have a question for you but will email you about it - I want to know if you want to "be DubK" for us this summer - more later.

We made a quick road trip today to show our architect college buddies the Zaha. I called DubK to ask where the cafe was that I ate in the first time I went there, forgetting how much time difference there is and the sleeping habits of college students! Sorry, DubK. She directed me to Main Street, which was what I wanted - we had brunch at Kaldi's and it was excellent!

I really like Cincy.

Apr 20, 08 7:04 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

i remember they had a pretty awesome zoo; it had walruses!

Apr 20, 08 9:34 pm  · 

Hello all. I worked a 12 hour day Sat.
Unusual for me, but made some extra money.
Hope everyone had a great weekend?

Apr 20, 08 9:49 pm  · 

LOL!!! LB and Sarah, you two crack me up. Kaldi's does have a good brunch. Their eggs bendict rocks. SH - when were you in Cincy? I enjoy our zoo as well, although it's been a while since I've been.

Apr 20, 08 9:51 pm  · 

I wish I made extra money working overtime. Instead I just get tired and make it in to work a bit late and then get chewed out.

Apr 20, 08 11:24 pm  · 

Yay for Kaldi's! Glad you found it, lb. Also I'm glad your college buddies got to see the CAC! It sounds like you guys had a fun weekend....I wish I could get my college friends together like that again. It's so hard but it's a more enticing prospect now that I live out here I think.

On a side note, lb, I think you should move to Cincinnati and run for Mayor. It just occurred to me that Cincy's former Mayor and current council member Roxanne Qualls reminds me of you a bit, and she was awesome. I think Cincy could use another fiesty redhead to kick its ass into gear.

Speaking of red, behold the CAC at Christmas time, 2007 (I like to break up the page with pictures)

Apr 21, 08 1:52 am  · 

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