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mmmmmmmmmmmmm... pho...

there was a place i knew called "pho my man", and another place i've seen called "what the pho"?

Apr 10, 08 8:00 pm  · 

"pho king" is still my favorite.

lb, it sounds like you need this!

(The dark chocolate one is actually quite good, but to be honest not worth the exhorbitant price-point. I just like the box it comes in... which I shall use to store my regular Trader Joe brand bars in!

+i, that is FUCKED. UP. They should ABSOLUTELY let you present with your advisor there. What the heck difference does it make to them? There's plenty of time to reschedule your reviewers. Argh, I am pissed on your behalf.

Apr 10, 08 8:44 pm  · 

julius and i went to a job site today to see a modern house. this is his nikkormat camera w/ vivitar cap.

client- "would you take a picture of the house from the street?"
mr. shulman- "we don't plan anything."

Apr 10, 08 9:12 pm  · 

KAAAABOOOM!!!! guess I better shut down before my computer gets struck by a bolt of lightning!


Apr 10, 08 10:20 pm  · 

I miss lightning. :o/

I liked Vietnamese food but had a long hiatus from it since I lived in the Midwest for so long. Now that I'm West Coast, I've had Pho soup twice in the last month. Interesting.

Apr 10, 08 11:56 pm  · 

Big Beautiful Woman???

Good evening. I am a little drunk.

Apr 11, 08 12:46 am  · 

snook... that would be fabulous if he got stranded at an airport for a few days and missed his "super important" meeting anyways (like i was stranded in ATL a few weeks ago). (i shouldn't wish awful things on people... where's my voodoo doll)

rationalist + tuna... what is crazy is that at most schools grad students pay more to be there than undergrads- so why is it we get tossed to the side? at times i really do believe that the professors put a "self-promo" as priority before any student- ie. opportunity to write a book, show off in front of a visiting critic, etc. what is really ironic is that i submitted to a competition as an "experiment" to test my thesis- and now i am reviewing my submission as an evaluation period. i just found out last night that my submission made it through to round two of jurying- that just totally made my day!!!! what is funny is that the professors suggested i change some very key things. and now i feel completely justified to tell those wankers to fuck off. besides, they wouldn't be professors if they couldn't find something wrong in everyone's work.
oh yeah, and the professor emailed me that he is "more than happy to let me go first on review day". yeah, i bet you are....

Apr 11, 08 7:24 am  · 

on a lighter note... good morning to all! it's friday!!!!

Apr 11, 08 7:26 am  · 
brian buchalski

i'm sitll your face, reaper!!!

Apr 11, 08 8:42 am  · 

Lovely photos of Finland.

Also, good morning all. I am not as grumpy this morning as i thought i would be.

Apr 11, 08 9:34 am  · 

Also/alas, in other news...

I think my cat is dead.
Ever since i moved to the Pleasant Street neighborhood my cat Elliot has been a street cat. Mostly outdoors. I even had to get him fixed up after a fight once. His face was swollen up. Cost me 300 dollars or there abouts.

I saw him about a week, maybe ten days ago. He stopped by for food and drink for a minute. I haven’t seen him since.
It is unusual. I would like to think he is alive?

Apr 11, 08 9:41 am  · 

tumbles, I'll be in Finland in late August. Can I email you closer to the date so you give me a fat list of places to see?

Apr 11, 08 9:58 am  · 

Awwwwww Nam. My cat disapeared back in January for 8 days and to quote LB it sucked a big donkey dong. Have you put signs up? Some loving family might have thought he was a stray and taken him in. That's what I think happened with my cat. Talk to your nieghbors if you can, see if they'll keep an eye out for him. I would even suggest taking a walk a calling him. The day that my kitty came home I did such a thing and two hours later she was sitting on my porch. Lastly have you tried the local animal shelters? A lot of times they'll have a book in which you can give them a description and a photo and they'll keep an eye out for them. God, that really, really, really sucks. Best of luck to you, I'll be sending good vibes your way for Elliot to come home. Come home Elliot. Come home.

Apr 11, 08 10:09 am  · 

Orhan you're killing me with the camera porn....

Apr 11, 08 11:13 am  · 
brian buchalski

suomi is nice but it appears that you missed aalto's pension institute in helsinki. the continuous loop elevator is really worth making the visit...almost like something from a wonka chocolate factory

Apr 11, 08 11:13 am  · 

hello all.

Tumbles nice photos...uhmm [pet peeve] - folks who upload flickr pictures and don't rotate them[/pet peeve]; nonetheless you have a great collection of images there of some beautiful buildings and the details are awesome!!

Apr 11, 08 11:25 am  · 

was that bath house unisex? The naked part sounds good - I'm a big believer in annual trips to places with clothing opportunities to tan your naked bum or at least to enjoy spa facilities en natural. I know I know I sound like some nudist but I'm not honest.

Apr 11, 08 12:40 pm  · 

whats wrong with being natural? we need more time sans clothing (at least with beautiful people)....

Apr 11, 08 12:45 pm  · 

in 2004 I spent a week in Germany visiting friends. One day I traveled to Baden-Baden and spent the day at the baths that the Europeans frequent, In other words, no bathing suits allowed. I was great, just walking around o naturale. I've never understood the whole modesty thing and wish it wasn't such an issue here in America.

OK I had one glass of wine for lunch and am totally feeling it. Geez. I think I need to drink more in order to build up my tolerance to where it once was.

Apr 11, 08 12:55 pm  · 

Tuna and Tumbles,

Thanks for the best wishes re: the cat.
He has always been more of an outdoors cat anyways. Ususally however, when he sees me walking around the neighborhood he will follow me home. And i haven't run into him on my daily trips to the store or my run etc.
At least i haven't found a body?

On a lighter not. I concur with archi and others about nudity at least once a year. I love swimming and sunnign sans clothing. Quite freeing.

Apr 11, 08 1:33 pm  · 

i am not done wearing mine, yet.

Apr 11, 08 1:57 pm  · 

nam, it's spring, he's horny.

Apr 11, 08 1:57 pm  · 

it all reminds me of the article on BD last year about the naked gardener, an architect and his wife who garden naked at their home in the uk...we should all incorporate a little more nudity in our daily lives.

Apr 11, 08 2:00 pm  · 

now that I'm getting over my cold I can sleep all natural!

Apr 11, 08 7:43 pm  · 

sorry to get off topic but i have to share my pain.
you know when you watch a karate movie and you
see someone get punched in the throat?

i was wrestling with this toddler and he climbed over
my neck (crushing my adams apple) with his knee, he's a chunky one so i felt everysecond of it. Now i can feel my adams apple in my throat,the doctor said that they cant do anything about it.
it feels like theres a baseball lodged in my throat.
now whenever i see it happen in action films
ill say "oh yea that hurts"
now whenever i lean backward or forward i
can feel it sliding

those are some cool photos tumbleweed
it looks like you had a good time

Apr 11, 08 10:41 pm  · 

this message may be too late for some. heads up about an enterprising computer animator methodically contacting folks through linkedin. You don't have to accept every invite that arrives in your inbox... i just hope he doesn't hate me since I said no.

Apr 11, 08 11:12 pm  · 

jump, is this REALLY what it's like in Japan??

Apr 12, 08 12:24 pm  · 

yea it is.. during rush hours.. many time at this time you can hear and smell farts.. cuz all the ppl are squeezed together

Apr 12, 08 12:51 pm  · 

First off that video is hilarious!!!

Secondly, after two weeks my cat is back. He followed me home last night after i stumbled home, post drinking downtown.

Apr 12, 08 1:25 pm  · 

yay for returned kitty!
good news: we just got a call that we were approved for our dream apartment... we move april 30th! very exciting.
other news: i'm sick... nyquil and a nap for me today.

Apr 12, 08 2:25 pm  · 

ha! Its my birthday! Thanks all for the kind kind wishes. I'll tell you about the surprise party later!!

Apr 12, 08 6:49 pm  · 

Yay Nam!!! So happy to hear he came home.
Happy birthday Atechno. Hope you have an excellent one.

Apr 12, 08 8:51 pm  · 
liberty bell

Glad the kitty is home safe. Glad tumbleweed is home safe, too! Happy birthday, techno, I thought we'd missed it!!

My partner went to Japan in the mid-80s and told stories of people employed to puuuush folks onto the subway cars. I had never seen it in action, thatks for posting, manta!

I saw Bill Massie lecture last week. He did this amazing shower design, and I started thinking about how perhaps residential design is really mainly about making amazing spaces in which to get naked. I love being naked, I love swimming nude, I think architects specifically have - or should have - an awareness of the built environment as a coccon for naked flesh. Bachelard talks about the house as expanding layers of envelopment of the skin. Peter Lynch spoke once about when he got his first apartment he wanted to stand naked in the windows. I think I have a topic for the next Indy Pecha Kucha now....

Also, I've had some wine tonight. Going to watch "Fur" now, though I prefer naked. Later all.

Apr 12, 08 9:24 pm  · 

thanks tumbleweed, Liberty Bell, tunamelt et al for the well wishes. On the point of nudity I wonder how people get an opportunity to contribute to TC whilst naked. Most posts seem to be in the day whilst at work. Luckily today I sit here from the comfort of my bare bum...happy birthday to me!

caio all going swimming now!

Apr 12, 08 10:53 pm  · 

thanks tumbleweed, Liberty Bell, tunamelt et al for the well wishes. On the point of nudity I wonder how people get an opportunity to contribute to TC whilst naked. Most posts seem to be in the day whilst at work. Luckily today I sit here from the comfort of my bare bum...happy birthday to me!

caio all going swimming now!

Apr 12, 08 11:41 pm  · 

so is into real estate and constantly refers to a home's "nude-value"

Apr 12, 08 11:42 pm  · 

techno, I guess you could say that I have plenty of opportunity to post in the nude, being that I freelance... but I just don't take it. It'd be like being naked with all of you guys.

On that fine note, have a happy birthday!

Apr 13, 08 12:00 am  · 

Although I am not naked right now, I'm certainly getting a kick out of everyone talking about it.

nam I'm so glad your cat came back! He even watched over you as you stumbled home drunk, lol.

That video is craaaazy.

Apr 13, 08 12:03 am  · 

used to tan in nude when i lived on 29th floor of apt building. amazing flat with enormous windows and NO ONE could see me cuz basically we were the tallest building in the area. wouldn't do that no more cuz i realised the sun turns skin to leather. my cowboy cousins all look like they are 20 years older than they really are. they also look kool, in eastwood-y way, but yeesh...

that vid of train in japan...i've never seen that bad. it can be crowded and the method for boarding in those times is to board backwards and keep, i just don't get on. fuck that for a rubber duck, i say.

anyway, my feeling is that such things are not as common anymore as new lines have been built (and continue to be built) and offices let people do the flex thing...but could be wrong. still, is not part of my life.

more than the crowding however is that the subway system has special cars for women only during rush hour cuz the mens folk was getting too grabby in the anonymous press of bodies...that is sad.

where you at gyo?

Apr 13, 08 6:36 am  · 

I'm just curious, how many times can you ask a different version of the same question about a school? Is it just me, or are the same people asking the same questions over and over again? I feel like I've answered the USC question about 6 times. I'm tired of it. Do a search, for crying out loud.

Apr 13, 08 1:20 pm  · 

Is it just me or is noctulescent absolutely mad?

Apr 13, 08 1:44 pm  · 

agreed, DubK. At first I was like, "cool, people are asking about/noticing SC!", and now I'm like, "Jesus. please tell me my alma mater can attract more intelligent people than this..."

Apr 13, 08 1:51 pm  · 

LB that phrasing by Bachelard is wicked.

Apr 13, 08 3:11 pm  · 

so with all this naked talk I thought I'd do a flickr search for "naked architects" and voila!

hope that link works

Apr 13, 08 5:01 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Yeah, Atechno, it worked, and that was pretty funny. I laughed outloud inside.

Apr 13, 08 6:10 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Oh, and his name is Pep! And their daughter is pretty, although she has the typical English teeth.

I wish my name was Pep.

Apr 13, 08 6:18 pm  · 

It's been a little too cold of late to be doing any nude posting but as soon as the weather gets warmer I probably will. I'll admit I've taken you guys to bed numerous time though ;o)

jump - I'm glad to hear they've got separate cars for the women. That just skeeves me out that people would take advantage of such situations.

Anyway, I'm off to plop myself in front of the boob tube. I took some Benadryl this afternoon b/c the skin around my eyes is pretty much breaking out in a rash and is beginning to burn. Now I feel like someone pulled my entire skeleton out of my ass and am now just a mass of flesh and skin. Anyone else going to watch this?

Apr 13, 08 7:53 pm  · 
liberty bell

Are pep's feet tied together?

Trussed and tethered to the drafting board while naked - would that be the way they work at OMA, or at Eisenman?

Apr 13, 08 8:15 pm  · 

LB - Looking at the color photos it looks like it's just the tops of his sandals. Although having his feet tied together would make for a funnier story. Who the hell sits around naked with a pair of sandals anyway. That's the first thing that goes for me. I pretty much walk around my area of the office sans shoes all the time. I hate wearing shoes.

Apr 13, 08 10:06 pm  · 

Busy week coming up. Have to finish trimming out parade house, move tools and left-over materials out by tuesday. Wednesday I have to help trim crew move into new house, and wed. afternoon I should be back to helping the electrical crew.

Thursday my parents architect comes to town for the initial site visit. They want me there for that. After a morning round of golf and a lunch meeting with the architect, my dad, and my boss (father in law), I head to the lake with my father in law for the first cook off of the year. then sunday morning I have to leave the lake by sunrise to make it back to lubbock to help the wife with her prints.

Which brings me back to my evenings which will be tied up with helping my wife stay afloat in her senior studio.

Luckily I'll at least have some new pictures by this time next week.

Hope everyone has a good one.

Apr 13, 08 10:17 pm  · 

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