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Sarah Hamilton, the deal was that for a number of years, my best girlfriend and myself made a pact to always remember each other on Valentine's Day if the other wasn't attached. It started in high school and continued through college, so when I had boyfriends, I sent her flowers at work (or balloons or something) and after she got married, she sent me flowers...and one year, a singing telegram! I still have the card from that. Hilarious.

In the (now infamous) "WonderK I want to hear about your flowers" post, liberty bell was asking me who had sent me the mystery flowers for Valentine's Day, because my friend is sneaky and she always tried to throw me off her trail with a message from a "secret admirer". The reality of course, is that it was her all along, but for a while I wasn't TOTALLY sure. And on a side note, I didn't get anything this year so I guess marriage has really killed her romantic streak, LOL.

Apr 15, 08 5:21 pm  · 

sarah- look at the bottom of page one of TC for the original 'WonderK I want to hear about your flowers'.

I'll be outside this evening once i get out of the office- this weekend I'm planting peas, lettuce, carrots and radishes as my first crop. got a little more prep work to do first. (MN has almost 8 weeks to go before our official 'last frost' date, but I'm going to push my luck) this is the first week forecast for no frosts... Instead of straight e-w rows, i may plant in a circular pattern this year.

Apr 15, 08 6:04 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

TK - A circle could be quite interesting. And I see the flower post everyday, and have even tried to trace it forwards and backwards for the story, but never could find it. Thanks to DubK, it all make sense now.

Apr 15, 08 7:40 pm  · 


I to would prefer greenery/flowers that can be planted vs enjoyed then trashed (although i suppose there is always composting)?

Tree. Man i am jealous! I am trying to get motivated enough this spring to start a vegetable plot. Even a little box in my backyard. Actually, my neighbor(s) have made me jealous the last few years as most tend to have at least a small plot with beans etc.
My only attempt is a small (3 plant) herb pot.....

Apr 15, 08 8:49 pm  · 
liberty bell
Attention husbands/boyfriends!

When was the last time you, unsolicited, told your female significant other that she is beautiful? It probably wasn't recently or often enough. Never underestimate how important it is for a woman to hear it. Lots.

And ladies, no need for us to refrain from complimenting the important people in our lives, either.

Apr 15, 08 9:01 pm  · 

libery bell,

my 'pet' name for my girl is beautiful, so I tell her every time I talk to her...

Apr 15, 08 9:11 pm  · 

- ?????? I totally agree though. I feel that we don't give people enough compliments... seriously. I make a concerted effort everyday to give at least one person I come into contact with a compliment. Call me selfish but I like to see people smile. Now if I could have only told my crush today that he looked really hot in his suit and tie... the shirt and tie matched his eyes. GAHHHHH!!!!!

Awwwww Diabase - that really is awesome.

nam - Cheer up... I didn't plant anything last year... just yanked out a whole bunch o' shit and then sat and watched. You got time to get motivated.

Apr 15, 08 9:43 pm  · 

I guess Diners are insignificate architecture. Either that or everyone
is hording their pictures.

Apr 15, 08 10:30 pm  · 

I haven't been around much in the last few months, so forgive me if I missed something. What the hell happened to per? Did he get banned again? Did he die in some horrible accident, like standing in a 3dh building? Did he finally just piss off? what gives?

Apr 15, 08 11:27 pm  · 

lb, you look wunderful. mahvalous. absolutely mahvalous (imgine billy crystal in snl days for the correct voice here).

those taxes and financial hole sound familiar. i am pushing 40 now and my wife keeps reminding me we are making less money this year than in a dogs age...but at least life is not boring. that would be much worse situation, in my book. my mum worries though. she believes in unions not self employment.

Apr 16, 08 12:04 am  · 

Thanks to all!
Since I don't come here as often as I used to, I wanted to let everybody know that I'm still alive, and I'm still reading these pages even if I don't find the time to post...
And it's getting more and more personal at TC, since I've never physically met any of you guys, I probably don't feel as concerned as I used to.

But I love yall people! And I'am happy to know about the flower story, and I tell my girlfriend she's beautiful at least once a week (I hope) and I agrre, Lib does look great...

Apr 16, 08 6:03 am  · 

LB if I were as beautiful as you I might actually have the guts to go speak to my crush.... okay maybe not.

Anyway, I've always wanted dark curly hair. I'm the only blond in my immediate family. Gotta love those recessive genes. :o/

Apr 16, 08 8:24 am  · 

thanks for the advice, as soon as I read it I texted my sunshine (her nickname) with the message, that I thought she was beautiful! She texted me back to say I was spectacular - sigh, it must be Spring.

The second arrangement of flowers arrived and well they look like they belong at a funeral. I'm going to coach the flower lady - she's a bit old and shaky but I think I can spice her up a bit. She if she wants to learn some ikebana (I heart this)

Apr 16, 08 9:38 am  · 
brian buchalski

good news! i had my finger nails trimmed and am feeling much better today

Apr 16, 08 9:54 am  · 

atechno- i *briefly* broke up with my man about two years ago... and cited multiple reasons, including lack of romance. so when he wanted me back, i told him that flowers at least once a month were a must. since i'm in grad school (for another three more weeks- hurray!) and i live about 2 1/2 hours away, he normally brings me flowers every time he comes to visit- which is very nice! in a few short weeks when we move in together- he better keep bringin em home too!

i've been sick since saturday... something like the flu i guess. through a fluke with the university i don't have health insurance- so i have been lucky to not get sick until now. two jugs of OJ and a bottle of nyquil later, i am finally feeling back to normal. unfortunately i have missed 5 days of working on my thesis. oh well. i can't wait to get back to work and have paychecks AND health insurance again.

Apr 16, 08 10:30 am  · 

Barry L...

I was listening to a podcast Kazy Varnelis's posted on his website of a talk he gave at Rice University.

In it he discusses your essay in The Infrastructural City on Owens Lake "Reconstructing the Void"

Link link">here

Actually a pretty interesting talk, sort of gives an overview of his work to date.

Apr 16, 08 11:48 am  · 

Barry L...

I was listening to a podcast Kazy Varnelis's posted on his website of a talk he gave at Rice University.

In it he discusses your essay in The Infrastructural City on Owens Lake "Reconstructing the Void"

Link here here

Actually a pretty interesting talk, sort of gives an overview of his work to date.

Apr 16, 08 11:49 am  · 

Oh well the second posting link works...

Apr 16, 08 11:49 am  · 

I have decided to resort to asking other people what I should do with my life for the month of June, because I don't have the energy to do it myself anymore. I am tired, worn out, absolutely exhausted.....and I trust you guys. If you don't mind taking a minute to look at my blog and vote, I would appreciate it. Think of it like a "choose your own adventure" are in the computer and you get to decide what WonderK does next! Except, don't forget that I am a real person with a very REAL bank account. Thanks.

That said, I could DEFINITELY use some scotch with techno and tumbles right's been one of those weeks.

Apr 16, 08 6:15 pm  · 

Blew my cover again. Like you guys don't know already anyway. I need a vacation......

Apr 16, 08 6:19 pm  · 

Those of you with multiple screen names, do you ever post under the wrong screen name for something, or do you not care anymore? Every time I do it (which is a lot because I forget), my ears get hot for a couple of seconds. I don't know why I care....I guess I just like thinking that I have a tiny thread of privacy left.

Apr 16, 08 6:23 pm  · 
liberty bell

DubK, don't be embarassed - when I post under my other screen name I always make sassy yet ultimately embarassing comments about sex.

Oh wait...I don't have another screen name, do I?

Off to the Wondersphere to vote...

Apr 16, 08 7:15 pm  · 

atechno, puddles, & any other island folk- you have my entire supply of envy right now, as it continues to snow in the mountains...

lb- in spite of being aggressively single, I love to tell less significant others they are beautiful. You can tell they don't hear it enough, especially if you pick out just an unexpected part like toes, or whatever those back dimples are called.

wk- visited. voted. It sounds to me like you want A trip to Asia, not THIS trip to Beijing. BUT if you don't go now will you plan it for later? BUT I also tend to think that maybe I won't make it to the next opportunity to do something I want so just do it now! guess that wasn't very helpful.....

Apr 16, 08 7:46 pm  · 

ur ears get hot?

good luck atechno, and god speed

Apr 16, 08 8:28 pm  · 

alright wonder-k-sphere-whathaveyou... i voted! making the very expensive (and tiresome) trip to China without the chance to see Shanghai or Hong Kong seems completely ridiculous!
i wouldn't go into debt for a trip like that unless i was able to see those places too! xiexie (mandarin- for "sorry")

Apr 16, 08 8:31 pm  · 

my ears get hot when.... oh, can't post that!

I gotta shout out to Nam for that awsome find on kazys' website!!!! Stay tuned for the big announcement when infrastructural city finally gets published, three years after graduation and a year-and-a-half after submitting the manuscript! if you want a sneak peak, drop me a note.

is LB evangelicalbunny?

Apr 16, 08 8:49 pm  · 

DubK - I almost blew your cover the other day actually.

+i - I'm glad to hear you are okay.

LB - I hope you are feeling better. Spending the entire night vomiting sucks ass

puddles - I'm glad you alleviated the finger nail issue, I was getting worried ;o)

Atechno - will you teach me ikebana?

I think the whole Spring Fever thing has taken full effect on me, and I'm not talking about my desire to work in my yard. It's seriously driving me absolutely batty.

Apr 16, 08 8:55 pm  · 

so do any of you take comfort in the fact that the world is coming to an end at just the right time?

Apr 16, 08 11:54 pm  · 

I love you people and I'll say that under any screen name. It was a big hairy day for me, including the part about the life-vote, and thank you to all who participated. I feel as though a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

beta, I don't know when the world is going to end but when it does, I'll be ready with my new Emergency Survival Kit - with food rations! And an expandable heat blanket! Yippee!

Apr 17, 08 12:51 am  · 

my daughter does earthquake drills and her whole school is ready with these funky cuision hat things under their desks. and we ALL know where to go for evacuation or emergency purposes. the japanese are trying to avoid the hell hole of last big one in kobe (i was here for that, wasn't pretty)...but seems like we are always struggling...last earthquake in japan of size left many homeless, and they are still in their temp housing...

me, i'd go to china. just to meet the people. places you can always see, but kool people gathered together is special.

and anyway if the world is ending this could be yur last chance. ;-)

Apr 17, 08 2:05 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

How did I miss that LB was sick!? At least you sound better.

And WK, you could always take a trip to HI, HA? instead of China. Yes, it'd be less culturaly interesting, but....

Apr 17, 08 6:40 am  · 

wK- we never heard if you had any interesting encounters with spam during the wedding (though that would be more appropriate for the ask mighty thread).

Apr 17, 08 9:47 am  · 

My stomach feels like I are razors for breakfast this morning :o(

Apr 17, 08 12:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton


Apr 17, 08 1:18 pm  · 

oh, tk, I guess I never answered- my "skid lid" looks far too much like an alien seed pod, but not so much as a lot of popular ones do, and it doesn't have that pointy bit at the back. I actually really hate wearing a helmet, but it's the law in Seattle, and frankly the peer pressure to wear one is so intense that sometimes I wear it just to shut people up. Though, while I acclimate to the road bike (required much better balance than my old bike did), I recognize that it's a good idea. I don't feel as in control as I would like to on the downhill, this bike just picks up speed like a rocket!

Apr 17, 08 3:08 pm  · 

Sarah, that's kind of what I am thinking.... :)

tk, not sure why you brought up spam (is it a Hawaii thing?) but I did see some in the corner store....behold, Spam Musabi:

I mean, ew. I wouldn't recommend that anyone eat this, strong stomach or not. (sorry tuna this probably doesn't help you....)

Re: the skid lid debate, I think it's dumb not to. A lot of people don't in LA, but then again, a lot of other bikers are either A) annoying sidewalk types or B) hardcore bike-messenger types. There seems to be very few "middle ground" riders like myself who ride in the street, with our helmets, but don't have Chrome bags and fancy fixed gears and need to be there in 5 minutes flat.

Oooh ooh, forgot to tell you guys....there's a MAJOR shoot going on around my building and street today. I think it's for CSI:NY and from the looks of the scale of the thing, it's probably a season finale scene. There's all sorts of fake NYC cabs, cops, and there's supposed to be fake gun fire and a car wreck. I'll try to take pictures later.

Apr 17, 08 3:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

WOW, thats exciting. I wouldn't be able to get ANYTHING done.

On another note, I need some education. I came across a phrase today that I don't fully understand. There wasn't enough context for me to be 100% sure of its meaning. And for some reason, I thought Vado could help - where's he been lately?

Anyway, the phrase was "On which side do you dress?" in the context of custom tailoring. Like I said, I have a guess, but I want to be perfectly sure, so if anybody knows, just be blunt about it so there is no confusion.

Apr 17, 08 4:16 pm  · 

Sarah, I'm pretty sure your guess it right. Sounds to me like the tailor was asking a man which side he wears his dick on.

DubK, I was about to write that we have less middle ground than I would like here, too, but I realized that's not entirely accurate. We don't have the sidewalk types here, but there's still far too much spandex for my taste.

Apr 17, 08 4:24 pm  · 

wK- see if you can mooch some free meals from the tv crew for the 'inconvenience' they are inflicting.

Apr 17, 08 4:27 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Wow, that was blunt. Thank you. And that was what I was thinking. I wonder if it really makes a difference in tailoring.

Apr 17, 08 4:38 pm  · 

well, you did say just be blunt about it so there is no confusion...

Apr 17, 08 4:39 pm  · 

Sarah and rationalist..

Although i am not the sartorial expert that Vado is, i would agree that the quote probably means what you both guessed.
And yes depending on girth and tailoring of clothing it can make a difference in comfort if nothing else.

DubK, yes Spam is THE Hawaii state food. At least unofficially.. Something to do with WWII and all the military stationed there.

As for Skid lid.....

I had never heard that phrase before. It is something i have been thinking of lately, as i don't wear one but ride my bike multiple times daily..

I have always hated the blobby and foamy models. But lately i have been seeign ones similar to this..I think it ha sbeen used by BMXers for years.

But i like it and am thinking of getting one for myself..

Apr 17, 08 4:58 pm  · 

that's the sort that I thought I wanted too, nam, but the breathability on them is really low, and I didn't feel like having a sweaty head all the time. Let's see if I can find a pic of the sort I have...

there it is, except I've taken the visor off and probably lost it.

Is it really obvious that none of my kids are coming to my office hours, and I didn't adequately prepare to occupy my time if that happened?

Apr 17, 08 5:10 pm  · 

nam, that matt grey finish looks perfect for customizing with stickers.
thanks for being more of a man then I and answering the ladies curiosity... so where is Vado? (and mdler seems to be in self imposed exile from tc- why?)

it's been a slooooow day at the office and I think I will leave in a few minutes. We got word today that SOM kicked our butt in the competition for the supertall korean tower, so that is part of the silence around here. the active project i was working on went out the door last night. my inactive project's client is flying off to beg for a loan tomorrow - more of the same nothing as the past 4 months is continuing. the highlight today was the policy conference call.

Apr 17, 08 5:16 pm  · 

school is finally over. i now know why teachers need three months off...

we had some good and some less developed projects (notice i didn't say bad?) and at the and it was a very good learning experience for me to be in sci arc for three months and interact with students and faculty and have an opportunity to first hand see and tell experience on what is going on with architectural education.

students are good people.

i have been invited three other studios for juries where i noticed teachers talk a lot and don't listen, it is easier to talk about student projects by pointing out to half empty glass' empty side, and how the certain unspoken political and aesthetic alliances are.

okay. i am looking for weekly guest editors to pick the pickings. if you are interested or know somebody who would be, please let me know. most of you have done it but there is no limit to it.

where is vado?

Apr 17, 08 5:18 pm  · 
liberty bell

I think vado is in Europe. Or maybe Mexico, possibly even South America. He really, really needed a break from Indy.

Orhan, the last few crits I have been to have used a great format: the students set up their work in small groups, 2-3 per room, separately. Then the crits, in packs of two or three, walk to each room/space and review the kids there for a limited time. The kdis each present 3 times, to different reviewers.

it works well for a lot of reasons: the kdis get to refine their spoken presentaiton and incorporate what earlier critics have said as the day goes on. The critics don't have a huge crowd to "impress", so they talk more clearly to the students. And, the critics get to move their butts out of the chair a couple times, which helps. Everyone stays a little fresher and more focused on the actual projects.

The best one of these I went to, with Wes Janz at Ball State, we stayed right on schedule and at the end of the day everyone met for a 20-minute wrap-up session: the critics talked about common themes, the students were allowed to ask questions. it was a great format, IMO.

Killer day of early site meeting and rush to L'ville to meet with Steven - hi Steven! - and now have to clean hosue for a houseguest coming tonight - my best buddies from undergrad, two of them, are coming for the weeknd - so my partner and our pals are going to be reminiscing (sp?) all weekend and hopefully relaxing...

Apr 17, 08 5:26 pm  · 

that sounds like a great format lb. it is exactly that large group impression thing forces people to come up with most obscure and esoteric comentary and lingo that makes students very uncomfortable and stressed, resulting in hurried and fragmented explanation of their projects and often compromising trhe strong points of their work. of course the keen eyed jury is only too quick to latch on to any weakness upon surfacing.;.)

Apr 17, 08 5:46 pm  · 

I've juried on cattle-call-mass-migration of critics for reviews and also the big dog&pony shows. Both have strengths and weaknesses depending on when they fall in the semester. The multi-parallel crits works great for midreviews and for pushing the development of ideas, but I like putting on a good show for the final review. As a student, I also liked having an audience at the end.

pomposity and ego are the downside of getting famous and wannabe famous folks on the panel. I'd rather discuss the students ideas, then promote my own book.

orhan, we should talk about teaching together next fall!

(it would be fun to have a 2008 applicant make the picks this week)

ok, I'm outta here!

Apr 17, 08 5:58 pm  · 

lb, i want to understand this better because it sounds very interesting... so you have the kids distributed in separate rooms, 2-3 students per room. then you have teams of critics going to each room... doesn't this mean you need more critics for the simultaneous crits?

it's so hard to find critics here... there isn't a tradition of archi-crits and we've been trying to "enforce" one in the school where i teach. i say enforce because we've said it's mandatory but several old fashioned teachers [old and young] would rather not do crits- that way, theirs is the only voice. and it's also less work, because as i said, it's hard to find critics... everybody is working several jobs here to make ends meet, and its very hard to find the time. generally among teachers we do it as a mutual favor- you do mine, i'll do yours.

[yes, i've realized i'm also close to the 1,000 post, but there is no way i can tie the multiple references of french's 1968 bike sheet- so since i can't top that i've been staying quieter than usual. also, i'm pretty busy these days]

Apr 17, 08 6:07 pm  · 

That does sounds like a great format especially for larger size studios. I like the idea of the students having to discuss their projects more than once, helps them learn to present/convey their point. I've come across some people out in the real world that could have benefited from such a format.

So it's been much beautiful all week and as always rain is in the forecast for pretty much the entire weekend. MEH!!!!!

re: vado - I was wondering the exact same thing. Just isn't the same without him.

Apr 17, 08 6:12 pm  · 

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